409 research outputs found

    Suppressive activity of a macrolide antibiotic, roxithromycin on co-stimulatory molecule expression on mouse splenocytes in vivo.

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    The influence of roxithromycin (RXM) on the expression of co-stimulatory molecules, CD40, CD80 and CD86, was examined in vivo. When BALB/c mice were immunized intraperitoneally with two doses of dinitrophenylated ovalbumin (DNP-OVA) at 1 week intervals, intraperitoneal administration of RXM at 250 microg/kg once a day for 14 days strongly suppressed IgE contents in sera obtained from mice 22 days after the first immunization. In addition, RXM treatment of mice suppressed endogenous IL-4 contents in aqueous spleen extracts, which were enhanced by DNP-OVA immunization. We next examined the influence of RXM on co-stimulatory molecule expression on splenic lymphocytes. RXM treatment of the immunized mice caused suppression of CD40 expression, but this treatment did not affect CD80 and CD86 expression

    Suppressive effects of anti-allergic agent suplatast tosilate (IPD-1151T) on the expression of co-stimulatory molecules on mouse splenocytes in vivo.

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    The effects of IPD-1151T on the expression of co-stimulatory molecules, CD40, CD80 and CD86, were investigated in vivo using mice with allergic disorders. BALB/c mice were immunized intraperitoneally with two doses of dinitrophenylated ovalbumin (DNP-OVA) at 1-week intervals. These mice then were treated intraperitoneally with 100 microg/kg of IPD-1151T once a day for 14 days, starting 7 days after the first immunization. On day 21, some mice were challenged intraperitoneally with DNP-OVA and the other mice were not challenged. All mice were autopsied on day 22 and assayed for immunoglobulin E, interleuken (IL)-4 and IL-5 productions following DNP-OVA immunization. The intraperitoneal treatment with IPD-1151T strongly suppressed immunoglobulin E contents in serum, which were enhanced by DNA-OVA immunization. IPD-1151T also caused a decrease in both IL-4 and IL-5 levels in splenic lymphocytes. We next examined the influence of IPD-1151T on co-stimulatory molecule expression on splenic lymphocytes. IPD-1151T caused suppression of CD40 and CD86 expression; however, the treatments did not affect CD80 expression

    Expression of Cytosolic Peroxiredoxins in Plasmodium Berghei Ookinetes is Regulated by Environmental Factors in the Mosquito bloodmeal

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    The Plasmodium ookinete develops over several hours in the bloodmeal of its mosquito vector where it is exposed to exogenous stresses, including cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). How the parasite adapts to these challenging conditions is not well understood. We have systematically investigated the expression of three cytosolic antioxidant proteins, thioredoxin-1 (Trx-1), peroxiredoxin-1 (TPx-1), and 1-Cys peroxiredoxin (1-Cys Prx), in developing ookinetes of the rodent parasite Plasmodium berghei under various growth conditions. Transcriptional profiling showed that tpx-1 and 1-cys prx but not trx-1 are more strongly upregulated in ookinetes developing in the mosquito bloodmeal when compared to ookinetes growing under culture conditions. Confocal immunofluorescence imaging revealed comparable expression patterns on the corresponding proteins. 1-Cys Prx in particular exhibited strong expression in mosquito-derived ookinetes but was not detectable in cultured ookinetes. Furthermore, ookinetes growing in culture upregulated tpx-1 and 1-cys prx when challenged with exogenous ROS in a dose-dependent fashion. This suggests that environmental factors in the mosquito bloodmeal induce upregulation of cytosolic antioxidant proteins in Plasmodium ookinetes. We found that in a parasite line lacking TPx-1 (TPx-1KO), expression of 1-Cys Prx occurred significantly earlier in mosquito-derived TPx-1KO ookinetes when compared to wild type (WT) ookinetes. The protein was also readily detectable in cultured TPx-1KO ookinetes, indicating that 1-Cys Prx at least in part compensates for the loss of TPx-1 in vivo. We hypothesize that this dynamic expression of the cytosolic peroxiredoxins reflects the capacity of the developing Plasmodium ookinete to rapidly adapt to the changing conditions in the mosquito bloodmeal. This would significantly increase its chances of survival, maturation and subsequent escape. Our results also emphasize that environmental conditions must be taken into account when investigating Plasmodium-mosquito interactions

