50 research outputs found

    Mycoplasma suis in naturally infected pigs: an ultrastructural and morphometric study

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    Swine eperythrozoonosis is a haemotrophic disease caused by Eperythrozoon suis, actually called Mycoplasma suis, an extracellular bacterial organism that apparently adheres to pig erythrocyte membrane, inducing its deformation and damage. Since little is known about the ultrastructural and morphometrical aspects of this microorganism, the present work aimed to deal with these issues. The ultrastructural study revealed the presence of structures corresponding to tubules disseminated throughout the soma of M. suis. A variable separation between the microorganism membrane and that of the erythrocyte was also observed. The structural and positional attitude of M. suis could allow speculation about its mechanism of action.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Compendio de clínica y sanidad de los cerdos : De la granja al laboratorio

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    Este compendio está dirigido a estudiantes avanzados de Medicina Veterinaria así como a jóvenes veterinarios con interés en la clínica y sanidad de los cerdos. En esta obra, se ha volcado la experiencia de un grupo de docentes-investigadores del Laboratorio de Patología Especial Veterinaria y de la Cátedra de Medicina Porcina así como de otras cátedras de la Facultad Ciencias Veterinarias, UNLP, de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, UNCPB y de veterinarios privados. El compendio condensa: - Los trabajos de laboratorio y de campo en el área de sanidad porcina realizados por los autores y publicados en revistas y congresos nacionales e internacionales. - Las tesis sobre sanidad porcina dirigidas por los docentes del Laboratorio de Patología Especial Veterinaria. - Los cursos de posgrado realizados sobre enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes de los cerdos y otros relacionados a la sanidad porcina. - La experiencia docente de los autores a nivel de grado y posgrado.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Mycoplasma suis in naturally infected pigs: an ultrastructural and morphometric study

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    Swine eperythrozoonosis is a haemotrophic disease caused by Eperythrozoon suis, actually called Mycoplasma suis, an extracellular bacterial organism that apparently adheres to pig erythrocyte membrane, inducing its deformation and damage. Since little is known about the ultrastructural and morphometrical aspects of this microorganism, the present work aimed to deal with these issues. The ultrastructural study revealed the presence of structures corresponding to tubules disseminated throughout the soma of M. suis. A variable separation between the microorganism membrane and that of the erythrocyte was also observed. The structural and positional attitude of M. suis could allow speculation about its mechanism of action.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Lawsonia intracellularis in pigs: progression of lesions and Involvement of apoptosis

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    The purpose of this study was to follow the progression of gross and histologic lesions and apoptosis events in Lawsonia intracellularis- infected enterocytes through the course of the disease, proliferative enteropathy (PE). Thirty 5-week-old pigs were divided into 2 groups: 20 challenged and 10 control animals. Groups of 3 pigs, 2 challenged and 1 control, were euthanized at 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 19, 24, 29, and 35 days after inoculation. Complete necropsies were performed with gross evaluation. Tissue samples from different sites of the gastrointestinal tract and other visceral organs were collected for routine histologic staining and for immunohistochemistry (IHC) for L. intracellularis. In addition, caspase-3, terminal deoxyuridine nick-end labeling assay, and electron microscopy were performed in ileum samples. Macroscopic and histologic lesions suggestive of PE were first detected 11 days after infection and continued through day 24. L. intracellularis antigen was first detected in the intestine by IHC on day 5 after inoculation, and the bacterium was first detected by transmission electron microscopy on day 15. Positive IHC staining for [L. intracellularis] and enterocyte proliferation, but no gross lesion, were detected on day 29. All 3 pigs euthanized on day 35 were grossly and histologically normal and IHC negative. Hyperplastic crypts in challenge pigs had more apoptotic cells on days 15, 19, and 24 postinfection (P < .05) compared to control pigs. Our results demonstrated the progression of lesions and infection by L. intracellularis and that inhibition of enterocyte apoptosis is not involved in the pathogenesis of proliferative enteropathy.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    “A descriptive study of the options to do the community work of 5 in the Communication Specialization area from the Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages in Semester I/2019”

