Farabi: Journal of Ushuluddin & Islamic Thought
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    This research delves into the taaruf (Islamic courtship) process within the context of Wahdah Islamiyah Gorontalo, particularly among active members of the halaqoh (study circle) tarbiyah (spiritual development) group who choose their life partners through the taaruf method. Employing a qualitative approach, this study explores various relevant aspects of the taaruf process within the framework of Wahdah Islamiyah Gorontalo. It encompasses the examination of effective interpersonal communication characteristics outlined by DeVito, including openness, empathy, supportiveness, positivity, and equality. The analysis of these characteristics provides a deeper understanding of how effective communication influences the dynamics of the taaruf process within Islamic culture. This research reveals the significance of applying principles of effective communication to assist prospective partners in seeking marital unions based on good intentions, understanding, support, and fairness within the taaruf process.Penelitian ini membahas proses taaruf pada organiasasi Wahdah Islamiyah Gorontalo, khususnya di kalangan yang aktif dalam kelompok halaqoh tarbiyah, yang memilih pasangan hidup melalui metode taaruf. Dengan menerapkan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini telah mengungkapkan berbagai aspek yang relevan dengan proses taaruf dalam lingkup Wahdah Islamiyah Gorontalo, termasuk karakteristik-karakteristik komunikasi antarpribadi yang efektif yang dijabarkan oleh DeVito, seperti keterbukaan, empati, dukungan, rasa positif, dan kesetaraan. Analisis atas karakteristik-karakteristik ini memberikan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang bagaimana komunikasi yang efektif berdampak pada dinamika proses taaruf dalam budaya Islam. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan pula pentingnya prinsip-prinsip komunikasi yang efektif dalam membantu calon pasangan mencari jodoh yang berlandaskan pada niat baik, pengertian, dukungan, dan keadilan dalam proses taaruf

    The Adverse Effects of Recruiting Non-Expert Officials : A Study of The Predictive Hadith: Entrusting Affairs To Non-Experts

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    This article elaborates and analyzes the meaning of the predictive Hadith about Handing over affairs to non-experts, then criticizes its authenticity and analyzes its content and implementation in the present context. The method used is the tahli>li method and textual, intertextual, and contextual interpretation techniques with a multidisciplinary approach. Before criticizing the authenticity of the Hadith based on the rules of hadith validity, first, perform takhri>j al-hadi>s\ by using the keyword d} uyi'at al-ama>nat. After recognizing the quality of the traditions traced in this study as sahih traditions, a study of ma'a>ni> al-hadith followed. The results show that the Prophetic tradition is of sahih quality. This study shows that the predictive hadith "Handing over affairs to non-experts is a sign of the end of the world," narrated by Ahmad ibn Hanbal, in terms of quantity, is classified as a garīb hadith because the narrator's line from the level of the companion (a'lā) to the fourth level of the narrator is single. Regarding the quality of the sanad and matan, it is classified as a hasan hadith because one of the narrators, Fulaih, based on the conclusion of the assessment of the hadith critics, was not d}a>bit}. However, due to the existence of al-Bukhari's chain of transmission, the Hadith rises to the level of sahih ligairih. Thus, the Hadith has legal authority to be used as an argument (hujjah).Artikel ini mengelaborasi dan menganalisa makna hadis prediktif tentang Menyerahkan Urusan Kepada Bukan Ahliya kemudian mengkritik otentisitasnya, menganalisis kandungan dan implementasinya dalam konteks kekinian. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode tahli>li dan tehnik interpretasi tekstual, intertekstual, dan kontekstual dengan pendekatan multidisipliner. Sebelum mengkritik otentisitas hadis berdasarkan kaidah kesahihan hadis, terlebih dahulu melakukan takhri>j al-hadi>s\ dengan menggunakan kata kunci d} uyi’at al-ama>nat. Setelah mengetahui kualitas hadis yang ditelusuri dalam studi ini sebagai hadis sahih, maka dilanjutkan dengan studi ma‘a>ni> al-hadis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hadis Nabi tersebut berkualitas sahih. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa hadis prediktif “Menyerahkan urusan kepada bukan ahlinya merupakan tanda akan terjadinya kiamat” riwayat Ahmad bin Hanbal, dari segi kuantitas tergolong hadis garīb, karena jalur periwatnya dari tingkat sahabat (a’lā) sampai dengan periwayat tingkat ke empat adalah tunggal. Dari segi kualitas sanad dan matan tergolong haadis hasan, karena salah seorang dari periwayatnya yaitu Fulaih berdasarkan kesipulan penilaian ulama kritikus hadis, dia kurang d}a>bit}. Tetapi karena adanya jalur sanad al-Bukhari maka hadis tersebut naik derajatnya menjadi sahih ligairih. Dengan demikian, hadis tersebut memiliki otoritas hukum untuk dijadikan sebagai argument (hujjah)


