441 research outputs found

    Quasi-biennial oscillations extracted from the monthly NAO index and temperature records are phase-synchronized

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    Using the extension of Monte Carlo Singular System Analysis (MC SSA), based on evaluating and testing the regularity of the dynamics of the SSA modes against the colored noise null hypothesis, we demonstrate detection of oscillatory modes with period of about 27 months in records of monthly average near-surface air temperature from several European locations, as well as in the monthly North Atlantic Oscillation index. According to their period, the detected modes can be attributed to the quasi-biennial oscillations (QBO). The QBO modes extracted from the temperature and from the NAO index underwent synchronization analysis and their phase synchronization has been confirmed with high statistical significance

    The influence of the Great Falls Tectonic Zone on the thrust sheet geometry of the southern Sawtooth Range, Montana, USA

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    The reactivation potential of pre-existing deep-seated structures influences deformation structures produced in subsequent compression. This contribution investigates thrust geometries produced in surface thrust sheets of the Sawtooth Range, Montana, USA, deforming over a previously faulted sedimentary section. Surface thrust fault patterns were picked using existing maps and remote sensing. Thrust location and regional transport direction was also verified in the field. These observations were used to design a series of analogue models, involving deformation of a brittle cover sequence over a lower section with varying numbers of vertical faults. A final model tested the effect of decoupling the upper cover and lower section with a ductile detachment, in a scenario closer to that of the Sawtooth Range. Results demonstrate that complexity in surface thrust sheets can be related to heterogeneity within the lower sedimentary section, even when there is a detachment between this section and the rest of the cover. This complexity is best observed in the map view, as the models do not show the deep-seated faults propagating into the cover. These results were then used to predict specific locations of discrete basement fault strands in the study area, associated with what is generally mapped as the Scapegoat-Bannatyne Trend. The deep-seated faults are more likely to be reactivated as strike-slip features in nature, given the small obliquity between the ENE-directed compression direction and the NE-oriented basement faults. More generally, these results can be used to govern evaluation of thrust belts deforming over faulted basement, and to predict the locations of specific fault strands in a region where this information is unknow

    Potensi Yang Hilang Berdasarkan Health Related Quality of Life Pada Penderita Kanker Payudara Di Makassar Sulawesi Selatan

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    Kanker payudara (KPD) merupakan jenis kanker yang paling sering ditemukan pada wanita usia pertengahan. Selain penderitaan fisik dan fungsional, wanita dengan KPD sering mengalami gangguan atau penurunan kualitas hidup. Penurunan kualitas hidup tersebut dapat dinilai dengan menentukan Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL)yang mengutamakan penilain tentang kesehatan fisik, status psikologi, hubungan sosial, tingkat kemandirian dan spiritual. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui potensi yang hilang berdasarkan Health Related Quality of Life (HQROL) pada penderita kanker payudara di Kota Makassar. Metode penelitian ini merupakan survey analitik secara studi potong lintang (cross sectional study) dengan melakukan eksplorasi pada 30 kasus Kanker Payudara berdasarkan Health Related Quality of Life (HQROL)di Kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan sebagian besar (66.7%) mengalami gangguan melakukan aktivitas harian, namun hanya sebagian kecil (33%) yang meninggalkan pekerjaannya. Sebagian besar (66.7%) penderita masih dapat melakukan kegiatan olah raga ringan. Kebanyak responden merasakan nyeri yakni sebanyak 22 orang (73.33%) dan sebanyak 16 orang (53.33%) meninggalkan pekerjaan karena rasa nyeri. Responden yang memiliki rasa tidak nyaman sebanyak 18 orang (60%) dan sebagian besar responden meninggalkan pekerjaan disebabkan adanya rasa tidak nyaman sebanyak 22 orang (73.33%). Sebanyak 60% sampai 86.67% mengalami gangguan kesehatan psikologis berupa gangguan stress emosional dan meninggalkan pekerjaan karena stress. Tingkat kemandirian pasien KPD cukup tinggi, sebagian besar responden yakni 22 orang (73.33%) tidak membutuhkan orang lain untuk merawat diri dan aktivitas gerak. Sebagian besar gangguan dalam hubungan sosial bagi responden adalah gangguan berinteraksi dengan masyarakat sebanyak 18 orang (60%). Hanya sebagian kecil responden mengalami gangguan spiritual yakni berkisar antara 13.33% -33.33%. Penilaian berdasarkan EUQOL yang berhubungan dengan mobility, self Care, usual activities, pain and discomfort, anxiety and depression. Sebagian besar penderita KPD (60-67%) mengalami beberapa masalah ringan/sedang, hanya sebagian kecil yakni berkisar 0-13% mengalami masalah besar. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah sebagian besar penderita KPD mengalami potensi yang hilang dalam hal gangguan aktivitas harian, rasa nyeri, gangguan stress emosional ringan dan sedang (kecemasan dan depresi) dan gangguan berinteraksi dengan masyarakat. Namun penderita KPD masih memiliki kemandirian dalam perawatan diri dan aktivitas gerak, serta adanya peningkatan kesadaran spiritual

    How a Technology Identity Can Enhance the Diffusion of Good Design Practices in Product Sound Design

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    People are plugged into an intangible sound universe. But only a tiny part of the sounds we are exposed to have been purposefully designed. Recently, designers are bashfully approaching these intangible products’ quality. Product Sound Design represents, in fact, a promising research field still scarcely explored. The design community is answering this concern through new design methods. An Italian university developed a patented method-and-tool, conceived to collect, analyze, and recreate various sounds to develop a new generation of products with designed mechanical (and, eventually, digital) sounds. Spreading this innovation within the design community is fundamental to stimulate future more focused and aware practices. As well as all new technologies, the new patent didn’t have its own identity from the beginning. Extensive work conducted with the scientific approach has therefore been undertaken to redesign its identity to make its disruptiveness intelligible and understandable
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