6,256 research outputs found

    Las fronteras de Israel

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    En el presente artículo haré una breve reseña histórica de la evolución de las fronteras (inconclusas) del Estado de Israel entre 1948 y 2007. En primer lugar, presento un modelo teórico sobre el desarrollo y la evolución de las fronteras, tanto por la víIn this article I briefly summarize the historical background of the evolution of the (inconclusive) borders of the State of Israel, between 1948 and 2007. First, I present a theoretical framework about the evolution and development of the changing borde

    The Motivations and Satisfactions of Teachers in Jewish Education

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    Feather Structure and Behavioral Patterns in Seabirds

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    The structural details of the flight and contour feathers of seabirds closely match the requirements of their habitats and feeding habits. They serve a variety of functions ranging from intraspecific signaling to such physical qualities as thermal insulation, water repellency and resistance to impact. It comes as no surprise, therefore, that they are composed of an array of elements that confer these qualities to the optimal benefit of their avian bearer. In this chapter, the physical bases for these functions are provided in both mathematical and evolutionary terms. Some functions excel at the expense of others, and many species have evolved an optimal balance between functions in terms of both feather microstructure and behavioral patterns that suit their specific habitat and feeding habits. The effects of mechanical forces on feathers are presented in terms of the impact of diving, plunging and alighting, and the structural properties in seabird feathers identifiable as adaptations to these forces. Finally, the way oiling affects the water repellency and resistance of feathers is discussed. It is concluded that the flight and contour feathers exhibit morphological and mechanical features that are advantageous for specific habitats and feeding techniques


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    Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif. Metode pendekatan yuridis normatif digunakan untuk mengkaji / menganalisis data skunder yang berupa bahan-bahan hukum, terutama bahan-bahan hukum primer dan bahan-bahan hukum sekunder.[1] Bertitik tolak dari judul dan permasalahan yang mendasari penelitian ini, maka penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif analitis.[2] Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Polri dalam melaksanakan tugasnya dapat terhindar dari pelanggaran HAM yang dilakukan oleh anggotanya, dimana Polri pada saat ini adalah mitra sejajar masyarakat dalam melawan tindak kriminal dan tidak diskriminatif terhadap kelompok tertentu baik dalam kepolisian maupun dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya, sekaligus dapat menciptakan Polri kedalam institusi yang professional bertanggung jawab terhadap masyarakat. Kata kunci : hak asasi manusia, tersangka, kewenangan, kepolisian, tembak [1] Ronny Hanitijo Soemitro,. Metodologi Penelitian Hukum dan Jurimetri, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta, 1988, hlm. 11-12 [2] Burhan Bungin, Metodologi Penelitian Sosial : Format-Format Kantitatif dan Kualitatif, Airlangga University press, 2001, hlm. 48

    Partial Enumerative Sphere Shaping

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    The dependency between the Gaussianity of the input distribution for the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and the gap-to-capacity is discussed. We show that a set of particular approximations to the Maxwell-Boltzmann (MB) distribution virtually closes most of the shaping gap. We relate these symbol-level distributions to bit-level distributions, and demonstrate that they correspond to keeping some of the amplitude bit-levels uniform and independent of the others. Then we propose partial enumerative sphere shaping (P-ESS) to realize such distributions in the probabilistic amplitude shaping (PAS) framework. Simulations over the AWGN channel exhibit that shaping 2 amplitude bits of 16-ASK have almost the same performance as shaping 3 bits, which is 1.3 dB more power-efficient than uniform signaling at a rate of 3 bit/symbol. In this way, required storage and computational complexity of shaping are reduced by factors of 6 and 3, respectively.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengukuran kinerja supplier dengan menggunakan 5 kriteria yaitu : Quality, Cost, Delivery, Flexibility dan Responsiveness (QCDFR) dalam memenuhi kebutuhan bahan baku perusahaan. Variabel penelitian terdiri variabel terikat yaitu Tingkat kinerja supplier dalam pemenuhan bahan baku dan variabel bebas yaitu 1) Kualitias, 2).Biaya, 3) Pengiriman, 4) Fleksibilitas, 5). Respon. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah data primer yaitu data yang dikumpulkan atau diperoleh dari data kuisioner. Data sekunder yaitu pengumpulan data diperoleh dari dokumen-dokumen perusahaan Pengolahan data dengan menggunakan Vendor Performance Indicator berkerangka Quality, Cost, Delivery, Flexibility, dan Responsiveness (QCDFR). Hasil pengolahan data tersebut dianalisis untuk mengetahui kinerja supplier TBS kelapa sawit terhadap perusahaan.. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan di CV Trantritunggal Jaya menggunakan metode Vendor Performance Indicator (VPI) dan Analithycal Hierarcy Process (AHP). Dan diketahui Supplier yang memerlukan prioritas untuk dilakukan perbaikan adalah supplier yang memiliki skor terendah. Supplier tersebut adalah Supplier C dimana memiliki skor terendah dan ada yang berada pada indikator kuning dan merah. Usulan perbaikannya adalah perusahaan harus lebih teliti dalam meramalkan permintaan pasar, sehingga dapat memberi masukan supplier untuk menigkatkan kinerja dan responnya apabila terdapat perubahan permintaan atau jadwal pengiriman bahan baku

    Robust Flows over Time: Models and Complexity Results

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    We study dynamic network flows with uncertain input data under a robust optimization perspective. In the dynamic maximum flow problem, the goal is to maximize the flow reaching the sink within a given time horizon TT, while flow requires a certain travel time to traverse an edge. In our setting, we account for uncertain travel times of flow. We investigate maximum flows over time under the assumption that at most Γ\Gamma travel times may be prolonged simultaneously due to delay. We develop and study a mathematical model for this problem. As the dynamic robust flow problem generalizes the static version, it is NP-hard to compute an optimal flow. However, our dynamic version is considerably more complex than the static version. We show that it is NP-hard to verify feasibility of a given candidate solution. Furthermore, we investigate temporally repeated flows and show that in contrast to the non-robust case (that is, without uncertainties) they no longer provide optimal solutions for the robust problem, but rather yield a worst case optimality gap of at least TT. We finally show that the optimality gap is at most O(ηklogT)O(\eta k \log T), where η\eta and kk are newly introduced instance characteristics and provide a matching lower bound instance with optimality gap Ω(logT)\Omega(\log T) and η=k=1\eta = k = 1. The results obtained in this paper yield a first step towards understanding robust dynamic flow problems with uncertain travel times