453 research outputs found

    Assessment of pharmacological activity and bioavailability of the new derivative 1,3,4-thiadiazole

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    Acexazolamide is a new derivative of 1,3,4-thiadiazole and acexamic acid. In animal experiments, acute toxicity, pharmacological activity and bioavailability of acexazolamide were evaluate

    Conditioned Unitary Transformation on biphotons

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    A conditioned unitary transformation (90o90^o polarization rotation) is performed at single-photon level. The transformation is realized by rotating polarization for one of the photons of a polarization-entangled biphoton state (signal photon) by means of a Pockel's cell triggered by the detection of the other (idler) photon after polarization selection. As a result, polarization degree for the signal beam changes from zero to the value given by the idler detector quantum efficiency. This result is relevant to practical realization of various quantum information schemes and can be used for developing a new method of absolute quantum efficiency calibration

    Probing AGN with spectropolarimetry: accretion disk and SMBH parameters

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    The interaction of a supermassive black hole with the matter of an accretion disk in the presence of a magnetic field is the key mechanism of energy release in active galactic nuclei. However, determining the physical parameters of this system, such as the spin and mass of the black hole, the shape and parameters of the rotation of the accretion disk, and the geometry of the magnetic field in the accretion disk is a complex and not completely solved problem. We have previously shown, based on our numerical models, that these estimates can be obtained from just three parameters: the black hole mass, bolometric luminosity, and optical polarization. In this paper, we estimate the accretion disk and black hole parameters for a sample of 14 type 1 Seyfert galaxies. Using the spectropolarimetric data obtained by us, we selected only those objects in which the polarization of optical radiation is generated mainly by the mechanism in the accretion disk. Despite the small statistics, our results for such a sample are consistent with our previous conclusions and show a discrepancy between the disk magnetic field parameters and the classical Shakura-Sunyaev disk model.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Design and evaluation of pharmacological properties of a new 1,3,4-thiadiazolylamide derivative of 2-propylpentanoic acid

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    The use of the pharmacophoric approach is a promising direction for modifying the chemical structure of 2-propylpentanoic (valproic) acid in order to obtain new drug

    Status of the FLUTE RF System Upgrade

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    FLUTE (Ferninfrarot Linac- Und Test-Experiment) is a compact versatile linac-based accelerator test facility at KIT. Its main goal is to serve as a platform for a variety of accelerator studies and to generate strong ultra-short THz pulses for photon science. It will also serve as an injector for a Very Large Acceptance compact Storage Ring (VLA-cSR), which will be realized at KIT in the framework of the compact STorage Ring for Accelerator Research and Technology (cSTART) project. To achieve acceleration of electrons in the RF photoinjector and LINAC (from FLUTE) with high stability, it is necessary to provide stable RF power. For this goal, an upgrade of the existing RF system design has been proposed and is currently being implemented. This contribution will report on the updated RF system design and the commissioning status of the new RF system components

    Psychological features and social adaptation of internet-addicted adolescents and adolescents with cannabinoid addiction

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    The Objective of the research is to study the characteristics of character properties, emotional intelligence, social psychological adaptation of Internet addicted adolescents and adolescents addicted with drugs. Design. A comparative study of the psychological properties of cannabinoid addicted adolescents (n = 20) and Internet addicted adolescents (n = 20), and also healthy adolescents without symptoms of addiction (n = 20) is conducted. The following methods are used in the study: Barratt’s impulsiveness scale (BIS-11), 1987, adapted by T.I. Medvedeva and S.N. Enikolopov, 2015, Cloninger temperament and character questionnaire (TCI-125), 1991, adapted by N.A. Almaev and L.D. Ostrovskaya, 2005, the methodology for diagnosing emotional intelligence MSCEITV 2.0 2002, adapted by E.A. Sergienko, N.I. Vetrova, 2009, the methodology for diagnosing the social psychological adapted by K. Rogers and R. Diamond, 1954, adapted by A.K. Osnitsky, 2002, Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS), 2003 adapted by V.L. Malygin and K.A. Feklisov, 2010 Results. Adolescents with Internet addiction and adolescents with cannabinoid addiction have a certain similarity in a number of characteristic features. They are characterized by a more pronounced motor impulsiveness, low self-control, low self-esteem, dependence on other individulas and circumstances, lack of clear life goals. In general, if compared to healthy adolescents they appear to be infantile individuals, socially maladjusted, more often experiencing emotional discomfort, which can result in pathologies, i.e. particularly various types of addictive behaviour. Simultaneously, Internet-dependent adolescents are significantly different from those with cannabinoid addiction. They are characterized by a lower level of transcendence and a lesser inclination to spiritual practices and transpersonal experience accordingly. They have a low level of search for novelty, which characterizes them as conservative, rigid and passive individuals. Conclusion. The data obtained reveal certain differences in the psychological mechanisms of Internet addiction and dependence on drugs. Psychological mechanisms of adolescent Internet addiction and dependence on cannabinoids have significant differences