13 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Health and Safety performance in Brunei Construction Industry

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    An evaluation of Health and Safety (H&S) performance in the Brunei Darussalam construction industry (BDCI) is not only important; but integrating the concept based on Total Quality Management (TQM) would greatly enhance and improve the industry practices. H&S of any workforce in any part of the world is an important issue deserving the attention of engineers and safety officers in the construction industry. The need for good quality management in any good construction site is crucial for the overall success of achieving H&S. The present trend where the rates and frequency of accidents arising from poor implementation or non-compliance on H&S code based on TQM principles in the industry is relatively higher. The research paper seeks to evaluate the significance and existence of H&S performance in the BDCI with regards to TQM. Questionnaires form an important method of data collection in this research paper. From the survey conducted, it can be seen that the implementation of H&S and TQM develop and reinforce a positive impact and environmental values in the organization. In the current performance of BDCI, there is still need for continuous development in terms of enhancing H&S based on TQM. Keywords: Health and Safety, Total Quality Management, Accidents, Construction Industr


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    The project focuses on designing and operating a mini factory using standard and customized Festo components. The project shows the integration of various components to create a flexible manufacturing system. The goal of this project is to build a small factory that can make customized products. The current product to be manufactured is a box containing a ring and a keychain with the Abu Dhabi Polytechnic logo. The mini factory consists of processing, handling, and pick-and-place stations. The purpose of the project is to improve and confirm students’ skills in the field of industrial automation and Industry 4.0 via the simulation and implementation of the production process, therefore, the project contributes to learning how products are designed and manufactured. The organizational goals of the project are lab equipment development, customization and upgrade for support of the mechatronics program and to build a demonstration solution for exhibitions and fairs with the feature to give visitors customized products with the organization logo which leads to the organization's promotion and recognition

    Analysis of the Origin of Emiratis as Inferred from a Family Study Based on HLA-A, -C, -B, -DRB1, and -DQB1 Genes

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    In this study, we investigated HLA class I and class II allele and haplotype frequencies in Emiratis and compared them to those of Asian, Mediterranean, and Sub-Saharan African populations. Methods: Two-hundred unrelated Emirati parents of patients selected for bone marrow transplantation were genotyped for HLA class I (A, B, C) and class II (DRB1, DQB1) genes using reverse sequence specific oligonucleotide bead-based multiplexing. HLA haplotypes were assigned with certainty by segregation (pedigree) analysis, and haplotype frequencies were obtained by direct counting. HLA class I and class II frequencies in Emiratis were compared to data from other populations using standard genetic distances (SGD), Neighbor-Joining (NJ) phylogenetic dendrograms, and correspondence analysis. Results: The studied HLA loci were in Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium. We identified 17 HLA-A, 28 HLA-B, 14 HLA-C, 13 HLA-DRB1, and 5 HLA-DQB1 alleles, of which HLA-A*02 (22.2%), -B*51 (19.5%), -C*07 (20.0%), -DRB1*03 (22.2%), and -DQB1*02 (32.8%) were the most frequent allele lineages. DRB1*03~DQB1*02 (21.2%), DRB1*16~DQB1*05 (17.3%), B*35~C*04 (11.7%), B*08~DRB1*03 (9.7%), A*02~B*51 (7.5%), and A*26~C*07~B*08~DRB1*03~DQB1*02 (4.2%) were the most frequent two- and five-locus HLA haplotypes. Correspondence analysis and dendrograms showed that Emiratis were clustered with the Arabian Peninsula populations (Saudis, Omanis and Kuwaitis), West Mediterranean populations (North Africans, Iberians) and Pakistanis, but were distant from East Mediterranean (Turks, Albanians, Greek), Levantine (Syrians, Palestinians, Lebanese), Iranian, Iraqi Kurdish, and Sub-Saharan populations. Conclusions: Emiratis were closely related to Arabian Peninsula populations, West Mediterranean populations and Pakistanis. However, the contribution of East Mediterranean, Levantine Arab, Iranian, and Sub-Saharan populations to the Emiratis' gene pool appears to be minor.This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors in the UAE. This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), grant R01AI128775 (SJM). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the official views of the NIAID, NIH, and United States government.Scopu

    Zakat Compliance Behaviour: Good Corporate Governance with Muzakki's Trust Approach (Survey on Muzakki of the National Board of Zakat (BAZNAS) in Garut)

