14,858 research outputs found

    Quark correlations and gluon propagators in elastic vector meson production

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    We study the behavior of the differential cross section for vector meson photoproduction at large momentum transfer in the two-gluon exchange model. We focus on the treatment of two-quark correlation function in the proton and on gluon propagators with a dynamically generated mass. We find that only the large t region is sensitive to the particular details of these inputs.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, espcrc1.sty included, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physic

    Real and Virtual Compton Scattering in a Regge Approach

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    We study Real and Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering in a model based on Regge trajectories and two-gluon exchange. In the kinematic regime of current experiments, the hadronic component of the outgoing real photon plays a major role. We analyze the spin structure of Compton scattering at large momentum transfer and give predictions for several spin asymmetries. In the DVCS channel, a fairly good agreement is obtained for the recently measured beam spin and charge asymmetries.Comment: 12 pages; 6 figures This revised version corrects a mumerical mistake in the evaluation of the conversion factor between vector mesons and Compton amplitudes. Also, more details are given on the parameters of the sigma meson amplitud

    Community structures and role detection in music networks

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    We analyze the existence of community structures in two different social networks obtained from similarity and collaborative features between musical artists. Our analysis reveals some characteristic organizational patterns and provides information about the driving forces behind the growth of the networks. In the similarity network, we find a strong correlation between clusters of artists and musical genres. On the other hand, the collaboration network shows two different kinds of communities: rather small structures related to music bands and geographic zones, and much bigger communities built upon collaborative clusters with a high number of participants related through the period the artists were active. Finally, we detect the leading artists inside their corresponding communities and analyze their roles in the network by looking at a few topological properties of the nodes.Comment: 14 pages 7 figure

    The Topology of Music Recommendation Networks

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    We study the topology of several music recommendation networks, which rise from relationships between artist, co-occurrence of songs in playlists or experts' recommendation. The analysis uncovers the emergence of complex network phenomena in this kind of recommendation networks, built considering artists as nodes and their resemblance as links. We observe structural properties that provide some hints on navigation and possible optimizations on the design of music recommendation systems. Finally, the analysis derived from existing music knowledge sources provides a deeper understanding of the human music similarity perceptions.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Bioclimatology, structure, and conservation perspectives of Quercus pyrenaica, Acer opalus subsp. Granatensis, and Corylus avellana deciduous forests on Mediterranean bioclimate in the South-Central part of the Iberian Peninsula

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    The plant variability in the southern Iberian Peninsula consists of around 3500 different taxa due to its high bioclimatic, geographic, and geological diversity. The deciduous forests in the southern Iberian Peninsula are located in regions with topographies and specific bioclimatic conditions that allow for the survival of taxa that are typical of cooler and wetter bioclimatic regions and therefore represent the relict evidence of colder and more humid paleoclimatic conditions. The floristic composition of 421 samples of deciduous forests in the south-central part of the Iberian Peninsula were analyzed. The ecological importance index (IVI) was calculated, where the most important tree species were Quercuspyrenaica, Aceropalus subsp. Granatensis, and Corylusavellana. These species are uncommon in the south-central part of the Iberian Peninsula, forming forests of little extension. An analysis of the vertical distribution of the species (stratum) shows that the majority of the species of stratum 3 (hemicriptophics, camephytes, geophites, and nanophanerophytes) are characteristic of deciduous forests, and their presence is positively correlated with high values of bioclimatic variables related to humidity and presence of water in the soil (nemoral environments), while they are negatively correlated with high values of bioclimatic variables related to high temperatures, evapotranspiration, and aridity. This work demonstrates that several characteristic deciduous forest taxa are more vulnerable to disappearance due to the loss of their nemoral conditions caused by gaps in the tree or shrub canopy. These gaps lead to an increase in evapotranspiration, excess insolation, and a consequent loss of water and humidity in the microclimatic conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio