856 research outputs found

    Vibroacoustic technique for the fault diagnosis in a gear transmission of a military helicopter

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    This article presents the results of laboratory studies of a two-stage gear transmission regarding the process of intentionally increasing damage of its tooth. Also, this study discusses the construction of a gear transmission of a military helicopter on the basis of basic kinematic results of its vibroacoustic signals. What is important, the article describes the aim of laboratory stand, which was to authenticate the applied algorithms of technical condition evaluation of combat helicopter. Also, the process of deepening the damage to the tooth of the gear transmission was described. It was made with the use of stable ranges of rotational speed of measurements of transmission casing in three mutually perpendicular directions and have been referred to the condition without damage. In the article, diagnostic criteria are also determined for the assessment of technical conditions of military helicopter equipped with a gear transmission

    Expression of steroidogenic enzymes in porcine polycystic ovaries.

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    In the present study the expression pattern of the cholesterol side-chain cleavage cytochrome (P450(scc)), 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3beta-HSD) and aromatase (P450(arom)) was analyzed in the health and polycystic ovaries of gilts by means of the Western blot and immunohistochemistry. The polycystic status of ovaries was induced by i.m. dexamethasone (DXM) injections on days 7-21 of the estrous cycle. Macroscopic observation of ovaries of DXM-treated gilts revealed the presence of cysts (1-2 cm in diameter, with a mean number of 7.0+/-1.2 per ovary), a decrease (

    Odpowiedź na pracę dr. Pawła E. Tomaszewskiego pt. „Komentarz do artykułu Mariusza W. Majewskiego opublikowanego w Studia Historiae Scientiarum 17 (2018), ss. 89–117”

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    The article is a response to the polemical commentary by Paweł E. Tomaszewski, PhD, published in the current volume of the journal Studia Historiae Scientiarum 18 (2019), regarding the author’s earlier article on the work of the Institute of Metallurgy and Metal Science at the Warsaw University of Technology with the addenda to the biography of Jan Czochralski, published in the previous volume of the journal. It is well known that any attempt to compile the history of any issue requires critical approach to historical sources and that acquiring information collected in archival sources, the press and memoirs requires from the researcher a diligent and thorough comparative work. However, the problem arises when an author of a future publication has only few sources at his disposal, or even only one, which was the case here. The article answers the doubts bothering Paweł E. Tomaszewski regarding the financing of the construction and equipment of the Institute of Metallurgy and Metallurgy at the Warsaw University of Technology and the origin and work of Jan Czochralski. The issues of the enterprises Zakłady Hohenlohe SA, Wspólnota Interesów and Wspólnota Interesów Górniczo-Hutniczych SA were also discussed. The author proposes that a systematic team inquiry into both press and archival resources regarding Jan Czochralski should be carried out, and researchers should be allowed access to respective private archives. This will allow for a more research-grounded historical syntheses of Jan Czochralski.Niniejszy artykuł jest odpowiedzą na polemiczny komentarz dr. Pawła E. Tomaszewskiego, opublikowany w bieżącym tomie czasopisma Studia Historiae Scientiarum 18 (2019), dotyczący wcześniejszego artykułu autora (M.W. Majewskiego) na temat prac Instytutu Metalurgii i Metaloznawstwa przy Politechnice Warszawskiej oraz uzupełnień do biografii Jana Czochralskiego, opublikowanego w poprzednim tomie czasopisma. Jest dobrze wiadomo, każda próba opracowania historii jakiegokolwiek zagadnienia wymaga podjęcia krytyki źródeł historycznych i pozyskanie informacji zgromadzonej w źródłach archiwalnych, prasie oraz memuarystyce wymaga od badacza podjęcia rzetelnej pracy porównawczej. Jednakże, problem powstaje wówczas, gdy autor przyszłej publikacji dysponuje tylko nielicznymi źródłami, a nawet tylko jednym – tak było w przypadku badań autora (M.W. Majewskiego). Autor udzielił odpowiedzi na nurtujące dr. Pawła E. Tomaszewskiego wątpliwości dotyczące finansowania budowy i wyposażenia Instytutu Metalurgii i Metaloznawstwa przy Politechnice Warszawskiej oraz pochodzenia i prac Jana Czochralskiego. Przybliżono również problematykę Zakładów Hohenlohe SA, „Wspólnoty Interesów” i Wspólnoty Interesów Górniczo-Hutniczych SA. Autor postuluje przeprowadzenie systematycznej zespołowej kwerendy zarówno prasoznawczej, jak i archiwalnej dotyczącej Jana Czochralskiego, a także udostępnienie badaczom archiwów prywatnych dotyczących tej postaci. Pozwoli to tworzyć bardziej ugruntowane źródłowo syntezy historyczne Jana Czochralskiego. Response to the work of Paweł E. Tomaszewski, PhD, entitled “Comments on the paper by Mariusz W. Majewski published in Studia Historiae Scientiarum 17 (2018), pp. 89–117” Abstract The article is a response to the polemical commentary by Paweł E. Tomaszewski, PhD, published in the current volume of the journal Studia Historiae Scientiarum 18 (2019), regarding the author’s earlier article on the work of the Institute of Metallurgy and Metal Science at the Warsaw University of Technology with the addenda to the biography of Jan Czochralski, published in the previous volume of the journal. It is well known that any attempt to compile the history of any issue requires critical approach to historical sources and that acquiring information collected in archival sources, the press and memoirs requires from the researcher a diligent and thorough comparative work. However, the problem arises when an author of a future publication has only few sources at his disposal, or even only one, which was the case here. The article answers the doubts bothering Paweł E. Tomaszewski regarding the financing of the construction and equipment of the Institute of Metallurgy and Metallurgy at the Warsaw University of Technology and the origin and work of Jan Czochralski. The issues of the enterprises Zakłady Hohenlohe SA, Wspólnota Interesów and Wspólnota Interesów Górniczo-Hutniczych SA were also discussed. The author proposes that a systematic team inquiry into both press and archival resources regarding Jan Czochralski should be carried out, and researchers should be allowed access to respective private archives. This will allow for a more research-grounded historical syntheses of Jan Czochralski

