18 research outputs found

    Assessment of the Effectiveness of Employing Disabled People in a Given Company

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na pracovněprávní vztahy a povinnosti zaměstnavatele vyplývající ze zákona o zaměstnanosti č. 435/2004 Sb., ve znění pozdějších předpisů. Konkrétně se zabývá možnostmi přijímání nových zaměstnanců a čerpání finančních úspor, kterých lze dosáhnout při zaměstnávání ZTP osob v daném podniku. Na základě porovnání několika variant, tj. srovnání nákladů na zaměstnance ve třech variantách zaměstnávání, doporučeno nejvhodnější řešení.The bachelor thesis focuses on labor-law relations and employers´ obligations under the Employment Act No. 435 / 2004Sb, as amended. Specifically, it deals with the possibilities of recruitment and utilization of financial benefits that can be achieved by employing disabled people in a company. The aim is to recommend the most appropriate solution which is based on a comparison of several variants, i.e. the comparison of costs for an employee in three variants of employment.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávelmi dobř

    Personnel management and selection process

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    Psychological aspects of acculturation with an emphasis on the impact of interpersonal relationships and social networks

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    Hlavní myšlenkou disertační práce je otázka, co se děje s člověkem, když opouští hranice svého kulturního zázemí. Teoretická část práce představuje dosavadní pohledy na akulturaci a postupný vývoj úvah o procesu akulturace. Při pohledu na individuální podmínky, jež mohou napomáhat k úspěšné akulturaci se zdá být využití osobnostních charakteristik omezující a nedostatečné. Přes pohled na kulturní soulad osobnosti člověka a prostředí byl následně prezentován přístup práce s kompetencemi jakožto lépe uplatnitelný ve výzkumu a psychologické praxi akulturace. Zároveň byla také představena složka rodinné akulturace ve svých podmínkách, strategiích i výsledcích. Tato složka akulturace si doposud zasloužila jen omezené pozornosti jak ve výzkumných studiích, tak i praktických doporučeních. Empirická část práce pak navazuje na téma zpracované v rámci teoretického přehledu a zabývá se otázkou, co odlišuje úspěšné humanitární pracovníky na zahraniční misi v organizaci Člověk v tísni od těch neúspěšných a jakou roli v tomto specifickém kontextu hraje rodina, blízké osobní vztahy a sociální sítě. Součástí práce je tak demonstrace jednotlivých kroků, jak lze postupovat při práci s kompetencemi i mimo konkrétní případovou studii, a představení konkrétního kompetenčního profilu pro pozice na zahraničních misích v...The main idea of the dissertation is the question, what happens to a person when leaving boundaries of his cultural background. The theoretical part of the thesis presents the previous views on the acculturation and the gradual development of the reflections on the process of acculturation. Considering the individual conditions that can contribute to successful acculturation, the use of personality characteristics seems to be limiting and inadequate. Thus, the concept of competencies is introduced as a more relevant approach for research and applied psychology of acculturation. At the same time, family acculturation is presented in its conditions, strategies and results. Only limited attention in psychological research has been dedicated to this domain so far. The empirical part of the thesis further elaborates on the theoretical overview and deals with the question what distinguishes the successful humanitarian workers at the mission abroad in the organization People in need from those who fail and what role in this specific context the family, close personal relationships and social networks play. As a part of the study, there is a demonstration of the individual steps that can be taken when working with competencies outside of the specific case study and the presentation of a specific competence...Department of PsychologyKatedra psychologieFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Analysis of the Possibilities of Acquisition of Fixed Assets in Different Economic Subjects