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    The study was based on knowing and making a descriptive study of the options to do the community work of fifth-year students in the communication area from the Bachelor of Arts in modern Languages in semester I/2019 focusing on implementation of community work when they choose the communication specialization. The population of the study was based on the fifth-year students who developed their community work in Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages with specialization in French and English. The practitioners wanted to identify some of the problems and the level of satisfaction or in satisfaction they faced in the process. Besides, an interview was conducted to the students in order to get more specific information that helped and facilitated to practitioners to gather deeper information about the research topic. The method applied in this research was the mixed method (qualitative and quantitative approaches). The outcome of the study indicated the feeling and experiences obtained in the students during the process of their community work. In order to implement a previous and good orientation for the students of the Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages Specialty in English and French at the beginning of the major that one may provide guiding to the students when choosing one of the two specializations

    Canine alopecic diseases with adnexal involvement. Retrospective study (1998-2007)

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    Los trastornos dermatológicos en los caninos constituyen un alto porcentaje de consulta por parte de los propietarios. La alopecía de distintos orígenes, acompañada o no de otros signos, se convierte, muchas veces, en un desafío de diagnóstico para el clínico. Las enfermedades que involucran a los anexos pueden presentar signos similares. El estudio histopatológico de la piel constituye un método complementario de diagnóstico de suma utilidad en la caracterización de este tipo de procesos dermatológicos. La alopecía se define como la pérdida de pelo y puede variar de parcial a completa. Puede ser primaria, como la alopecía de los trastornos endocrinos o las displasias foliculares, o secundaria a traumatismos o inflamación. El prurito puede o no estar presente. El objetivo de este trabajo fue presentar datos sobre las enfermedades alopécicas con compromiso de los anexos en caninos, diagnosticados en el Servicio de Anatomía Patológica de la Cátedra de Patología Especial de la FCV de UNLP entre los años 1998 y 2007.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Swine influenza: clinical, serological, pathological, and virological cross-sectional studies in nine farms in Argentina

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    Background: Influenza A viruses (IAV) are important pathogens responsible for economic losses in the swine industry and represent a threat to public health. In Argentina, clinical, pathological, and virological findings suggest that IAV infection is widespread among pig farms. In addition, several subtypes of IAV, such as pH1N1, H3N2, δ1H1N1, and δ2H1N2, have been reported. Objectives: To evaluate the infection patterns of influenza virus in nine pig farms in Argentina. Methods: Clinical, serological, pathological, and virological cross-sectional studies were conducted. Results: Clinical and pathological results were characteristic of endemic influenza infection in eight of the nine farms studied. By rRT-PCR, six of the nine farms were positive to influenza. Five IAV were obtained. Genome analysis determined that four of the isolations were pH1N1 and that the remaining one was a reassortant human origin H3N2 virus containing pandemic internal genes. Serological results showed that all farms were positive to influenza A antibodies. Moreover, the hemagglutination inhibition test showed that infection with viruses containing HA′s from different subtypes (pH1, δ1H1, δ2H1, and H3) is present among the farms studied and that coinfections with two or more subtypes were present in 80.5% of positive pigs. Conclusions: Because vaccines against IAV are not licensed in Argentina, these results reflect the situation of IAV infection in non-vaccinated herds. This study provides more information about the circulation and characteristics of IAV in a poorly surveyed region. This study provides more data that will be used to evaluate the tools necessary to control this disease.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Trasplante heterotópico de intestino en ratones: descripción de la técnica quirúrgica y análisis histopatológico en diferentes etapas del procedimiento

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    El trasplante intestinal (TI) se ha constituido en una alternativa terapéutica para pacientes con insuficiencia intestinal y falla de la nutrición parenteral. Los resultados clínicos después del TI todavía representan un desafío frente a otros órganos sólidos. Por lo tanto, los modelos animales son fundamentales para comprender mejor la inmunología y la fisiología de estos injertos. Pese a su complejidad quirúrgica, los modelos de trasplante (Tx) en ratones brindan la ventaja de disponer de cepas manipuladas genéticamente.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    Injuria por isquemia-reperfusión intestinal : Impacto del tiempo de isquemia en el daño tisular y en la supervivencia post-quirúrgica

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    El intestino es uno de los órganos más sensibles a la injuria por isquemia-reperfusión (IRI), fenómeno presente en diversas situaciones clínicas como hernias estranguladas, vólvulo, enterocolitis necrotizante y trasplante intestinal. Pese a que se sabe que la duración de la isquemia es determinante en el daño tisular luego de un evento de isquemia-reperfusión, no está claramente dilucidado cual es el tiempo de isquemia intestinal que provoca una lesión letal para el órgano en cuestión y para la supervivencia pos reperfusión.Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamento Norte de Santander.

