24 research outputs found


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    Application of the weathering parameters of bones to stratigraphical interpretation of the sediments from two caves (Deszczowa Cave and Nietoperzowa Cave, Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, Poland)

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    Anal y sis of weath er ing pa ram e ters of bones from cave de pos its is pre sented as a use ful tool of palaeoenvironmental re con struc tion. As an ex am ple, we stud ied pro files of sed i ments in two Palaeo lithic sites: Nietoperzowa Cave and Deszczowa Cave. Our stud ies in cluded histological and EDS anal y ses of bone rem nants found in these pro files. This method al lowed us to re con struct the changes of palaeotemperature and palaeohumidity, and fi nally the climatostratigraphy of sed i ments. The re sults pre sented here put a new light onto the stra tig ra phy of Deszczowa Cave’s fill ing. In par tic u lar, be sides the Vistulian sed i ments (MIS 2–5d), we con firmed the pres ence of lay ers formed dur ing the Pen ul - ti mate Gla ci ation (MIS 6) and Eemian Inter gla cial (MIS 5e)

    Application of the weathering parameters of bones to stratigraphical interpretation of the sediments from two caves (Deszczowa cave and Nietoperzowa cave, Krakow-czestochowa upland, Poland)

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    Anal y sis of weath er ing pa ram e ters of bones from cave de pos its is pre sented as a use ful tool of palaeoenvironmental re con struc tion. As an ex am ple, we stud ied pro files of sed i ments in two Palaeo lithic sites: Nietoperzowa Cave and Deszczowa Cave. Our stud ies in cluded histological and EDS anal y ses of bone rem nants found in these pro files. This method al lowed us to re con struct the changes of palaeotemperature and palaeohumidity, and fi nally the climatostratigraphy of sed i ments. The re sults pre sented here put a new light onto the stra tig ra phy of Deszczowa Cave’s fill ing. In par tic u lar, be sides the Vistulian sed i ments (MIS 2–5d), we con firmed the pres ence of lay ers formed dur ing the Pen ul ti mate Gla ci ation (MIS 6) and Eemian Inter gla cial (MIS 5e)

    Geochemical composition of Vistulian loess and micromorphology of interstadial palaeosols at the Kolodiiv site (East Carpathian Foreland, Ukraine

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    This paper summarizes geochemical and palaeopedological investigations of the Upper Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequences at the Kolodiiv site. The Kolodiiv 2, 3 and 5 profiles were selected for this study. The Kolodiiv 2 profile contains loesses, interglacial (Eemian) and interstadial (Vistulian) palaeosols. A set of Early Vistulian soils over lying Eemian gyttja and peat is exposed in the Kolodiiv 3 and 5 profiles. The mineral composition of the 50-2 mm silt fraction was analysed using non-oriented powder samples by means of X-ray dif - fraction. The total concentrations of nine major (Si, Ti, Al, Fe, Mn, Mg, Ca, K and Na) and nine trace elements (Zn, Pb, Ni, Rb, Cr, Sr, Ba, Co, V) as well as the humus content and loss on ignition were measured. The major elements concentrations in mineral deposits from the Kolodiiv 2 loess-palaeosol sequence indicate that the loess particles were derived from poorly weathered source rocks that have under - gone at least one sedimentary cycle. Climatic conditions have strongly in fluenced the mobilization and accumulation of elements in the palaeosol horizons due to the changes in the intensity of weathering and pedogenic processes. For the micromorphological study, ten samples from the Kolodiiv 3 and 5 profiles were used. Thin sections representing the Kolodiiv and Dubno set of palaeosols from Early Vistulian and Middle Pleniglacial show, be sides palaeopedologic characteristics, significant evidence of redeposition of sediments and soils

    Palynological analyses (pollen and extra-palynomorphs)

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