    Prace Instytutu Metalurgii i Metaloznawstwa przy Politechnice Warszawskiej i Jan Czochralski

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    The article discusses the issues of implementation of important achievements in the field of metallurgy (including armored weapons, fortifications and the navy), under the supervision of prof. Jan Czochralski, who played an important role in the development of the armed forces of the Second Polish Republic.At the same time, it has been noted that the activities of the institutes were conditioned by the poor development of non-ferrous metallurgy, which contributed to delays in the development of technical thinking in the field of aviation and combustion engines, an important element of the armed forces.W artykule zarysowano problematykę wdrażania istotnych dokonań w dziedzinie metalurgii (w tym broni pancernych, fortyfikacji i marynarki) pod kierunkiem prof. dr. h.c. Jana Czochralskiego, które odegrały ważną rolę w rozwoju sił zbrojnych II Rzeczypospolitej.Równocześnie starano się zauważyć, że powstanie instytutów uzasadniał słaby rozwój hutnictwa metali kolorowych. W wyniku zmian tej niekorzystnej sytuacji opóźnienia w rozwoju myśli technicznej w dziedzinie konstrukcji lotniczych i silników spalinowych ulec miały zmianom, doprowadzając także do zwiększenia potencjału sił zbrojnych


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    The main goal of this article is to verify the hypothesis on the behavioural character of the relationships between enterprises financing football in Poland and the fans of this sport. In his research, the author analyses selected companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange which are engaged in financing football in the Polish Ekstraklasa. The author uses the quotations of such companies as: Ruch Chorzow, Comarch, KGHM, Tauron, Lotos and Police. It is possible to divide these companies into three groups: owners (Comarch, KGHM), sponsors (Tauron, Lotos, Police) and one public company (Ruch). In the research, ARCH models are used based on econometric models with independent variables: sporting results and betting odds