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na způsoby financování dlouhodobého majetku v různých ekonomických subjektech. Zabývá se třemi způsoby financování automobilu, a to operativním leasingem, úvěrem a hotovostní koupí a možnými daňovými úsporami, kterých lze dosáhnout u tří rozdílných ekonomických subjektů. Na základě provedených ekonomických analýz jsou porovnány reálné výdaje (náklady) daného ekonomického subjektu na automobil za období 36 měsíců. Z důvodů uvědomění si nejen finančních hledisek při pořizování automobilu byla výhodnost jednotlivých způsobů financování posouzená i metodou párového hodnocení. Při její aplikaci se způsoby financování hodnotily také pomocí nefinančních kritérií – administrativní náročnosti, starosti s automobilem či omezeného nájezdu kilometrů. Získané výsledky z ekonomických analýz a metody párového hodnocení posloužily jako podklady k vytvoření návrhů nejvhodnějšího způsobu financování automobilu pro každý ekonomický subjekt zvlášť.The thesis is focused on the methods of financing long-term assets in various economic entities. It deals with three ways of financing a car, namely operating leasing, credit and cash purchase and possible tax savings, which can be achieved in three different economic entities. Based on the economic analysis, the real costs (costs) of the given economic entity are compared to the car for the period of 36 months. Due to the awareness of not only the financial aspects of purchasing a car, the advantage of individual financing methods was also assessed by the method of pair evaluation. In its application, funding methods were also assessed using non-financial criteria - administrative complexity, car concern or limited mileage. The obtained results from economic analyzes and methods of pair evaluation served as a basis for the creation of proposals of the most suitable way of car financing for each economic entity separately.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávýborn

    Obesity in childhood

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    Cílem diplomové práce s názvem "Obezita dětského věku " bude uvedení do celkové problematiky obezity. Stěžejní část bude zaměřena na obezitu dětské a adolescentní populace. Tato práce by měla podat základní informace o celém problému, možné přístupy terapii obezity, ale i současný nejen světový kritický stav tohoto problému. Nedílnou součástí bude i část, věnovaná významu kojení a vývoji životního stylu a stravovacích návyků v raném věku dítěte. Dále by měla tato práce podat základní preventivní a intervenční přístupy. Součástí této práce je i praktická část, ve které budou zmíněny výsledky empirické sondy ohledně postojů a mínění o obézních jedincích a obezitě, a o strachu z vlastní nadváhy. Dále zde budou zmíněny výsledky současného stravování české dětské populace, a aktuální data o skupině dětských klientů Rodinného kurzu snižování nadváhy. Veškerá tato data empirických sond povedou ohodnocení současné situace v naší republice, na jehož základě bude možné navrhnout určité strategie následných preventivních, intervenčních a terapeutických postupů v boji s dětskou nadváhou a obezitou. V neposlední řadě by měla práce posloužit dalším odborníkům, jež budou následně usilovat o zlepšení současné kritické situace, kdy přibývá stále více případů dětské a adolescentní nadváhy a obezity.The main goal of this essay called "Obesity in childhood" deals with introduction into this relevant question. The main part will concentrate on the obesity above child and adolescent population. This essay should give the basic global information about the problem, possible accesses of therapy and today critical state of the theme too. One chapter of this study will deals with meaning of breastfeeding. The next part of thesis will be about the development of individual's lifestyle and boarding behaviour throughout early childhood. I would like to point out the main preventive and interventive approaches as well. One of significant parts of the thesis, the practical part, will conduct outcomes of an empirical probe about meaning and attitudes about obese individuals and obesity itself and about individual's fat phobia. The results of today's boarding and lifestyle of the population of Czech children will also be mentioned. I would like to show actual characterisation of Family Weight Reducing Course clients. All these characterisation will lead into valorisation of our situation here in Czech Republic. This will lead into possibility to propose some further preventive, interventional and therapeutic progresses in the fight with child and adolescent obesity. The work should primary aspire to improve everyday...Katedra psychologieFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Interpersonal relationships and social network in terms of stay in foreign culture

