100 research outputs found

    Persepsi nasabah terhadap kualitas pelayanan pada bank Muamalat cabang pembantu Sampit

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    Penelitian ini membahas mengenai persepsi nasabah terhadap kualitas pelayanan pada Bank Muamalat Cabang Pembantu Sampit, beranjak dari tiga rumusan masalah yaitu: (1) bagaimana cara Bank Muamalat Cabang Pembantu Sampit dalam peningkatan kualitas pelayanan bagi nasabah, (2) apa saja kendala Bank Muamalat Cabang Pembantu Sampit dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada nasabah, (3) bagaimana persepsi nasabah terhadap kualitas pelayanan Bank Muamalat Cabang Pembantu Sampit. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan, menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun objek penelitian ini adalah persepsi nasabah terhadap kualitas pelayanan Bank Muamalat Cabang Pembantu Sampit dan subjek penelitian ini adalah nasabah, manager dan karyawan Bank Muamalat Cabang Pembantu Sampit. Metode pengumpulan datanya dengan cara wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Untuk pengabsahan data menggunakan trianggulasi sumber. Teknik analisis data ada tiga yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan serta verifikasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa cara Bank Muamalat Cabang Pembantu Sampit dalam peningkatan kualitas pelayanan yaitu dengan menerapkan standar operasional prosedur yang ada di Bank Muamalat Cabang Pembantu Sampit. Namun dalam penerapannya pasti terdapat kendala- endala dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada nasabah. Terlepas dari hal tersebut Bank Muamalat Cabang Pembantu Sampit tetap memberikan pelayanan yang baik dan memuaskan kepada nasabahnya. Selain itu juga hal ini dapat dirasakan nasabah Bank Muamalat Cabang Pembantu Sampit yang tetap nyaman dan senang dalam melakukan transaksi di bank tersebut


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh berkembang pesatnya sektor perfilman Indonesia bergenre Islami dengan tema Pesantren dan dinamika sosial usia remaja. Film Cahaya Cinta Pesantren merupakan sebuah film yang melakukan syuting dipondok pesantren Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah yang berada dikota Medan. Pesantren tersebut didirikan pada tanggal 18 Oktober 1982, dideklarasikanlah pendirian pesantren tarbiyah Islamiyah Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah secara resmi. Ditengah zaman yang modernisasi serta menurunnya akhlak dalam seorang anak, banyak orang tua yang mempercayai pesantren sebagai alternatif untuk menghindarkan anak dari pergaulan bebas. Karena mereka percaya dengan pesantren yang mendidik santrinya sebagai pribadi yang berakhlak baik.Penulis mengambil film Cahaya Cinta Pesantren karena didalamnya kerkandung banyak contoh akhlak yang baik dalam bermasyarakat. Seperti contohnya yaitu sholat berjamaah tepat waktu, dipisahkannya pergaulan antara santri laki-laki dan perempuan, kehidupan yang disiplin, sikap menghormati orang lain dan lainnya. Film ini menarik untuk dibahas, karena banyak penonton yang menyaksikannya. Film yang mengusung teman dakwah atau tema pesantren di dalamnya berhasil mendapat 70.078 penonton. Film ini adalah sebuah hasil karya yang sangat bagus tentang perjuangan seorang perempuan yang menjalani kehidupan di pesantren dimulai dari keterpaksaan masuk pesantren, terjebak diantara rasa suka terhadap lawan jenisnya, serta menerima semua hal yang sedang ia jalani. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan penulis mengenai analisis isi pesan akhlak dalam Film Cahaya Cinta Pesantren dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam film ini terdapat dua kategori akhlak yaitu akhlak terpuji dan akhlak tercela. Yang termasuk dalam variabel akhlak terpuji adalah sabar, Istiqomah, menjaga amanah adil, kasih sayang, berani, dan menepati janji. Dan yang termasuk variabel akhlak tercela adalah dengki, iri hati, angkuh, munafik, dan ria. Dari dua kategori akhlak tersebut ditemukan akhlak terpuji pada indikator sabar sebesar 7%, istiqomah sebesar 7%, menjaga amanah sebesar 11%, adil sebesar 4%, kasih sayang sebesar 14%, berani sebesar 18%, menepati janji sebesar 0%. Sedangkan pada variabel Akhlak tercela meliputi indikator dengki sebesar 21%, iri hati sebesar 11%, angkuh sebesar 25%, munafik sebesar 21%, dan riya sebesar 7%. Berdasarkan hasil indikator akhlak tersebut menunjukkan bahwa isi pesan akhlak yang paling dominan dalam film ini adalah isi pesan akhlak tercela yaitu angkuh ditemukan 7 dari 28 scene dengan persentase 25%. Dan pada kategori akhlak terpuji yang paling dominan adalah indikator berani ditemukan 5 dari 28 scene dengan persentase 18