    Wykorzystanie teorii cyklu życia produktu do szacowania wartości kart zawodniczych wybranych polskich piłkarzy

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    The economists’ recognition that sport is a commercial field of business caused the necessity of treating main elements of a sport event as the commercial product. The football match as an event became a place of trading of entertainment services, which are the better the more brands (famous footballers) participate in these events. Thus spectators are not the clubs fans but they are clients buying a service, in eyes of economists. The Sloane’s approach to football treating football clubs as enterprises and professional football as the industry is adjusted to the proposition of using the product life cycle theory in the analysis of changes in football players’ performance rights.The main goal of an article is to prove that theory of product life cycle could be successfully used in analysis and diagnosis of the market value of footballers. Therefore, there is the hypothesis raised – the compilation of different analytical functions helps in diagnosis of the life cycle of the professional football player. The data of market values of chosen Polish national team players are taken from the web page www.transfermarkt.de.Uznanie przez ekonomistów sportu jako obszaru komercyjnego zainteresowania spowodowało konieczność traktowania głównych elementów wydarzenia sportowego w charakterze produktów komercyjnych. Wydarzenie w postaci meczu stało się miejscem sprzedaży usługi rozrywkowej, która jest tym lepsza, im lepsze (bardziej markowe) produkty (zawodnicy) biorą w niej udział. Tym samym kibice, w oczach ekonomistów, przestają być sympatykami drużyn, a stają się klientami kupującymi usługę. Podejście do piłki nożnej zaproponowane przez Sloane’a, które wprost traktuje kluby piłkarskie jako przedsiębiorstwa, a profesjonalny football jako przemysł, wpisuje się w propozycję wykorzystania teorii cyklu życia produktu w analizowaniu kształtowania się wartości praw do zawodników.Głównym celem pracy jest wykazanie, że teoria cyklu życia produktu może być z powodzeniem wykorzystywana do analizy i diagnozowania wartości rynkowej piłkarzy. W związku z tym zaproponowano hipotezę głoszącą, że złożenie różnych postaci analitycznych funkcji matematycznych pomaga w diagnozowaniu cyklu życia profesjonalnego zawodnika piłki nożnej. W tym celu wykorzystano dane dotyczące wartości rynkowej kart zawodniczych wybranych reprezentantów Polski w piłce nożnej pochodzące z serwisu www.transfermarkt.de

    Localization of substance P, calcitonin gene related peptide and galanin in the nerve fibers of porcine cystic ovaries

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    In a previous study, we showed that both the noradrenergic and cholinergic component of ovarian innervation is markedly changed in porcine cystic ovaries. The present study is aimed at elucidating the distribution pattern of substance P- (SP), calcitonin gene related peptide CGRP- and/or galanin (GAL)-containing nerve fibers within porcine cystic ovaries. The status polycysticus was induced by dexamethasone phosphate disodium salt i.m. injections performed from the 7th until the 21st day of the first studied estrous cycle. During the same period of time, gilts of the control group received saline. All animals were slaughtered on the expected 11th day of the second studied estrous cycle, and their ovaries were collected. When compared to control gonad, a distinct difference in the distribution pattern and the density of SP-, CGRP- and/or GAL-immunoreactive (GAL-IR) nerve fibers was observed. Thus, unlike in the control gonad, SP- and/or CGRP-IR perivascular nerve fibers were found to supply medullar blood vessels of polycystic ovary. Furthermore, the number of GAL-IR nerve fibers contributing to the ground plexus in polycystic ovaries was higher than that observed in the control gonads. Thus, as may be judged from the profound changes in the distribution pattern of differently chemically coded afferent terminals within polycystic gonads, it appears possible that neuropeptides released from these terminals may take part in the etiopathogenesis of this disorder. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 622–630

    Sources of porcine longissimus dorsi muscle (LDM) innervation as revealed by retrograde neuronal tract-tracing.

