21 research outputs found

    'Multiple' Translation: Inter-Textual Relations between the English and American Translations, and the French Translations of 'I Promessi Sposi'

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    Given that in the nineteenth century there were six translations of IPS in English , this investigation demonstrates that each English translation established intra-linguistic and inter-textual relationships with the earlier ones. Moreover, between all the English versions, – from Swan’s to the 1845 version –, and their French counterparts, namely Rey-Dussueil’s (1828) and P. J. Gosselin’s (1828), – and to a lesser degree, the Marquis de Montgrand’s (1832) –, close inter-linguistic, inter-textual and inter-cultural relationships evolved

    Manzoni, a Writer in Search of an Italo-European Language: 'I Promessi Sposi' and the 'Visibility' of its Early French (and English) Translators

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    Since the nineteenth century, Manzoni criticism has assiduously investigated the norms and procedures adopted by the author in order to identify and enrich this ‘Italian’ language while he proceeded in the three drafts of I promessi sposi.Among these three different drafts, the third is particularly noteworthy to this study, that is the period that marks the passage from the ‘ventisettana’ to the ‘quarantana’. Interestingly, notwithstanding the extremely accurate analysis of the corrections on the ‘ventisettana’ by critics and philologists, no attention has been paid to the influences exercised by the earliest French translations of IPS on the definitive edition . Given the significant developments in translation studies, and I refer in particular to the theories regarding the polysystem and the translator’s invisibility, this fact sheds new light and is worthy to be explored. The earliest translations in French, entitled Les fiancés, – two of which appeared in early 1828, the first by M. Rey-Dussueil and the second by P-J. Gosselin, and a third in 1832 by the Marquis de Montgrand –, suggested a wide range of possible textual variations to Manzoni, at the lexico-grammatical-syntactic-semantic and stylistic levels

    The Main Variations between the Three Editions of 'I Promessi Sposi': Milan 1827, Paris 1827, Milan 1840

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    The text reports the variations in lexicon, syntax, punctuation and style between the three editions of I promessi sposi (Milan 1828, Paris 1827, Milan 1840), drawn from the first chapter of the novel

    Hiawatha's Photographing

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    Alice Crosta, Alessandro Manzoni nei paesi anglosassoni, Bern: Peter Lang, 2014 Modern Language Review 110. 4 (October) 2015

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    e sesquicentenary of Italian unification, with a renewed interest in the Risorgimento, has offered literary historiographers the opportunity to reconsider some leading figures of the unification, and among these Alessandro Manzoni. Alice Crosta’s book is part of an undeniably useful research context that focuses on the international connections across Europe and the Americas. Crosta investigates the editorial places of the reception of Manzoni’s oeuvre, starting with a survey of the several translations in English issued during the nineteenth century. She then gives philological shape to the corpus of the critical contributions and statements of writers, critics, and intellectuals on British and American soil

    Sul controllo della distanza in traduzione. I Promessi sposi in inglese: le due versioni "gemelle" del 1934 e il trasferimento di Padre Cristoforo

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    Il raffronto tra le diverse traduzioni in inglese de I promessi Sposi (1828) apparse nel 1834 in suolo europeo e Americano mostra una fitta rete di relazioni inter-nazionali di natura inter-linguistica, inter-culturale e ideologica. Di particolare interesse risultano anche le forme di mediazione che le due versioni del 1834 sviluppano con le traduzioni precedenti e in particolare con la prima traduzione in francese di Rey Dussueil. Per altro verso, anche Manzoni non mancò di interloquire con I suoi traduttori nella stesura definitiva de I promessi Sposi (1840-42).Studies of the English translations of Alessandro Manzoni’s I Promessi sposi (Milan, 1827) published in Europe and America from 1828 to 1834, clearly reveal the dense and intriguing network of international relations. It is also interesting to observe how both the1834 versions utilized previous translations of the novel as mediating texts, especially the first French translation of I promessi sposi by Antoine-François-Marius Rey Dussueil. While the hegemonic cultural systems in questions were quick to receive and mediate the values expressed in works from peripheral contexts, such as Italy, Manzoni too did not hesitate to enter into discussion with his translators in order to benefit from the linguistic, cultural and stylistic shifts operated in the versions, - principally in the French versions in his definitive edition of I promessi sposi (Milan 1840-42)

    The Translations of 'I Promessi Sposi' into English and French: Inter-Textual Relations between Swan (1828), Rey-Dussueil (1828) and Gosselin's (1828) Translations

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    As far as the earliest translations of I promessi sposi are concerned, an interesting inter-textual relationship evolves between the first English translator Charles Swan, and his French counterparts Antoine-François-Marius Rey-Dussueil and Pierre Joseph Gosselin, in that editorial production and distribution of Manzoni’s novel in Britain and France present significant similarities in planning, method and target. This paper investigates the different poli-systems in which these three translations operate, focusing on the editorial and specifically linguistic influence of the earliest French translations on their English counterpart

    Traduzione/interpretazione dei racconti fotografici di Lewis Carroll

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    "Traduzione/interpretazione dei racconti ‘fotografici’ di Lewis Carroll" verte sul valore intrinseco del nesso traduzione-interpretazione, sia nel senso della ineludibilità del processo ordinario di interpretazione, sia, come è il caso della scrittura letteraria, nel senso più specifico della continua ricerca delle sottili forme di innervazione del testo fonte nel contesto culturale d’origine. La traduzione delle storie carrolliane ispirate alla fotografia da me precedentemente intrapresa in Letteratura e fotografia : quattro racconti e una poesia di Lewis Carroll (Collana Armorica, Tracce, Pescara 2002, pp.126. ISBN 88-86676-93-X) aveva messo in luce problematiche diverse e complesse, a livello intertestuale, intersemiotico e culturale. "Traduzione/interpretazione dei racconti ‘fotografici’ di Lewis Carroll" ripercorre quell’esperienza traduttiva e scopre nuovi spunti di riflessione e revisione laddove le scelte traduttive si confrontano con l’ulteriore approfondimento critico inter-venuto, a dimostrazione della vitalità del testo di partenza e insieme della necessità di applicazione di sempre più adeguati strumenti critici per una lettura ‘corrispondente’ e una traduzione più ‘rispettosa’