164 research outputs found

    Investigating alcohol consumption during pregnancy for the prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD)

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    The term FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders) is used to describe the entire spectrum of pathologies and disorders caused by alcohol exposure in uterus. Alcohol assumed in pregnancy passes directly through the placental barrier causing a broad range of symptoms whose severity can greatly vary in degree. The alcohol teratogenic effect may result in physical damage and specific facial anomalies, growth delays, neurological defects along with intellectual disabilities and behavioral problems. Children affected show difficulties in verbal learning, memory, visual-spatial abilities, attention, logic and math abilities, information processing, executive functions as well as in many other domains and in general coping with daily life. Total abstention from alcohol during pregnancy is strongly recommended, as a safe threshold of consumption has not been established yet. Hence, the early identification of alcohol consumption in pregnancy is crucial. Specific methodologies to overcome difficulties related to the identification of alcohol behavior in pregnant women are needed and intervention protocols should be implemented to prevent damage in offsprings. This paper gives an overview on this pathology, from clinical delineation to epidemiology and risk factors with a special focus to promote alcohol-free pregnanc

    Biological properties of carotenoids extracted from Halobacterium halobium isolated from a Tunisian solar saltern

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    Background: Bioactive molecules have received increasing attention due to their nutraceutical attributes and anticancer, antioxidant, antiproliferative and apoptosis-inducing properties. This study aimed to investigate the biological properties of carotenoids extracted from Archaea. Methods: Halophilic Archaea strains were isolated from the brine of a local crystallizer pond (TS7) of a solar saltern at Sfax, Tunisia. The most carotenoid-producing strain (M8) was investigated on heptoma cell line (HepG2), and its viability was assessed by the MTT-test. The cells were incubated with different sub-lethal extract rates, with carotenoid concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 1.5 ÎŒM. Antioxidant activity was evaluated through exposing the cells to sub-lethal extract concentrations for 24 hours and then to oxidative stress induced by 60 ÎŒM arachidonic acid and 50 ÎŒM H2O2. Results: Compared to non-treated cells, bacterial carotenoid extracts inhibited HepG2 cell viability (50%). A time and dose effect was observed, with cell viability undergoing a significant (P < 0.05) decrease with extract concentration. After exposure to oxidative stress, control cells underwent a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in viability as compared to the non-treated cells. Conclusions: The bacterial extracts under investigation were noted to exhibit the strongest free radical scavenging activity with high carotenoid concentrations. The carotenoid extract also showed significant antiproliferative activity against HepG2 human cancer cell lines

    Dietary Inclusion of Halobacterium salinarum Modulates Growth Performances and Immune Responses in Farmed Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata L.)

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    The use of natural immunostimulants is considered the most promising alternative to promote fish health, productive performance and quality, increasing the aquaculture profitability, sustainability and social acceptance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of the integration of a potential probiotic strain, Halobacterium salinarum, belonging to the Archaea domain, in the formulated diets of farmed gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) in terms of growth performances and immunity responses. The experiment was set up to test two different levels of inclusion of the bacteria in the diet: 0.05% (D1) and 0.1% (D2). The effects on fish growth performances; humoral (peroxidase, protease, antiprotease and IgM levels) and cellular immunity parameters (phagocytosis, respiratory burst and myeloperoxidase), along with bactericidal activity, were evaluated after 15 and 30 days of experimental feeding. The obtained results showed that the inclusion of H. salinarum at the highest concentration (D2 0.1%) improved growth performances, bactericidal activity against Vibrio anguillarum and some parameters related both to the humoral and cellular immune response, suggesting exploring other aspects of welfare in view of future supplementations of this probiotic strain in the diet of S. aurata

    IL-4 Protects Tumor Cells from Anti-CD95 and Chemotherapeutic Agents via Up-Regulation of Antiapoptotic Proteins

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    We recently proposed that Th1 and Th2 cytokines exert opposite effects on the pathogenesis and clinical outcome of organ-specific autoimmunity by altering the expression of genes involved in target cell survival. Because a Th2 response against tumors is associated with poor prognosis, we investigated the ability of IL-4 to protect tumor cells from death receptor- and chemotherapy-induced apoptosis. We found that IL-4 treatment significantly reduced CD95 (Fas/APO-1)- and chemotherapeutic drug-induced apoptosis in prostate, breast, and bladder tumor cell lines. Analysis of antiapoptotic protein expression revealed that IL-4 stimulation resulted in up-regulation of cellular (c) FLIP/FLAME-1 and Bcl-xL. Exogenous expression of cFLIP/FLAME-1 inhibited apoptosis induced by CD95 and to a lesser extent by chemotherapy, while tumor cells transduced with Bcl-xLwere substantially protected both from CD95 and chemotherapeutic drug stimulation. Moreover, consistent IL-4 production and high expression of both cFLIP/FLAME-1 and Bcl-xLwere observed in primary prostate, breast, and bladder cancer in vivo. Finally, primary breast cancer cells acquired sensitivity to apoptosis in vitro only in the absence of IL-4. Thus, IL-4 protects tumor cells from CD95- and chemotherapy-induced apoptosis through the up-regulation of antiapoptotic proteins such as cFLIP/FLAME-1 and Bcl-xL. These findings may provide useful information for the development of therapeutic strategies aimed at restoring the functionality of apoptotic pathways in tumor cells

