41 research outputs found

    Efecto de diferentes condiciones de tostado sobre el valor nutritivo y la estabilidad oxidativa de aceites de semillas de Brassica napus alto oleico y semillas amarillas

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of enhancing the nutritional value and oxidative stability of rapeseed oil obtained from seeds subjected to thermal treatment prior to pressing. The yellowseeded and high-oleic B. napus lines, harvested in Poland, were roasted prior to pressing for 1 h at 100 and 150 掳C. This study highlighted how rapeseed breeding lines affect the quality profile of the oils obtained both before and after the roasting process. In principle, the high-oleic B. napus was accompanied by a nearly 2-fold increase in oxidative stability compared to the yellow-seeded B. napus, most likely due to a higher content of oxidation-resistant oleic fatty acids (~74.24% vs. ~60.76%) and a decreased concentration of oxidizable PUFAs (~16.32% vs. ~31.09%). Similar to the case of roasting black-seeded rapeseed, the thermal pre-treatment of yellow-seeded and high-oleic B. napus prior to pressing did not alter the composition of their fatty acids. Based on the results obtained in this study, it can be concluded that roasting seeds prior to pressing does not reduce the amount of tocopherols in the oil; moreover, a slight increase in 纬-tocopherol content was observed.Este estudio se realiz贸 para evaluar la posibilidad de aumentar el valor nutritivo y la estabilidad oxidativa del aceite de colza obtenido a partir de semillas sometidas a tratamiento t茅rmico antes del prensado. Las l铆neas de B. napus sembrados amarillos y alto oleico, cosechadas en Polonia, fueron tostadas antes de ser prensadas durante 1 hora a 100 y 150 掳C. Este estudio pone de relieve c贸mo las l铆neas de colza mejoradas ven afectado el perfil de calidad de los aceites obtenidos antes y despu茅s del proceso de tostado. En principio, el alto oleico B. napus aumenta casi 2 veces la estabilidad a la oxidaci贸n en comparaci贸n con semilla amarilla B. napus, muy probablemente debido a un mayor contenido de 谩cido graso oleico resistente a la oxidaci贸n (~74,24% vs. ~60,76%) y una concentraci贸n menor de PUFAs oxidables (~16,32% frente a ~31,09%). Similar al caso de tostar semillas de colza-negro, las semillas amarillas y las alto oleico de B. napus antes tratadas t茅rmicamente antes del prensado no alteran su composici贸n de 谩cidos grasos. Tambi茅n Bas谩ndonos en los resultados obtenidos en este estudio, se puede concluir que el tostado semillas antes del prensado no reduce la cantidad de tocoferol en aceite; Adem谩s, se observ贸 ligero aumento en el contenido de 纬-tocoferol

    Efecto de pretratamientos con microondas a semillas de colza sobre la cin茅tica de degradaci贸n de los compuestos bioactivos lip贸filos del aceite durante el almacenamiento

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    This study examined the storage stability of tocochromanols and carotenoids in the oils prepared from microwave pre-treated (MV) rapeseeds (2-10 min, 800W) during storage at 20 掳C for 12 months. In line with lipophilic antioxidant degradation throughout the storage period, changes in the antioxidant capacity of the oil were monitored. Microwaving significantly affected the concentration of lipophilic antioxidants in the oil. After 10 min of MV pre-treatment the highest content of total tocochromanols (76.64 mg/100g) was achieved, whereas a maximum carotenoid concentration (861.28 渭g/100g) was obtained following 6 min seed MV pre-treatment. The degradation kinetics for the tocochromanols and carotenoids followed a zero-order kinetic model. From the kinetic analysis, it was shown that the degradation rate constant (k) of both tocochromanols and carotenoids decreased with longer seed exposure to MV radiation. The kinetics of antioxidant capacity degradation during the storage of oils followed a zero-order reaction. The rate of antioxidant capacity degradation in the control oil was higher (k=9.1 x 10-2 mmol TEAC/l/month) compared with oils prepared from MV pre-treated seeds (k=6.8-8.0 x 10-2 mmol TEAC/l/month).En este estudio se determin贸 la estabilidad de tococromanoles y carotenoides de aceites preparados a partir de semillas de colza pretratadas con microondas (MV) (2-10 min, 800 W) durante el almacenamiento a 20 掳C durante 12 meses. De acuerdo con la degradaci贸n de los antioxidantes lip贸filos durante el periodo de almacenamiento, se monitoriz贸 el cambio en la capacidad antioxidante del aceite. El microondas afect贸 significativamente a la concentraci贸n de antioxidantes lipofil铆cos en el aceite. Despu茅s de 10 minutos de pretratamiento con MV, se obtuvo el contenido m谩s alto de tocromanoles totales (76,64 mg/100 g), mientras que se obtuvo una concentraci贸n m谩xima de carotenoides (861,28 g/100 g) despu茅s de un pretratamiento con MV de 6 minutos. La cin茅tica de degradaci贸n para los tococromanoles y carotenoides sigui贸 un modelo cin茅tico de orden cero. A partir del an谩lisis cin茅tico, se demostr贸 que la constante de velocidad de degradaci贸n (k) tanto de los tococromanoles como de los carotenoides disminu铆a con una exposici贸n m谩s prolongada de las semillas a la radiaci贸n de MV. La cin茅tica de la degradaci贸n de la capacidad antioxidante durante el almacenamiento de los aceites sigui贸 una reacci贸n de orden cero. La tasa de degradaci贸n de la capacidad antioxidante en el aceite testigo fue mayor (k = 9,1 x 10-2 mmol TEAC / l / mes) en comparaci贸n con los aceites preparados a partir de semillas pretratadas con MV (k = 6,8-8,0 x 10-2 mmol TEAC / l /mes)