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    This article elaborates on Sufism and neosufism which are included in the study of Sufism. That the Muslims in the past carried out and practiced it towards the path of truth based on the Qur'an and Hadith. Therefore, Sufism and neosufism are proposed in the view of Islamic education by using the library approach method. Based on this literature research, it can be understood that Sufism in this post-modern era aims to fulfill human spiritual needs that science and technology cannot provide. Then neosufism is an esoteric Islam that wants to live an active life and be involved in social problems. However, in Islamic education, it is necessary to teach Sufism critically and Islamic education should be able to direct human life to reach the degree of piety. Because with his piety it will show his human soul. In the field of education, Sufism in Indonesia, according to Shihab, is that Islamic boarding schools under the auspices of NU are the strongest representation of the spread of Sufism's influence in the world of Islamic education. Shihab asserted that through pesantren Sufism progressed rapidly.Artikel ini mengelaborasi tentang sufisme dan neosufisme yang termasuk dalam bagian  pengkajian tasawuf. Bahwa kaum muslim pada masa terdahulu menjalankan dan mempraktikkannya untuk menuju jalan kebenaran dengan berlandaskan al-Qur’an dan Hadits. Maka dari itu, dikemukakan sufisme dan neosufisme dalam pandangan pendidikan Islam dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kepustakaan. Berdasarkan penelitian pustaka ini, dapat dipahami bahwa sufisme pada era pasca modern ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan spiritual manusia yang tidak mungkin diberikan oleh ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Kemudian neosufisme merupakan sebuah esoteris Islam yang menghendaki hidup aktif dan terlibat dalam masalah-masalah kemasyarakatan. Namun dalam pendidikan Islam perlu mengajarkan bertasawuf secara kritis dan pendidikan Islam hendaknya mampu mengarahkan kehidupan manusia mencapai derajat takwa. Karena dengan ketakwaannya itu akan tampak jiwa kemanusiaannya. Dalam bidang pendidikan, sufisme di Indonesia, menurut Shihab  bahwa lembaga pendidikan pondok pesantren yang di bawah naungan/ kalangan NU, merupakan representasi paling kuat dari penyebaran pengaruh Sufisme di dunia Pendidikan Islam. Shihab menegaskan bahwa melalui pesantren Sufisme maju pesat. &nbsp


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    This research is a study of da'wah in Gorontalo City known as Serambi Medina. This study is a descriptive-qualitative field research. The data were obtained through free and in-depth interviews with resource persons and observations made in several Ust da'wah assemblies. Iqbal Pakaya. With a semi-biographical approach, researchers studied the da'wah carried out by a well-known preacher in Gorontalo, Ust. Muhammad Iqbal Pakaya who has a unique style of lectures. This distinctive way of da'wah turned out to have its own place in the hearts of the people of Gorontalo. Whenever Ustad Muhammad Iqbal was present, people were captivated and did not leave before the event was over. Not only the way of da'wah is alluring, Ust's da'wah material. Iqbal Pakaya was in accordance with the conditions and needs of his mad'u (object of da'wah). The concept and model of da'wah ustad Muhammad Iqbal Pakaya discusses more everyday things that are close to mad'u accompanied by the concept of humor so that it is easy to understand.Penelitian ini merupakan analisis konsep tentang transformasi dakwah bagi masyarakat Gorontalo melalui beberapa penceramah atau da’I yang sudah dikenal luas oleh masyarakat. Pesan-pesan agama ditransformasikan kepada masyarakat melalui seorang Da’i. Efektifitas penyampaian itu juga tidak terlepas dari kredibilitas seorang Da’i. Da’I dalam penelitian ini lebih fokus pada transformasi dakwah ustad Muhammad Iqbal Pakaya, yang membawakan ceramah dengan gayanya yang unik dan mendapat tempat tersendiri di hati masyarakat Gorontalo. Setiap kehadiran ustad Muhammad Iqbal menarik jamaah untuk mendengarkan hingga selesai. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang menekankan pada penelitian lapangan dengan fokus pada observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Adapun tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsep transformasi dan model Dakwah Ustad Muhammad Iqbal Pakaya dalam setiap ceramah yang dibawakannya. Konsep dan model dakwah ustad Muhammad Iqbal Pakaya lebih banyak membahas hal-hal sehari-hari yang dekat dengan mad’u yang disertai dengan konsep humor sehingga mudah dipahami


