8,637 research outputs found

    Private Rights of Action Under the Investment Company Act

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    Glucans are polysaccharides integral to many materials and biological functions. Under the umbrella of Biomime, the Swedish Center for Biomimetic Fiber Engineering, this work has aimed to improve basic understanding of the biosynthesis of such glucans. This has been achieved through direct investigation of cellulose structure, and by developing the tools to analyze glucan biosynthesis. Notably we have identified a novel chemical effector of glucan synthesis processes and developed a proteomic toolkit useful for analyzing membrane-bound glycosyltransferases, the enzyme group responsible for glucan biosynthesis. During this work, glucan synthesis has been studied using both Gluconacetobacter and Populus cell suspension cultures. Publication I. Gluconacetobacter cellulose (BC) was used as a base to create a novel and well characterized nano-material with improved mechanical properties. This novel composite of BC and hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) had improved tensile strength compared to pure BC. Through thorough study utilizing dispersion measurements, electron microscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray diffraction it was shown that the improved properties derived from a layer of HEC coating each fibril. Publication II. Bacterial cellulose was labeled in specific positions with 13C (C4 and C6). These samples were analyzed by CP/MAS NMR along with cellulose samples from cotton and Halocynthia sp. For each sample spectral fitting was performed and general properties of crystal allomorph composition and fibril widths were determined. Calculations were also made for water accessible surfaces of the fibrils. The results showed that water accessible C4 surface signals are reflective of the allomorph composition of the sample, along with a distorted signal that derives due to fibril imperfections. Water accessible surface signals from the C6 region are instead derived from rotamer conformations of the C6 hydroxymethyl groupsfrom glucose residues. In Publication III, a high-throughput screen was used to identify an inhibitor of Golgi-derived glycosyltransferase activity, termed chemical A. The structural basis for inhibition was determined and in vitro assays of callose synthesis were performed. The in vitro assays revealed chemical A to also be an activator of callose synthesis. To understand this activation kinetic studies were performed, showing that chemical A is a mixed type of activator, which can bind either the free enzyme or the enzyme-substrate complex. Chemical A has uses in chemical genetics for dissecting processes involving callose synthesis, such as stress response and cell-plate formation. In publication IV, we present an in-house developed platform for proteomics with a distributed processing model. This in-house system has been central to many proteomics tasks, including for those presented in publication V, and is being distributed as the Automated Proteomics Pipeline (APP). In publication V, conditions for enrichment of Detergent-Resistant Microdomains (DRM) have been optimized for Populus trichocarpa cell cultures. The proteins enriched in DRM were identified using mass spectrometry based proteomics, and a functional model for DRM was proposed. This model involves proteins specialized in stress response, including callose synthase, and cell signaling. This further strengthens the arguments for DRMs as sites of specific cellular functions and confirms they play a role in glucan synthesis.QC 20140710</p

    Labor Law: General Electric’s “Overall Approach” to Bargaining Held a Violation of Good Faith

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    Inspectera AB Àr ett företag som erbjuder tjÀnster i flera olika omrÄden. Ett av dessa omrÄden Àr utbildning som ges pÄ webben. De erbjuder i nulÀget webbutbildningar gjorda i Flash men söker andra alternativ dÀr de kan redigera utbildningar samt integrera webbutbildningarna i deras webbtjÀnst Inspectera Online. Den hÀr rapporten handlar om skapandet av en prototyp för en webbutbildningsmodul som implementerats pÄ Inspectera Online. Fokus ligger frÀmst pÄ presentationsverktyget i modulen och en jÀmförelse med liknande verktyg som finns tillgÀngliga pÄ internet. I resultatet presenteras för- och nackdelar för respektive presentationsverktyg med avseende pÄ funktionalitet och vilka möjligheter till integration som finns

    Impact of Warped Extra Dimensions on the Dipole Coefficients in b→sγ\boldsymbol{b\to s\gamma} Transitions

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    We calculate the electro- and chromomagnetic dipole coefficients C7Îł,8gC_{7\gamma,8g} and C~7Îł,8g\tilde C_{7\gamma,8g} in the context of the minimal Randall-Sundrum (RS) model with a Higgs sector localized on the IR brane using the five-dimensional (5D) approach, where the coefficients are expressed in terms of integrals over 5D propagators. Since we keep the full dependence on the Yukawa matrices, the integral expressions are formally valid to all orders in v2/MKK2v^2/M_{\rm KK}^2. In addition we relate our results to the expressions obtained in the Kaluza-Klein (KK) decomposed theory and show the consistency in both pictures analytically and numerically, which presents a non-trivial cross-check. In Feynman-'t Hooft gauge, the dominant corrections from virtual KK modes arise from the scalar parts of the W±W^\pm-boson penguin diagrams, including the contributions from the scalar component of the 5D gauge-boson field and from the charged Goldstone bosons in the Higgs sector. The size of the KK corrections depends on the parameter y∗y_\ast, which sets the upper bound for the anarchic 5D Yukawa matrices. We find that for y∗≳1y_\ast\gtrsim1 the dominant KK corrections are proportional to y∗2y_\ast^2. We discuss the phenomenological implications of our results for the branching ratio Br(Bˉ→XsÎł){\rm Br}(\bar B\to X_s\gamma), the time-dependent CP asymmetry SK∗γS_{K^*\gamma}, the direct CP asymmetry ACPb→sÎłA_{\rm CP}^{b\to s\gamma} and the CP asymmetry difference ΔACPb→sÎł\Delta A_{\rm CP}^{b\to s\gamma}. We can derive a lower bound on the first KK gluon resonance of 3.8 3.8\,TeV for y∗=3y_\ast=3, requiring that at least 10%10\% of the RS parameter space covers the experimental 2σ2\sigma error margins. We further discuss the branching ratio Br(Bˉ→Xsl+l−){\rm Br}(\bar B\to X_sl^+l^-) and compare our predictions for C7Îł,9,10C_{7\gamma,9,10} and C~7Îł,9,10\tilde C_{7\gamma,9,10} with phenomenological results derived from model-independent analyses.Comment: 44 pages plus appendix, 10 figures, added equations (58) and (61