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    El enfoque narrativo es una herramienta teórica/metodológica que es utilizada en los procesos psicosociales, fue creada por Michel White, la implementación de este enfoque consiste en que las personas narren sus historias de vida, volviendo a recrear lo sucedido con el fin de transformar esos relatos de victimización, dolor, rabia, miedo y culpa en historias esperanzadoras y de supervivencia. A partir del análisis de varios relatos, todos estos bajo el contexto del conflicto armado nos enfocamos de manera especial en el caso de Ana Ligia Hidalgo, donde se crearon una serie de preguntas reflexivas, estratégicas y circulares las cuales estaban orientadas hacia un acercamiento psicosocial ético en la superación de los entornos de victimización. Seguidamente, se plantearon unas estrategias psicosociales para el caso de Peñas Coloradas dirigidas para sus habitantes con el fin de que a través de acciones lúdicas y didácticas afrontaran y cicatrizaran las situaciones de Violencia que vivieron en el pasado, ya que la única estrategia que puede reconstruir a las víctimas es la memoria, reforzando la zona oscura de la conciencia. Este proceso psicosocial va direccionado a la atención y acompañamiento de las víctimas y la comunidad ayudando en la resiliencia, en el pensamiento positivo, autóctono, y en la construcción de la identidad, generando bienestar, convivencia y salud mental en esta población, intervenciones que tienen como objetivo principal brindar atención disciplinar y la búsqueda de construir un mejor futuro para cada una de las familias contribuyendo así a la reconstrucción del tejido social. Finalmente, se presenta un análisis reflexivo frente a la experiencia del foto voz, con la respectiva página Wix, donde se dieron a conocer por medio de fotografías y relatos metafóricos aquellos espacios que han sido afectados por diversas problemáticas en nuestro territorio y localidad como lo son la violencia de género, el delito de hurto, el conflicto armado en la zona de Catatumbo, en los Municipios de San Calixto, San Pablo y la Vereda de las Lagunitas, continuado así con las debidas conclusiones que permitieron dar cierre a este trabajo del paso 4 del diplomado de profundización acompañamiento psicosocial en escenarios de violencia.The Narrative Approach is a theoretical / methodological tool that is used in psychosocial processes, it was created by Michel White, the implementation of this approach consists of people telling their life stories, recreating what happened in order to transform those stories of victimization, pain, anger, fear and guilt in hopeful and survival stories. From the analysis of several stories, all of these under the context of the Armed Conflict, we focus in a special way on the case of Ana Ligia Hidalgo, where a series of reflective, strategic and circular questions were created which were oriented towards an ethical Psychosocial approach. in overcoming victimization environments. Next, psychosocial strategies were proposed for the case of Peñas Coloradas aimed at its inhabitants so that through playful and didactic actions they would face and heal the situations of Violence that they experienced in the past, since the only strategy that can reconstruct to the victims is memory, reinforcing the dark zone of consciousness. This Psychosocial process is aimed at the care and accompaniment of the victims and the community, helping in resilience, in positive, indigenous thinking, and in the construction of identity, generating well-being, coexistence and mental health in this population, interventions that have the main objective is to provide disciplinary care and the search to build a better future for each of the families, thus contributing to the reconstruction of the social fabric. Finally, a reflective analysis is presented regarding the experience of the Photo Voice, with the respective Wix page, where those spaces that have been affected by various problems in our territory and locality were made known through photographs and metaphorical stories, such as Gender Violence, The Crime of Theft, the Armed Conflict in the Catatumbo area, in the Municipalities of San Calixto, San Pablo and the Vereda de las Lagunitas, thus continuing with the due conclusions that allowed to close this work of the step 4 of the Diploma of deepening psychosocial accompaniment in scenes of violence