    Effects of Dietary Supplementation with Honeybee Pollen and Its Supercritical Fluid Extract on Immune Response and Fillet’s Quality of Farmed Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata)

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    The awareness of the correlation between administered diet, fish health and products’ quality has led to the increase in the research for innovative and functional feed ingredients. Herein, a plant-derived product rich in bioactive compounds, such as honeybee pollen (HBP), was includ-ed as raw (HBP) and as Supercritical Fluid Extracted (SFE) pollen (HBP_SFE) in the diet for gilt-head seabream (Sparus aurata). The experiment was carried out on 90 fish with an average body weight of 294.7 ± 12.8 g, divided into five groups, according to the administration of five diets for 30 days: control diet (CTR); two diets containing HBP at 5% (P5) and at 10% (P10) level of in-clusion; two diets containing HBP_SFE, at 0.5% (E0.5) and at 1% (E1) level of inclusion. Their ef-fects were evaluated on 60 specimens (336.2 ± 11.4 g average final body weight) considering the fish growth, the expression of some hepatic genes involved in the inflammatory response (il-1ÎČ, il-6 and il-8) through quantitative real-time PCR, and physico-chemical characterization (namely color, texture, water holding capacity, fatty acid profile and lipid peroxidation) of the fish fillets monitored at the beginning (day 0) and after 110 days of storage at −20 °C. The results obtained showed that the treatment with diet E1 determined the up-regulation of il-1ÎČ, il-6, and il-8 (p &lt; 0.05); however, this supplementation did not significantly contribute to limiting the oxidative stress. Nevertheless, no detrimental effect on color and the other physical characteristics was observed. These results suggest that a low level of HBP_SFE could be potentially utilized in aq-uaculture as an immunostimulant more than an antioxidant, but further investigation is neces-sary

    MIS-C and co-infection with P. vivax and P. falciparum in a child: a clinical conundrum

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    Background The ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic represents an unprecedented global health challenge. Many COVID-19 symptoms are similar to symptoms that can occur in other infections. Malaria should always be considered in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection returning from endemic areas. Case presentation We present the first case of multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) and Plasmodium vivax-falciparum and SARS-CoV2 coinfection in children. Despite clearance of parassitaemia and a negative COVID-19 nasopharyngeal PCR, the patient's clinical conditions worsened. The World Health Organization (WHO) criteria were used to make the diagnosis of MIS-C. Treatment with intravenous immunoglobulins and methylprednisolone was effective. Conclusions This case emphasizes the importance of considering malaria diagnosis in patients returning from endemic areas, even in the COVID 19 era. Malaria and SARS-CoV2 co-infection may increase the risk of MIS-C, for which early detection is critical for proper management

    Fisheries and aquaculture by-products modulate growth, body composition, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid content in black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae

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    The black soldier fly (BSF) (Hermetia illucens L.) is one of the most promising species for the production of ingredients, mainly protein, useful for animal feed formulation, owing to its ability to convert organic waste into biomass with a high nutritional value. However, the low percentage of n-3 series polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in its fatty acid profile is a limiting factor for the utilization of BSF in fish feed. Recent studies have highlighted that wastes derived from different agro-food value chains could affect the nutritional composition of BSF larvae, depending on the composition of the wastes used as larvae-growing substrate. Due to the significant amount of n-3 PUFA in marine products, both in edible produce and in by-products, in this study, different sources of fish by-products were included in experimental diets for BSF to evaluate the effect of its addition on the final nutritional profile of BSF pre-pupae. One control diet and five experimental diets were prepared to feed the BSF larvae: wheat bran as the control diet (diet B), bycatch from Mediterranean trawl fisheries (diet F), Parapenaeus longirostris processing by-products (diet S), aquaculture processing by-products (diet R), Thunnus albacares processing by-products (diet T), and Engraulis encrasicolus processing by-products (diet A). In this study, the effects of the different diets were analyzed on the growth, body composition, and fatty acid profile of BSF larvae and pre-pupae. The obtained results showed that the different experimental diets affected total lipids content and fatty acids composition, when compared with the control. A significant increase in eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in BSF larvae and pre-pupae fed with all fish by-products was observed when compared with those fed with diet B, in particular in larvae and pre-pupae fed with diet A, demonstrating that the utilization of fish processing by-products is a suitable solution for improving the nutritional value of insects as ingredients in aqua feeds. The reuse of marine by-products can contribute to the industry’s “zero waste” goal, increasing the sustainability of the fishery value chain and the formulation of new valuable products

