92 research outputs found

    Membumikan Pluralisme Perspektif Islam Indonesia: Fakta, Tantangan Dan Gagasan

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    Indonesia is a pluralistic nation. Both in terms of cultural entities, language, tribe, ethnicand religious differences. Therefore, the pluralism can not be understood simply by sayingthat our society is pluralistic, diverse, or made up of different tribes and religions, whichis actually only describe the impression of fragmentation, not pluralism. Pluralismshould also not be understood merely "negative goodness", which is seen usefulness toget rid of fanaticism. Instead, pluralism should be understood as a true affinity diversityin bundles politeness. Even, pluralism is a must for the salvation of mankind, includingthrough mechanisms supervision and balances that result. In the Islamic perspective it ismentioned that God created the mechanism of checks and balances among humans inorder to maintain the integrity of the earth, and is one manifestation of God's abundantmercy to mankind

    Spatio-temporal modelling of dengue fever incidence in Malaysia

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    Previous studies reported significant relationship between dengue incidence rate (DIR) and both climatic and non-climatic factors. Therefore, this study proposes a generalised additive model (GAM) framework for dengue risk in Malaysia by using both climatic and non�climatic factors. The data used is monthly DIR for 12 states of Malaysia from 2001 to 2009. In this study, we considered an annual trend, seasonal effects, population, population density and lagged DIR, rainfall, temperature, number of rainy days and El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The population density is found to be positively related to monthly DIR. There are generally weak relationships between monthly DIR and climate variables. A negative binomial GAM shows that there are statistically significant relationships between DIR with climatic and non-climatic factors. These include mean rainfall and temperature, the number of rainy days, sea surface temperature and the interaction between mean temperature (lag 1 month) and sea surface temperature (lag 6 months). These also apply to DIR (lag 3 months) and population density

    Perbandingan Indeks Massa Tubuh Tenaga Kesehatan dengan Kedalaman Kompresi Jantung Luar pada Manekin

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    Resusitasi jantung paru (RJP) merupakan intervensi utama dalam kegawatdaruratan henti jantung. Respons dan kualitas RJP secara signifikan memengaruhi keberhasilan penanganan pasien dengan henti jantung dan merupakan prosedur yang bersifat life-saving. Kualitas kompresi dinding dada pada RJP ditentukan oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah kedalaman kompresi dinding dada. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbandingan kedalaman dinding dada pada manekin berdasarkan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) penolong. Penelitian ini dilakukan di RSUP Dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung periode Juli–September 2020. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan penelitian potong lintang (cross sectional) komparatif yang dilakukan secara prospektif mengenai hubungan IMT dengan kualitas kompresi jantung luar pada manekin. Subjek penelitian dikelompokkan berdasarkan IMT underweight, normal, dan overweight. Kedalaman kompresi dinding dada saat melakukan RJP dicatat dan dianalisis sesuai dengan kategori kelompok IMT. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji one way ANOVA bila berdistribusi normal dan Uji Kruskal Wallis bila berdistribusi tidak normal, nilai p<0,05 dianggap bermakna. Hasil penelitian menunjukan peningkatan angka kedalaman kompresi dada yang berbanding lurus dengan IMT dilihat dari rerata kedalaman kompresi sebesar 4,83±0,428 cm pada kelompok IMT underweight, 5,64±0,301 cm pada kelompok IMT normal, dan 6,39±0,327 cm pada kelompok IMT overweight (p<0,05). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penolong dengan kategori IMT normal adalah kelompok yang paling sesuai dengan rekomendasi BLS & ACLS oleh AHA

    Applied mathematical optimization technique on menu scheduling for boarding school student using delete-reshuffle-reoptimize algorithm

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    Boarding school student needs to eat well balanced nutritious food which includes proper calories, vitality and supplements for legitimate development, keeping in mind the end goal is to repair and support the body tissues and averting undesired ailments and disease. Serving healthier menu is a noteworthy stride towards accomplishing that goal. Be that as it may, arranging a nutritious and adjusted menu physically is confounded, wasteful and tedious. This study intends to build up a scientific mathematical model for eating routine arranging that improves and meets the vital supplement consumption for boarding school student aged 13-18 and in addition saving the financial plan. It likewise gives the adaptability for the cook to change any favoured menu even after the ideal arrangement has been produced. A recalculation procedure will be performed in view of the ideal arrangement. The information was gathered from the the Ministry of Education and boarding schools' authorities. Menu arranging is a notable enhancement issue and part of well-established optimization problem. The model was fathomed by utilizing Binary Programming and "Delete-Reshuffle-Reoptimize Algortihm (DDRA)"

