15 research outputs found

    Quality of Life in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis

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    Music and Its Healing Effects

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    Music therapy, which is widely recommended for patients living with chronic problems, is actually a mind-body therapy. This therapy, which has been used clinically for more than a century, is one of the oldest treatment methods and is known to have been used in the treatment of patients in various cultures for four thousand years. Music therapy, known as simple harmonic movement, is rich in psychological and physiological effects. Used to support emotional, mental, and physical health, music therapy is an integrative art therapy method that provides a way to express feelings and experiences that cannot easily be expressed through words. Particularly in recent years, it has been observed that interest in traditional and complementary medicine in the field of health has increased worldwide. In this context, music therapy, one of the art therapy methods, attracts attention as a treatment method preferred by people among medical alternative treatment methods. In this section, the journey of music therapy from past to present and the neurophysiology of music are briefly explained and its effects on health problems are discussed in the light of findings in the literature

    Palliative Care Services from Past to Present

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    Palliative care (PC) refers to all services provided to make the remaining life of a patient meaningful and valuable. It is recommended that palliative care that is applied to improve the life quality of the patients should not be based only on the diagnosis and prognosis of the disease but also on the need of the patients. Even, palliative care was administered only in the late stages of diseases in the past, but these days it is recommended to be administered in addition to therapies starting from the diagnosis of life-threatening diseases. Palliative care requires a multidisciplinary team approach consisting of professionals who serve for a common purpose. No single palliative care model can be fit for all conditions. However, there is a universal fundamental principle of palliative care: it should address the individual wishes and needs of each patient and the relatives of patients. The development and training of palliative care services vary from country to country: palliative care services are in the development stage in developing countries, compared to developed countries. This chapter provides necessary information about palliative care services, a multidisciplinary health service

    Primjena komplementarne i alternativne medicine među bolesnicima s kroničnim bolestima

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and related factors among patients with chronic diseases. A cross-sectional study was carried out in outpatient clinics of a general hospital using a random sample of 252 adult patients with chronic diseases. Data included information on patient demographics and socioeconomic factors, as well as items to identify CAM use and the reasons for using CAM. Data were evaluated by Pearson’s χ2-test and Fisher’s exact test. It was found that 55.9% of study patients applied CAM. A significant number of patients (63.8%) were using CAM for hypertension. This study found that CAM use was associated with female gender, married status, housewives, low income and high levels of education. The present study confirmed the high frequency of CAM use among patients with chronic diseases in a Turkish public hospital.Cilj ovoga ispitivanja bio je procijeniti primjenu komplementarne i alternativne medicine (KAM) i s tim povezanih čimbenika među bolesnicima s kroničnim bolestima. Ova studija presjeka provedena je u izvanbolničkim ambulantama opće bolnice na slučajnom uzorku od 252 odraslih bolesnika s kroničnim bolestima. Prikupljeni su demografski i socioekonomski podaci bolesnika, kao i podaci o primjeni KAM i razlozima za njenu primjenu. Podaci su procijenjeni pomoću Pearsonova χ2-testa i Fisherova egzaktnog testa. Utvrđeno je da 55,9% bolesnika primjenjuje KAM. Značajan broj bolesnika (63,8%) je primjenjivalo KAM za hipertenziju. Ispitivanje je pokazalo povezanost primjene KAM sa ženskim spolom, oženjenim statusom, kućanicama, niskim dohotkom i visokim obrazovanjem. Ova studija potvrdila je visoku učestalost primjene KAM među bolesnicima s kroničnim bolestima u turskoj javnoj bolnici

