780 research outputs found

    Solar Sailing: applications and technology advancement

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    Harnessing the power of the Sun to propel a spacecraft may appear somewhat ambitious and the observation that light exerts a force contradicts everyday experiences. However, it is an accepted phenomenon that the quantum packets of energy which compose Sunlight, that is to say photons, perturb the orbit attitude of spacecraft through conservation of momentum; this perturbation is known as solar radiation pressure (SRP). To be exact, the momentum of the electromagnetic energy from the Sun pushes the spacecraft and from Newton’s second law momentum is transferred when the energy strikes and when it is reflected. The concept of solar sailing is thus the use of these quantum packets of energy, i.e. SRP, to propel a spacecraft, potentially providing a continuous acceleration limited only by the lifetime of the sail materials in the space environment. The momentum carried by individual photons is extremely small; at best a solar sail will experience 9 N of force per square kilometre of sail located in Earth orbit (McInnes, 1999), thus to provide a suitably large momentum transfer the sail is required to have a large surface area while maintaining as low a mass as possible. Adding the impulse due to incident and reflected photons it is found that the idealised thrust vector is directed normal to the surface of the sail, hence by controlling the orientation of the sail relative to the Sun orbital angular momentum can be gained or reduced. Using momentum change through reflecting such quantum packets of energy the sail slowly but continuously accelerates to accomplish a wide-range of potential missions

    Security, population and governmentality : UK counter-terrorism discourse (2007-2011)

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    Over the past decade, governments worldwide have taken initiatives both at a national and supra-national level in order to prevent terrorist attacks from militant groups. This paper analyses a corpus of policy documents which sets out the policy for UK national security. Informed by Foucault’s (2007) theory of governmentality, as well as critical discourse analysis and corpus linguistics, this paper analyses the ways in which the liberal state in late modernity realizes security as discursive practice. A corpus of 110 documents produced by the UK government relating to security in the wake of the 7/7 attacks between 2007 and 2011 was assembled. The paper analyses the discursive constitution of the Foucaultian themes of regulation, knowledge and population, though carrying out a qualitative analysis of relevant key wards, patterns of collocation, as well as features of connotation and semantic prosody

    Extension of highly elliptical Earth orbits using continuous low-thrust propulsion

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    The extension of highly elliptical orbits, with free selection of orbit period, using low thrust propulsion is investigated. These newly proposed orbits, termed Taranis orbits, are enabled by existing low-thrust propulsion technology, offering a radically new set of tools for mission design and facilitating new, novel Earth Observation science. One particular example considered herein, using general and special perturbation techniques, is the application of continuous low-thrust to alter the ‘critical inclination’ of an orbit from the natural values of 63.4deg or 116.6deg, to any inclination required to optimally fulfill the mission goals. This continuous acceleration is used to compensate for the drift in argument of perigee caused by Earth’s gravitational field. Pseudo-spectral optimization techniques are applied to the 90deg inclination Taranis orbit, generating fuel optimal low-thrust control profiles, with a fuel saving of ~ 4% from general perturbation results. This orbit provides an alternative solution for high latitude imaging from distances equivalent to geostationary orbits. Analysis shows that the orbit enables continuous, high elevation visibility of frigid and neighboring temperate regions using only three spacecraft, whereas a Molniya orbit would require in excess of fifteen spacecraft, thus enabling high quality imaging which would otherwise be prohibited using conventional orbits. Order of magnitude mission lifetimes for a range of mass fractions and specific impulses are also determined. Finally, a Strawman mass budget is developed, where the mission lifetimes for spacecraft with initial mass of 1000kg, 1500kg, and 2500kg, are found to be limited to 4.3 years, 6 years and 7.4 years respectively

    Extension of the Molniya orbit using low-thrust propulsion

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    Extension of the standard Molniya orbit using low-thrust propulsion is presented. These newly proposed, highly elliptical orbits are enabled by existing low-thrust propulsion technology, enabling new Earth Observation science and offering a new set of tools for mission design. In applying continuous low-thrust propulsion to the conventional Molniya orbit the critical inclination may be altered from the natural value of 63.4deg, to any inclination required to optimally fulfill the mission goals. Analytical expressions, validated using numerical methods, reveal the possibility of enabling a Molniya orbit inclined at 90deg to the equator. Fuel optimal low-thrust control profiles are then generated by the application of pseudo spectral numerical optimization techniques to these so-called Polar-Molniya orbits. These orbits enable continuous, high elevation visibility of the Frigid and Neighboring Temperate regions, using only two spacecraft compared with six spacecraft required for coverage of the same area with a conventional Molniya orbit. This can be achieved using existing ion engines, meaning no development in technology is required to enable these new, novel orbits. Order of magnitude mission lifetimes for a range of mass fractions and specific impulses are also determined, and are found to range from 1.2 years to 9.4 years. Where, beyond 9.4 years the outline mass budget analysis for spacecraft of initial masses of 500kg, 1000kg and 2500kg, illustrated there is no longer a capacity for payload for all initial mass of spacecraft

