1,007 research outputs found

    Moving on a Whim - Customer Value Creation in MaaS

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    Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is a concept that brings together public and private transportation operators, creating a seamless service experience on a single platform. The aim of this study is to improve the understanding of customer value in MaaS. This is achieved by studying how customers of a commercial MaaS provider perceive the value in the service. In particular, the study focuses on discovering 1) the main types of customer value and 2) the main sources of customer value in MaaS. Lastly, the study also addresses how MaaS providers can positively exceed the expectations and desires of their customers. The study consists of literature review on MaaS and customer value creation, and analysis of customer survey results. The quantitative survey answers from 257 respondents are analyzed utilizing methods including Mann-Whitney U and Kruskall-Wallis H tests, and these results are further complemented with findings from open-ended questions. Based on the literature review and empirical findings, the results of the study, and therefore the key issues to consider in service development in MaaS, are the following: 1) The key aspects of customer value in MaaS relate to functionality, costs, reduced effort and risks in using mobility services 2) MaaS can also create value by allowing customers to express their personal values and personality, and by providing services that are customized to personal preferences and situational factors 3) The key sources of customer value in MaaS are the products, yet the usability and features of the platform itself also contribute to value creation 4) To create value for different customer segments, MaaS should include both pay-as-you-go options and service bundles that combine public and private transportation mode

    Canonical Lipschitz structures on compact Hilbert cube manifolds

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    Maahanmuuttajaisät ja heidän tarpeensa terveyspalveluiden asiakkaina : kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on osa Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulun ”Women’s health with the focus of intercultural communication in care” -hanketta, jonka tarkoituksena on luoda ja jakaa tietoa sekä kehittää hoitohenkilökunnan ja opiskelijoiden ammatillista osaamista moni- ja interkulttuurisessa hoitotyössä. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on kuvata maahanmuuttajaisien erityistarpeita ja haasteita terveydenhuoltopalveluille. Työ toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimusasetelmaa vastaava aineisto löydettiin Cinahl- ja Medline -tietokannoista. Tutkimusartikkelit olivat julkaistu ulkomaisissa vertaisarvioiduissa hoitotieteen julkaisuissa vuosina 2010 - 2016 (n = 9). Tutkimustulokset luokiteltiin kolmeen yläluokkaan: henkilökohtaiset tarpeet, perhelähtöiset tarpeet ja kulttuuriin sopeutumiseen liittyvät tarpeet. Maahanmuuttajaisät ovat ryhmä, joka tarvitsee terveydenhuollon eri palveluissa erityistarpeitaan vastaavaa lähestymistapaa, neuvontaa, valistusta ja tukea. Tarkastellun kirjallisuuden perusteella maahanmuuttajaisien suhteen tulee erityisesti huomioida heidän sopeutumisensa uuteen kulttuuriin ja tähän liittyvät kielelliset, kulttuuriset ja sosiaaliset tarpeet. Isien ja heidän lähipiirinsä terveyspalvelujen tarve on laaja-alaista – terveyskasvatuksesta ja -valistuksesta psykologisiin ja psykiatrisiin palveluihin ja lääketieteellisen informaation tarpeista rokotusneuvontaan.This final project is part of the "Women's health with the focus of intercultural communication in healthcare" -project in the Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. The project aims to create and share information and to develop the professional skills of nurses and students alike in the realm of multi- and inter-cultural nursing. The objective of this final project was to describe the specific needs and challenges of immigrant fathers for health care services. This final project was carried out as a descriptive literature review. The material that matched our study design was found using Cinahl and Medline data bases. The research articles were published in foreign peer-reviewed nursing science publications between the years 2010 - 2016 (n = 9). The results were classified in three different main categories. Immigrant fathers form a group that needs varied health care services catering to their specific needs: sensitive approach, counseling, education and support. Based on studies of immigrant fathers it is vital to take into account their level of acculturation: linguistic, cultural and social needs. Fathers' and their close ones' needs for health care services are extensive ranging from health education to psychological and psychiatric services including medical information and vaccination advice

    Combinatorial characterization of pseudometrics

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    Let X, Y be sets and let similar to, similar to be mappings with the domains X2 and Y 2 respectively. We say that similar to is combinatorially similar to similar to if there are bijections f : similar to(X2) similar to similar to(Y 2) and g : Y similar to X such that similar to (x, y) = f(similar to(g(x), g(y))) for all x, y similar to Y. It is shown that the semigroups of binary relations generated by sets {similar to-1 (a): a similar to similar to(X 2)} and {similar to-1 (b): b similar to similar to(Y 2)} are isomorphic for combinatorially similar similar to and similar to. The necessary and sufficient conditions under which a given mapping is combinatorially similar to a pseudometric, or strongly rigid pseudometric, or discrete pseudometric are found. The algebraic structure of semigroups generated by {d-1 (r): r similar to d(X 2)} is completely described for nondiscrete, strongly rigid pseudometrics and, also, for discrete pseudometrics d: X2 similar to R.Peer reviewe

    Creating a Theoretical Framework for Playful Learning and Pedagogy  : The Finnish Perspective

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    In this chapter we create a framework around the concept of play as a multimodal attitude or experience in early childhood education. In the Finnish curriculum for ECE play is considered essential for learning and is supported with a systematic and goal-oriented approach to scaffold children into engaging in learning opportunities. Therefore, teachers create good preconditions for play, supervise it in a suitable way and ensure that each child gets an opportunity to participate in play according to their skills and capabilities. In this chapter we analyze the play and playful approach in the Finnish ECE with the help of content analysis of policy documents and previously published peer reviewed scientific papers. At the end of this chapter we present a theoretical framework of playful learning and pedagogy. This model is conducted through a meta-analysis of learning theories, theories of play and of the recent research literature. It is a tool for teachers and researchers to reflect their playful practices and contextualize the concept of play in the context of education.Peer reviewe

    The Role of Early Childhood Teachers in Finnish Policy Documents : Training Teachers for the Future?

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    During the last few years all steering documents in Finland, on the field of early childhood education, have been renewed. This have had its effects on the practices on the field, but also on the teacher education. In this paper we explore, with the help of content analysis, three different policy documents that are steering the quality of teacher education in Finland. We examine the role that teachers are given in these documents from three categories. These categories are defined by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland and they describe the objectives for both pre-service and in-service training. As our theoretical frame we describe current policies and practice within the field of ECEC. We point out the responsibilities of different stakeholders and describe the structure of the Finnish early education system with qualification requirements. According to the results, recent policy documents highlight the current knowledge and role of teacher’s but point out only occasionally towards needed future competencies.Peer reviewe

    Vaikuttava hakeva toiminta Noste-hankkeissa

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    Mobile Service Substitution on Modern Smartphones: Case Facebook

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    Social media services, including Facebook, have recently grown to be a substantial part of everyday communication for hundreds of millions of people. Mobile technology has evolved to a point where a modern smartphone can be constantly connected to the Internet, facilitating straightforward communication via mobile social media services. This can introduce service substitution, where users communicate through these services instead of mobile operator provided calling or SMS services. In this article, we have studied Finnish Facebook users and their mobile Facebook usage with quantitative methods. Based on a review of the existing research, seven hypotheses are proposed of which six have statistical differences when comparing modern smartphones and older phones. Using this comparison, the results include evidence of Facebook mobile being a substitute to the traditional calling and text message services, as well as the importance of push notifications. Based on the results, further research areas are proposed. Keywords: Social media services; Mobile application usage; Service substitutio
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