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    Nazam is a Malay Islamic literary work which is an important means of delivering religious dakwah in Minangkabau. This research uses th uses the Nazam Life Advice Manuscript from Surau Parak Laweh, West Sumatra as the object and primary source of the research. This research raises the issue of the advice that must be done in living the life contained in the Nazam Naskah Advice on Life. In this regard, this study aims to describe the manuscript in terms of the condition of the manuscript, the presentation of the text edition and the disclosure of the contents of the text related to life advice that is relevant to this day. Through this research, the researcher discusses and explores the issue of life advice that is relevant to the current conditions based on a study of the main source of the Nazam Nazam Naskah Life Advice. Source reading is done using philological and hermeneutical approaches. The philological approach is used to describe the manuscript, presenting the edition of the text which is carried out using the critical edition method to produce a text that can be read by researchers and the general public. After getting the text edition, contextualization was carried out using a hermeneutic approach. Based on the reading results, it shows that there are three main pieces of advice contained in this Nazam Life Advice text. First, advice in protecting property and children. Second, advice to be sincere and stay away from riya. Third, advice to stay away from arrogant.Nazam is a Malay Islamic literary work which is an important means of delivering religious dakwah in Minangkabau. This research uses th uses the Nazam Life Advice Manuscript from Surau Parak Laweh, West Sumatra as the object and primary source of the research. This research raises the issue of the advice that must be done in living the life contained in the Nazam Naskah Advice on Life. In this regard, this study aims to describe the manuscript in terms of the condition of the manuscript, the presentation of the text edition and the disclosure of the contents of the text related to life advice that is relevant to this day. Through this research, the researcher discusses and explores the issue of life advice that is relevant to the current conditions based on a study of the main source of the Nazam Nazam Naskah Life Advice. Source reading is done using philological and hermeneutical approaches. The philological approach is used to describe the manuscript, presenting the edition of the text which is carried out using the critical edition method to produce a text that can be read by researchers and the general public. After getting the text edition, contextualization was carried out using a hermeneutic approach. Based on the reading results, it shows that there are three main pieces of advice contained in this Nazam Life Advice text. First, advice in protecting property and children. Second, advice to be sincere and stay away from riya. Third, advice to stay away from arrogant


