6 research outputs found

    The use of SSR-markers in rice breeding for resistance to blast and submergence tolerance

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    Received: March 16th, 2022 ; Accepted: July 20th, 2022 ; Published: September 6th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] identification of effective specialized DNA markers providing the clear control of target locus inheritance by the trait of submergence tolerance has been conducted. Among the studied set of microsatellite markers, two the most informative SSR-markers - RM 7481, PrC3 showed high efficiency in detecting intraspecific polymorphism of rice varieties and lines used in the work. With the use of these markers the clear genotype marking the obtained hybrid rice plants by this trait has been conducted and it is has been verified by phenotype evaluation as a result of laboratory trials. The plant samples carrying the target gene in heterozygous and homozygous state has been selected. About 400 backcrossed self-pollinated rice lines with introgressed and pyramided resistance genes Pi-1, Pi-2, Pi-33, Pi-ta, Pi-b to Pyricularia oryzae Cav. were obtained within the frameworks of program to develop genetic rice sources resistant to blast. The conducted testing for resistance to blast and the assessment by economically valuable traits have allowed to select the prospective rice samples. The plant samples of F2 and BC1F1 generations with combination of resistance to blast genes (Pi) and submergence tolerance gene (Sub1A) in homozygous and heterozygous state that is confirmed be the results of analysis of their DNA have been obtained. The obtained hybrid plants are being tested in breeding nurseries for a complex of economically valuable traits. The best plants will be selected and send to State Variety Testing system. Their involving in rice industry will reduce the use of plant protection chemicals against diseases and weeds, thereby increasing the ecology status of the rice industry

    National Transitive Economic System: Development of Market Relations and Economic Policy

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    Монографію присвячено дослідженню проблем розвитку ринкових відносин у національній транзитивній економічній системи у зв’язку з формуванням відповідної їй системи інститутів економічної політики. У дослідженні виявлено, що необхідною умовою переходу економіки України до стану розвиненої ринкової системи є комплекс заходів економічної політики, яка не зводиться лише до контролю за грошовою масою та переважно нейтральної фіскальної політики, а включає цілеспрямоване сприяння структурній перебудові економіки, виправлення макроекономічних диспропорцій, заохочення притоку інвестицій, особливо до галузей зі значними перспективами зростання. Аргументовано, що важливим соціальним аспектом економічних реформ є дотримання принципу соціальної справедливості.The monograph is devoted to the study of market relations development in the national transitive economic system in connection with the formation of the economic policy institutes. The study revealed that a necessary condition for the transition of Ukrainian economy to the state of the developed market system is a set of economic policy measures, which is not limited to control over the money supply and mainly neutral fiscal policy. It includes purposeful assistance to restructuring of the economy, correction of macroeconomic imbalances, encouraging investment, especially to industries with significant growth prospects. It is argued that an important social aspect of economic reform is compliance with the principle of social justice


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