15 research outputs found

    Daily Behavior of Male and Female Nuri Talaud (Eos Histrio Talautensis, Muller Pls 1776) in Captivity

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    Nuri talaud or talaud parrot (Eos histrio talautensis, Muller PLS 1776) is included on the list of protected wild species. Conservation is an alternative way to save this species from extinction. This study aimed to determine the daily behavior of male and female talaud parrots (Eos histrio talautensis, Muller PLS 1776) in captivity. The variables observed included moving behavior, feeding, body care and rest. This study used a descriptive method with direct observations of individual bird behavior. Focal animal sampling was used as a method for recording behavior, which means observing one individual for a certain amount of frequency and recording all examples of behavior. Observations were made on 2 birds of male and female sexes. Every individual bird was observed every day from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The male and female talaud parrots showed differences in locomotive behavior, ingestive and body care and resting. The difference in the duration of behavior can be used as an indicator to determine the sex of talaud parrot for reproductive purposes

    INCOME OVER FEED COST (IOFC) PENGGEMUKAN SAPI PERANAKAN ONGOLE (PO) BERBASIS LIMBAH KEDELAI: Income Over Feed Cost (IOFC) Fatting of Peranakan Ongole (PO) Based on Soybeans Waste

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    The use of soy bean waste is an alternative roughage feed for local cattle fattening based on concentrate, particularly in the dry season.  This study aimed to examine the productivity and income over feed cost of PO cattle fattened using ration containing soybeans pod for 100 days. Twelve male PO cattle with an average age of 18 months and an initial live weight of 160,11卤19,1 kg were used in this study.  They were allotted to four different ration treatments, including R1 (30% native grass +70% concentrate ration), R2 (15% native grass + 15% soybean pod + 70% concentrate ration), R3 (30% soybean pod + 70% concentrate ration) and R4 (30% soybean pod silage + 70% concentrate ration). The observed parameters comprised feed cost, cattle revenue, and IOFC.  The results showed that the PO cattle fattening on 70% concentrate + 30% soybean pod silage (R4) gave the highest IOFC since they had the highest productivity during fattening. ABSTRAKAmpas kedelai dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pakan alternatif penggemukan sapi lokal berbasis konsentrat terutama pada musim kemarau. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui produktivitas dan nilai pendapatan berdasarkan biaya pakan atau IOFC sapi PO yang digemukan menggunakan ransum yang mengandung polong kedelai selama 100 hari. Dua belas ekor sapi PO jenis kelamin jantan dengan umur 18 bulan dan bobot hidup bakalan awal 160,11卤19,1 kg digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Sapi PO ini diberikan empat perlakuan ransum yang berbeda, antara lain R1 (30% rumput +70% ransum konsentrat), R2 (15% rumput + 15% polong kedelai + 70% konsentrat ransum), R3 (30% polong kedelai + 70% ransum konsentrat) dan R4 (30% silase polong kedelai + 70% konsentrat ransum). Peubah yang diamati pada penelitian ini meliputi biaya pakan, pendapatan ternak dan IOFC. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini bahwa penggemukan sapi PO pada perlakuan penggunaan konsentrat 70% + silase polong kedelai (R4) 30% memberikan IOFC tertinggi karena memiliki produktivitas tertinggi selama penggemukan

    PRODUKTIVITAS DUA JENIS JANGKRIK LOKAL Gryillus testaceus Walk. DAN Gryllus mitratus Burn. (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) YANG DIBUDIDAYAKAN

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    Study on the productivity of two species of local crickets; Gryllus testaceus Walk and Gryllus mitratus Burn which are generally found in the local market have been conducted with the main aim at obtaining information on the capability of those species in producing eggs including the length of production cycles.Three levels of box square density (50 female/box,100 female/box and 150 female/box) and two levels of additional feed (green master and papay leaves) were used as treatments.The results showed that the number of eggs produced by G.mitratus were larger with longer production cycles compared to those of G.testaceus. Species and density has highly significant effects on egg production and feed consumption, whereas,additional feed significantly influencing egg production and feed consumption of the two species.The use of green master as additional feed resulted in a higher egg production than those given papay leaves


