51 research outputs found

    Профессионально-личностные компетенции врача-педиатра

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    Conceptual position of vocational education is the personal and professional development learning and personal development is an essential goal of vocational education. The formation and development of the specialist involves the development of a professional intelligence, independence, self-confidence, professionally important qualities and competence.Концептуальным положением профессионального образования служит личностное и профессиональное развитие обучающегося, а развитие личности является важнейшей целью профессионального образования. Формирование и становление специалиста предполагает развитие профессионального интеллекта, самостоятельности, уверенности в себе, профессионально-важных качеств и компетентности


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    The article describes modern methods of teaching needed to ensure and improve the learning process, while maintaining traditional ways of learning. Character-ized by control methods to ensure the educational process, argues conducting educational monitoring and presents a contemporary view of the problem of quality of education in high school, in terms of its reform intensification of training in high school are invited to spend, using the elements of the educational process of constructive pedagogy.В статье описаны современные методы обучения, необходимые для обеспечения и совершенствования учебного процесса, наряду с сохранением традиционных способов обучения. Охарактеризованы методы контроля обеспечения образовательного процесса, аргументируется проведение образовательного мониторинга и представлен современный взгляд на проблему качества образования в вузе, в условиях его реформирования. Интенсификацию обучения в вузе предлагается проводить, используя в образовательном процессе элементы конструктивной педагогики.


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    In this paper the authors describe the features of professional continuous medical education in the modern conditions of higher education reform inRussia. A new role of the teacher of the medical school is described. It is important to be professionally competent and to master modern teaching technologies (educational modules, project learning methods, distant education, etc.). The system of continuous medical education as a tool of professional development should become a strategic objective in the implementation of the goals of reforming professional medical education inRussia.Охарактеризованы особенности профессионального непрерывного медицинского образования в современных условиях реформирования высшего образования в России. Описана новая роль преподавателя медицинского ВУЗа, владеющего профессиональной компетентностью и современными педагогическими технологиями (образовательные модули, проектные методы обучения, дистанционное обучение и др.). Система непрерывного медицинского образования на основе ее инновационного характера как инструмент профессионального развития должна стать стратегической целью в реализации поставленных задач по реформированию профессионального медицинского образования в России


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    The shift in priorities in the system of Russian education, transition from reproductive learning to learner-centered approach, incorporation of competency-based approach into the educational standards of «the third generation» require the training of a competitive specialist with professional competency. Types of competencies are characterized. The competency presenting certain requirements is studied. The mastering of the requirements will enable to train qualified specialists. The quality of education directly influences the level of professional activity through training of specialists and development of sciences. Competence-oriented approach and adherence to pedagogic requirements in education enables the efficacy of professional training. Innovative techniques and approaches to organizing educational process in their active form stimulate the process of studying.Изменения приоритетов российского образования, переход от репродуктивной формы обучения к личностно-ориентированной, включение компетентностного подхода в образовательные стандарты «третьего поколения» требуют подготовки конкурентно-способного специалиста, владеющего профессиональной компетентностью. В статье охарактеризованы виды компетентности, описана компетенция, представляющая собой определенные требования, овладение которыми подготовят специалиста в профессиональной деятельности. Качество образования напрямую влияет на уровень профессиональной деятельности через подготовку специалистов и развитие науки. Модульно-компетентностный подход с соблюдением комплекса педагогических условий в образовании обеспечивает эффективность профессиональной подготовки, а инновационные методы и подходы к организации образовательного процесса, в виде активных методов, стимулируют процесс обучения


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    The development of the modern education system includes a number of features. Learning involves a high level of independence with the leading role of the student. Vocational education institutions should provide a wide range of educational services that are adequate to labor market demands. Methods and forms of education should be variable including active use of modern educational technology as one of the most convenient ways of learning. Развитие современной системы образования предполагает обучение с высоким уровнем самостоятельности при ведущей роли личности обучаемого; предоставление учреждениями профессионального образования широкого спектра образовательных услуг, адекватных запросам рынка труда; вариативность методов и форм обучения; активное использование современных педагогических технологий как одного из наиболее удобных способов обучения.