    Non- and Semi-parametric Bayesian Inference with Recurrent Events and Coherent Systems Data

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    This dissertation deals with non- and semi-parametric Bayesian inference of gap-time distribution with recurrent event data and simultaneous inference of component and system reliabilities of coherent systems data. Recurrent event data arise from a wide variety of studies/fields such as clinical trials, epidemiology, public health, biomedicine (e.g. repeated heart attack, repeated tumor occurrences of a cancer patient). In Chapter 2 we develop nonparametric Bayes and empirical Bayes estimators of the survivor function \bar{F} = 1 - F, of the gap-time distribution by assigning a Dirichlet process prior on F. We develop a closed form estimator of \bar{F} as well as a procedure to sample from the posterior measure and thus construct point-wise credible intervals. Semiparametric Bayesian inference of the gap-time survivor function with the effect of covariates of a correlated recurrent event in the presence of censoring is considered in Chapter 3. A frailty model is considered to allow the association between inter-occurrence gap-times. We assign a gamma process prior on the baseline cumulative hazard function &Lambda 0 \u3c\sub\u3e and parametric prior distributions on the finite dimensional parameters associated with covariates and frailties. We derive the conditional posterior distributions of the unknown parameters of interest from the joint posterior distribution and employ Gibbs sampling techniques to obtain samples from the joint posterior distribution. In Chapter 4 we focus on nonparametric Bayesian inference of reliability of coherent systems which are prevalent in many settings such as in mechanical, engineering, military, and financial systems. In our nonparametric Bayesian approach we assign independent partition-based Dirichlet (PBD) priors, on the component distribution functions. A simultaneous inference procedure of component and system reliabilities is developed. Bayesian paradigm provides a more general estimator in the sense that we can recover corresponding nonparametric estimators as a limiting case of our developed estimators both in recurrent event and reliability settings

    Monthly and diurnal variations of limnological conditions of two ponds

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    A study on monthly and diurnal changes of limnological conditions of two ponds was conducted in the Bangladesh Agricultural University campus, Mymensingh. The research work was performed by studying the limnological parameters such as transparency, temperature, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, pH, total alkalinity, nitrate-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorus and plankton. Diurnal variations of physico-chemical factors were studied fortnightly at 6 hrs intervals at 6 a.m., 12 noon, 6 p.m. and 12 midnight. The amounts of transparency, dissolved oxygen and pH were higher during winter months than in summer months in both the ponds. Transparency, water temperature, total alkalinity, NO3-N and PO4-P were higher during summer months than in winter months in both the ponds. But the amount of free carbon dioxide was higher during winter months than in summer months in pond 1 while in pond 2 the amount of free carbon dioxide was higher during summer months than in winter months. Qualitative and quantitative monthly variations of phytoplankton and zooplankton were observed in both the ponds during the study period. The highest amount of dissolved oxygen, pH and total alkalinity were recorded at 6 p.m. and the lowest amounts of those at 6 a.m. in both the ponds. The highest temperature was recorded at 12 noon and the lowest at 12 midnight. But the highest amount of free carbon dioxide was recorded at 6 a.m. and the lowest at 6 p.m. in both the ponds. All the factors showed appreciable diel variations throughout the study period, which indicate that the ponds are productive.Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 7 (1): 14-20, June, 201