    Care Burden Of Care Givers Of Stroke Patients And Related Factors

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    Giriş: İnmeli hastaların yaşadığı sorunlar sadece hastayı değil, bakım veren aile üyelerini ve yakınlarını da etkilemektedir. Amaç: Çalışma,inmeli hastaya bakım verenlerde bakım yükü ve etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntem: Cumhuriyet ÜniversitesiHastanesi Nöroloji Kliniği'nde yapılan çalışmanın örneklemini inme tanısı ile yatan 130 hasta bakım vericisi oluşturmuştur. Veriler, Türkçegeçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmaları Özer ve arkadaşları (2006) tarafından yapılan Zarit Bakım Verme Yükü Ölçeği ve Küçükdeveci vearkadaşları (2000) tarafından yapılan Barthel Günlük Yaşam Aktiviteleri İndeksi ile toplanmış ve ki-kare, Student t, Mann-Whitney U,Kruskal-Wallis testleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmada inmeli hastaların bakım vericilerinin bakım yükü orta derecedebulunmuştur. Okur-yazar olmayan, günlük yaşam aktivitelerinde bağımlı hastaya bakım veren, sağlık sorunu olan bakım vericilerin bakımyüklerinin yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, hastaların bağımlılık düzeyi ile bakım vericilerin bakım yükü arasında pozitif yönde anlamlıbir ilişki (p < .05) elde edilmiştir. Sonuç: İnmeli hastaya bakım vermek bakım vericilerin yükünü arttırmaktadır. Hemşirelerin bakımvericilerde bakım yükünü etkileyen faktörleri göz önünde bulundurarak sürekli eğitim programları ve etkili danışmanlık ile klinikten evdebakıma kadar olan hemşirelik hizmetlerini planlaması ve uygulaması önemlidir. Yükün bilinmesi ve etkileyen faktörlerin ortaya çıkarılmasıhem bakım vericilerin hem de alıcıların yaşam kalitesini artırmaya katkı sağlayacaktır. Background: Problems experienced by patients with stroke not only the patient, it also affects family members. Objectives: This study wasconducted for the determine the related factors and burden of caregivers of stroke patients. Methods: Sampling group of the study included130 primary caregiver of stroke patients hospitalized the Neurology Clinic of Cumhuriyet University's Hospital. The data collected by TheZarit Caregiver Burden Scale and the Barthel Activities of Daily Living Index. The validity and reliability study for this tools in Turkey wereconducted by Özer et al. (2006) and Küçükdeveci et al. (2000), respectively. Chi-square, student-t, Mann-Whitney U-test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used in the data analysis. Results: In this study, care burden in care givers of stroke patients were found to moderate level.According to this study, It was higher burden of care of caregivers who illiterate, suffer health problems, providing patients care that dependon maintaining activities of daily living and meet all the needs of the patient. There is a close relationship between the level of dependency ofpatients and burden perceived of caregivers (p < .05). Conclusions: Provide care to patients with stroke increase to the care burden of caregivers. According to these results, nurses must consider the factors affecting the burden of care in caregivers. It is important to regulationeffective consulting and continuing education programs, to maintenance the implementation and planning of nursing services from clinic tohome care. To know and to reveal the factors affecting the care burden will contribute to improving the quality of life of patients and theircaregiver

    Palliative Care

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    Palliative care is one of the most important factors in the fight against chronic diseases. It begins from the moment the patient is diagnosed, continues with curative treatment until death, and ends with care that supports the patient's family and other caregivers during the postmortem mourning process. In all these stages it is very important to improve the quality of life in patients, to relieve symptoms, and to support patients and their relatives in a dignified manner. This book includes basic information about palliative care, management of patient symptoms, support suggestions for psychological and social problems, needs of patients and their families, and how palliative care is handled in different countries. Written for healthcare professionals, students, and all interested readers, this book provides important information that can be used to improve the quality of life of patients as well as that of their families

    Art Therapy with the Extent of Health Promotion

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    Health and art disciplines have worked in cooperation for the development of health from past to present. Today’s understanding of health requires the integration of concepts, such as creative thinking, intuitive and aesthetic knowledge, spiritual awareness, integration, and maturation, which are extremely important in the development of health. The examination of the process of making and creating art and the development of aesthetic sensations that occur at the end of this process play an important role in both the development of health, the growth and maturation of the individual, and the recovery and repair of illness. Art activities not only support holistic health but also act as a source of motivation for well-being. The inclusion of art in health care services has positive effects on society from the more broad perspective of health professionals, patients, and their families. In this review, the relationship between art and health, which is as old as human history, is discussed in line with the literature review, and the dimension of art in improving health is examined. In addition, in line with the studies carried out, the effects of art therapy on individuals with health problems and art therapy methods are discussed

    Türkiye’deki epilepsili hastalarda yaşam kalitesi ölçeği’nin (QOLIE-31) geçerlik ve güvenirliği

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Florence Nightingale Hastanesi Hemşirelik Yüksekokulu.Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate reliability and validity of the 31-item Quality of Life in Epilepsy Inventory (QOLIE-31) in Turkish epileptic patients. Methods: This study was performed methodologically. To standardize the inventory, using a standard “forward–backward” translation and cultural adaptation procedure the English version of the QOLIE-31 was translated to Turkish. Language equivalence of the scale was provided. The opinions of experts were considered regarding the content validity of the scale. Reliability of the scale was determined with the test–retest reliability, item-total correlation and internal consistency analysis. For the construct validity, QOLIE-31 was compared with Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) scale and pre validity was determined.Amaç: Türkiye’deki epileptik hastalarda Epilepsili Hastalarda Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği’nin (QoLIE-31) geçerlik ve güvenirliğini yapmaktır. Yöntem: Çalışma metodolojik olarak gerçekleştirildi. Ölçeğin Türkçeye adaptasyonunu sağlamak için İngilizceden-Türkçeye, Türkçeden-İngilizceye çevirisi yapılarak standart bir form oluşturuldu. Dil geçerliliği sağlanan QOLIE-31’in kapsam geçerliliği uzman görüşleri alınarak yapıldı. Test-tekrar test güvenirliği, madde toplam puan korelasyonu ve iç tutarlık analizi ile ölçeğin güvenirliği test edildi. Yapı geçerliği için QOLIE-31, önceden geçerliği saptanmış Nottingham Sağlık Profili (NSP) ile karşılaştırıld