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    The Islamic community's ability to understand the Koran and Hadith has given rise to various forms of understanding with a variety of practices. The response of people in an area to religious practices is often entrenched to the point that it becomes a community tradition. Such as understanding the text of the Koran and Hadith regarding the reception and implementation of practices on the Muslim victory day (Eid al-Fitr). Performing prayers, listening to sermons, visiting graves, gathering and so on decorates Eid al-Fitr in various parts of Indonesia. The practice of interpreting the meaning of Eid al-Fitr in Koto Padang Village is of particular interest in this research, because before the Eid al-Fitr prayers there is a tradition of respecting previous ulama who have made a major contribution to the development of Islamic religious knowledge in this region. This form of attitude of respecting and remembering the cleric is actualized by the community in the practice of visiting and performing sunnah prayers at the cleric's house. Then proceed with prayer or pilgrimage at the cemetery of the cleric named Sheikh Haji Ismail. Interestingly, this tradition is not carried out individually. But it is carried out by the congregation and Eid prayer officers. In the local community's understanding, this phenomenon is a form of interpretation of the Koran and Hadith which is realized in the form of practice. In analyzing the phenomena in this research, field research was used with qualitative methods, living Qur'an and phenomenology approach models. By conducting observations, interviews and documentation as data collection techniques. The aim of this research is an effort to reveal the community's reception and the connection between this tradition and the meaning of certain verses as a basis for implementing this routine tradition. The community's interpretation of this tradition has functional and spiritual values which include acts of respect for ulama, tawassul, friendship, and self-introspection (remembering death).Abstrak: Kemampuan masyarakat Islam dalam memahami al-Qur’an dan Hadist telah memunculkan berbagai bentuk pemahaman dengan ragam praktik. Respon masyarakat dalam suatu wilayah terhadap praktik agama seringkali membudaya hingga menjadi tradisi masyarakat. Seperti pemahaman terhadap teks al-Qur’an dan Hadist mengenai penyambutan serta pelaksanaan amalan pada hari kemenangan umat Islam (Idul Fitri). Melaksnakan shalat, mendengarkan khutbah, ziarah kubur, silaturahmi dan lainnya menghiasi hari Idul Fitri di berbagai penjuru Indonesia. Praktik pemaknaan hari Idul Fitri di Desa Koto Padang menjadi perhatian khusus dalam penelitian ini, sebab sebelum pelaksanaan shalat Idul fitri terdapat suatu tradisi penghormatan terhadap ulama terdahulu yang memiliki kontribusi besar dalam perkembangan Ilmu agama Islam di wilayah ini. Bentuk sikap menghormati dan mengenang ulama tersebut di aktualisasikan masyarakat dalam praktik mengunjungi dan melaksanakan shalat sunnah di rumah ulama tersebut. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan berdo’a atau ziarah di pemakaman ulama yang bernama Syekh Haji Ismail tersebut. Menariknya, tradisi ini tidak dilakukan secara individu. Melainkan dilakukan oleh jama’ah dan petugas shalat Idul Fitri. Secara pemahaman masyarakat setempat, fenomena ini merupakan bentuk dari pemaknaan terhadap al-Qur'an dan Hadist yang direalisasikan dalam bentuk praktik. Dalam menganalisis fenomena pada penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan metode kualitatif model pendekatan living Qur’an dan fenomenologi. Dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni suatu upaya mengungkapkan resepsi masyarakat dan keterkaitan tradisi ini terhadap pemaknaan ayat tertentu sebagai landasan dalam pelaksanaan tradisi rutinitas ini. Pemaknaan masyarakat terhadap tradisi ini memiliki nilai fungsional dan spiritual yang meliputi tindakan menghormati ulama, tawassul, silaturahmi, dan intropeksi diri (mengingat kematian

    Implementation of Sufi Psychology Toward Moral Disorientation In The Era of Disruption From The Quran Perspective

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    This article aims to analyze the psychology of Sufis in the industrial era 4.0 from the perspective of the Koran. This research is library research using the tafsir maudhu'i method (based on theme in the Koran interpretation) which refers to the verses of the Koran. The results of the study show that Sufi psychology directs and guides the moral and spiritual decline of modern humans to become human beings with Qur'anic character in increasing productivity and creativity in the industrial era 4.0. Sufi psychology presents a path of balance between the body and the spirit. The Sufi psychology approach in responding to modern human life in the industrial era 4.0 is carried out by contextualizing the verses of the Koran based on Sufi psychology. Sufistic verses of the Qur'an in various terms, namely, al-taubah (repetance), al-sabr (patient), al-faqr (a situation where the heart does not need except to Allah), al-zuhud (the decision to forget the world to love Allah SWT alone), al-wara', al-tawakkal and al-rida, is used as a basis for guiding and directing dynamic and diverse developments and changes in the contemporary modern era 4.0. Sufi psychology also serves to revitalize moral and spiritual disorientation in the contemporary modern era.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis psikologi sufi di era industri 4.0 dari perspektif Alquran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan pendekatan tafsir maudhu'i yang mengacu pada ayat-ayat Alquran. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa psikologi sufi mengarahkan dan membimbing kemerosotan moral dan spiritual manusia modern menjadi manusia berkarakter al-Qur’an dalam meningkatkan produktivitas dan kreativitas di era industri 4.0. Psikologi sufi menghadirkan jalan keseimbangan antara tubuh dan jiwa. Pendekatan psikologi sufi dalam menyikapi kehidupan manusia modern di era industri 4.0 dilakukan dengan mengontekstualisasikan ayat-ayat Alquran berdasarkan psikologi sufi. Ayat-ayat sufistik al-Qur’an dalam berbagai istilah yaitu, al-taubah, al-sabr, al-faqr, al-zuhud, al-wara', al-tawakkal dan al-rida, dijadikan landasan untuk membimbing dan mengarahkan perkembangan dan perubahan yang dinamis dan beragam di era modern 4.0 kontemporer. Psikologi sufi juga berfungsi untuk merevitalisasi disorientasi moral dan spiritual di era modern kontemporer