    Higgs Couplings and Phenomenology in a Warped Extra Dimension

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    We present a comprehensive description of the Higgs-boson couplings to Standard Model fermions and bosons in Randall-Sundrum (RS) models with a Higgs sector localized on or near the infra-red brane. The analytic results for all relevant Higgs couplings including the loop-induced couplings to gluons and photons are summarized for both the minimal and the custodial RS model. The RS predictions for all relevant Higgs decays are compared with current LHC data, which already exclude significant portions of the parameter space. We show that the latest measurements are sensitive to KK gluon masses up to 20 TeV×(y∗/3)20\, \rm{TeV} \times (y_*/3) at 95%95\% confidence level for anarchic 5D Yukawa couplings bounded from above by ∣(Yf)ij∣<y∗|(Y_f)_{ij}| < y_*. We also derive the sensitivity levels attainable in the high-luminosity run of the LHC and at a future linear collider.Comment: 28 pages plus appendix, 9 figures; equation (52) corrected, references update

    Fairness in Water Quality: A Descriptive Approach

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    Muscle strength is important for firefighters work capacity. Laboratory tests used for measurements of muscle strength, however, are complicated, expensive and time consuming. The aims of the present study were to investigate correlations between physical capacity within commonly occurring and physically demanding firefighting work tasks and both laboratory and field tests in full time (N = 8) and part-time (N = 10) male firefighters and civilian men (N = 8) and women (N = 12), and also to give recommendations as to which field tests might be useful for evaluating firefighters' physical work capacity. Laboratory tests of isokinetic maximal (IM) and endurance (IE) muscle power and dynamic balance, field tests including maximal and endurance muscle performance, and simulated firefighting work tasks were performed. Correlations with work capacity were analyzed with Spearman's rank correlation coefficient (rs). The highest significant (p&lt;0.01) correlations with laboratory and field tests were for Cutting: IE trunk extension (rs = 0.72) and maximal hand grip strength (rs = 0.67), for Stairs: IE shoulder flexion (rs = −0.81) and barbell shoulder press (rs = −0.77), for Pulling: IE shoulder extension (rs= −0.82) and bench press (rs = −0.85), for Demolition: IE knee extension (rs = 0.75) and bench press (rs = 0.83), for Rescue: IE shoulder flexion (rs = −0.83) and bench press (rs = −0.82), and for the Terrain work task: IE trunk flexion (rs = −0.58) and upright barbell row (rs = −0.70). In conclusion, field tests may be used instead of laboratory tests. Maximal hand grip strength, bench press, chin ups, dips, upright barbell row, standing broad jump, and barbell shoulder press were strongly correlated (rs≄0.7) with work capacity and are therefore recommended for evaluating firefighters work capacity

    Jeff & Lucinda (Schmitt) Malm Collection

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    Two children’s novels, three hymnals, and an iron cross. The books date to the early 1900s.Two children’s novels, three hymnals, and an iron cross. The books date to the early 1900s

    Pure xenon hexafluoride prepared for thermal properties studies

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    Preparation of a xenon hexafluoride and sodium fluoride salt yields a sample of the highest possible purity for use in thermal measurements. The desired hexafluoride can easily be freed from the common contaminants, xenon tetra-fluoride, xenon difluoride, and xenon oxide tetrafluoride, because none of these compounds reacts with sodium fluoride

    5D Perspective on Higgs Production at the Boundary of a Warped Extra Dimension

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    A comprehensive, five-dimensional calculation of Higgs-boson production in gluon fusion is performed for both the minimal and the custodially protected Randall-Sundrum (RS) model, with Standard Model fields propagating in the bulk and the scalar sector confined on or near the IR brane. For the first time, an exact expression for the gg->h amplitude in terms of the five-dimensional fermion propagator is derived, which includes the full dependence on the Higgs-boson mass. Various results in the literature are reconciled and shown to correspond to different incarnations of the RS model, in which the Higgs field is either localized on the IR brane or is described in terms of a narrow bulk state. The results in the two scenarios differ in a qualitative way: the gg->h amplitude is suppressed in models where the scalar sector is localized on the IR brane, while it tends to be enhanced in bulk Higgs models. In both cases, effects of higher-dimensional operators contributing to the gg->h amplitude at tree level are shown to be numerically suppressed under reasonable assumptions. There is no smooth cross-over between the two scenarios, since the effective field-theory description breaks down in the transition region. A detailed phenomenological analysis of Higgs production in various RS scenarios is presented, and for each scenario the regions of parameter space already excluded by LHC data are derived.Comment: 44 pages (plus appendices), 6 figures; several improvements of the discussion, new section estimating the effects of brane-localized higher-dimensional operator

    Xenon forms stable compound with fluorine

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    Experiments show that xenon and fluorine combine readily at 400 deg C to form xenon tetrafluoride, which is colorless, crystalline, chemically stable and solid at room temperature. This process can be used for the separation of xenon from mixtures with other noble gases
