24 research outputs found


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    O  restabelecimento  estético  de  um  dente  escurecido  para  a manutenção de um sorriso harmônico constitui um desafio para a odontologia restauradora.  A  escolha  do  método  restaurador  que  deverá  ser  utilizado depende  de  uma  anamnese  apurada,  observação  clínica  e  bom  senso  do cirurgião  dentista

    Dietary carotenoid-rich oil supplementation improves exercise-induced anisocytosis in runners: influences of haptoglobin, MnSOD (Val9Ala), CAT (21A/T) and GPX1 (Pro198Leu) gene polymorphisms in dilutional pseudoanemia (sports anemia)

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    Physical training induces beneficial adaptation, whereas exhaustive exercises increase reactive oxygen-species generation, thereby causing oxidative damage in plasma and erythrocytes, fractions susceptible to lipid peroxidation. Pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) is a Brazilian Cerrado fruit containing a carotenoid-rich oil. The aim was to investigate the effects of pequi-oil on exercise-induced oxidative damage in plasma and erythrocytes, after running in the same environment and undergoing weekly training under the same conditions as to type, intensity and length. Evaluations were accomplished after outdoor running on flat land before and after ingestion of 400 mg pequi-oil capsules for 14 days. Blood samples were taken after running and submitted to TBARS assay and erythrogram analysis. Haptoglobin, MnSOD (Val9Ala), CAT (21A/T) and GPX1 (Pro198Leu) gene polymorphisms were priorly investigated, so as to estimate genetic influence The reduction in erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit after pequi-oil treatment was notably associated with higher plasma expansion. Except for MCHC (mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration) and RDW (red cell distribution width), the results were influenced by the polymorphisms studied. The best response to pequi-oil was presented by MnSOD Val/Val, CAT AA or AT genotypes and the GPX1 Pro allele. The significantly lower RDW and higher MHCH values were related to pequi-oil protective effects. Pequi oil, besides possessing other nutritional properties, showed protective blood effects

    Ecological phytochemistry of Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) plants

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    The Cerrado (the Brazilian savanna) is one of the vegetation formations of great biodiversity in Brazil and it has experienced strong deforestation and fragmentation. The Cerrado must contain at least 12,000 higher plant species.We discuss the ecological relevance of phytochemical studies carried out on plants from the Cerrado, including examples of phytotoxicity, antifungal, insecticidal and antibacterial activities. The results have been classified according to activity and plant family. The most active compounds have been highlighted and other activities are discussed. A large number of complex biochemical interactions occur in this system. However, only a small fraction of the species has been studied from the phytochemical viewpoint to identify the metabolites responsible for these interactions

    PCR detection of Angiostrongylus vasorum in faecal samples of dogs and foxes

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    The cardiovascular nematode Angiostrongylus vasorum is spreading in the fox and dog populations of northern Europe. A. vasorum can result in severe clinical manifestations in dogs; therefore, specific diagnosis is crucial for assessing its prevalence. In the present study, faecal samples from foxes and domestic dogs were tested by a new polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the second internal transcribed region of the ribosomal DNA (ITS2) of A. vasorum. Initial isolation of faecal larvae by sieving facilitated the processing of larger sample volumes and allowed for the recovery of dead larvae from frozen samples. The sieve-PCR method enabled the identification of a single larva per 2 g of faecal sample and did not amplify DNA of a range of canine helminths, thus presenting a non-invasive tool for wildlife surveillance and for confirmative diagnosis in dogs