    Composici贸n qu铆mica y resistencia a la oxidaci贸n de aceite de colza alto oleico prensado de semillas intactas y descascarilladas pre-tratadas con microondas

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    The influence of a microwave (MV) pre-treatment (3, 6, 9 min, 800W) on the physicochemical properties of high-oleic rapeseed oil prepared from intact (HORO) and de-hulled seeds (DHORO) was investigated in this study. A control DHORO contained higher levels of total tocopherols and carotenoids, while higher concentrations of total phenolic compounds and chlorophylls were detected in the HORO. The MV pre-treatment caused a decrease in the unsaturated fatty acids content that was more evident for the DHOROs. The microwaving time significantly affected phytochemical contents and the color of both types of oils. A vast increase in canolol concentration was noticeable following 9 min of microwaving, which increased 506- and 155-fold in the HORO and DHORO, respectively. At the same time, the antioxidant capacity of oil produced from MV pre-treated seeds for 9 min was nearly 4 times higher than that of the control oil for both types of oilsEn este estudio se investig贸 la influencia del pretratamiento con microondas (MV) en las propiedades fisicoqu铆micas del aceite de colza alto oleico preparado a partir de semillas h煤medas (HORO) y descascarilladas (DHORO) (3, 6, 9 min, 800W). El control DHORO conten铆a un nivel m谩s alto de tocoferoles totales y carotenoides, mientras que se detect贸 una mayor concentraci贸n de compuestos fen贸licos totales y clorofilas en el HORO. El pretratamiento de MV provoc贸 una disminuci贸n en el contenido de 谩cidos grasos insaturados que fue m谩s evidente para los DHOROs. El tiempo de microondas afect贸 significativamente al contenido fitoqu铆mico y al color de ambos tipos de aceites. Se observ贸 un gran aumento de la concentraci贸n de canolol despu茅s de 9 min de microondas, que aument贸 506 y 155 veces en el HORO y DHORO, respectivamente. Al mismo tiempo, la capacidad antioxidante del aceite producido a partir de semillas pretratadas de MV durante 9 min fue casi 4 veces mayor que la del aceite de control para ambos tipos de aceites

    Influencia del tostado de colza descascarillada sobre la composici贸n fisicoqu铆mica y el estado oxidativo del aceite

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    The effect of roasting time on the contents of bioactive compounds (tocopherols, phytosterols, phenolic compounds), antioxidant capacity and physicochemical properties of rapeseed oil pressed from de-hulled seeds was investigated. The de-hulled seeds were roasted at a temperature of 165 掳C for 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 min. The results of this study show that a roasting pre-treatment led to a gradual increase in canolol content (from 1.34 to 117.33 mg/100 g), total phytosterols (from 573.51 to 609.86 mg/100 g) and total carotenoids (0.82 to 2.41 mg/100 g), while only slight changes in the contents of tocopherols were noted. With the increase in roasting time a gradual increase in oxidative stability (from 4.27 to 6.85 h), and antioxidant capacity, seen mainly in the hydrophilic fraction of oil (from 0.32 to 2.30 mmol TEAC/l) was found. Although roasting resulted in the formation of primary and secondary oxidation products, the quality parameters of oils were within Codex Alimentarius limits.Se estudi贸 el efecto del tiempo de tostado sobre el contenido de compuestos bioactivos (tocoferoles, fitoesteroles, compuestos fen贸licos), capacidad antioxidante y propiedades fisicoqu铆micas del aceite de prensado de semillas descascarilladas de colza. Las semillas descascarilladas se tostaron a una temperatura de 165 潞C durante 20, 40, 60, 80 y 100 min. Los resultados de este estudio muestran que el pretratamiento con tostado condujo a un aumento gradual del contenido de canolol (de 1,34 a 117,33 mg/100 g), fitosteroles totales (de 573,51 a 609,86 mg/100 g) y carotenoides totales (0,82 a 2,41 mg/ 100 g). S贸lo se observaron ligeros cambios en el contenido de tocoferoles. Con el incremento del tiempo de tostado se observ贸 un aumento gradual de la estabilidad oxidativa (de 4,27 a 6,85 h) y se encontr贸 capacidad antioxidante, observada principalmente en la fracci贸n hidrof铆lica de aceite (de 0,32 a 2,30 mmol TEAC/l). Aunque, el tostado produjo formaci贸n de productos de oxidaci贸n primaria y secundaria, los par谩metros de calidad de los aceites estaban dentro de los l铆mites del Codex Alimentarius

