5,564 research outputs found

    Study of boundary-layer transition using transonic-cone preston tube data

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    The laminar boundary layer on a 10 degree cone in a transonic wind tunnel was studied. The inviscid flow and boundary layer development were simulated by computer programs. The effects of pitch and yaw angles on the boundary layer were examined. Preston-tube data, taken on the boundary-layer-transition cone in the NASA Ames 11 ft transonic wind tunnel, were used to develope a correlation which relates the measurements to theoretical values of laminar skin friction. The recommended correlation is based on a compressible form of the classical law-of-the-wall. The computer codes successfully simulates the laminar boundary layer for near-zero pitch and yaw angles. However, in cases of significant pitch and/or yaw angles, the flow is three dimensional and the boundary layer computer code used here cannot provide a satisfactory model. The skin-friction correlation is thought to be valid for body geometries other than cones

    Quantum Virasoro algebra with central charge c=1 on the horizon of a 2D-Rindler spacetime

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    Using the holographic machinery built up in a previous work, we show that the hidden SL(2,R) symmetry of a scalar quantum field propagating in a Rindler spacetime admits an enlargement in terms of a unitary positive-energy representation of Virasoro algebra, with central charge c=1, defined in the Fock representation. The Virasoro algebra of operators gets a manifest geometrical meaning if referring to the holographically associated QFT on the horizon: It is nothing but a representation of the algebra of vector fields defined on the horizon equipped with a point at infinity. All that happens provided the Virasoro ground energy h vanishes and, in that case, the Rindler Hamiltonian is associated with a certain Virasoro generator. If a suitable regularization procedure is employed, for h=1/2, the ground state of that generator corresponds to thermal states when examined in the Rindler wedge, taking the expectation value with respect to Rindler time. This state has inverse temperature 1/(2beta), where beta is the parameter used to define the initial SL(2,R) unitary representation. (As a consequence the restriction of Minkowski vacuum to Rindler wedge is obtained by fixing h=1/2 and 2beta=beta_U, the latter being Unruh's inverse temperature). Finally, under Wick rotation in Rindler time, the pair of QF theories which are built up on the future and past horizon defines a proper two-dimensional conformal quantum field theory on a cylinder.Comment: 35 pages, 1 figure .eps, LaTeX 2e, minor changes, accepted for publication in J.Math.Phy

    Holography and SL(2,\bR) symmetry in 2D Rindler spacetime

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    It is shown that it is possible to define quantum field theory of a massless scalar free field on the Killing horizon of a 2D-Rindler spacetime. Free quantum field theory on the horizon enjoys diffeomorphism invariance and turns out to be unitarily and algebraically equivalent to the analogous theory of a scalar field propagating inside Rindler spacetime, nomatter the value of the mass of the field in the bulk. More precisely, there exists a unitary transformation that realizes the bulk-boundary correspondence under an appropriate choice for Fock representation spaces. Secondly, the found correspondence is a subcase of an analogous algebraic correspondence described by injective *-homomorphisms of the abstract algebras of observables generated by abstract quantum free-field operators. These field operators are smeared with suitable test functions in the bulk and exact 1-forms on the horizon. In this sense the correspondence is independent from the chosen vacua. It is proven that, under that correspondence the ``hidden'' SL(2,\bR) quantum symmetry found in a previous work gets a clear geometric meaning, it being associated with a group of diffeomorphisms of the horizon itself.Comment: Title changed, further minor changes, references added, accepted for publication in J. Math. Phy

    Aspects of hidden and manifest SL(2,R) symmetry in 2D near-horizon black-hole background

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    The invariance under unitary representations of the conformal group SL(2,R) of a quantum particle is rigorously investigated in two-dimensional spacetimes containing Killing horizons using DFF model. The limit of the near-horizon approximation is considered. If the Killing horizon is bifurcate the conformal symmetry is hidden, i.e. it does not arise from geometrical spacetime isometries, but the whole Hilbert space turns out to be an irreducible unitary representation of SL(2,R) and the time evolution is embodied in the unitary representation. In this case the symmetry does not depend on the mass of the particle and, if the representation is faithful, the conformal observable K shows thermal properties. If the Killing horizon is nonbifurcate the conformal symmetry is manifest, i.e. it arises from geometrical spacetime isometries. The SL(2,R) representation which arises from the geometry selects a hidden conformal representation. Also in that case the Hilbert space is an irreducible representation of SL(2,R) and the group conformal symmetries embodies the time evolution with respect to the local Killing time. However no thermal properties are involved. The conformal observable K gives rise to Killing time evolution of the quantum state with respect to another global Killing time present in the manifold. Mathematical proofs about the developed machinery are supplied and features of the operator H_g = -({d^2}/{dx^2})+ ({g}/{x^2}), with g=-1/4 are discussed. It is proven that a statement, used in the recent literature, about the spectrum of self-adjoint extensions of H_g is incorrect.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure, latex 2e, some misprint corrected, a reference and a footnote adde

    Strategic Transparency and Electoral Pressure

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    © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. This paper investigates how an office-motivated incumbent can use transparency enhancement on public spending to signal his budgetary management ability and win re-election. We show that, when the incumbent faces a popular challenger, transparency policy can be an effective signaling device. It is also shown that electoral pressure can have a nonmonotonic effect on transparency, but a higher electoral pressure always increases the informativeness of signaling and the voter's utility

    The evolution of the number density of compact galaxies

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    We compare the number density of compact (small size) massive galaxies at low and high redshift using our Padova Millennium Galaxy and Group Catalogue (PM2GC) at z=0.03-0.11 and the CANDELS results from Barro et al. (2013) at z=1-2. The number density of local compact galaxies with luminosity weighted (LW) ages compatible with being already passive at high redshift is compared with the density of compact passive galaxies observed at high-z. Our results place an upper limit of a factor ~2 to the evolution of the number density and are inconsistent with a significant size evolution for most of the compact galaxies observed at high-z. The evolution may be instead significant (up to a factor 5) for the most extreme, ultracompact galaxies. Considering all compact galaxies, regardless of LW age and star formation activity, a minority of local compact galaxies (<=1/3) might have formed at z<1. Finally, we show that the secular decrease of the galaxy stellar mass due to simple stellar evolution may in some cases be a non-negligible factor in the context of the evolution of the mass-size relation, and we caution that passive evolution in mass should be taken into account when comparing samples at different redshifts.Comment: ApJ in pres

    Improving the discovery potential of charged Higgs bosons at the Tevatron and Large Hadron Collider

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    We outline several improvements to the experimental analyses carried out at Tevatron (Run 2) or simulated in view of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) that could increase the scope of CDF/D0 and ATLAS/CMS in detecting charged Higgs bosonsComment: 6 pages, 4 figures, talk given at the `Seventh Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology WHEPP-VII', Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India, 4-15 January 2002 (to be published by PRAMANA - Journal of Physics
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