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    The aims of this study were to determine the application of livestock breeding technology and the specific components in order to develop strategic planning for cattle production in Raja Ampat district. A total of 218 farmer from three different villages, namely Sakabu, Kalobo, and Waijan were observed and intervewied.The land and their use system, a pattern of cattle management production, and the characteristic of institutional and government regulation were observed as study variables. These three major variables were divided to collect the comprehensive data. The second variables covered reproduction, maintenance and housing, feed, disease and health, assistance, facilities and infrastructure, postharvest handling, and marketing. The third consist of farmer organization and capital resources and regional support system to enhance cattle production.The results showed : (1) pastoral system was common where farmers allows their cattle to graze freely in various places such as grassland, forest, rice fields or farmland, (2) the selective breeding practice was unadopted instead of the traditional mating, and (3) application of feeding technology not applied properly.Raja Ampat, a center of cattle breeding and fattening, was identified as a new prospective development area based on total score (< 500)

    FUENTE AGRIA DE TEROR [Material gr谩fico]

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educaci贸n, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirecci贸n General de Coordinaci贸n Bibliotecaria, 201

    Fermentation Characteristics and Nitrogen Retention of Madura Cattle Fed Complete Rations Containing Soybean Pod and By-Products

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    This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of complete rations containing soybean pod and soybean by-products (soybean meal and tofu waste) on rumen microbial population, fermentation characteristics, nutrient digestibility, and nitrogen retention of Madura cattle. Twelve Madura cattle of 1.5 years of age were given 4 feeding treatments in triplicates in randomized block design experiment. The treatments included T0 (100% native grass) as a negative control, T1 (concentrate: grass (60:40) as a positive control, T2 (complete ration containing 15% soybean pods), and T3 (complete ration containing 30% soybean pods). The treatments were based on feeding practices commonly applied by farmers in the village. The results showed that the use of concentrate rations or complete rations containing soybean pod and by-product did not affect protozoa population, ammonia concentration, and total VFA production compared to cattle fed 100% native grass. In contrast, the use of concentrate rations or complete rations containing soybean pod and by-products reduced acetate and increased butyrate proportion compared to native grass. The use of a concentrate ration resulted the highest propionate proportion. Methane estimation increased with the use of concentrate ration or complete ration containing 15% soybean pod, but it decreased when the level of soybean pod was increased to 30%. It can be concluded that soybean pod has a potential to be used as a fiber source in beef cattle ration to substitute native grass

    The Model of Biogas Utilization from Livestock Manure Using Farmer Group Approach to Meet Alternative Energy at Household Scale

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    This study aims to analyze the potential of waste generated from the application of integrated farming systems through biogas production produced as alternative fuel for households. The results showed that the waste of integrated farming system in the form of livestock manure can produce biogas and organic fertilizers that can be used by farming managers as an input for production activities and for sale. A cow can produce biogas around 600-1000 liters per day. The use of biogas as an alternative fuel for stoves and lamps can save household expenditure to buy fossil fuels. Besides avoiding scarcity of fossil fuels, it can also reduce the negative impact of livestock farming activities. In addition, people using biogas are participating in the mitigation of greenhouse gases.This study develops a model of biogas utilization using farmer group approach where each group, consists of 20 people, manage a number of 20 to 50 cows. The group members exploit biogas from cow鈥檚 manure with the concept of 'come with grasses, go home with biogas'. They use biogas bags, so that bio-digesters at cow鈥檚 stalls are operated to refill biogas

    The Utilization of SIPROMO (Silage Probiotics Molasses) Based On Food Crop Waste as Feed Supplements for Bali Cattle on Tidal Swamp

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of SIPROMO (Silage Probiotic Molasses) based on food crop waste as feed supplements for Bali cattle on Tidal Swamp. A randomized block designs used three treatments, Swamp Grass (RR), Waste of food crop (BRPJL) and SIPROMO crop waste (SPJL) with three repetitions. The observed variables were dry matter intake (DMI, crude protein intake (CPI), average daily gain (ADG) and feed efficiency. Result showed that DMI and CPI of SIPROMO (SPJL) as feed supplement differed significantly from those of RR, BRPJL. The ADG and feed efficiency did not differ among treatments. Conclusion of this study was SIPROMO crop waste could improve DMI and CPI. The ADG of Bali cattle that was given SIPROMO (SPJL) could achiev