306 research outputs found

    A Study on the Relationship between Social Movement of Life Time Sports and School Physical Education in Japan (II) : From the View Point of the Curriculum Development Study

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    先報(1991)では, 『生涯スポーツ』概念の形成課程を吟味することと, その概念の実質的イメージについて検討した。そして, それらの作業に基づいて, 生涯スポーツ概念と学校体育の機能との関係を問題にした。議論の結果, 生涯スポーツや生涯体育の概念が活発に議論されて, 学校の機能・役割との関係も議論された割合には, 生涯スポーツの実態もイメージも余り明確でなく, 従って両者の関係も曖昧モコとしていることが明らかになった。そして, 生涯スポーツ運動に連動する形で, 中等教育学校で〈習熟度別授業〉や〈選択制履修授業(以下「選択制」と略す)〉を積極的に位置づけようとする働きが, 理論的にも実質的にも相当不可解なものと理解された。 さらに, こうした実態もイメージも不明確な状況でありながら, それでいて体育の教科内容や教科課程にかかわる問題意識は一般にさほど高くない。少なくとも, 日本体育学会や日本教科教育学会でみる限り, こうした学校内外の体育・スポーツの将来構想にかかわる問題意識をもつテーマは, 一部シンポジウム等を除けば最近の5年間ほとんど設定されていない事実も認められる。 そこで, 生涯スポーツに関連させようとする学校体育の趨勢, 即ち代表的には選択制の導入等は今日的に, かつ将来的にはいかなる意味をもち, 学校教育にどのような影響をおよぼすかについて, 改めて予測的に検討したい。その際, スポーツや運動は, 〈国民的教養〉あるいは〈国民的権利〉とさえ把握されようとしてきた思想や社会的運動そして歴史・伝統に, 学校体育が現実にどうかかわっていけるのかという視点を軸としたい。The purposes of this study were to make clear the problems of the curriculum study, and to search the possibility of an optional physical education system through discussing the idea of life time sports in Japan. As the result of the examination what are judged from the social sports situations and the characters of Japanese school system, it is considered that this system does not contain the conditions of a generalization or a diffusion, though this optional physical education system is an important and an urgent problems. The main results are follows; 1) From viewpoint of curriculum research and development in physical education, the discussion of the fearture that contain the abolition of physical education in school, are need in the private affairs of sports and game. 2) The optional physical education system in secondary education will be done by halves near fearture, because of a lack of considerations about the real school conditions. And the result of failre in optional system may cause the discussoin of unnecessary of physical education in high school. 3) From view of the fact, discussed in 2), it is predicted that a school physical education is confused, at least the base or value of the physical education in school is fundamentally discussed, and we must protect ourselves by new theories that will be re-integrated in near fearture. 4) The tentative plan, it is accepted to the sociaty, is to open the school sports facilities and instructors for the outside of school,and to full up the present school physical education class for the inside of school. It can be started to coexist the public sports activities and private one's by functioning the tentative plan


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    Leukemia autopsies in Japan

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    For the purpose to know whether the annual increase of leukemia incidence in Japan is due to some leukemogenic factors or due to the increased detection rate, the authors made some statistical survey of autopsy cases in which the diagnosis is reliable and not any type of leukemias escape the detection. The results showed that acute leukemias, which are found mostly in younger age, is actually increasing. In addition, it has been deduced that among the suspected factors the increase in ionizing radiation will be one of the most probable factors for the increase in leukemia incidence</p

    Roles of the mitochondrial Na+-Ca2+ exchanger, NCLX, in B lymphocyte chemotaxis

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    Lymphocyte chemotaxis plays important roles in immunological reactions, although the mechanism of its regulation is still unclear. We found that the cytosolic Na+-dependent mitochondrial Ca2+ efflux transporter, NCLX, regulates B lymphocyte chemotaxis. Inhibiting or silencing NCLX in A20 and DT40 B lymphocytes markedly increased random migration and suppressed the chemotactic response to CXCL12. In contrast to control cells, cytosolic Ca2+ was higher and was not increased further by CXCL12 in NCLX-knockdown A20 B lymphocytes. Chelating intracellular Ca2+ with BAPTA-AM disturbed CXCL12-induced chemotaxis, suggesting that modulation of cytosolic Ca2+ via NCLX, and thereby Rac1 activation and F-actin polymerization, is essential for B lymphocyte motility and chemotaxis. Mitochondrial polarization, which is necessary for directional movement, was unaltered in NCLX-knockdown cells, although CXCL12 application failed to induce enhancement of mitochondrial polarization, in contrast to control cells. Mouse spleen B lymphocytes were similar to the cell lines, in that pharmacological inhibition of NCLX by CGP-37157 diminished CXCL12-induced chemotaxis. Unexpectedly, spleen T lymphocyte chemotaxis was unaffected by CGP-37157 treatment, indicating that NCLX-mediated regulation of chemotaxis is B lymphocyte-specific, and mitochondria-endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ dynamics are more important in B lymphocytes than in T lymphocytes. We conclude that NCLX is pivotal for B lymphocyte motility and chemotaxis

    Inner Magnetospheric Response to the Interplanetary Magnetic Field By Component:Van Allen Probes and Arase Observations

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    We utilise 17 years of combined Van Allen Probes and Arase data to statistically analyse the response of the inner magnetosphere to the orientation of the IMF By component. Past studies have demonstrated that the IMF By component introduces a similarly oriented By component into the magnetosphere. However, these studies have tended to focus on field lines in the magnetotail only reaching as close to Earth as geosynchronous orbit. By exploiting data from these inner magnetospheric spacecraft, we have been able to investigate the response at radial distances of < 7 RE. When subtracting the background magnetic field values, provided by the T01 and IGRF magnetic field models, we find that the IMF By component does affect the configuration of the magnetic field lines in the inner magnetosphere. This control is observed throughout the inner magnetosphere, across both hemispheres, all radial distances, and all MLT sectors. The ratio of IMF By to observed By residual, also known as the "penetration efficiency", is found to be ~0.33. The IMF Bz component is found to increase, or inhibit, this control depending upon its orientation