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    The development of the modern education system presupposes training with a high level of independence and the leading role of the student’s personality. Vocational education institutions should provide a wide range of educational services that are adequate to demands of the labor market. Methods and forms of education must be variable. Modern educational technology should be used of the as one of the most convenient ways of training.Развитие современной системы образования предполагает обучение с высоким уровнем самостоятельности при ведущей роли личности обучаемого; предоставление учреждениями профессионального образования широкого спектра образовательных услуг, адекватных запросам рынка труда; вариативность методов и форм обучения; активное использование современных педагогических технологий как одного из наиболее удобных способов обучения

    MscS-like mechanosensitive channels in plants and microbes

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    The challenge of osmotic stress is something all living organisms must face as a result of environmental dynamics. Over the past three decades, innovative research and cooperation across disciplines have irrefutably established that cells utilize mechanically gated ion channels to release osmolytes and prevent cell lysis during hypoosmotic stress. Early electrophysiological analysis of the inner membrane of Escherichia coli identified the presence of three distinct mechanosensitive activities. The subsequent discoveries of the genes responsible for two of these activities, the mechanosensitive channels of large (MscL) and small (MscS) conductance, led to the identification of two diverse families of mechanosensitive channels. The latter of these two families, the MscS family, consists of members from bacteria, archaea, fungi, and plants. Genetic and electrophysiological analysis of these family members has provided insight into how organisms use mechanosensitive channels for osmotic regulation in response to changing environmental and developmental circumstances. Furthermore, determining the crystal structure of E. coli MscS and several homologues in several conformational states has contributed to our understanding of the gating mechanisms of these channels. Here we summarize our current knowledge of MscS homologues from all three domains of life and address their structure, proposed physiological functions, electrophysiological behaviors, and topological diversity

    Single-Cell Census of Mechanosensitive Channels in Living Bacteria

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    Bacteria are subjected to a host of different environmental stresses. One such insult occurs when cells encounter changes in the osmolarity of the surrounding media resulting in an osmotic shock. In recent years, a great deal has been learned about mechanosensitive (MS) channels which are thought to provide osmoprotection in these circumstances by opening emergency release valves in response to membrane tension. However, even the most elementary physiological parameters such as the number of MS channels per cell, how MS channel expression levels influence the physiological response of the cells, and how this mean number of channels varies from cell to cell remain unanswered. In this paper, we make a detailed quantitative study of the expression of the mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL) in different media and at various stages in the growth history of bacterial cultures. Using both quantitative fluorescence microscopy and quantitative Western blots our study complements earlier electrophysiology-based estimates and results in the following key insights: i) the mean number of channels per cell is much higher than previously estimated, ii) measurement of the single-cell distributions of such channels reveals marked variability from cell to cell and iii) the mean number of channels varies under different environmental conditions. The regulation of MscL expression displays rich behaviors that depend strongly on culturing conditions and stress factors, which may give clues to the physiological role of MscL. The number of stress-induced MscL channels and the associated variability have far reaching implications for the in vivo response of the channels and for modeling of this response. As shown by numerous biophysical models, both the number of such channels and their variability can impact many physiological processes including osmoprotection, channel gating probability, and channel clustering


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    In this paper the authors describe the features of professional continuous medical education in the modern conditions of higher education reform inRussia. A new role of the teacher of the medical school is described. It is important to be professionally competent and to master modern teaching technologies (educational modules, project learning methods, distant education, etc.). The system of continuous medical education as a tool of professional development should become a strategic objective in the implementation of the goals of reforming professional medical education inRussia

    Professional Personal Competencies Pediatrician

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    Conceptual position of vocational education is the personal and professional development learning and personal development is an essential goal of vocational education. The formation and development of the specialist involves the development of a professional intelligence, independence, self-confidence, professionally important qualities and competence