173 research outputs found

    Stochastic many-body systems and quantum spin chains

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    We present a brief tutorial introduction into the quantum Hamiltonian formalism for stochastic many-body systems which are defined in terms of a master equation

    Multiple-Pathway Analysis of Double-Strand Break Repair Mutations in Drosophila

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    The analysis of double-strand break (DSB) repair is complicated by the existence of several pathways utilizing a large number of genes. Moreover, many of these genes have been shown to have multiple roles in DSB repair. To address this complexity we used a repair reporter construct designed to measure multiple repair outcomes simultaneously. This approach provides estimates of the relative usage of several DSB repair pathways in the premeiotic male germline of Drosophila. We applied this system to mutations at each of 11 repair loci plus various double mutants and altered dosage genotypes. Most of the mutants were found to suppress one of the pathways with a compensating increase in one or more of the others. Perhaps surprisingly, none of the single mutants suppressed more than one pathway, but they varied widely in how the suppression was compensated. We found several cases in which two or more loci were similar in which pathway was suppressed while differing in how this suppression was compensated. Taken as a whole, the data suggest that the choice of which repair pathway is used for a given DSB occurs by a two-stage “decision circuit” in which the DSB is first placed into one of two pools from which a specific pathway is then selected

    Engagement in a Community-Based Integral Practice Program Enhances Well-being

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    This project examined associations between engagement in a community-based integral practice program and measures of health and well-being. In this prospective withinsubjects uncontrolled cohort study, 53 participants of Integral Transformative Practice (ITP), a program that incorporates movement, nutritional and exercise recommendations, affirmations, contemplative introspection, theory and philosophy, and group discussions and activities, were followed over one year. Participants completed online questionnaires upon enrollment, at six months, and one year later. Repeated measures analyses showed that participants reported improved overall health and reduced symptoms of ill health, as well as increased psychological well-being, vitality, and quality of life over the course of the year. Greater involvement in the practice community predicted better psychological well-being, increased quality of life, and greater self-transcendence. Self-transcendence mediated the relationship between level of ITP involvement and psychological well-being outcomes, and predicted physical health outcomes, suggesting that this construct may be important to the effectiveness of participating in wellness interventions

    In vitro test of external Qigong

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    BACKGROUND: Practitioners of the alternative medical practice 'external Qigong' generally claim the ability to emit or direct "healing energy" to treat patients. We investigated the ability of experienced Qigong practitioners to enhance the healthy growth of cultured human cells in a series of studies, each following a rigorously designed protocol with randomization, blinding and controls for variability. METHODS: Qigong practitioners directed healing intentionality toward normal brain cell cultures in a basic science laboratory. Qigong treatments were delivered for 20 minutes from a minimum distance of 10 centimeters. Cell proliferation was measured by a standard colony-forming efficiency (CFE) assay and a CFE ratio (CFE for treated samples/CFE for sham samples) was the dependent measure for each experiment. RESULTS: During a pilot study (8 experiments), a trend of increased cell proliferation in Qigong-treated samples (CFE Qigong/sham ratios > 1.0) was observed (P = 0.162). In a formal study (28 experiments), a similar trend was observed, with Qigong-treated samples showing on average more colony formation than sham samples (P = 0.036). In a replication study (60 experiments), no significant difference between Qigong-treated samples and sham samples was observed (P = 0.465). CONCLUSION: We observed an apparent increase in the proliferation of cultured cells following external Qigong treatment by practitioners under strictly controlled conditions, but we did not observe this effect in a replication study. These results suggest the need for more controlled and thorough investigation of external Qigong before scientific validation is claimed

    Kapitel 28. Theorien des Wandels und der Gestaltung von Strukturen: Gesellschaftsperspektive

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    Die Gesellschaftsperspektive beschĂ€ftigt sich mit historisch entstandenen, tiefenwirksamen Treibern der Klimakrise. Ihr Fokus liegt auf klimaschĂ€dlichen Merkmalen von Natur-Mensch-Beziehungen, die fĂŒr die westliche Moderne typisch und auch in Österreich wirksam sind. Dazu zĂ€hlen Wachstumszwang, Kapitalakkumulation, dualistische VerstĂ€ndnisse von Natur und Mensch, Vorstellungen und Praktiken der Naturbeherrschung, sozial-ökologische Ungleichheit und disziplinĂ€re Wissensproduktion

    The effect of spiritual healing on in vitro tumour cell proliferation and viability – an experimental study

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    Alternative treatments such as spiritual healing and prayer are increasingly popular, especially among patients with life-threatening diseases such as cancer. According to theories of spiritual healing, this intervention is thought to influence living cells and organisms independently of the recipient's conscious awareness of the healer's intention. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that spiritual healing will reduce proliferation and viability of two cancer cell lines in vitro. Three controlled experiments were conducted with three different healers and randomised allocation of cells to five different doses of healing or control. Researchers conducting the assays and statistical analyses were blinded to the experimental conditions. Main outcome measures were MTT viability, 3H-thymidine incorporation and counts of an adherent human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7), and a nonadherent mouse B-lymphoid cell line (HB-94). Analyses of variance (ANOVAs) revealed no significant main or dose-related effects of spiritual healing compared to controls for either of the two cell lines or any of the assays (P-values between 0.09 and 0.96). When comparing healing and control across all three experimental days, doses, assays, and cells, 34 (51.6%) of 66 independent comparisons showed differences in the hypothesised direction (P=0.90). The average effect size across cell lines, days, assays, and doses approached zero (Cohen's d=−0.01). The results do not support previous reports of beneficial effects of spiritual healing on malignant cell growth in vitro. Reported beneficial effects of spiritual healing on the well-being of cancer patients seem more likely to be mediated by psychosocial and psychophysiological effects of the healer–patient relationship

    Kapitel 24. Theorien des Wandels und der Gestaltung von Strukturen

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    Abschnitt 5 nimmt eine Bestandsaufnahme von Theorien vor, die in einem weiten Sinne Wandel untersuchen. „Theorien des Wandels“ ist ein Überbegriff fĂŒr all diejenigen Theorien, die helfen, aktuelle Dynamiken der Klimakrise zu verstehen und sowohl die stattfindenden als auch die notwendigen Transformationen zu fassen

    Kapitel 2: Perspektiven zur Analyse und Gestaltung von Strukturen fĂŒr ein klimafreundliches Leben

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    Kapitel 2 systematisiert entlang von vier Perspektiven in den Sozialwissenschaften weit verbreitete Theorien zur Analyse und Gestaltung von Strukturen klimafreundlichen Lebens. Das Kapitel möchte Leser_innen des Berichts bewusst machen, mit wie grundlegend unterschiedlichen ZugĂ€ngen Forscher_innen Strukturen klimafreundlichen Lebens analysieren. Dies ist wichtig, um zu verstehen, dass es nie nur eine, sondern immer mehrere Perspektiven auf Strukturen klimafreundlichen Lebens gibt. Dieses Bewusstsein hilft, die KomplexitĂ€t der Sozialwissenschaften und damit die KomplexitĂ€t der Aufgabe – Strukturen fĂŒr ein klimafreundliches Leben zu gestalten – zu erfassen. Unterschiedliche ZugĂ€nge zu sehen, bedeutet auch, ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis von konfligierenden Problemdiagnosen, Zielhorizonten und Gestaltungsoptionen zu entwickeln und – idealerweise – damit umgehen zu können
