1,526 research outputs found

    Antedependence Models for Longitudinal Data. Dale Zimmerman and Vicente Núñez Antón. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010, 270 pages

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    Obra ressenyada: Dale ZIMMERMAN and Vicente NÚÑEZ ANTÓN, Antedependence Models for Longitudinal Data. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010


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    The systematization of the peroperative nursing occurs in the moments pre, trans and postoperativeand also they happen in children, adolescents, adults and elders. Being like this, ours objective went verify thebenefits of the utilization of the therapeutic toy in the visit preoperative by the nurse of surgical center

    Introdução à educação a distância e ao ambiente virtual de aprendizagem

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    Este livro faz parte dos materiais didáticos dos cursos de especialização para trabalhadores vinculados à Atenção Básica ofertados pela UFPE. O material discute o que é Educação a Distância e como será trabalhada a avaliação de aprendizagem nesse curso. Também é apresentado o Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem da especialização, que é estruturado na plataforma Moodle

    Sonografia de Schiffornis virescens (Aves: Tyranni: Tityridae) no estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Biológicas. Biologia.A bioacústica é um campo que alcançou grande destaque dentro da ornitologia e é de grande importância tanto para compreender a biologia e comportamento de aves, quanto para aplicações práticas, como na conservação e manejo de espécies. O presente trabalho, busca descrever os padrões sonográficos do Flautim (Shciffornis virescens) através do estudo detalhado de suas vocalizações em três diferentes populações do Estado de Santa Catarina. Foram mensurados os valores de frequência máxima e mínima da frase, duração da frase, número de notas, intervalo entre frases, frequência inferior e superior de cada nota, tempo de duração da nota, intervalo entre notas, frequência dominante da nota e calculados os valores de banda e razão entre banda e duração tanto para a frase quanto para cada uma das notas de 64 amostras do Arquivo Bioacústico Catariense, contendo vocalizações da espécie estudada. Foi encontrada variação no canto de S. virescens, tanto no número de notas quanto nas características de cada nota e no canto como um todo. Entretanto, foi possível identificar padrões que se mantiveram estáveis, principalmente na primeira nota do canto. Foi possível também determinar um tipo de canto, contendo três notas, que se manteve estável nas amostras em que foi encontrado. Assim, o presente trabalho apresenta a primeira descrição detalhada do canto da espécie Schiffornis virescens.Bioacoustics is a field that has reached great significance within ornithology and is of great importance both to comprehend birds biology and behavior and for practical applications, such as management and conservation of species. The present study aims to describe sonographic patterns of the Flautim (Schiffornis virescens) through the detailed study of its vocalizations in three populations of Santa Catarina state, in Brazil. Values of phrase maximum and minimum frequency, phrase duration, number of notes, between phrases interval, note inferior and superior frequency, note duration time, between notes interval, note dominant frequency were measured and values of bandwidth and bandwidth to duration ratio were calculated for the phrases and notes of 64 samples from the Arquivo Bioacústico Catarinense (Bioacoustics archive of Santa Catarina) which contained vocalizations belonging to the studied species. The results indicate variation in Flautim’s song, both in the number of notes and note characteristics and in the song as a whole. However, it was possible to identify stable patterns, especially in the first note of the song. It was also possible to identify a song type, with three notes, which remained stable in the samples in which it occurred. Thus the present work is the first detailed description of Schiffornis virescens song

    The Prince

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    Although there is little recorded of the youth of Machiavelli, the Florence of those days is so well known that the early environment of this representative citizen may be easily imagined. Florence has been described as a city with two opposite currents of life, one directed by the fervent and austere Savonarola, the other by the splendour-loving Lorenzo. Savonarola's influence upon the young Machiavelli must have been slight, for although at one time he wielded immense power over the fortunes of Florence, he only furnished Machiavelli with a subject of a gibe in "The Prince," where he is cited as an example of an unarmed prophet who came to a bad end. Whereas the magnificence of the Medicean rule during the life of Lorenzo appeared to have impressed Machiavelli strongly, for he frequently recurs to it in his writings, and it is to Lorenzo's grandson that he dedicates "The Prince." Machiavelli, in his "History of Florence," gives us a picture of the young men among whom his youth was passed. He writes: "They were freer than their forefathers in dress and living, and spent more in other kinds of excesses, consuming their time and money in idleness, gaming, and women; their chief aim was to appear well dressed and to speak with wit and acuteness, whilst he who could wound others the most cleverly was thought the wisest." In a letter to his son Guido, Machiavelli shows why youth should avail itself of its opportunities for study, and leads us to infer that his own youth had been so occupied. He writes: "I have received your letter, which has given me the greatest pleasure, especially because you tell me you are quite restored in health, than which I could have no better news; for if God grant life to you, and to me, I hope to make a good man of you if you are willing to do your share." Then, writing of a new patron, he continues: "This will turn out well for you, but it is necessary for you to study; since, then, you have no longer the excuse of illness, take pains to study letters and music, for you see what honour is done to me for the little skill I have. Therefore, my son, if you wish to please me, and to bring success and honour to yourself, do right and study, because others will help you if you help yourself.