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    The main subject of this Diploma Thesis is a description of psychological aspects of staying in foreign culture with focus on interpersonal and group processes and their influence and importance for the stay in foreign culture. Central theme of interpersonal relationships and social networks formation is discussed in terms of stay in foreign culture with regards to new forms of electronic communication and its characteristics. This Diploma Thesis focuses on social networks formation and its process and dynamics in electronic communication environment in contrast to real environment. Furthermore, it applies to interpersonal relationship changes, maintaining original far-distant relationships and formation new ones through electronic communication when being in foreign culture. Empirical part of thesis concerns a study of a degree of psychological and sociocultural adaptation with emphasis on electronic communication and its influence of interpersonal relationships and social networks when being abroad. Empirical part of thesis consists of quantitative data analysis. Data obtained from questionnaire, that was filled by international university degree students, who are just experiencing international study sojourn, were analyzed in terms of sociocultural and psychological adaptation. These two areas..

    Evaluation of the Volunteer Program in the Hospital Ceské Budejovice Ltd

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    Volunteering in the Czech Republic Heath Service has started to appear gradually but systematically since 2000. In the Health Service area mainly, volunteering should have its irreplaceable role and it should be in service of making patient's stay in hospital more pleasant. The subject of volunteering has taken my interest not only because of my job, as a registered nurse, but even more, it was my aim to gain more knowledge in this matter. As a future goal, I would like to make an attempt to bring volunteers to Elderly People Home where I am currently employed. The theoretical part deals with the definition of basic terms as volunteering and volunteer. The attention is given to the types of volunteering, development and progress of volunteering in Health Service. Volunteer's program in hospital is also described i.e. its particular stages, realisation, participants, basic structure of management and reciprocal relationship among individual participants. With respect to the aim of my thesis, Volunteer's programme in Ceske Budejovice Hospital is introduced there. Finally, I also focus on motivation, social behaviour and altruism. The analytical part is realised by quantitative research and by the technique of semistructured controlled interview. Six participants took part in it. The results of the survey were processed by a specific quantitative method. The results of the research showed that communication partners see the benefit in this type of volunteering not only for themselves but also for patients and hospital staff. As motivation for this volunteer activity they indicate essentially gaining new experiences. The results of this thesis can be used as a feedback for Volunteer's programme in Ceske Budejovice Hospital

    The local societies in Benešov in the interwar period

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    During the so called First Republic local societies were integral part of life of most of the citizens. An active participation in their work determined and, at the same time, reflected social position of a concrete person. That was also the case of interwar Benešov. More than hundred of different societies and groups worked in the town, covering all areas of people's activity. They were led by town's elite and it was absolutely common that its important personalities were involved in a number of the local societies at the same time. Especially membership in the Gymnastic Union Sokol, whose branch was also active in Benešov, was very prestigious. Along with sport and support of national idea it looked after an education of their members and contributed to a cultural life of the town; it set up its own library and a theatre department as well as it ran a cinema in the local Sokol house. The same supraregional overlap had the Municipal volunteer fire brigade in Benešov. Its creation and functioning were led by practical reasons, but its sphere of activity wasn't limited only on fire extinguishing in the town and its neighbourhood. The fire fighters regularly cooperated with other fire squads in the republic, took part in various celebrations and meetings as well as in cultural life in Benešov, though, in this..

    Obesity in childhood

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    The main goal of this essay called "Obesity in childhood" deals with introduction into this relevant question. The main part will concentrate on the obesity above child and adolescent population. This essay should give the basic global information about the problem, possible accesses of therapy and today critical state of the theme too. One chapter of this study will deals with meaning of breastfeeding. The next part of thesis will be about the development of individual's lifestyle and boarding behaviour throughout early childhood. I would like to point out the main preventive and interventive approaches as well. One of significant parts of the thesis, the practical part, will conduct outcomes of an empirical probe about meaning and attitudes about obese individuals and obesity itself and about individual's fat phobia. The results of today's boarding and lifestyle of the population of Czech children will also be mentioned. I would like to show actual characterisation of Family Weight Reducing Course clients. All these characterisation will lead into valorisation of our situation here in Czech Republic. This will lead into possibility to propose some further preventive, interventional and therapeutic progresses in the fight with child and adolescent obesity. The work should primary aspire to improve everyday..