14,227 research outputs found
Geometrical Aspects Of BRST Cohomology In Augmented Superfield Formalism
In the framework of augmented superfield approach, we provide the geometrical
origin and interpretation for the nilpotent (anti-)BRST charges, (anti-)co-BRST
charges and a non-nilpotent bosonic charge. Together, these local and conserved
charges turn out to be responsible for a clear and cogent definition of the
Hodge decomposition theorem in the quantum Hilbert space of states. The above
charges owe their origin to the de Rham cohomological operators of differential
geometry which are found to be at the heart of some of the key concepts
associated with the interacting gauge theories. For our present review, we
choose the two -dimensional (2D) quantum electrodynamics (QED) as a
prototype field theoretical model to derive all the nilpotent symmetries for
all the fields present in this interacting gauge theory in the framework of
augmented superfield formulation and show that this theory is a {\it unique}
example of an interacting gauge theory which provides a tractable field
theoretical model for the Hodge theory.Comment: LaTeX file, 25 pages, Ref. [49] updated, correct page numbers of the
Journal are give
Nilpotent Symmetries For Matter Fields In Non-Abelian Gauge Theory: Augmented Superfield Formalism
In the framework of superfield approach to Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST)
formalism, the derivation of the (anti-)BRST nilpotent symmetries for the
matter fields, present in any arbitrary interacting gauge theory, has been a
long-standing problem. In our present investigation, the local, covariant,
continuous and off-shell nilpotent (anti-)BRST symmetry transformations for the
Dirac fields are derived in the framework of the augmented
superfield formulation where the four -dimensional (4D) interacting
non-Abelian gauge theory is considered on the six -dimensional
supermanifold parametrized by the four even spacetime coordinates and a
couple of odd elements ( and ) of the Grassmann algebra.
The requirement of the invariance of the matter (super)currents and the
horizontality condition on the (super)manifolds leads to the derivation of the
nilpotent symmetries for the matter fields as well as the gauge- and the
(anti-)ghost fields of the theory in the general scheme of the augmented
superfield formalism.Comment: LaTeX file, 16 pages, printing mistakes in the second paragraph of
`Introduction' corrected, a footnote added, these modifications submitted as
``erratum'' to IJMPA in the final for
Gastrointestinal helminthiasis presenting with acute diarrhoea and constipation: report of two cases with a second pathology.
Gastrointestinal helminthiasis in developing countries contributes to malnutrition and anemia. Diagnosis and treatment of helminthiasis, especially with low worm load is an unmet public health need in such settings. The infection may sometimes become manifest when a second pathology leads to purgation of the gastrointestinal tract. Two cases of helminthiasis are presented in which the infections only became amenable to diagnosis due to acute diarrhoea caused by giardiasis and lactulose administration. In the first case, acute giardiasis revealed Ascaris lumbricoides infestation, and in the second case primary helminthiasis (strongyloidiasis) was revealed by lactulose, and also led to Vibrio cholera bacteremia. These cases highlight the need to diagnose helminth infestations especially with low worm burdens by means of public health surveillance programmes. These cases highlight the need to diagnose helminth infestations especially with low worm burdens by means of public health surveillance programmes
Gamified Culture-aware Feedback Acquisition
User feedback is crucial to improve software
quality. For example, it can be used to identify missing features and clarify user trends and preferences for future improvement.However, obtaining user feedback is not a ‘one-off’ processwhich requires that developers need to gather user feedback in an on-going approach. The problem lies here: the majority of users are generally lack motivation and interest in providing feedback, especially in a constant and frequent style. Moreover,studies have noted that the cultural difference also plays a key
role in software designs which will affect how users would like to feedback requests to be designed. In this paper, we advocate that gamification is a powerful technique to maximize users’ motivation and change their reaction to feedback requests. We conducted an empirical study and identified some key differences between Western and Middle Eastern users on what motivated them to provide feedback and what could have an influence on the feedback they gave. This also makes the case for the need for a culture-aware gamification in the context of feedbackacquisition process
Elevated temperature crack growth
The objective of the Elevated Temperature Crack Growth Project is to evaluate proposed nonlinear fracture mechanics methods for application to combustor liners of aircraft gas turbine engines. During the first year of this program, proposed path-independent (P-I) integrals were reviewed for such applications. Several P-I integrals were implemented into a finite-element postprocessor which was developed and verified as part of the work. Alloy 718 was selected as the analog material for use in the forthcoming experimental work. A buttonhead, single-edge notch specimen was designed and verified for use in elevated-temperature strain control testing with significant inelastic strains. A crack mouth opening displacement measurement device was developed for further use
