103 research outputs found

    KEDUDUKAN GURU SEBAGAI PENDIDIK: Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab, Hak dan Kewajiban, dan Kompetensi Guru

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    Abstract: Teachers as professional educators are in charge in educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing, and evaluating students in formal early education. In performing these duties, the teachers are responsible for the students, parents, nation and religion. In carrying ou their task, they also have the right to have salary, promotion, opportunities to improve their competence, as well as have an obligation to plan good instruction, and developing qualification and competence sustainably. The teachers who perform their duties are called professional, that is, having some expertise or competence including pedagogy, personality, and social, professional. interwoven with one another.Abstrak: Guru sebagai pendidik profesional bertugas untuk mendidik, mengajar, membimbing, mengarahkan, melatih, menilai, dan mengevaluasi peserta didik pada pendidikan anak usia dini pada jalur pendidikan formal. Dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya, guru bertanggung jawab terhadap peserta didik, orang tua, masyarakat, bangsa, negara, dan agama. Dalam menjalankan tugas-nya, guru mempunyai hak berupa penghasilan, promosi, kesempatan meningkatkan kompetensi serta berkewajiban untuk merencanakan pembelajaran secara baik, mengembangkan kualifikasi dan kompetensinya secara berkesinam-bungan dan sebagainya. Guru yang menjalankan tugasnya dengan baik disebut guru yang profesional, yakni guru yang memiliki beberapa keahlian atau kompetensi meliputi pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesional yang terjalin satu dengan lainnya

    Mengeksplorasi Esensi Kemanusiaan dalam Era Digital: Perspektif Pedagogik Kontemporer

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    Di dalam al-Qur'an, terdapat penamaan manusia dengan sebutan al-Nās yakni diartikan sebagai makhluk sosial yang tidak dapat bertahan hidup tanpa manusia lainnya. Fitrah sosial melekat dalam diri manusia sebagai makhluk yang berinteraksi. Di era digital saat ini interaksi manusia semakin berkembang sesuai dengan kemajuan teknologi. Manusia tidak hanya dapat berinteraksi secara langsung, tapi juga secara online meski terhalang oleh jarak. Tujuan berinteraksi tak lain adalah untuk mendapatkan pendidikan dan pengetahuan maupun informasi. Di era ini, cara manusia memperoleh pengetahuan dan pendidikan adalah melalui pendengaran (auditorial), penglihatan (visual) dan hati yang mencakup aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotorik. &nbsp

    The Implementation of Mumtaz Method in Learning Nahwu Saraf to the Students of Madrasah Aliyah DDI As-Salam Allakuang Islamic Boarding School

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    Method is the way of work taken in carrying out an activity to achieve certain goals. In learning, methods are interpreted as a method or system used to achieve learning goals. Mumtaz is a method in learning now, including new methods applied to several madrasas in the form of tutorial learning. Although it is new, it has been proven in several institutions that implement it. Material design that is formulated in a contemporary manner makes it unique so that it has a new impression that is seen in theory can be practiced as a quick and easy way to read the yellow book. Not only that, learning by the mumtaz method trains students to become peer tutors to their friends through the TOT (Training Of Trainers) santri program. One mission of this method is to try to answer the assumptions that most say that learning nahwu saraf is difficult, but with this method, the material taught is fun and easy to understand, especially having the concept of being effective and efficient


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pandangan Al-Ghazali tentang kompetensikepribadian dan sosial guru pendidikan dasar sehingga guru menjadi guru yangprofessional. Jenis penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini yaitu penelitian pustaka(library research), data yang dikumpulkan dengan mengolah, mengutip, dan menganalisisdengan menggunakan analisis isi (content analysis) terhadap literatur yang representatifdan mempunyai relevansi dengan masalah yang dibahas, kemudian mengulas lalumenyimpulkan penelitian tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada beberapa aspekyang terkait dengan pribadi seorang guru itu sendiri yaitu: Seorang guru harus bersifatzuhud (tidak menomorsatukan upah). Seorang guru harus jujur dan menjadi teladan bagipeserta didik dan menghormati ilmu yang ditekuni oleh guru yang lain. Kasih sayangterhadap peserta didik, Selalu menasehati peserta didik dan mencegahnya dari perbuatantercela, Guru harus tahu kemampuan peserta didik dan guru harus arif dan bijak dalammenyampaikan ilmu pada peserta didik. Sedangkan pada kompetensi sosial yang harusdimiliki seorang guru menurut pandangan Al-Ghazali yaitu: sikap toleransi menghargaiilmu pengetahuan dan keahlian orang lain dan sebagainya. Dalam konteks pembelajaraninteraksi sosial guru harus memiliki kompetensi untuk menjalin interaksi harmonis guru,peserta didik dan masyarakat. Implikasi dari penelitian ini yaitu: ikhlas dalam melakukanpekerjaannya, tidak membeda-bedakan peserta didik, saling menghormati danmembangun interaksi sosial baik peserta didik, sesama rekan guru, orangtua peserta didikdan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu guru dianjurkan untuk terus menerus belajar denganbaik dan meningkatkan kesadaran akan tugas dan tanggungjawab yang dimilikinya