    Applied mathematical optimization technique on menu scheduling for boarding school student using delete-reshuffle-reoptimize algorithm

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    Boarding school student needs to eat well balanced nutritious food which includes proper calories, vitality and supplements for legitimate development, keeping in mind the end goal is to repair and support the body tissues and averting undesired ailments and disease. Serving healthier menu is a noteworthy stride towards accomplishing that goal. Be that as it may, arranging a nutritious and adjusted menu physically is confounded, wasteful and tedious. This study intends to build up a scientific mathematical model for eating routine arranging that improves and meets the vital supplement consumption for boarding school student aged 13-18 and in addition saving the financial plan. It likewise gives the adaptability for the cook to change any favoured menu even after the ideal arrangement has been produced. A recalculation procedure will be performed in view of the ideal arrangement. The information was gathered from the the Ministry of Education and boarding schools' authorities. Menu arranging is a notable enhancement issue and part of well-established optimization problem. The model was fathomed by utilizing Binary Programming and "Delete-Reshuffle-Reoptimize Algortihm (DDRA)"

    A Mathematical Study on “Additive Technique” Versus “Branch and Bound Technique” for Solving Binary Programming Problem

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    A solid body needs adequate supplements from nourishment that we eat each day. Eating pretty much than what our body needs will prompt lack of healthy sustenance (under-nourishment and over-nourishment).In Malaysia, a few reviews have been directed to examine the wholesome status of Malaysians, particularly among youngsters and youths.However there are different methods for taking care of the menu arranging issue and in this paper Binary Programming (BP) is executed. Separately, "Additive Technique (AT)" and "Branch and Bound Technique (BBT)" are utilized as a part of BP.Both methodologies utilize diverse systems and might yield distinctive ideal arrangements. Along these lines, this study expects to build up a scientific model for eating regimen arranging that meets the essential supplement admission and look at the outcomes yield through additive substance and branch and bound methodologies. The information was gathered from different all inclusive schools and furthermore from the Ministry of Education. The model was illuminated by utilizing the Balas Algorithm through AT and Binary Programming through BBT. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Iqbal’s Antagonism towards Pseudo-Mysticism

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    Ever since time immemorial, there has been a constant search in people of all religious traditions to unravel the mystery on how man arrived on this planet and what should be his ideal relationship with God and other life forms. Though all religions have their rituals and doctrine to explain on the God-Man relationship, for some the hunger and thirst to understand God at a much deeper level take them to the path of mysticism. For such people, religion is the outward journey of man towards God, while mysticism is the inward journey of the human soul towards the Absolute. Although mysticism is good as a soul elevating experience, nevertheless at times it can take people away from the reality of life into the other worldliness causing problem to their earthly existence; obligation towards family, society, nation and humanity. The present study is geared towards understanding Iqbal’s views on mysticism. As a mystic-poet and philosopher, at one point of time in his life, Iqbal took great interest in Islamic Mysticism (Tasawwuf); particularly ideas presented by Ibn Arabi (1165-1240) a 12th century Sufi scholar. Later, after his travel and studies in Europe and his eventual involvement in politics, Iqbal took an antagonistic stand against some aspects of Sufism. Through this study, the research team would like to investigate as to why he disagreed and criticized some aspects of Sufism. Relevant data to the study will be collected from print and internet sources. As a qualitative study, the content and textual-analysis methods will be used to analyze the pertinent data

    Applied Mathematical Optimization Technique on Menu Scheduling for Boarding School Student Using Delete-Reshuffle-Reoptimize Algorithm

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    Boarding school student needs to eat well balanced nutritious food which includes proper calories, vitality and supplements for legitimate development, keeping in mind the end goal is to repair and support the body tissues and averting undesired ailments and disease.Serving healthier menu is a noteworthy stride towards accomplishing that goal.Be that as it may, arranging a nutritious and adjusted menu physically is confounded, wasteful and tedious.This study intends to build up a scientific mathematical model for eating routine arranging that improves and meets the vital supplement consumption for boarding school student aged 13-18 and in addition saving the financial plan.It likewise gives the adaptability for the cook to change any favoured menu even after the ideal arrangement has been produced.A recalculation procedure will be performed in view of the ideal arrangement.The information was gathered from the the Ministry of Education and boarding schools' authorities.Menu arranging is a notable enhancement issue and part of well-established optimization problem.The model was fathomed by utilizing Binary Programming and "Delete-Reshuffle-Reoptimize Algortihm (DDRA)"