49 research outputs found

    MultiMAP: dimensionality reduction and integration of multimodal data.

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    Multimodal data is rapidly growing in many fields of science and engineering, including single-cell biology. We introduce MultiMAP, a novel algorithm for dimensionality reduction and integration. MultiMAP can integrate any number of datasets, leverages features not present in all datasets, is not restricted to a linear mapping, allows the user to specify the influence of each dataset, and is extremely scalable to large datasets. We apply MultiMAP to single-cell transcriptomics, chromatin accessibility, methylation, and spatial data and show that it outperforms current approaches. On a new thymus dataset, we use MultiMAP to integrate cells along a temporal trajectory. This enables quantitative comparison of transcription factor expression and binding site accessibility over the course of T cell differentiation, revealing patterns of expression versus binding site opening kinetics

    Exploration of signals of positive selection derived from genotype-based human genome scans using re-sequencing data.

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    We have investigated whether regions of the genome showing signs of positive selection in scans based on haplotype structure also show evidence of positive selection when sequence-based tests are applied, whether the target of selection can be localized more precisely, and whether such extra evidence can lead to increased biological insights. We used two tools: simulations under neutrality or selection, and experimental investigation of two regions identified by the HapMap2 project as putatively selected in human populations. Simulations suggested that neutral and selected regions should be readily distinguished and that it should be possible to localize the selected variant to within 40 kb at least half of the time. Re-sequencing of two ~300 kb regions (chr4:158Mb and chr10:22Mb) lacking known targets of selection in HapMap CHB individuals provided strong evidence for positive selection within each and suggested the micro-RNA gene hsa-miR-548c as the best candidate target in one region, and changes in regulation of the sperm protein gene SPAG6 in the other

    Mapping Rora expression in resting and activated CD4+ T cells.

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    The transcription factor Rora has been shown to be important for the development of ILC2 and the regulation of ILC3, macrophages and Treg cells. Here we investigate the role of Rora across CD4+ T cells in general, but with an emphasis on Th2 cells, both in vitro as well as in the context of several in vivo type 2 infection models. We dissect the function of Rora using overexpression and a CD4-conditional Rora-knockout mouse, as well as a RORA-reporter mouse. We establish the importance of Rora in CD4+ T cells for controlling lung inflammation induced by Nippostrongylus brasiliensis infection, and have measured the effect on downstream genes using RNA-seq. Using a systematic stimulation screen of CD4+ T cells, coupled with RNA-seq, we identify upstream regulators of Rora, most importantly IL-33 and CCL7. Our data suggest that Rora is a negative regulator of the immune system, possibly through several downstream pathways, and is under control of the local microenvironment

    Somatic mutations and single-cell transcriptomes reveal the root of malignant rhabdoid tumours.

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    Malignant rhabdoid tumour (MRT) is an often lethal childhood cancer that, like many paediatric tumours, is thought to arise from aberrant fetal development. The embryonic root and differentiation pathways underpinning MRT are not firmly established. Here, we study the origin of MRT by combining phylogenetic analyses and single-cell mRNA studies in patient-derived organoids. Comparison of somatic mutations shared between cancer and surrounding normal tissues places MRT in a lineage with neural crest-derived Schwann cells. Single-cell mRNA readouts of MRT differentiation, which we examine by reverting the genetic driver mutation underpinning MRT, SMARCB1 loss, suggest that cells are blocked en route to differentiating into mesenchyme. Quantitative transcriptional predictions indicate that combined HDAC and mTOR inhibition mimic MRT differentiation, which we confirm experimentally. Our study defines the developmental block of MRT and reveals potential differentiation therapies

    A spatially resolved atlas of the human lung characterizes a gland-associated immune niche

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    Single-cell transcriptomics has allowed unprecedented resolution of cell types/states in the human lung, but their spatial context is less well defined. To (re)define tissue architecture of lung and airways, we profiled five proximal-to-distal locations of healthy human lungs in depth using multi-omic single cell/nuclei and spatial transcriptomics (queryable at lungcellatlas.org ). Using computational data integration and analysis, we extend beyond the suspension cell paradigm and discover macro and micro-anatomical tissue compartments including previously unannotated cell types in the epithelial, vascular, stromal and nerve bundle micro-environments. We identify and implicate peribronchial fibroblasts in lung disease. Importantly, we discover and validate a survival niche for IgA plasma cells in the airway submucosal glands (SMG). We show that gland epithelial cells recruit B cells and IgA plasma cells, and promote longevity and antibody secretion locally through expression of CCL28, APRIL and IL-6. This new 'gland-associated immune niche' has implications for respiratory health

    A cell atlas of human thymic development defines T cell repertoire formation.

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    The thymus provides a nurturing environment for the differentiation and selection of T cells, a process orchestrated by their interaction with multiple thymic cell types. We used single-cell RNA sequencing to create a cell census of the human thymus across the life span and to reconstruct T cell differentiation trajectories and T cell receptor (TCR) recombination kinetics. Using this approach, we identified and located in situ CD8αα+ T cell populations, thymic fibroblast subtypes, and activated dendritic cell states. In addition, we reveal a bias in TCR recombination and selection, which is attributed to genomic position and the kinetics of lineage commitment. Taken together, our data provide a comprehensive atlas of the human thymus across the life span with new insights into human T cell development

    Single-cell transcriptomes from human kidneys reveal the cellular identity of renal tumors.

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    Messenger RNA encodes cellular function and phenotype. In the context of human cancer, it defines the identities of malignant cells and the diversity of tumor tissue. We studied 72,501 single-cell transcriptomes of human renal tumors and normal tissue from fetal, pediatric, and adult kidneys. We matched childhood Wilms tumor with specific fetal cell types, thus providing evidence for the hypothesis that Wilms tumor cells are aberrant fetal cells. In adult renal cell carcinoma, we identified a canonical cancer transcriptome that matched a little-known subtype of proximal convoluted tubular cell. Analyses of the tumor composition defined cancer-associated normal cells and delineated a complex vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling circuit. Our findings reveal the precise cellular identities and compositions of human kidney tumors

    Direct Transcriptional Consequences of Somatic Mutation in Breast Cancer.

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    Disordered transcriptomes of cancer encompass direct effects of somatic mutation on transcription, coordinated secondary pathway alterations, and increased transcriptional noise. To catalog the rules governing how somatic mutation exerts direct transcriptional effects, we developed an exhaustive pipeline for analyzing RNA sequencing data, which we integrated with whole genomes from 23 breast cancers. Using X-inactivation analyses, we found that cancer cells are more transcriptionally active than intermixed stromal cells. This is especially true in estrogen receptor (ER)-negative tumors. Overall, 59% of substitutions were expressed. Nonsense mutations showed lower expression levels than expected, with patterns characteristic of nonsense-mediated decay. 14% of 4,234 rearrangements caused transcriptional abnormalities, including exon skips, exon reusage, fusions, and premature polyadenylation. We found productive, stable transcription from sense-to-antisense gene fusions and gene-to-intergenic rearrangements, suggesting that these mutation classes drive more transcriptional disruption than previously suspected. Systematic integration of transcriptome with genome data reveals the rules by which transcriptional machinery interprets somatic mutation