    The effect of microwave pre-treatment of rapeseed on the degradation kinetics of lipophilic bioactive compounds of the oil during storage

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    This study examined the storage stability of tocochromanols and carotenoids in the oils prepared from microwave pre-treated (MV) rapeseeds (2-10 min, 800W) during storage at 20 掳C for 12 months. In line with lipophilic antioxidant degradation throughout the storage period, changes in the antioxidant capacity of the oil were monitored. Microwaving significantly affected the concentration of lipophilic antioxidants in the oil. After 10 min of MV pre-treatment the highest content of total tocochromanols (76.64 mg/100g) was achieved, whereas a maximum carotenoid concentration (861.28 渭g/100g) was obtained following 6 min seed MV pre-treatment. The degradation kinetics for the tocochromanols and carotenoids followed a zero-order kinetic model. From the kinetic analysis, it was shown that the degradation rate constant (k) of both tocochromanols and carotenoids decreased with longer seed exposure to MV radiation. The kinetics of antioxidant capacity degradation during the storage of oils followed a zero-order reaction. The rate of antioxidant capacity degradation in the control oil was higher (k=9.1 x 10-2 mmol TEAC/l/month) compared with oils prepared from MV pre-treated seeds (k=6.8-8.0 x 10-2 mmol TEAC/l/month)

    Influence of de-hulled rapeseed roasting on the physicochemical composition and oxidative state of oil

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    The effect of roasting time on the contents of bioactive compounds (tocopherols, phytosterols, phenolic compounds), antioxidant capacity and physicochemical properties of rapeseed oil pressed from de-hulled seeds was investigated. The de-hulled seeds were roasted at a temperature of 165 掳C for 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 min. The results of this study show that a roasting pre-treatment led to a gradual increase in canolol content (from 1.34 to 117.33 mg/100 g), total phytosterols (from 573.51 to 609.86 mg/100 g) and total carotenoids (0.82 to 2.41 mg/100 g), while only slight changes in the contents of tocopherols were noted. With the increase in roasting time a gradual increase in oxidative stability (from 4.27 to 6.85 h), and antioxidant capacity, seen mainly in the hydrophilic fraction of oil (from 0.32 to 2.30 mmol TEAC/l) was found. Although roasting resulted in the formation of primary and secondary oxidation products, the quality parameters of oils were within Codex Alimentarius limits