    A novel approach to hybrid propulsion transfers

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    This paper introduces a hybrid propulsion transfer termed a Hohmann Spiral, incorporating low and high-thrust technologies, analogous to the high-thrust bi-elliptic transfer. To understand this transfer fully it is compared to a standard high thrust Hohmann and a bi-elliptic transfer. Two critical specific impulse ratios are derived independent of time that determine the point this novel transfer consumes the exact amount of fuel as the two compared transfer types. It is found that these ratios are valid for both a circular and elliptical starting orbit so long as the apogee of the elliptical orbit coincides with the target orbit radius. An expression representing the fuel mass fraction is derived dependent of time in order to allow a bound solution space. The final part of this paper investigates two orbit transfer case studies, one is a Geostationary Transfer Orbit to Geostationary Earth Orbit based on the Alphabus platform specification and the other is from Low Earth Orbit to an orbit near the Moon. It is found the thrust required to complete the former transfer in a specified duration of 90 days exceeds current technology and as such provides a technology requirement for future spacecraft. It is found however, for spacecraft of significantly smaller mass, in the region of 1000kg, compared to Alphabus (Max. mass at Launch =8100kg), the transfer consumes the same fuel mass as a standard high-thrust Hohmann transfer with realistic low-thrust propulsion values (150mN, 300mN and 450mN) within the set duration of 90 days. In addition, it is shown that utilising uprated thrusters (210mN, 420mN and 630mN) a fuel mass saving can be made. This could provide a potential transfer alternative for future smaller spacecraft. The second case study is bound to a maximum thrust of 150mN, but the mission duration is not specified to highlight the variation. It is found that the HST offers fuel mass savings of roughly 5% compared to a standard high-thrust transfer and approximately 1.5% compared to a bi-elliptic transfer for different scenarios

    Novel numerical optimisation of the Hohmann Spiral Transfer

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    As the revenue of commercial spacecraft platforms is generated by its payload, of which the capacity is maximised when fuel-mass is minimised, there is great interest in ensuring the fuel required for the trajectory to deliver the satellite to its working orbit is minimum. This paper presents an optimisation study of a novel orbit transfer, recently introduced by the authors through an analytical analysis, known as the Hohmann Spiral Transfer . The transfer is analogous to the bi-elliptic transfer but incorporating high and low-thrust propulsion. This paper has shown that substantial fuel mass savings are possible when utilizing the HST. For a transfer to Geostationary Earth Orbit it is shown that a fuel mass saving of approximately 320 kg (~ 5 - 10% of mwet ) is possible for a wet mass of 3000-6000 kg – whilst satisfying a time constraint of 90 days. Several trends in the gathered data are also identified that determine when the HST with high or low-thrust plane change should be used to offer the greatest fuel mass benefit

    Hohmann spiral transfer with inclination change performed by low-thrust system

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    This paper investigates the Hohmann Spiral Transfer (HST), an orbit transfer method previously developed by the authors incorporating both high and low-thrust propulsion systems, using the low-thrust system to perform an inclination change as well as orbit transfer. The HST is similar to the bi-elliptic transfer as the high-thrust system is first used to propel the spacecraft beyond the target where it is used again to circularize at an intermediate orbit. The low-thrust system is then activated and, while maintaining this orbit altitude, used to change the orbit inclination to suit the mission specification. The low-thrust system is then used again to reduce the spacecraft altitude by spiraling in-toward the target orbit. An analytical analysis of the HST utilizing the low-thrust system for the inclination change is performed which allows a critical specific impulse ratio to be derived determining the point at which the HST consumes the same amount of fuel as the Hohmann transfer. A critical ratio is found for both a circular and elliptical initial orbit. These equations are validated by a numerical approach before being compared to the HST utilizing the high-thrust system to perform the inclination change. An additional critical ratio comparing the HST utilizing the low-thrust system for the inclination change with its high-thrust counterpart is derived and by using these three critical ratios together, it can be determined when each transfer offers the lowest fuel mass consumption. Initial analyses have shown the HST utilizing low-thrust inclination change to offer the greatest benefit at low R2 (R2 - R1) and large AI (AI > 30º). A novel numerical optimization process which could be used to optimize the trajectory is also introduced

    It's hip to be square : The CubeSat revolution

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    With the launch of the UK’s first commercial CubeSat, UKube-1, on the horizon, Malcolm Macdonald and Christopher Lowe look at what the future holds for this standardised spacecraft platform

    An extension and numerical analysis of the Hohmann spiral transfer

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    This paper extends previous work on the Hohmann Transfer Spiral (HST) by introducing a plane change into the analysis. An analytical expression determining the critical specific impulse incorporating a plane change is derived for both a circular and elliptical initial orbit. This expression determines the point at which the HST is equivalent in terms of fuel mass fraction to the compared Hohmann transfer. The expression assumes that the inclination change is performed by the high-thrust system. The numerical approach uses a blending method coupled with optimised weighting constants to deliver a locally optimal low-thrust trajectory. By comparing the analytical and numerical approaches, it is shown that the analytical can deliver a good estimation of the HST characteristics so long as little orbit eccentricity control is required. In the cases where orbit eccentricity control is required, the numerical approach should be used. A case study from an inclined Geostationary Transfer Orbit, equivalent to a high-latitude launch site, to Geostationary Earth Orbit has shown that the HST can offer a fuel mass saving approximately 5% of the launch mass. This equates to the mass penalty associated with this high-latitude launch site and therefore mimics the advantages of a low-latitude launch site at the expense of a longer transfer duration