    Timed rise from floor as a predictor of disease progression in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: An observational study

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    The role of timed items, and more specifically, of the time to rise from the floor, has been reported as an early prognostic factor for disease progression and loss of ambulation. The aim of our study was to investigate the possible effect of the time to rise from the floor test on the changes observed on the 6MWT over 12 months in a cohort of ambulant Duchenne boys.A total of 487 12-month data points were collected from 215 ambulant Duchenne boys. The age ranged between 5.0 and 20.0 years (mean 8.48 ±2.48 DS).The results of the time to rise from the floor at baseline ranged from 1.2 to 29.4 seconds in the boys who could perform the test. 49 patients were unable to perform the test at baseline and 87 at 12 month The 6MWT values ranged from 82 to 567 meters at baseline. 3 patients lost the ability to perform the 6mwt at 12 months. The correlation between time to rise from the floor and 6MWT at baseline was high (r = 0.6, p<0.01).Both time to rise from the floor and baseline 6MWT were relevant for predicting 6MWT changes in the group above the age of 7 years, with no interaction between the two measures, as the impact of time to rise from the floor on 6MWT change was similar in the patients below and above 350 m. Our results suggest that, time to rise from the floor can be considered an additional important prognostic factor of 12 month changes on the 6MWT and, more generally, of disease progression

    DNA Damage, Homology-Directed Repair, and DNA Methylation

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    To explore the link between DNA damage and gene silencing, we induced a DNA double-strand break in the genome of Hela or mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells using I-SceI restriction endonuclease. The I-SceI site lies within one copy of two inactivated tandem repeated green fluorescent protein (GFP) genes (DR-GFP). A total of 2%–4% of the cells generated a functional GFP by homology-directed repair (HR) and gene conversion. However, ~50% of these recombinants expressed GFP poorly. Silencing was rapid and associated with HR and DNA methylation of the recombinant gene, since it was prevented in Hela cells by 5-aza-2â€Č-deoxycytidine. ES cells deficient in DNA methyl transferase 1 yielded as many recombinants as wild-type cells, but most of these recombinants expressed GFP robustly. Half of the HR DNA molecules were de novo methylated, principally downstream to the double-strand break, and half were undermethylated relative to the uncut DNA. Methylation of the repaired gene was independent of the methylation status of the converting template. The methylation pattern of recombinant molecules derived from pools of cells carrying DR-GFP at different loci, or from an individual clone carrying DR-GFP at a single locus, was comparable. ClustalW analysis of the sequenced GFP molecules in Hela and ES cells distinguished recombinant and nonrecombinant DNA solely on the basis of their methylation profile and indicated that HR superimposed novel methylation profiles on top of the old patterns. Chromatin immunoprecipitation and RNA analysis revealed that DNA methyl transferase 1 was bound specifically to HR GFP DNA and that methylation of the repaired segment contributed to the silencing of GFP expression. Taken together, our data support a mechanistic link between HR and DNA methylation and suggest that DNA methylation in eukaryotes marks homologous recombined segments

    Benefits of glucocorticoids in non-ambulant boys/men with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: A multicentric longitudinal study using the Performance of Upper Limb test

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    The aim of this study was to establish the possible effect of glucocorticoid treatment on upper limb function in a cohort of 91 non-ambulant DMD boys and adults of age between 11 and 26 years. All 91 were assessed using the Performance of Upper Limb test. Forty-eight were still on glucocorticoid after loss of ambulation, 25 stopped steroids at the time they lost ambulation and 18 were GC naive or had steroids while ambulant for less than a year. At baseline the total scores ranged between 0 and 74 (mean 41.20). The mean total scores were 47.92 in the glucocorticoid group, 36 in those who stopped at loss of ambulation and 30.5 in the naive group (p <0.001). The 12-month changes ranged between -20 and 4 (mean -4.4). The mean changes were -3.79 in the glucocorticoid group, -5.52 in those who stopped at loss of ambulation and -4.44 in the naive group. This was more obvious in the patients between 12 and 18 years and at shoulder and elbow levels. Our findings suggest that continuing glucocorticoids throughout teenage years and adulthood after loss of ambulation appears to have a beneficial effect on upper limb function. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V