    Tipologi Penafsiran Kemenag tentang Ayat¬-ayat Kebinekaan (Tinjauan Analisis Tafsir Kebinekaan Tematik Kemenag): Tipologi Penafsiran Kemenag tentang Ayat¬-ayat Kebinekaan (Tinjauan Analisis Tafsir Kebinekaan Tematik Kemenag)

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    This study discusses the interpretation of the Ministry of Religion’s Thematic Interpretation of the material of diversity (kebinnekaan) and the typology of the interpretation model of its interpretation. This research departs from the compilation of the Thematic Interpretation of the Ministry of Religion which is carried out collectively, and is motivated by the problems of diversity in Indonesia. On the other hand, this research also departs from the narrowing of the community paradigm regarding diversity, as well as the lack of discussion about diversity from the point of view of theological sources. This study tries to analyze the dimensions of diversity that exist in Indonesia through the work of thematic interpretation on the theme of diversity compiled by the Ministry of Religion through Lajnah Pentashih al Qur’an. Likewise, analyzing the typology of interpretation used by the Ministry of Religion in interpreting verses related to diversity. This study tries to use an interpretive typology approach promoted by Sahiron Syamsuddin, namely quasi objectivist tradisionalist, quasi subjectivist, and quasi objectivist modernist. In general, The Thematic Interpretation of the Ministry of Religion with the theme of diversity itself is included in the third type, namely quasi objectivist modernist. This can be seen from the style of interpretation that leads to socio-social nuances in this case the context of contemporary Indonesia society, but also does not leave the disclosure of the original meaning (linguistics) of the text.Penelitian ini membahas interpretasi Tafsir Tematik Kemenag tentang materi kebinekaan serta tipologi model penafsiran tafsir tersebut. Penelitian ini berangkat dari penyusunan Tafsir Tematik Kemenag yang dilakukan secara kolektif, serta dilatarbelakangi oleh problematika-problematika kebinekaan yang ada di Indonesia. Di sisi lain penelitian ini juga berangkat dari terjadinya penyempitan paradigma masyarakat tentang kebinekaan, serta atas minimnya pembahasan tentang kebinekaan melalui sudut pandang sumber teologis. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisa dimensi kebinekaan yang ada di Indonesia melalui karya tafsir tematik bertemakan kebinekaan yang disusun oleh Kementerian Agama melalui Lajnah Pentashih al Qur’an. Begitu juga menganalisa tipologi penafsiran yang digunakan oleh kemenag dalam menafsirkan ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan kebinekaan. Penelitiaan ini mencoba menggunakan pendekatan tipologi penafsiran yang diusung oleh Sahiron Syamsuddin, yakni quasi obyektivis tradisionalis, quasi subyektivis, dan quasi obyektivis modernis. Secara umum, Tafsir Tematik Kemenag yang bertemakan kebinekaan ini sendiri masuk pada tipe ketiga, yakni quasi obyektivis modernis. Hal tersebut bisa dilihat dari gaya penafsirannya yang mengarah pada nuansa sosio-kemasyarakatan dalam hal ini konteks kemasyarakatan kontemporer indonesia, namun juga tidak meninggalkan penyingkapan makna asal (linguistika) teks