    Discovery of proton hill in the phase space during interactions between ions and electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves

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    宇宙空間で電波を生み出す陽子の集団を発見 --JAXAの人工衛星「あらせ」の観測と解析から--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-07-12.A study using Arase data gives the first observational evidence that the frequency drift of electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves is caused by cyclotron trapping. EMIC emissions play an important role in planetary magnetospheres, causing scattering loss of radiation belt relativistic electrons and energetic protons. EMIC waves frequently show nonlinear signatures that include frequency drift and amplitude enhancements. While nonlinear growth theory has suggested that the frequency change is caused by nonlinear resonant currents owing to cyclotron trapping of the particles, observational evidence for this has been elusive. We survey the wave data observed by Arase from March, 2017 to September 2019, and find the best falling tone emission event, one detected on 11th November, 2017, for the wave particle interaction analysis. Here, we show for the first time direct evidence of the formation of a proton hill in phase space indicating cyclotron trapping. The associated resonance currents and the wave growth of a falling tone EMIC wave are observed coincident with the hill, as theoretically predicted


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    本研究の目的は、地域在住の65歳以上高齢者を対象にし、口腔内の健康状態が心身の健康状態とどのように関連しているのかを明らかにすることである。調査の結果、口腔関連QOL尺度であるGOHAI総合点は、残存歯数、モラールスケール総合点、SDS総合点と相関が見られ、残存歯数はファンクショナルリーチ、開眼片足立ち時間、握力、 2分間足踏み、UP&GOテスト、MMSE総合点、SDS総合点と相関が見られた。また、残存歯数を2群に分けて分析した結果、握力、開眼片足立ち時間、ファンクショナルリーチ、 2分間足踏み、UP&GOテスト、MMSE総合点、SDS総合点において有意差が見られた。これらのことから、残存歯数は身体機能とくにバランス機能と関連があることが明らかになった。また、認知機能にも影響を与えることが示唆された


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    We previously reported that left ventricular (LV) slices from isoproterenol (ISO)-induced hypertrophied rat hearts showed an increase of energy expenditure due to remodeling of Ca2+ handling in excitation–contraction coupling, i.e., suppressed SERCA2a activity and enhanced Na+/Ca2+exchanger-1 (NCX-1) activity. Na+/H+ exchanger-1 (NHE-1) inhibitor (NHEI) has been demonstrated to exert beneficial effects in the development of cardiac remodeling. We hypothesized that a novel NHE-1 selective inhibitor, BIIB723 prevents remodeling of Ca2+ handling in LV slices of ISO-induced hypertrophied rat hearts mediated by inhibiting NCX-1 activity. The significant shortening in duration of multi-cellular Ca2+ transient in ISO group was normalized in ISO + BIIB723 group. The significant increase in amplitude of multi-cellular Ca2+ waves (CaW) generated at high [Ca2+]o of LV slices in ISO group was also normalized in ISO + BIIB723 group. However, the enhanced NCX-1 activity was not antagonized by BIIB723. We recently reported that ISO-induced down-regulation of a Ca2+ handling protein, SERCA2a, was normalized by BIIB723. Therefore, it seems likely that BIIB723 normalized shortened multi-cellular Ca2+ transient duration and increased CaW amplitude in LV slices mediated via normalization of SERCA2a activity. Furthermore, the results presented here suggest the multi-cellular Ca2+ transient duration and CaW amplitude in LV slices might be better indices reflecting SERCA2a activity than SERCA2a protein expression level.博士(医学)・甲618号・平成26年3月17

    A Mobile, Multichannel, UWB Radar for Potential Ice Core Drill Site Identification in East Antarctica: Development and First Results

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    We developed a high-performance, multichannel, ultra-wideband radar system for measurements of the base and interior of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. We designed the radar to be of high power (4000-W peak) yet portable and to be able to operate with 60-MHz bandwidth at a center frequency of 200 MHz, providing high sensitivity and fine vertical resolution relative to current technology. We used the radar to perform extensive measurements as a part of a multinational collaboration. We collected data onboard a tracked vehicle outfitted with an array of high-gain antennas. We sounded 2- to 3-km thick ice near Dome Fuji. Preliminary ice thickness data match those obtained via semicoincident measurements performed with a different surface-based pulse-modulated radar system operated during the same field campaign, as well as previous airborne measurements. In addition, we mapped internal reflection horizons with fine vertical resolution from 300 m below the ice surface to ~100 m above the bed. In this article, we provide a detailed overview of the radar instrument design, implementation, and field measurement setup. We present sample data to illustrate its capabilities and discuss how the data collected with it will be valuable for the assessment of promising drilling sites to recover ice cores that are 0.9-1.5 million years old


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    3年課程の1年次と3年次の看護学生を対象に、死生観について質問紙による調査を行った。その結果、① l、 3年次生共に死に対する回遊的傾向、タブー視は見られず、むしろ前向きな姿勢が伺えた。②死に対するイメージは、生命体の自然な成りゆきとして捉えていた。また、感情面では否定的イメージであり、悲しくつらい体験に意味づけをしていく必要性が示唆された。③死に対する不安は身体的苦痛、漠然とした不安が多く、 1年次生は思考レベルの不安が多かった。④死の意識面において、学年差はないが3年次生は行動化の傾向が見られた。⑤ 3年次生は1年次生よりも死の概念の認識面、および行動面において死生観の発達が見られた