    Significados da Campanha da Fraternidade para a Renovação Carismática Católica e a Pastoral da Juventude

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Curso de Ciências Sociais.Ao refletir sobre o significado que a Pastoral da Juventude e a Renovação Carismática Católica conferem a Campanha Fraternidade, foram desenvolvidas as seguintes perguntas: Como o Concílio do Vaticano II influenciou mudanças no interior da Igreja Católica? Quais são as diferenças de concepção para a PJ e a RCC enquanto a participação do jovem nesse meio? No primeiro capítulo apresenta-se as duas tendências da Igreja, a Teologia da Libertação e a Renovação Carismática Católica, explicando como cada corrente se desenvolveu. No segundo capítulo, analisa-se o que é a Campanha da Fraternidade, sua área de atuação e o desenvolvimento da Campanha da Fraternidade do ano de 2013 que teve o jovem em sua centralidade. No terceiro capítulo, aborda-se a Renovação Carismática Católica e a Pastoral da Juventude, que possui influência da Teologia da Libertação, como as duas tendências entendem a Campanha da Fraternidade e quais são os pontos que divergem entre si. Ao distinguir os diferentes modelos de atuação de cada uma, consegue-se identificar o significado que as duas atribuem a Campanha da Fraternidade.Reflecting about the meaning that the Youth Ministry (YM) and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) grant to the Fraternity Campaign, allowed the development of the followig questions: How does the Vatican Council II influenced changes inside the Catholic Church? What are the diferences in the conception for the YM and the CCR about the youth participation in this medium? In the first chapter we present two tendencies of the Church, the Liberty Teology and the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, explaining how each chain has developed. In the second chapter, we analise what is the Fraternity Campaign, its field of work and the development of the Fraternity Campaign in the year of 2013, which was centered in the youth. In the third chapter, we approach the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and the Youth Ministry, which have the Liberty Teology inffluence, since both tendencies comprehend the Fraternity Campaign and the digervent point between them. By distinguishing the different models of actig of each of them, we are able to identify the meaning that they give to the Fraternity Campaign

    La contribution des réseaux informels à la compétence des cadres et au capital social organisationnel : les femmes cadres de la fonction publique québécoise

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    Cette recherche porte sur la dynamique des réseaux informels dans les organisations, en tant que facteur qui contribue à l'amélioration de la compétence des cadres et à la création de capital social organisationnel. Le réseau informel est abordé en termes de sociabilité. Ces réseaux déterminent et sont déterminés à travers l'interdépendance des niveaux micro et macro organisationnels et façonnent la manière d'organiser le travail de gestion. Cette étude s'est intéressée aux femmes cadres de la fonction publique québécoise, à la façon dont elle conçoivent les réseaux informels, comment elles s'intègrent à ces réseaux, quelle est la nature des liens qu'elles y établissent et les ressources qu'elles y échangent. Deux séries d'entrevues ont été réalisées. L'objectif était de mieux appréhender la conception que ces femmes cadres ont des réseaux informels dans le but de dessiner un portrait permettant d'envisager comment elles se situent par rapport à la dynamique de ces réseaux, pour en dégager des possibles facteurs, autres que le fait d'être femmes, qui pourraient s'avérer importants pour le réseautage. Les résultats montrent que les femmes participent aux réseaux mais les conçoivent de façon plutôt formelle, associé aux personnes qu'elles ont à gérer, ce que constitue une limitation en termes de développement de leur capital humain. Il apparaît aussi une claire différence générationnelle parmi les participantes à l'étude. La compétence des cadres est conçue en termes de formation et avec une vision très instrumentale. L'organisation du travail apparaît comme possible facteur limitatif du réseautage derrière cette vision instrumentale