    Field Evaluation of Recombinant Antigen ELISA in Detecting Zoonotic Schistosome Infection Among Water Buffaloes in Endemic Municipalities in the Philippines

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    In this study, we investigated the use of recombinant antigens thioredoxin peroxidase-1 (rSjTPx-1) and tandem repeat rSj1TR in evaluating the antibody positivity rates of Schistosoma japonicum infection among water buffaloes from four endemic areas in the Philippines, two municipalities with high endemicity (Calatrava, Negros Occidental and Catarman, Northern Samar) and two municipalities nearing elimination with no cases of human schistosomiasis (Talibon and Trinidad, Bohol). These recombinant antigen ELISA assays were compared with other diagnostic tests including SEA-ELISA, FECT, and fecal-based PCR. Results showed that rSj1TR-ELISA has the highest agreement with PCR in all study areas. Furthermore, significant positivity rates among water buffaloes were seen in Talibon and Trinidad, indicating that water buffaloes are maintaining the schistosome parasites in transmission areas even in the absence of human infection. Hence, serological assay using a more sensitive and specific rSj1TR-ELISA can be used for animal surveillance to prevent emergence and re-emergence of human schistosomiasis

    Persistence of a particle in the Matheron-de Marsily velocity field

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    We show that the longitudinal position x(t)x(t) of a particle in a (d+1)(d+1)-dimensional layered random velocity field (the Matheron-de Marsily model) can be identified as a fractional Brownian motion (fBm) characterized by a variable Hurst exponent H(d)=1d/4H(d)=1-d/4 for d2d2. The fBm becomes marginal at d=2d=2. Moreover, using the known first-passage properties of fBm we prove analytically that the disorder averaged persistence (the probability of no zero crossing of the process x(t)x(t) upto time tt) has a power law decay for large tt with an exponent θ=d/4\theta=d/4 for d<2d<2 and θ=1/2\theta=1/2 for d2d\geq 2 (with logarithmic correction at d=2d=2), results that were earlier derived by Redner based on heuristic arguments and supported by numerical simulations (S. Redner, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 56}, 4967 (1997)).Comment: 4 pages Revtex, 1 .eps figure included, to appear in PRE Rapid Communicatio


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    Classical diffusion in a random medium involves an exponential functional of Brownian motion. This functional also appears in the study of Brownian diffusion on a Riemann surface of constant negative curvature. We analyse in detail this relationship and study various distributions using stochastic calculus and functional integration.Comment: 18 page

    The maximum of the local time of a diffusion process in a drifted Brownian potential

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    We consider a one-dimensional diffusion process XX in a (κ/2)(-\kappa/2)-drifted Brownian potential for κ0\kappa\neq 0. We are interested in the maximum of its local time, and study its almost sure asymptotic behaviour, which is proved to be different from the behaviour of the maximum local time of the transient random walk in random environment. We also obtain the convergence in law of the maximum local time of XX under the annealed law after suitable renormalization when κ1\kappa \geq 1. Moreover, we characterize all the upper and lower classes for the hitting times of XX, in the sense of Paul L\'evy, and provide laws of the iterated logarithm for the diffusion XX itself. To this aim, we use annealed technics.Comment: 38 pages, new version, merged with hal-00013040 (arXiv:math/0511053), with some additional result

