265 research outputs found

    Pattern formation in chemically interacting active rotors with self-propulsion

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    We demonstrate that active rotations in chemically signalling particles, such as autochemotactic E. coli\textit{E. coli} close to walls, create a route for pattern formation based on a nonlinear yet deterministic instability mechanism. For slow rotations, we find a transient persistence of the uniform state, followed by a sudden formation of clusters contingent on locking of the average propulsion direction by chemotaxis. These clusters coarsen, which results in phase separation into a dense and a dilute region. Faster rotations arrest phase separation leading to a global travelling wave of rotors with synchronized roto-translational motion. Our results elucidate the physics resulting from the competition of two generic paradigms in active matter, chemotaxis and active rotations, and show that the latter provides a tool to design programmable self-assembly of active matter, for example to control coarsening.Marie Skłodowska Curie (Intra European Fellowship within Horizon 2020 (Grant ID: 654908)), Royal Society, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Counci

    Extracting maximum power from active colloidal heat engines

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    © 2018 EPLA. Colloidal heat engines extract power out of a fluctuating bath by manipulating a confined tracer. Considering a self-propelled tracer surrounded by a bath of passive colloids, we optimize the engine performances based on the maximum available power. Our approach relies on an adiabatic mean-field treatment of the bath particles which reduces the many-body description into an effective tracer dynamics. It leads us to reveal that, when operated at constant activity, an engine can only produce less maximum power than its passive counterpart. In contrast, the output power of an isothermal engine, operating with cyclic variations of the self-propulsion without any passive equivalent, exhibits an optimum in terms of confinement and activity. Direct numerical simulations of the microscopic dynamics support the validity of these results even beyond the mean-field regime, with potential relevance to the design of experimental engines

    Structure of Blue Phase III of Cholesteric Liquid Crystals

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    We report large scale simulations of the blue phases of cholesteric liquid crystals. Our results suggest a structure for blue phase III, the blue fog, which has been the subject of a long debate in liquid crystal physics. We propose that blue phase III is an amorphous network of disclination lines, which is thermodynamically and kinetically stabilised over crystalline blue phases at intermediate chiralities}. This amorphous network becomes ordered under an applied electric field, as seen in experiments

    Mixtures of Blue Phase Liquid Crystal with Simple Liquids: Elastic Emulsions and Cubic Fluid Cylinders.

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    We numerically investigate the behavior of a phase-separating mixture of a blue phase I liquid crystal with an isotropic fluid. The resulting morphology is primarily controlled by an inverse capillary number, χ, setting the balance between interfacial and elastic forces. When χ and the concentration of the isotropic component are both low, the blue phase disclination lattice templates a cubic array of fluid cylinders. For larger χ, the isotropic phase arranges primarily into liquid emulsion droplets which coarsen very slowly, rewiring the blue phase disclination lines into an amorphous elastic network. Our blue phase-simple fluid composites can be externally manipulated: an electric field can trigger a morphological transition between cubic fluid cylinder phases with different topologies

    Dynamic Vorticity Banding in Discontinuously Shear Thickening Suspensions.

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    It has recently been argued that steady-state vorticity bands cannot arise in shear thickening suspensions because the normal stress imbalance across the interface between the bands will set up particle migrations. In this Letter, we develop a simple continuum model that couples shear thickening to particle migration. We show by linear stability analysis that homogeneous flow is unstable towards vorticity banding, as expected, in the regime of negative constitutive slope. In full nonlinear computations, we show, however, that the resulting vorticity bands are unsteady, with spatiotemporal patterns governed by stress-concentration coupling. We furthermore show that these dynamical bands also arise in direct particle simulations, in good agreement with the continuum model

    Constitutive Model for Time-Dependent Flows of Shear-Thickening Suspensions

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    We develop a tensorial constitutive model for dense, shear-thickening particle suspensions subjected to time-dependent flow. Our model combines a recently proposed evolution equation for the suspension microstructure in rate-independent materials with ideas developed previously to explain the steady flow of shear-thickening ones, whereby friction proliferates among compressive contacts at large particle stresses. We apply our model to shear reversal, and find good qualitative agreement with particle-level, discrete-element simulations whose results we also present

    Constitutive Model for Time-Dependent Flows of Shear-Thickening Suspensions.

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    We develop a tensorial constitutive model for dense, shear-thickening particle suspensions subjected to time-dependent flow. Our model combines a recently proposed evolution equation for the suspension microstructure in rate-independent materials with ideas developed previously to explain the steady flow of shear-thickening ones, whereby friction proliferates among compressive contacts at large particle stresses. We apply our model to shear reversal, and find good qualitative agreement with particle-level, discrete-element simulations whose results we also present

    Unsteady flow and particle migration in dense, non-Brown suspensions

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    We present experimental results on dense corn-starch suspensions as examples of non-Brownian, nearly-hard particles that undergo continuous and discontinuous shear thickening (CST and DST) at intermediate and high densities respectively. Our results offer strong support for recent theories involving a stress-dependent effective contact friction among particles. We show however that in the DST regime, where theory might lead one to expect steady-state shear bands oriented layerwise along the vorticity axis, the real flow is unsteady. To explain this, we argue that steady-state banding is generically ruled out by the requirement that, for hard non-Brownian particles, the solvent pressure and the normal-normal component of the particle stress must balance separately across the interface between bands. (Otherwise there is an unbalanced migration flux.) However, long-lived transient shear bands remain possible.EPSRC (EP/J007404)This is the author accepted manuscript. It is currently under an indefinite embargo pending publication by AIP

    Contractile and chiral activities codetermine the helicity of swimming droplet trajectories

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    Active fluids are a class of nonequilibrium systems where energy is injected into the system continuously by the constituent particles themselves. Many examples, such as bacterial suspensions and actomyosin networks, are intrinsically chiral at a local scale, so that their activity involves torque dipoles alongside the force dipoles usually considered. Although many aspects of active fluids have been studied, the effects of chirality on them are much less known. Here, we study by computer simulation the dynamics of an unstructured droplet of chiral active fluid in three dimensions. Our model considers only the simplest possible combination of chiral and achiral active stresses, yet this leads to an unprecedented range of complex motilities, including oscillatory swimming, helical swimming, and run-and-tumble motion. Strikingly, whereas the chirality of helical swimming is the same as the microscopic chirality of torque dipoles in one regime, the two are opposite in another. Some of the features of these motility modes resemble those of some single-celled protozoa, suggesting that underlying mechanisms may be shared by some biological systems and synthetic active droplets.M.E.C. holds a Royal Society Research Professorship