399 research outputs found

    A Novel Approach for an Integrated Straw tube-Microstrip Detector

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    We report on a novel concept of silicon microstrips and straw tubes detector, where integration is accomplished by a straw module with straws not subjected to mechanical tension in a Rohacell ®^{\circledR} lattice and carbon fiber reinforced plastic shell. Results on mechanical and test beam performances are reported on as well.Comment: Accepted by Transactions on Nuclear Science (2005). 11 pages, 9 figures, uses lnfprep.st

    Characterization of the water diffusion in GEM foil material

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    Systematic studies on the GEM foil material are performed to measure the moisture diffusion rate and saturation level.These studies are important because the presence of this compound inside the detector’s foil can possibly change its mechanical and electrical properties,and in such a way,the detector performance can be affected.To understand this phenomenon,a model is developed with COMSOL Multiphysicsv.4.3 which described the adsorption and diffusion within the geometry of GEM foil,the concentration profiles and the time required to saturate the foil.The COMSOL model is verified by experimental observations on a GEM foil sample.This note will describe the model and its experimental verification results

    Wind direction data from a coastal HF radar system in the gulf of naples (central mediterranean sea)

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    Results on the accuracy of SeaSonde High Frequency (HF) radar wind direction measurements in the Gulf of Naples (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, Central Mediterranean Sea) are here presented. The investigation was carried out for a winter period (2 February-6 March) and for one summer month (August) of the reference year 2009. HF radar measurements were compared with in situ recordings from a weather station and with model data, with the aim of resolving both small scale and large scale dynamics. The analysis of the overall performance of the HF radar system in the Gulf of Naples shows that the data are reliable when the wind speed exceeds a 5 m/s threshold. Despite such a limitation, this study confirms the potentialities of these systems as monitoring platforms in coastal areas and suggests further efforts towards their improvement

    Gas Analysis and Monitoring Systems for the RPC Detector of CMS at LHC

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    The Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) detector of the CMS experiment at the LHC proton collider (CERN, Switzerland) will employ an online gas analysis and monitoring system of the freon-based gas mixture used. We give an overview of the CMS RPC gas system, describe the project parameters and first results on gas-chromatograph analysis. Finally, we report on preliminary results for a set of monitor RPC.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. Presented by Stefano Bianco (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN) at the IEEE NSS, San Diego (USA), October 200

    Micrometric Position Monitoring Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors in Silicon Detectors

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    We show R&D results including long term stability, resolution, radiation hardness and characterization of Fiber Grating sensors used to monitor structure deformation, repositioning and surveying of silicon detector in High Energy Physics.Comment: Presented by S.Bianco at ICATPP05, Villa Olmo (Como) Italy, November 2005. 5 pages, 6 figures, uses lnfprep.st

    Surgical site infection after caesarean section. Space for post-discharge surveillance improvements and reliable comparisons

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    Surgical site infections (SSI) after caesarean section (CS) represent a substantial health system concern. Surveying SSI has been associated with a reduction in SSI incidence. We report the findings of three (2008, 2011 and 2013) regional active SSI surveillances after CS in community hospital of the Latium region determining the incidence of SSI. Each CS was surveyed for SSI occurrence by trained staff up to 30 post-operative days, and association of SSI with relevant characteristics was assessed using binomial logistic regression. A total of 3,685 CS were included in the study. A complete 30 day post-operation follow-up was achieved in over 94% of procedures. Overall 145 SSI were observed (3.9% cumulative incidence) of which 131 (90.3%) were superficial and 14 (9.7%) complex (deep or organ/space) SSI; overall 129 SSI (of which 89.9% superficial) were diagnosed post-discharge. Only higher NNIS score was significantly associated with SSI occurrence in the regression analysis. Our work provides the first regional data on CS-associated SSI incidence, highlighting the need for a post-discharge surveillance which should assure 30 days post-operation to not miss data on complex SSI, as well as being less labour intensive

    The LBNO long-baseline oscillation sensitivities with two conventional neutrino beams at different baselines

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    The proposed Long Baseline Neutrino Observatory (LBNO) initially consists of 20\sim 20 kton liquid double phase TPC complemented by a magnetised iron calorimeter, to be installed at the Pyh\"asalmi mine, at a distance of 2300 km from CERN. The conventional neutrino beam is produced by 400 GeV protons accelerated at the SPS accelerator delivering 700 kW of power. The long baseline provides a unique opportunity to study neutrino flavour oscillations over their 1st and 2nd oscillation maxima exploring the L/EL/E behaviour, and distinguishing effects arising from δCP\delta_{CP} and matter. In this paper we show how this comprehensive physics case can be further enhanced and complemented if a neutrino beam produced at the Protvino IHEP accelerator complex, at a distance of 1160 km, and with modest power of 450 kW is aimed towards the same far detectors. We show that the coupling of two independent sub-MW conventional neutrino and antineutrino beams at different baselines from CERN and Protvino will allow to measure CP violation in the leptonic sector at a confidence level of at least 3σ3\sigma for 50\% of the true values of δCP\delta_{CP} with a 20 kton detector. With a far detector of 70 kton, the combination allows a 3σ3\sigma sensitivity for 75\% of the true values of δCP\delta_{CP} after 10 years of running. Running two independent neutrino beams, each at a power below 1 MW, is more within today's state of the art than the long-term operation of a new single high-energy multi-MW facility, which has several technical challenges and will likely require a learning curve.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure

    Two- and Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Analysis of the Straw Tubes Tomography in the Btev Experiment

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    A check of the eccentricity of the aluminised kapton straw tubes used in the BTeV experiment is accomplished using X-ray tomography of the section of tubes modules. 2 and 3-dimensional images of the single tubes and of the modules are reconstructed and analysed. Preliminary results show that a precision better than 40 μ\mum can be reached on the measurement of the straw radii.Comment: Presented by F.Massa at ICATPP05, Villa Olmo (Como) Italy, November 2005. 4 pages, 8 figures, uses lnfprep.st