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    The aim of the present study was to establish the origin of the motor, autonomic and sensory innervation of the L1-L2 segment of the porcine longissimus dorsi muscle (LDM), in order to provide morphological basis for further studies focusing on this neural pathway under experimental conditions, e.g. phototerapy and/or lateral electrical surface stimulation. To reach the goal of the study, multiple injections of the fluorescent neuronal tracer Fast Blue (FB) were made into the LDM region between the spinal processes of the vertebrae L1 and L2. The spinal cord (Th13-S1 segments) as well as the sensory and autonomic ganglia of interest, i.e., dorsal root (DRG) and sympathetic chain ganglia from corresponding spinal cord levels were collected three weeks later. FB-positive (FB+) motoneurons were observed exclusively within the nucleus ventromedialis at L1 and L2 spinal cord level, forming the most ventro-medially arranged cell column within this nucleus. Primary sensory and sympathetic chain neurons were found in appropriate ipsilateral ganglia at Th15-L3 levels. The vast majority of retrogradely traced neurons (virtually all motoneurons, approximately 76% of sensory and 99.4% of sympathetic chain ganglia neurons) was found at the L1 and L2 levels. The morphometric evaluation of FB-labeled DRG neurons showed that the majority of them (approximately 66%) belonged to the class of small-diameter perikarya (10-30 microm in diameter), whereas those of medium size (30-80 microm in diameter) and of large diameter (more than 80 microm) constituted 22.6% and 11.5% of all DRG neurons, respectively. The results of the present study demonstrated that the nerve terminals supplying porcine LDM originated from different levels of the spinal cord, dorsal root and sympathetic chain ganglia. Thus, the study has revealed sources and morphological characteristic of somatic, autonomic and spinal afferent neurons supplying porcine LDM, simultaneously pointing out the characteristic features of their distribution pattern

    The distribution and influence of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) on the perfusion pressure in the isolated ovarian artery in the pig

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    A moderate number of delicate CGRP-immunoreactive (CGRP-IR) varicose nerve terminals were found at the adventitia-media border of the sexually mature porcine ovarian artery by means of a routine single immunolabelling technique. Additionally, a pharmacological analysis was performed of the function fulfilled by &#945;-CGRP and its C-terminal fragment (Tyr27) &#945;-CGRP(27-37) in the porcine isolated ovarian artery, collected on days 8&#8211;13 of the oestrous cycle. It was shown that &#945;-CGRP (10-8 M) caused a decrease in the perfusion pressure of the porcine isolated ovarian artery of 16% (p < 0.05), while (Tyr27) &#945;-CGRP(27-37), added at the same concentration, reduced perfusion pressure by 13% (p > 0.05). Thus, we concluded that &#945;-CGRP released from perivascular terminals may cause relaxation of the ovarian artery and, furthermore, that the potency of this action is dependent on the length of the chain of this peptide produced during the deactivation of the molecule by tissue proteases

    Relations between Leu5-enkephalin- (LENK) and VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibres during human drug-resistant colitis. A case study

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    The double immunofluorescence technique was used to examine the distribution and interrelationship between LENK- and VIP-immunoreactive nerve fibres within the muscle layer and myenteric plexus of the large intestine in a young female patient (aged 17 years) suffering from colitis ulcerosa activa (CUA). As the CUA was found to be totally drug-resistant, a pancolotomy was performed by means of the Soave technique. Varicose nerve fibres, immunoreactive either to LENK or VIP, but not to both substances simultaneously, were found in all fragments of the bowel studied. A striking feature was their distribution pattern within the studied layers. In all cases LENK-IR fibres were closely accompanied by VIP-IR terminals. The density of the examined fibres depended on the bowel fragment studied, and was the greatest in the sigmoid colon, descending colon and rectum, while the lowest number was found in the caecum. The results of the present study may thus be indicative for the involvement of LENK- and VIPIR nerve fibres in the control of bowel functions during CUA, possibly on the basis of a "cross-talk" between terminals running in close vicinity to each other