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    This article aims to conduct a literature review analysis of the concept of "tawakal," with the intention of summarizing, understanding, and comprehensively exploring the definitions, dimensions, as well as religious aspects that appear in various existing literature. The research method used is the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) with the goal of identifying, evaluating, and examining all relevant studies to provide answers to the research questions that have been established. Article searches were conducted using the keyword "tawakal concept" within the time frame from 2018 to 2023. Literature selection was based on inclusion criteria, which encompassed studies directly related to the concept of tawakal and studies whose research findings have been published in national journals or proceedings. The results of the selection showed that there were 8 articles relevant to the keyword. In conclusion, tawakal is an important concept in Islam that teaches complete dependence on Allah while making the best possible effort. Tawakal brings many benefits, including inner peace, strengthening of faith, a life free from excessive worries, an improved relationship with Allah, instilling hope, the development of Islamic character, and a positive outlook on life. In daily life, tawakal helps individuals lead their lives with full trust in Allah and the belief that He is a faithful Helper.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis literatur review tentang konsep tawakal dengan maksud merangkum, memahami, dan mengeksplorasi secara menyeluruh definisi, dimensi, serta aspek agama yang muncul dalam berbagai literatur yang ada. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Systematic Literature Review (SLR) dengan tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi, mengevaluasi, dan menelaah semua penelitian yang relevan untuk memberikan jawaban terhadap pertanyaan penelitian yang telah ditetapkan. Pencarian artikel dilakukan dengan menggunakan kata kunci "konsep tawakal" dalam jangka waktu dari tahun 2018 hingga 2023. Seleksi literatur dilakukan berdasarkan kriteria inklusi, yang mencakup studi yang secara langsung berhubungan dengan konsep tawakal dan studi yang hasil penelitiannya telah dipublikasikan dalam jurnal atau prosiding seminar nasional. Hasil seleksi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 8 artikel yang relevan dengan kata kunci tersebut. Secara kesimpulannya, tawakal adalah konsep penting dalam Islam yang mengajarkan ketergantungan penuh kepada Allah sambil tetap berusaha sebaik mungkin. Tawakal membawa banyak manfaat, termasuk ketenangan jiwa, penguatan iman, kehidupan yang bebas dari kekhawatiran berlebihan, peningkatan hubungan dengan Allah, pemberian rasa harapan, pengembangan kepribadian Islam, dan pandangan positif terhadap hidup. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, tawakal membantu seseorang menjalani hidup dengan penuh kepercayaan kepada Allah dan keyakinan bahwa Dia adalah Penolong yang setia


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    This research explores the values of da'wah within the marriage tradition of Pohutu Moponika in Gorontalo, serving as a platform for disseminating religious values. It employs a qualitative approach and a case study methodology. Findings indicate that the processes within Pohutu Moponika reflect principles of Islamic teachings and local wisdom, such as justice, balance, communication, mutual understanding, and sincerity in marriage. These processes also highlight other values aligned with Islamic teachings, such as willingness to communicate, etiquette, morality, goodwill, and honesty in interactions. The Pohutu Moponika tradition also encompasses values of cultural preservation, respect for family, commitment, interfaith harmony, and seriousness in marriage. The marriage processes within the Pohutu Moponika tradition serve as an effective medium for actualizing the values of Islamic da'wah in everyday life. These values can strengthen the foundation of families, promoting harmony in accordance with Islamic teachings and the local traditions of Gorontalo society.Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi nilai-nilai dakwah dalam tradisi perkawinan Pohutu Moponika di Gorontalo, yang menjadi wahana dakwah dalam penyebaran nilai-nilai keagamaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan studi kasus. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa prosesi-proses dalam Pohutu Moponika mencerminkan prinsip-prinsip ajaran Islam dan kearifan lokal, seperti keadilan, keseimbangan, komunikasi, kesepahaman, dan keikhlasan dalam pernikahan. Prosesi-proses tersebut juga menyoroti nilai-nilai lain yang sejalan dengan ajaran Islam, seperti kerelaan berkomunikasi, adab, kesusilaan, niat baik, dan kejujuran dalam berinteraksi. Tradisi Pohutu Moponika juga mengandung nilai-nilai konservasi budaya, hormat kepada keluarga, komitmen, kerukunan antar-umat beragama, dan keseriusan dalam pernikahan. Prosesi pernikahan dalam tradisi Pohutu Moponika menjadi medium dakwah yang efektif dalam mengaktualisasikan nilai-nilai dakwah Islam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Nilai-nilai tersebut dapat memperkokoh fondasi keluarga yang kokoh dan harmonis, sesuai dengan ajaran Islam dan tradisi lokal masyarakat Gorontalo


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