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    Zakat is obligation for every muslim which should be done. Beside the religious orders, zakat is also very influential for regional economic growth, especially the wealth distribution from each capable individual to unable. In Indonesia, the discrepancy between the potential and realization of zakat funds still being a phenomenon that must be resolved. One of the reasons why there is an imbalance between the potential and realization of zakat funds is because of the disobedience of muzakki in paying zakat. This research identifies the effect of good corporate governance implementation in zakat institutions on zakat paying compliance through muzakki's trust in as a mediating variable. The number of samples used was as much as 100 muzakki spread in several service offices in Garut. The sample was selected using purposive sampling method with quota sampling technique. This study uses path analysis to identify good corporate governance in zakat institutions towards zakat paying compliance through muzakki's trust as a mediating variable by causality method. The results showed that Good corporate governance and muzakki's trust in that zakat institutions were in the high category and muzakki's zakat paying in a high compliance too.     Keywords: Zakat, Compliance, Trust, Governanc

    Implementation of Zakat Village Index (Survey in Binangun Village, Pataruman Sub District, Banjar City)

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    This research is based on the problem of less precisely the target and empowerment programs conducted by zakat management institutions both LAZ and BAZ. This study aims to build a conceptual model to describe and measure the condition of a village in order to be eligible to be empowered as a zakat village using the Zakat Village Index (IDZ). This study uses primary data and secondary data from village side and by interview through village apparatus and direct observation to the field by visiting RT and RW so the research is a descriptive quantitative research. There are five variables measured in this study, they are economic, health, education, social humanitarian and da'wah variables. The research was conducted in Binangun Village, Pataruman Sub District, Banjar City. The calculation result of Zakat Village Index (IDZ) indicates that Binangun Village is included in good condition and can be considered to be empowered using zakat fund. Variables that have the lowest IDZ value are economic and health variables. For the zakat institution that will empower the Binangun Village, can be more focused on the two variables. Then for zakat management institution should use Zakat Village Index instrument (IDZ) to determine the target of the program and to know the requirement of society exactly so that program of channeling of zakat fund can be done effectively and efficiently.     Keywords: Community welfare, empowerment, Zakat Village Inde

    Customers Literacy on Islamic House Financing Products

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    Sharia financial literacy is a person's understanding of the products of Islamic financial institutions in order to improve the ability and willingness of someone to take advantage of products in the Islamic financial institutions as one solution for the needs of economy. This study aims to obtain a picture of how the level of literacy of Islamic house financing products in Islamic house financing customers with various kinds of contracts (aqd) used in sharia house financing. This research uses quantitative descriptive method. The population in this study are sharia financing customers which amounted to 150 people and a sample of 80 people with purposive sampling technique. Instrument in this study using questionnaires. The results of this study indicate the level of customer literacy on shariah house financing products and kinds of contracts (aqd) used in sharia house financing in different Islamic banks are in good category, although there are some indicators are in good enough category.     Keywords: Islamic Financial Literacy, Murabaha, Musharakah Mutanaqisah, Istisna, Sharia house financin

    Interest in Islamicpreneur: Family Environment Factors and Religiosity Analysis (the Research of Islamic Economics Students at University in Bandung)

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    Entrepreneurship is one of the occupation that has a noble in the view of Islam. In addition, Entrepreneurship is also has an important role for the welfore of a state. Howover, the entrepreneurship ratio in Indonesia is still in low rate compared to another countries. For the reason, this research will discuss student's interest toward Islamicpreneur. It is because students' interest in islamicpreneur is the source for the birth of Islamic entrepreneurs in the future. Based on the previous research, entrepreneurial interest is influenced by among others, family enviroment and religiousity level. Therefore this research aims to analyze and predict the influence of family enviroment and religiousity toward students interests in islamicpreneur. The population of this research is the student of Islamic economics at university in Bandung. The study use non-probability-accidental sampling as sampling technique with 280 people as the subjects of the research. Then the research was using causality method with quantitative approach. The data was analyzed using Partial Least SquaresStructural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results showed that the family environment has a positive and significant effect on the interest of Islamicpreneur, while the level of religiosity does not affect the interest of Islamic scholars. This research is expected to be able to provide benefits to various parties in increasing the interest of Islamic scholarship in students, especially Islamic economics students at University in Bandung.     Keywords: Family Enviroment, Religiosity, Student Interest in Islamicpreneu