    Boundary driven zero-range processes in random media

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    The stationary states of boundary driven zero-range processes in random media with quenched disorder are examined, and the motion of a tagged particle is analyzed. For symmetric transition rates, also known as the random barrier model, the stationary state is found to be trivial in absence of boundary drive. Out of equilibrium, two further cases are distinguished according to the tail of the disorder distribution. For strong disorder, the fugacity profiles are found to be governed by the paths of normalized α\alpha-stable subordinators. The expectations of integrated functions of the tagged particle position are calculated for three types of routes.Comment: 23 page

    Analyses of the Expression, Immunohistochemical Properties and Serodiagnostic Potential of Schistosoma japonicum Peroxiredoxin-4

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    Background Schistosoma japonicum, which inhabits the mesenteric vein of the mammalian hosts for about 20 to 30 years, is subjected to the oxidative stresses from the host defense mechanism during their intra-mammalian stages. To counteract this host immune attack, the parasite utilizes their antioxidant system for survival inside the host. Peroxiredoxins (Prxs), thiol-specific antioxidant proteins, play an essential role for protecting the parasite against oxidative stress by reducing hydrogen peroxide to water. Only three types of 2-Cys Prxs have been previously characterized in S. japonicum whereas a fourth Prx has been identified for Schistosoma mansoni as Prx-4. A sequence coding homologous to this gene in the S. japonicum database was identified, characterized and expressed as recombinant SjPrx-4 protein (rSjPrx-4). Furthermore, rSjPrx-4 was evaluated in this study for its diagnostic potentials in detecting S. japonicum infection in humans. Results The gene found in the parasite genome contained 2 active-site cysteines with conserved sequences in the predicted amino acid (AA) sequence and showed 75% identity with that of the previously characterized Prx (TPx-1) of S. japonicum. The gene was expressed in different stages of schistosome life-cycle with highest transcription level in the adult male. The gene was cloned into a plasmid vector and then transfected into Escherichia coli for expression of rSjPrx-4. Anti-rSjPrx-4 mouse sera recognized native SjPrx-4 in egg and adult worm lysate by western blotting. The result of a mixed function oxidation assay in which rSjPrx-4 prevented the nicking of DNA from hydroxyl radicals confirmed its antioxidant activity. Subsequently, immunolocalization analysis showed the localization of SjPrx-4 inside the egg, on the tegument and in the parenchyma of the adult worm. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay results showed that rSjPrx-4 has 83.3% sensitivity and 87.8% specificity. Its diagnostic potential was further evaluated in combination with recombinant SjTPx-1 protein, yielding an improved sensitivity and specificity of 90% and 92.7%, respectively. Conclusions These results suggest that SjPrx-4 plays a role as an antioxidant dealing with oxidative stresses of S. japonicum, and its diagnostic potential improved by coupling it with SjTPx-1 is a proof for developing a serological test with better diagnostic performance for human schistosomiasis

    Development of monoclonal antibodies against Plasmodium falciparum thioredoxin peroxidase 1 and its possible application for malaria diagnosis

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    Rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) have been considered as an ideal alternative for light microscopy to detect malaria parasites especially in remote areas. The development and improvement of RDTs is an area of intensive research in the last decade. To date, few parasite proteins have been targeted in RDTs which are known to have certain deficiencies and made the researchers to look for other promising candidates to address this problem. Plasmodium falciparum thioredoxin peroxidase 1 (PfTPx-1) is abundantly expressed in the cytoplasm of the parasite and well conserved across Plasmodium species, making this antigen a promising target for malaria diagnosis. Several monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were produced against PfTPx-1. The binding affinities of mAbs were measured. Several immunochromatographic tests (ICTs) were developed using different combination of mAbs. All mAbs showed promising affinities to be used for diagnosis. The sensitivities of ICTs were evaluated using recombinant PfTPx-1 whose results lead us to the preparation of 4 different ICTs. These tests showed positive reaction with P. falciparum in vitro culture supernatant indicating the release of PfTPx-1 during schizont rupture. Altogether, these findings suggest that PfTPx-1 is a promising biomarker to diagnose P. falciparum infection. However, the diagnostic performance of this antigen should be further validated using clinical samples