    Nutritional value of cold-pressed rapeseed oils

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    Celem pracy by艂a ocena jako艣ci oraz warto艣ci 偶ywieniowej olej贸w rzepakowych t艂oczonych na zimno, na podstawie sk艂adu kwas贸w t艂uszczowych, zawarto艣ci tokoferoli i steroli. Zakres pracy obejmowa艂 t艂oczenie olej贸w z nasion rzepaku w warunkach laboratoryjnych w prasie 艣limakowej, analiz臋 jako艣ci i sk艂adu chemicznego wyt艂oczonych olej贸w oraz por贸wnanie ich z olejami handlowymi t艂oczonymi na zimno i olejami rafinowanymi. W pr贸bkach olej贸w oznaczono podstawowe parametry jako艣ci: liczb臋 kwasow膮, nadtlenkow膮, anizydynow膮, wska藕nik Totox i stabilno艣膰 oksydatywn膮 w te艣cie Rancimat w temp. 120 掳C. Dokonano analizy sk艂adu kwas贸w t艂uszczowych, sk艂adu i zawarto艣ci tokoferoli oraz steroli. Oleje rzepakowe t艂oczone na zimno w warunkach laboratoryjnych, jak i handlowe, charakteryzowa艂y si臋 wysok膮 jako艣ci膮 i zr贸偶nicowan膮 stabilno艣ci膮 oksydatywn膮 (czas indukcji od 3,82 do 7,32 h). Stwierdzono wysok膮 warto艣膰 偶ywieniow膮 z racji optymalnego sk艂adu kwas贸w t艂uszczowych, tj. du偶ej zawarto艣ci kwas贸w nienasyconych od 92,6 do 93,1 %, a ma艂ej zawarto艣ci kwas贸w nasyconych od 6,7 do 7,3 %, optymalnym stosunkiem kwas贸w z rodziny n-6 do n-3, tj. 艣rednio 2,1 : 1. Oleje nie zawiera艂y izomer贸w trans kwas贸w t艂uszczowych z wyj膮tkiem oleju rafinowanego (0,8 %). Wszystkie badane oleje by艂y tak偶e cennym 藕r贸d艂em zar贸wno tokoferoli od 44,82 do 57,60 mg/100 g, jak i steroli od 547,06 do 676,25 mg/100 g.The objective of the study was to assess the quality and nutritional value of cold-pressed rapeseed oils on the basis of fatty acid composition and content of tocopherols and sterols. The scope of the study comprised the pressing of oil from rapeseed in an expeller under laboratory conditions, the analysis of quality and chemical composition of pressed oils, and comparing them with other commercial cold pressed and refined oilss. The following basic quality parameters of the oil samples were determined: acid value, peroxide value, anisidine value, Totox index, and oxidative stability in the Rancimat test at a temperature of 120 掳C. The composition of fatty acids was analyzed, as were the composition and contents of tocopherols and sterols The cold-pressed rapeseed oils produced under laboratory conditions as well as other commercial oils were characterized by a high quality and a diverse oxidative stability (induction time from 3.82 to 7.32 h). The high nutritional value of rapeseed oils was confirmed owing to the optimal composition of fatty acids, i.e.: the high content of unsaturated fatty acids from 92.6 % to 93.1 %, the low content of saturated fatty acid from 6.7 to 7.3 %, and the optimal ratio of n-6 to n-3 acids, 2.1:1 on average. The oils did not contain trans-fatty acids except for the refined oil (0.8 %). Moreover, all the oils tested proved to be a valuable source of both the tocopherols from 44.82 to 57.60 mg/100 g and the sterols from 547.06 to 676.25 mg/100 g

    Olive oil in Mediterranean diet

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    Oliwa z oliwek jako cenny olej ro艣linny jest znana i u偶ywana na ca艂ym 艣wiecie. Wyniki bada艅 naukowych potwierdzaj膮 korzystne oddzia艂ywanie oliwy i diety 艣r贸dziemnomorskiej na zdrowie, szczeg贸lnie ludno艣ci zamieszkuj膮cej tereny po艂o偶one nad Morzem 艢r贸dziemnym. Na podstawie dokonanego przegl膮du literatury stwierdzono, 偶e najwarto艣ciowsza oliwa z oliwek, extra virgin, zawiera wiele korzystnych sk艂adnik贸w od偶ywczych, takich jak: kwas oleinowy w sk艂adzie kwas贸w t艂uszczowych, a tak偶e zwi膮zki fenolowe, -sitosterol, -tokoferol, skwalen, kt贸re chroni膮 cz艂owieka przed chorobami cywilizacyjnymi. Produkcja i konsumpcja oliwy z oliwek jest najwi臋ksza w krajach basenu Morza 艢r贸dziemnego. Dieta 艣r贸dziemnomorska charakteryzuje si臋 zbilansowanym sk艂adem produkt贸w spo偶ywczych, obejmuj膮cym na pierwszym miejscu produkty zbo偶owe, a nast臋pnie owoce, warzywa i ro艣liny str膮czkowe. G艂贸wnym 藕r贸d艂em t艂uszczu w tej diecie jest oliwa z oliwek. Tylko pe艂na dieta po艂膮czona z aktywno艣ci膮 fizyczn膮 i piciem du偶ej ilo艣ci wody jest w stanie utrzyma膰 organizm cz艂owieka w odpowiedniej formie zdrowotnej.Olive oil is known as a valuable vegetable oil and, as such, used throughout the world. Scientific research results confirm the beneficial effect of olive oil and Mediterranean diet on health, especially on the health of people living in areas situated along the Mediterranean Sea. Based on the literature review, it was found that the most valuable olive oil, the extra virgin oil, contains many beneficial nutrients, such as: oleic acid, the one of fatty acids, as well as phenolic compounds, b-sitosterol, a-tocopherol, and squalene that protect people against lifestyle diseases. The highest production and consumption of olive oil is in the Mediterranean Basin countries. The Mediterranean diet is characterized by a balanced composition of food products and includes, in the first instance, cereal products, and, next, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Olive oil is the main source of fat in this diet. Only a complete diet combined with physical activity and with drinking plenty of water is able to keep the human body in a proper state of health

    Evaluation of oxidative stability of selected cold pressed edible oils

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