Analisis Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Wirausaha Dikalangan Industri Kecil di Kabupaten Tojo Una Una
Keberadaan Perusahaan industri baru berimplikasi pada terciptanya lapangan pekerjaan yang membuka kesempatan kepada para pencari kerja. Perusahaan industri di Kabupaten Tojo Una-Una dapat dikelompokkan dalam beberapa kategori menurut banyaknya tenaga kerja yang digunakan yaitu : industri kerajinan rumah tangga jumlah tenaga kerja 1 s/d 4 orang, industri kecil dengan jumlah tenaga kerja 5 s/d 9 orang, industri sedang dengan jumlah tenaga kerjanya 20 s/d 100 orang, dan industri besar dengan jumlah tenaga kerja lebih dari 100 orang. Dalam menganalisis data yang telah dikumpulkan berupa observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) atau model persamaan terstruktur. Data hasil pengamatan dalam penyusunan tugas akhir ini berdistribusi normal, sebagaimana yang disyaratkan dalam metode SEM. Selain data yang berdistribusi normal data dalam pengamatan ini tidak ditemukannya outliers dan juga Multikolinieritas. Setelah syarat-syarat dalam metode SEM terpenuhi langkah selanjutnya yaitu mengistimasi model yang telah dibuat. Nilai uji Goodness of fit yang diperoleh Chi Square = 237,997; Probabilitas = 0,000; RMR = 0,044; GFI = 0,817; AGFI = 0,765; TLI = 0,642; CFI = 0,691; NFI = 0,446; RMSEA = 0,068. Dalam uji hipotesis variabel toleransi akan resiko tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel motivasi wirausaha. Akan tetapi, variabel keberhasilan diri dan variabel kebebasan dalam bekerja berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel motivasi wirausaha
Pendugaan Angka Putus Sekolah Di Kabupaten Semarang Dengan Metode Prediksi Tak Bias Linier Terbaik Empirik Pada Model Pendugaan Area Kecil
Nowadays, small area information that has a small sample size is needed. A direct estimation in the small area will produce a large variance of values. In order of that, another alternative is needed that can be used is the indirect estimation. Small area estimation is an indirect estimation method that can be used to estimate parameters in a small area by utilizing information from outside the area, from the area itself, and from outside the survey. One of the methods that can be used is the empirical best linear unbiased prediction (EBLUP). EBLUP will be used to estimate the dropout rate for each village in the district of Semarang. Additional information used in this EBLUP method are the number of educational facilities, population, average expenditure per capita and distance from village to district. The results of EBLUP estimation showed that the lowest dropout rate village is Beji village and the highest is Pledokan village. Indirect estimation with EBLUP methods for the case of dropout rate in the district of Semarang has a coefficient variance 0,598% smaller than the coefficient variance that obtained from direct estimatio
Nonlinear superhorizon perturbations of non-canonical scalar field
We develop a theory of non-linear cosmological perturbations at superhorizon
scales for a scalar field with a Lagrangian of the form , where
and is the scalar field. We
employ the ADM formalism and the spatial gradient expansion approach to obtain
general solutions valid up to the second order in the gradient expansion. This
formulation can be applied to, for example, DBI inflation models to investigate
superhorizon evolution of non-Gaussianities. With slight modification, we also
obtain general solutions valid up to the same order for a perfect fluid with a
general equation of state .Comment: 14 page
Ethanol production from Sorghum bicolor using both separate and simultaneous saccharification and fermentation in batch and fed batch systems
The objective of this work was to find the best combination of different experimental conditions during pre-treatment, enzymatic saccharification, detoxification of inhibitors and fermentation of Sorghum bicolor straw for ethanol production. The optimization of pre-treatment using different concentrations of dilute sulfuric acid, various temperatures and residence times was achieved at 121°C, 1% acid concentration, 60 min residence time and enzyme saccharification using cellulase (celluclast 1.5 L) and -glucosidase (Novozyme 188) at 50°C and pH 4.8 for 48 h. Different surfactants were used in order toincrease the monomeric sugar during enzymatic hydrolysis and it has been observed that the addition of these surfactants contributed significantly in cellulosic conversion but no effect was shown onhemicellulosic hydrolysis. Fermentability of hydrolyzate was tested using Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ethanol RedTM and it was observed that simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) with bothbatch and fed batch resulted in better ethanol yield as compared to separate hydrolysis and fermentation (SHF). Detoxification of furan during SHF facilitated reduction in fermentation time from 96to 48 h. 98.5% theoretical yield was achieved in SHF with detoxification experiment attaining an ethanol concentration and yield of 23.01 gL-1 and 0.115 gg-1 DM respectively. During the SSF batch and fed batch fermentation, the maximum yields of ethanol per gram of dry matter were 0.1257 and 0.1332 g respectively
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