    Perangkat untuk Pengajaran Efektif

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    Perangkat pembelajaran adalah suatu perlengkapan yang buat dan disajikan guru ketika ingin memulai pembelajaran. Metode pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi literatur. Hasil yang diperoleh yaitu perangkat pembelajaran mencakup media pembelajaran, silabus, skenario pembelajaran, RPP, sumber belajar, perangkat penilaian. Permendikbud menjelaskan bahwa RPP merupakan meteri pokok yang dirancang sesuai dengan isi silabus yang kemudian diolah dan dikembangkan dengan terperinci. Tugas-tugas yang diberikan dalam LKS yang dikerjakan oleh siswa harus berkompetensi dasar. Pentingnya penggunaan media pendidikan dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan sangatlah penting. Penilaian terhadap kompetensi pengetahuan, kompetensi sikap dan kompetensi keterampilan merupakan konsep dari kurikulum pedoman umum pembelajaran. Pada konsep-konsep yang dapat digunakan sebagai solusi dalam mengatasi masalah pembelajaran harus berdasarkan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran. Harapan pembelajaran dapat dicapai oleh siswa dengan baik dengan adanya pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran

    Socioeconomic inequality in child injury in Bangladesh – implication for developing countries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Child injury is an emerging public health issue in both developed and developing countries. It is the main cause of deaths and disabilities of children after infancy. The aim of this study was to investigate the socioeconomic inequality in injury related morbidity and mortality among 1–4 years children.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>Data used for this study derived from Bangladesh Health and Injury Survey. A multistage cluster sampling technique was conducted for this survey. In this study quintiles of socioeconomic status were calculated on the basis of assets and wealth score by using principle component analysis. The numerical measures of inequality in mortality and morbidity were assessed by the concentration index.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The poorest-richest quintile ratio of mortality due to injury was 6.0 whereas this ratio was 5.6 and 5.5 for the infectious diseases and non-communicable diseases. The values of mortality concentration indices for child mortality due to infection, non-communicable diseases and injury causes were -0.40, -0.32 and -0.26 respectively. Among the morbidity concentration indices, injury showed significantly greater inequality. All the concentration indices revealed that there were significant inequalities among the groups. The logistic regression analysis indicated that poor children were 2.8 times more likelihood to suffer from injury mortality than rich children, taking into account all the other factors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Despite concentration indices used in this study, the analysis reflected the family's socioeconomic position in a Bangladesh context, showing a very strong statistical association with child mortality. Due to the existing socioeconomic situation in Bangladesh, the poor children were more vulnerable to injury occurrence.</p

    Perancangan Jok Ergonomis Dalam Fabrikasi Mobil Minimalis Roda Tiga

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    This study aims to create ergonomic seat design, which will be applied to the minimalisttricycle car. Seats that will be designed in this study has two designs, the front seat for one driver andthe back seat for two passengers. In ergonomic seat design is used Ulric method for the process ofmaking a product design. The design of the seat should refer to the anthropometry of the Indonesianhuman body in order to create an ergonomic seat, because this product is intended for the Indonesianpeople. Some of the design concepts that have been created will be selected one the best designamong several design concepts. The selection of design concepts refers to three things. First, basedon ergonomic values that can be analyzed using RULA (Rappid Upper Limb Assessment) method thatcontain in softwere catia. Second, based on the aesthetic value that gained from the distribution ofaesthetic questionnaire of products. Third, based on the level of convenience that determined by theseat upholstery materials used. The results of this study indicate that the three front and back seatsdesign can be categorized to be ergonomic. That statement is based on the result of RULA valueanalysis which shows the final value 2, which is in the table described that the risk of injury withvalue 2 is can be included into the acceptable category and has no risk of injury. Based on the therereferences that have been described, and from the three concepts that have been made for the frontseat and back seat, was chosen concept 2 for the front seat because in the process of design conceptselection obtained absolute value 4 and the relative value 34.12%. In the back seat was chosenconcept 2 because in the process of design concept selection obtained absolute value 4.03 andrelative value 34.


