959 research outputs found

    La lutte contre les schistosomoses en Afrique de l'Ouest

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    L'extension des amĂ©nagements hydrauliques nĂ©cessitĂ©s par le dĂ©veloppement socio-Ă©conomique des pays les moins avancĂ©s a entraĂźnĂ© l'augmentation parfois catastrophique de certaines parasitoses dont la schistosomose. Deux facteurs interviennent pour expliquer l'augmentation de la prĂ©valence et de la morbiditĂ© des schistosomoses. D'une part, la transformation des Ă©cosystĂšmes crĂ©e des biotopes favorables aux mollusques hĂŽtes intermĂ©diaires des schistosomoses. D'autre part, la migration des populations favorise la dissĂ©mination du parasite et les comportements Ă  risque liĂ©s Ă  l'insuffisance de l'approvisionnement en eau potable et des mesures d'hygiĂšne. Quelques prĂ©cautions prises lors de l'amĂ©nagement des zones irriguĂ©es devraient limiter cette menace. En premier lieu, le dĂ©boisement prĂ©alable Ă©viterait le dĂ©veloppement des biotopes favorables aux mollusques. Ensuite, l'assainissement et l'approvisionnement en eau potable, la rĂ©gulation de l'immigration, la prophylaxie des endĂ©mies, l'intĂ©gration des mesures de santĂ© au cours de l'amĂ©nagement des zones hydroagricoles empĂȘcheront la dissĂ©mination du parasite et la contamination des populations. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur


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    The reader cannot fail to acknowledge that a book of this content and caliber was long overdue. The authors touch upon a delicate topic which is of vital importance and they go about that task with striking devotion, appropriate methodology and a befitting discourse. They set the tone by acknowledging the tremendous contribution of some institutions and individuals that contributed to make their work possible and less cumbersome to some extent and that is spread on the pages from the ‘Acknowledgement to the Table of Contents’. The following institutions are mentioned, to be more specific: Oxfam America and its West Africa Regional Office (WARO), the Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire (IFAN), Ghanaian communities and key individuals and also organizations located in Ghana, like WACAM and ISODEC. The preface of the book poses clearly that West Africa and the mining activity have been bed-fellows for centuries and adds that a new dimension was added to that practice in the 1990s, when ‘a gold rush on an industrial scale began’(p.3). The first pages of the work also point out that gold mining is present in two other countries close to Ghana (Mali and Burkina Faso), although the focus of the book is the case of Ghana

    A literary analysis of the West Africans’ reaction to the introduction of western education in Africa: the case of selected Francophone and Anglophone novels

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    This paper analyzes the Francophone and the Anglophone Africans’ attitude towards the introduction of Western education in Africa by the British and French colonizers. Camara Laye’s The African Child and Cheikh Hamidou Kane’ Ambiguous Adventure are used as samples of Francophone writing and John Munonye’s The Only Son and Oil Man of Obange represent Anglophone writing. The research demonstrates that Francophone education was  received with more reluctance and apprehension while the Anglophone Africans received British education with more co-operation and collaboration. The paper shows that both Francophone and Anglophone novels ultimately attempt to oppose Modern European hegemony

    Hodgkin Lymphoma at the Paediatric Oncology Unit of Gabriel Touré Teaching Hospital, Bamako, Mali: 5-Year Experience

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    Introduction. The aim of this retrospective, unicentric study over 5 years is to describe the epidemiologic, pathologic, clinic and therapeutic aspects of children treated for Hodgkin lymphoma in our paediatric oncology unit. Patients and Methods. From January 2005 to December 2009, all children under 18 years of age, with Hodgkin lymphoma were included in this study. The treatment protocol was the GFAOP (Groupe Franco—Africain d'Oncologie PĂ©diatrique) Hodgkin lymphoma treatment protocol. Results. During the study period, 217 cancer cases were diagnosed in our centre. Of these cases, 7 were Hodgkin Lymphoma (LH) (0.04%). The mean age was 11.7 years. The sex-ratio was 6/1. 4% (5/7) of patients were stage IIB and 28.6% (2/7) stage IIIB of Ann-Arbor classification. There were 3 cases (42.8%) of sclero-nodular subtype, 2 cases (28.6%) of lymphocyte-rich classical HL subtype, 1 case (14.3%) of mixed cellularity and 1 case (14.3%) of lymphocyte depleted subtype. With a median followup of 37 months, 5 patients (71.4%) are alive, and 2 patients (28.6%) died. Conclusion. Broader multicentric studies are needed for more accurate data on this malignancy

    Experimental hut comparisons of nets treated with carbamate or pyrethroid insecticides, washed or unwashed, against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes.