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    Field Experience Practices (PPL) in schools is carried out so that students train themselves before becoming real educators. However, what happens in the field is actually a lot of things that make students not maximal in mastering basic teaching skills. The data was obtained through observation and interviews with students. Some of the problems faced by PPL students are from themselves because they lack training and lack of confidence; student not ready to learn, do not ignore the arrival of students, late in class, do other activities, feel bored, and out of class when learning takes place; the time of learning that is not well controlled, subject is not mastered, as well as inadequate learning tools and media. Based on the problems they faced, students should be given special guidance with controlled exercises or microteaching, so that students can reduce errors that can occur when directly involved in the field


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    Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis strategi guru dalam pembentukan karakter pesertadidik di SDIT Alif Cendekia Gowa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kualitatif denganpendekatan fenomenalogis. Adapun metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara,observasi, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian teknik pengolahan dan analisis data dilakukan melalui empattahapan, yaitu: kondensasi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa strategi guru dalam pembentukan karakter peserta didik di SDIT Alif CendekiaGowa dengan cara memberikan keteladanan, pembiasaan, bimbingan, motivasi, teguran, danreward and punishment. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk semua ustaz/ustazah di SDITAlif Cendekia Gowa diharapkan lebih maksimal dalam membentuk karakter peserta didik dan harusselalu memotivasi peseta didik dalam pembelajaran maupun diluar pelajaran. Agar tujuanpembelajaran akan tercapai dengan baik. 2) Senantiasa memberikan suri teladan yang baik kepadapeserta didik agar dapat dicontoh oleh semua peserta didik agar tercipta karakter atau kepribadianyang baik dengan meniru setiap perbuatan dari ustaz/ustazah. 3) Berikan perhatian khusus bagipeserta didik yang belum paham dengan materi pembelajaran yang disampaikan dengan beberapametode maupun pendekatan dalam pembelajaran seperti pendekatan individual yang diberikankepada peserta didik. 4) Dukungan orang tua dalam bentuk partisipasi aktif pada setiap kegiatanyang dilakukan sekolah hendaknya sejalan dengan apa yang dilakukan di rumah terutamaketeladanan dan pengawasan dalam lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat


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    Abstrak: Pengenalan diri pada remaja menjadi tugas perkembangan utama karena jika tidak dapat diselesaikan maka akan menimbulkan difusi identitas yang dapat berdampak negatif, seperti kenakalan remaja. Salah satu cara membantu remaja di MAN 1 Enrekang dalam menemukan identitas dirinya dengan memberikan pelatihan pengenalan diri sendiri menggunakan bantuan kartu Points of You. Jumlah partisipan yang terlibat sebanyak 52 peserta didik yang berada pada usia remaja (15-17 tahun). Instrumen pelatihan yang digunakan yakni kartu Points of You jenis The Coaching Game dan Punctum dan Chart Finding Self Indentity. Tahapan kegiatan pengabdian dimulai dengan acara pembukaan, perkenalan narasumber lalu masuk ke sesi pelatihan. Pelatihan diawali dengan penyebaran angket untuk mengetahui pengenalan diri awal peserta. Lalu dilakukan tahapan sesuai prosedur penggunaan kartu Points of You: pertama Pause, kedua Expand, ketiga Focus, dan keempat Doing. Setelah itu maka disebarkan angket untuk mengetahui pengenalan diri peserta setelah mengikuti pelatihan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket pengenalan diri yang disusun sendiri oleh peneliti. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu rata-rata skor kemampuan mengenali diri sebelum pelatihan adalah 2.78 meningkat menjadi 4.12 (rentang skor 1-5). Selain itu, uji NGain Score telah memberikan bukti secara empiris bahwa kartu Points of You cukup efektif digunakan pada pelatihan pengenalan diri bagi remaja.Abstract: Self-recognition in adolescents is an important developmental task. It must be complished to hinder the identity diffusion to a negative impact, such as juvenile delinquency if it cannot be completed. One way to help teenagers at MAN 1 Enrekang find their self-identity is by providing self-recognition training using the Points of You card. The number of participants was 52 students between the ages of 15 to 17 years old. The training instruments used were Points of You cards of The Coaching Game and Punctum types and the Finding Self Identity Chart. The stages of service activities was started from the opening ceremony, after that the introduction of the resource persons and then the training session. The training was begun with distributing a questionnaire to determine the participants' initial self-introduction. Then the steps were carried out according to the procedure for using the Points of You card: first Pause, second Expand, third Focus, and fourth Doing. After that, a questionnaire was distributed to find out the participants' self-introduction after attending the training. Collecting data using a self-recognition questionnaire referred to the researcher. The results obtained from this study were the average score of self-recognition skills before training was 2.78, increasing to 4.12 (score range 1-5). In addition, the NGain Score test has provided empirical evidence that the Points of You card media is quite effective in being used in self-introduction training for adolescents

    The Perspective of Islamic Education to Educational Methods

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    Islamic education is a system consisting of several important components that are interconnected. Among the existing components is the method of education. This study aimed to determine the learning methods used in Islamic education. This research used library research with a qualitative approach. Data sources were derived from various works of literature, including books, articles, newspapers, and documents. The data analysis techniques used were content and descriptive analyses. The finding indicated that several teaching methods are used in Islamic education, including; 1) Lecture method, 2) Discussion method, 3) Demonstration method, 4) Insertion method, 5) Wrapping method, and 6) Inquiry method. Therefore, teachers are required to choose and determine the right method so that the achievement of educational goals can be carried out effectively and efficiently

    Cr-resistant rhizo- and endophytic bacteria associated with Prosopis juliflora and their potential as phytoremediation enhancing agents in metal-degraded soils

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    Prosopis juliflora is characterized by distinct and profuse growth even in nutritionally poor soil and environmentally stressed conditions and is believed to harbor some novel heavy metal-resistant bacteria in the rhizosphere and endosphere. This study was performed to isolate and characterize Cr-resistant bacteria from the rhizosphere and endosphere of P. juliflora growing on the tannery effluent contaminated soil. A total of 5 and 21 bacterial strains were isolated from the rhizosphere and endosphere, respectively, could tolerate Cr up to 3000 mg l-1. These isolates also exhibited tolerance to other toxic heavy metals such as, Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, and high concentration (174 g l-1) of NaCl. Moreover, most of the isolated bacterial strains showed one or more plant growth-promoting activities. The phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene indicated a higher and wider range of population of Cr-resistant bacteria in the endosphere than rhizosphere and the predominant species included Bacillus, Staphylococcus and Aerococcus. As far as we know, this is the first report detecting rhizo- and endophytic bacterial population associated with P. juliflora growing on the tannery effluent contaminated soil. The inoculation of three isolates to ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) improved plant growth and heavy metal removal from the tannery effluent contaminated soil suggesting that these bacteria could enhance the establishment of the plant in contaminated soil and also improve the efficiency of phytoremediation of heavy metal-degraded soils

    Prioritising health-care strategies to reduce childhood mortality, insights from Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS): a longitudinal study.

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    BACKGROUND: Globally, mortality in children younger than 5 years has been decreasing over the past few decades, but high under-5 mortality persists across regions of sub-Saharan Africa and southern Asia. Interventions-such as improved quality of clinical and antenatal care, better access to emergency obstetrical procedures, better triage and risk stratification, better immunisation coverage, or infection control measures-could substantially reduce deaths, but it is unclear which strategies could save the most lives. We aimed to use data from the Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) network to examine which health-care and public health improvements could have prevented the most deaths. METHODS: We used standardised, population-based, mortality surveillance data collected by CHAMPS from seven sites (Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, and South Africa) to understand preventable causes of death in children younger than 5 years. Deaths were investigated with minimally invasive tissue sampling, a post-mortem approach using biopsy needles for sampling key organs and body fluids. For each death, an expert panel reviewed case data to determine whether the death was preventable and (if preventable) provided recommendations as to how the death could have been avoided. We evaluated which health system improvements could have prevented the most deaths among those who underwent minimally invasive tissue sampling for each age group: stillbirths, neonatal deaths (aged <28 days), and infant or child deaths (aged 1 month to <5 years). FINDINGS: We included 1982 eligible deaths (with minimally invasive tissue sampling performed) that occurred between Dec 9, 2016, and Feb 29, 2020, including 556 stillbirths, 828 neonatal deaths, and 598 child deaths. Of these 1982 deaths across all seven CHAMPS sites, 393 (71%) stillbirths, 583 (70%) neonatal deaths, and 487 (81%) child deaths were deemed preventable. The most recommended measures to prevent deaths were improvements in antenatal or obstetric care (recommended for 44% of stillbirths and 31% of neonatal deaths), clinical management and quality of care (stillbirths 26%, neonates 32%, children 46%), health-seeking behaviour (children 24%), and health education (children 22%). Given that 70% of under-5 deaths are stillbirths and neonatal deaths, an intervention that focuses on these age groups (eg, improved antenatal care) could prevent the most under-5 deaths. INTERPRETATION: These data indicate areas in which greater focus on improving existing systems could prevent the most deaths. Investments in interventions such as better access to antenatal care, improvements in clinical practice, and public education campaigns could substantially reduce child mortality. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1126780)