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    The formulation of the problem in this study is: How does compensation, training and work motivation  influence  the work productivity  at Dinas Perikanan  Kota Tanjungbalai. This study aims to determine the effect of compensation, training and  work  motivation  on  employee  work  productivity.   With  total  sampling technique,   the  sample   in  this  study   was  41  people.   The  results  showed; Compensation  partially  has  a  positive  effect  on  employee  work  productivity; Partial training has a positive effect on employee work productivity; Work motivation partially has a positive influence on employee work productivity; Training, compensation and work motivation simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on employee work productivity

    Lifestyle risk factors and metabolic markers of cardiovascular diseases in Bangladeshi rural-to-urban male migrants compared with their non-migrant siblings : a sibling-pair comparative study

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    Background The increasing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in developing countries like Bangladesh has been linked to progressive urbanisation. Comparisons of rural and urban populations often find a higher prevalence of CVD risk factors in the urban population, but rural-to-urban migrants might have different CVD risk profiles than either rural or urban residents. This study aimed to describe differences in CVD risk factors between migrants and non-migrants siblings and to determine whether acculturation factors were associated with CVD risk factors among migrants. Methods Using a sibling-pair comparative study, 164 male migrant who migrated from Pirganj rural areas to Dhaka City and their rural siblings (total N = 328) were assessed by interview, anthropometric measurement, blood pressure and blood samples. Comparisons were made using linear or logistic mixed effects models. Findings Physical inactivity, inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables and possible existence of a mental health disorder had 3.3 (1.73; 6.16), 4.3 (2.32; 7.92) and 2.9 (1.37; 6.27) times higher odds among migrants than their rural siblings, respectively. Migrants watched television on average 20 minutes (95% CI 6.17-35.08 min/day) more per day than the rural sibling group whereas PUFA intake, fruit and vegetable and fish intake of the migrants were -5.3 gm/day (-6.91; -3.70), -21.6 serving/week (-28.20; -15.09), -14.1 serving/week (-18.32; -9.87), respectively, lower than that of the rural siblings. No significant difference was observed for other variables. After adjusting, the risk of physical inactivity, inadequate fruit and vegetable intake, a mental health disorder and low HDL were significantly higher in migrants than in rural siblings and tended to be higher for each increasing tertile of urban life exposure. Conclusion The findings suggest that migration from rural-to-urban environment increases CVD risk which exacerbate with time spent in urban area due to acculturation. This study gives new insights into the increased CVD risk related with migration and urbanization in Bangladesh

    Seasonal variations in physical activity domains among rural and urban Bangladeshis using a culturally relevant Past Year Physical Activity Questionnaire (PYPAQ)

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    While the effect of weather and seasons on physical activity (PA) is well documented for leisure-time physical activities in western countries, scant information is available for developing countries where lifestyle PA is the major source of energy expenditure (EE). In Bangladesh, the traditional calendar divides the year to six seasons that last two months each: summer, rainy, autumn, late autumn, winter, and spring. We developed the Past Year Physical Activity Questionnaire to record culturally relevant physical activities and to help assess the seasonal variation in total and domain-specific PA in Bangladesh. We have applied this tool to 162 men and women aged 18–60 years residing in Dhaka city and in the northern rural district of Thakurgaon. Repeated measures analysis of variance (RMANOVA) was used to test for evidence of variation in PA between place and seasons. The age- and gender-adjusted model revealed significantly lower levels of EE in urban residents compared to rural residents across all seasons and domains. We also found evidence of seasonal variations in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) MET-min/ weekamong rural participants only; for total PA (ranging from 3192 in autumn to 4124 in winter; p = 0.0001) and for two domains: the occupation domain (ranging from 935 in autumn to 1645 in winter; p = 0.0001) and the leisure time domain(ranging from 229 in late autumn to 272 in rainy season; p = 0.005). Seasonality in gardening was also noted (ranging from 2.46 in late autumn to 29.28 in rainy season; p = 0.0001). There were no seasonal differences of total and domain-specific MVPA in urban except household-related PA. Among rural participants, PA was higher in the summer, rainy, and winter seasons and lower in autumn and late autumn. The most common leisure-time physical activities were walking, bicycling, and swimming with higher participation in the rural area. Leisure-time physical activity needs to be promoted to urban residents all year long but more focused on autumn, late autumn, and spring in rural areas