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    The efficacy against mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of a bednet treated with carbamate insecticide [carbosulfan capsule suspension (CS) 200 mg/m(2)] was compared with four types of pyrethroid-treated nets in veranda-trap huts at Yaokoffikro near Bouaké, CÎte d'Ivoire, where the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Giles carries the kdr gene (conferring pyrethroid resistance) at high frequency and Culex quinquefasciatus Say is also pyrethroid resistant. Pyrethroids compared were lambdacyhalothrin CS 18 mg/m(2), alphacypermethrin water dispersible granules (WG) 20 mg/m(2), deltamethrin 50 mg/m(2) (Permanet) and permethrin emulsifiable concentrate (EC) 500 mg/m(2). Insecticidal power and personal protection from mosquito bites were assessed before and after the nets were used for 8 months and hand washed five times in cold soapy water. Before washing, all treatments except permethrin significantly reduced blood-feeding and all had significant insecticidal activity against An. gambiae. The carbosulfan net gave significantly higher killing of An. gambiae than all pyrethroid treatments except the Permanet. Against Culex spp., carbosulfan was more insecticidal and gave a significantly better protective effect than any of the pyrethroid treatments. After washing, treated nets retained various degrees of efficacy against both mosquito genera - but least for the carbosulfan net. Washed nets with three types of pyrethroid treatment (alphacypermethrin, lambdacyhalothrin, permethrin) gave significantly higher mortality rates of Culex than in huts with the same pyrethroid-treated nets before washing. After five washes, the Permanet, which is sold as a long-lasting insecticidal product, performed no better than the other nets in our experimental conditions

    Lymphome de Burkitt pédiatrique à révélation orl : quelle prise en charge en milieu sub sahélien ? réflexion sur trois cas

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    Le lymphome de Burkitt dans sa forme Africaine peut se manifester sous des signes d’emprunt ORL Ă  type de tumĂ©faction orbito-maxillo-faciale. Le diagnostic peut ĂȘtre fait par les ORL Ă  travers un faisceau de signes cliniques et une cytoponction. La prise en charge se fait dans des unitĂ©s d’oncologie mĂ©dicale ou le bilan d’extension et le lancement de la chimiothĂ©rapie sont des impĂ©ratifs incontournables. Actuellement cette tumeur Ă  potentiel trĂšs agressif rĂ©pond Ă  une poly chimiothĂ©rapie bien conduite.Mots-clĂ©s : Lymphome de Burkitt, cancer, voies aĂ©rodigestives supĂ©rieures, oncologie pĂ©diatriqu

    Evaluating the impact of contour bunding technology on runoff, soil erosion and crop yield in southern Mali

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    United States Agency for International Developmen

    La lutte contre les schistosomoses en Afrique de l'Ouest

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    DeuxiĂšme endĂ©mie parasitaire du Mali, les schistosomoses sont irrĂ©guliĂšrement rĂ©parties dans le pays. #Schistosoma haematobium atteint 2 millions et demi de sujets et est assez largement rĂ©pandu. #S. mansoni est focalisĂ© dans les rĂ©gions rizicoles du centre du pays, le pays dogon et la rĂ©gion de Kayes. La lutte contre les schistosomoses a commencĂ© dans les annĂ©es soixante-dix par des programmes localisĂ©s. Ces programmes ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©unis en un programme national de lutte en 1982. La dĂ©centralisation et l'intĂ©gration des activitĂ©s aux structures nationales de santĂ© a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©cidĂ©e en 1986. La mise en oeuvre du programme national de lutte a dĂ©butĂ© aussitĂŽt aprĂšs par la formation des Ă©quipes pĂ©riphĂ©riques et l'Ă©quipement des structures sanitaires. Les stratĂ©gies de base retenues sont le dĂ©pistage des cas et la chimiothĂ©rapie Ă  la fois dans les centres de santĂ© et les Ă©coles. L'Ă©ducation pour la santĂ©, l'assainissement et l'approvisionnement en eau potable sont associĂ©s. Une surveillance Ă©pidĂ©miologique est organisĂ©e. Trois phases successives ont conduit le programme national de lutte Ă  ĂȘtre intĂ©grĂ© Ă  l'ensemble des activitĂ©s des structures de santĂ© pĂ©riphĂ©riques. Les difficultĂ©s rencontrĂ©es sont Ă©voquĂ©es. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur
