39 research outputs found

    Hepatosteatoz olgularında elastografi bulguları

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    OBJECTIVE: This study evaluates whether dynamic elastography could better characterize and differentiate the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and patient pool for biopsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 18 patients with NAFLD were examined by ultrasound (US) and elastography at the Department of Radiology. The patients, none of whom had any chronic liver disease, were 54±9.5 (35-71) years old (8 men; 10 women). Biochemical markers were evaluated. Patients with high liver echogenicity were classified as Stage III NAFLD. B-mode US equipment includes a Hitachi HI VISION Preirus system with an embedded elastography (EL) module (Hitachi Medical Systems Europe) and 6.5 MHz linear probe. RESULTS: Of the cases, 55.6% were female and 44.4% were male. All cases with Stage I NAFLD were female (n:5). Only 33.3% of the cases with Stage III NAFLD were female (n:2). According to the results of elastography, no intergroup difference was differentiated when the stages of NAFLD were compared. When biochemical and hepatomegaly values were considered, differences were only detected in GGT and hepatomegaly values among the NAFLD groups (p:0.015). CONCLUSION: In the study, the stages of hepatosteatosis could not be differentiated with the EL examination. Therefore, it was thought to be of no benefit to the selection.AMAÇ: Bu çalışma alkolik olmayan yağlı karaciğer (NAFLD) olgularının biopsi öncesi değerlendiriminde elastografinin etkinliğini araştırmak için planlandı. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMLER: Radyoloji bölümünde 18 NAFLD hastası B mod ultrason ile incelendikten sonra elastografi ile değerlendirildi . Olguların hiçbirinde kronik karaciğer hastalığı yoktu. Yaşları 35 ila 71 arasında değişen 8 erkek hasta ile 10 kadın hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi ( ortalama 54±9.5). Son 6 ay içerisindeki biyokimyasal değerlendirmeleri de kayıt altına alındı. Karaciğer dalak ile karşılaştırılarak ekojenite artışına göre I., II. ve III. derecelerde ile sınıflandıırldı. B mod ve elastografi değerlendirilmesi Hitachi HI VISION Preirus sistemi ile 6.5 MHz lineer prob ile yapıldı. BULGULAR: Olguların %55,6’sı kadın, %44’ ü erkek idi. Evre I NAFLD olgularının tümü kadın idi (n:5). Evre III olgularının sadece %33,3’ü kadın idi (n:2). Gruplar arası hepatosteatoz evresi göz önüne alındığında elastografi sonuçları arasında fark saptanmadı. Biyokimyasal değerler ve hepatomegali ölçüm değerleri göz önüne alındığında GGT ve hepatomegali ölçümleri gruplar arası farklılık göstermekte idi (p:0.015). SONUÇ: Bu çalışmada, B mod ultrasonda sıklıkla kullanılan hepatosteatoz evreleme sistemi elastografi tekniği ile doğrulanamadı. Böylelikle NAFLD tanısı ile biyopsi gereken ile gerekmeyen takipteki olgular arasında ayrım yapılamadı. Bu veri transient elastografi bulgularından oldukça farklı idi

    Determining science and elementary mathematics teachers’ views on interdisciplinary approach [Fen bilgisi ve ilköğretim matematik öğretmenlerinin disiplinlerarasi yaklaşima yönelik görüşlerinin belirlenmesi]

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the views of science and elementary mathematics teachers about the interdisciplinary approach. In determining the sample of the research conducted using phenomenology design of the qualitative research designs, criterion sampling method was used, and semi-structured interviews were carried out with sixteen teachers in total, eight of whom were science teachers and eight were elementary mathematics teachers, who had different experience period and worked at schools and in the cities with different characteristics. Content analysis approach was used to analyze the collected data. The triangulation technique ensuring the internal validity and reliability was used through research. As a result of the analyses carried out, it was concluded that the teachers had expressed opinions under the themes of “definitions, information, the elements taken into consideration, associated courses and subjects, collaboration with other course teachers, the advantages and limitations of the approach and suggestions for the approach regarding interdisplinary approach”. Recommendations for the current practices and future studies were developed in this direction. © 2017, Ankara University. All rights reserved

    Chitin receptor CERK

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    Harmonic elimination in a single phase inverter output voltage with 2 and 4 bipolar notches in a half cycle by the HGA

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    2010 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion, SPEEDAM 2010 -- 14 June 2010 through 16 June 2010 -- Pisa -- 81684Inverters are power devices used for many industrial applications such as power conversion, the speed control of induction motors etc. When a magnetic device is energized by an inverter power supply, its magnetic core is subjected to additional core losses due to harmonic contents. One solution to this problem may be the selective harmonic elimination based on the simultaneous solution of non-linear equations that are mainly function of the switching angles. In this paper, the hybrid genetic algorithms method was used to eliminate the dominant harmonics leading to additional losses in a strip wound toroidal core used to build a low power transformer. The results indicated that the proposed method works well and it achieves to reduce the total harmonic distortion at the primary current and the induced voltage of the transformer under both ohmic and inductive loads. © 2010 IEEE

    Phytotoxins produced by Pestalotiopsis guepinii, the causal agent of hazelnut twig blight

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    The main lipophilic phytotoxic metabolite was isolated from the culture filtrates of Pestalotiopsis guepinii, the fungus causing twig blight of hazelnut. The metabolite was spectroscopically identified as pestalopyrone, a pentaketide that it was originally identified as a minor toxin produced by Pestalotiopsis oenotherae. The toxic activity of pestalopyrone was compared with that of nectriapyrone, a structurally related monoterpenoid recently isolated from Phomopsis foeniculi, and that of the new dihydro-derivative of nectriapyrone. The high phytotoxic activity of nectriapyrone and its dihydro-derivative on three non host plants, showed that the double bond of the 1-methylpropenyl group at C-6 of the aromatic ring is inessential for its activity, while the much lower activity of pestalopyrone showed that the methyl group at C-3 of the same ring is an important structural feature. The high molecular weight hydrophilic phytotoxins produced by this fungus are reported for the first time

    Investigation of awareness levels about the radiation safety of personnel working in the imaging units of the hospitals in Agri, Turkey

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    Radiation treatments, which are frequent and hidden hazards in imaging centers in hospitals, seriously affect employee health. In general, people think that there will be nothing to them because they do not know the damage of the radiation. It is not possible to stay away from radiation in some professions. For example, the radiology officials, their job is to identify the disease in people with radiographic method has no chance of dealing with radiation. That's why we need to do our job by getting enough information about radiation and its hazards, and by protecting ourselves and our environment from the dangers of radiation. Therefore, our study aimed to determine the level of information about employee safety of the health personnel working in public and private hospitals in Agri city centrum. Data was collected through a questionnaire by answering the questions of the personnel under observation in the imaging centers of hospitals. All official permits required for our work have been obtained from the necessary authorities. Results showed the inadequacy of knowledge related to ionizing radiation of the personnel, and the necessity of the implementation of radiological examinations by planning training for the safe use. Keywords: Radiation, Ionizing radiation, Radiation practices, Radiology officer, Imaging center, Radiological examinations, Questionnaire