309 research outputs found


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    The basic constituents of state support of technical update of agriculture of Ukraine are considered in the article. The dynamics of expenses of the state budget on agriculture and the structure of basic market levers of state support of physical infrastructure of agricultural enterprises: financial leasing, partial indemnification of domestic agricultural machinery and reduction of prices for credits has been analyzed. Monitoring of current problems of granting and the ways of improvement of mechanism of state support have been offered. No doubt that the proper support from the side of the state is the motive force in activation of the process of technical update of agricultural enterprises.The basic constituents of state support of technical update of agriculture of Ukraine are considered in the article. The dynamics of expenses of the state budget on agriculture and the structure of basic market levers of state support of physical infrastructure of agricultural enterprises: financial leasing, partial indemnification of domestic agricultural machinery and reduction of prices for credits has been analyzed. Monitoring of current problems of granting and the ways of improvement of mechanism of state support have been offered. No doubt that the proper support from the side of the state is the motive force in activation of the process of technical update of agricultural enterprises

    The Effect of a Frailty Management Program on the Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients after Surgical Treatment

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    The article performs the results of rehabilitation programs realized among senile patients after videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy, based on specific for geriatrics senile patients’ status assessment methods with determination of frailty and geriatric syndromes exten

    Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y reconstruction in a patient with afferent loop syndrome and peptic ulcers of gastroenteroanastomosis - A first experience

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    This paper is devoted to the description of a currently rare clinical observation of the surgical treatment of a patient with postgastroresection syndrome (afferent loop syndrome and peptic ulcers of gastroenteroanastomosis) - resection of the stomach stump with laparoscopic Roux-en-Y reconstructio


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    A gas-chromatographic study was conducted of the content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids of the ω-3 family: eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of leptinin the homogenate of placental tissue in women who during the third trimester of gestation (32 weeks) underwent reactivation of chronic cytomegalovirus infection with an antibody titer Immunoglobulin class G to cytomegalovirus 1:1600. The main group of studies was 42 placentas taken from women with cytomegalovirus infection during the period of labor. The obtained data were compared with similar parameters of the control group, which included 35 placental tissues of practically healthy women in childbirth. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, it was found that the reactivation of chronic cytomegalovirus infection in the third trimester of pregnancy (32 weeks) is associated with decrease in the concentration of ω-3 essential polyunsaturated fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic by 23 % (р < 0.01) and docosahexaenoic by 42 % (р < 0.001) with a simultaneous increase in the concentration of leptin in the placental tissue by 61 % (р < 0.001). In these conditions, the mechanisms of regulation of the transmission of fatty acids from the peripheral blood of the mother to the blood of the developing fetus through the placenta are disrupted. The contents of leptin during pregnancy is an important indicator that carries information not only about the energy reserves of the maternal organism, but also about the state of the fe^lacental complex

    Student Dance Festival as a Kind of Integration of Sports and Art

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    Целью настоящего исследования является проведение анализа Студенческого танцевального фестиваля Student Dance Fest, который, в период с 2012 г., состоялся уже 9 раз, в качестве отражения танца как вида спорта и части искусства, их непосредственный взаимосвязи, а также примера практического воплощения выдвинутой теории. Использованы методы анализа теоретических источников, анализ деятельности и индивидуального интервью. Сделан вывод о том, что спорт и искусство — неотъемлемые части друг друга, ведь это многообразие возможностей, открытие новых граней, основа гармоничного существования души и тела.The purpose of this study is to analyze the Student Dance Festival “Student Dance Fest”, which, since 2012, has already been held 9 times, as a reflection of dance as a sport and part of art, their direct relationship, as well as an example of the practical implementation of the theory put forward. Methods of analysis of theoretical sources, analysis of activities and individual interviews were used. It is concluded that sport and art are integral parts of each other, because it is a variety of possibilities, the discovery of new facets, the basis of the harmonious existence of soul and body

    Avoiding errors in the diagnosis of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy in patients with age-related macular degeneration (Part 1)

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    Background: Poor availability of indocyanine green angiography (ICGA) raises the question of how to improve the diagnosis of polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy (PCV) using alternative imaging modalities, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and OCR angiography (OCTA). Purpose: To optimize the diagnosis of PCV in patients with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) using non-invasive methods, OCT and OCTA. Material and Methods: One hundred and sixty-nine patients (228 eyes) with neovascular AMD underwent OCT and OCTA study as per the proposed algorithm to differentiate between PCV and other types of subretinal neovascularization. Of these, 14 patients (8.28%; 14 eyes) were found to have PCV. Results: Major and additional signs of PCV, secondary neovascularization and activity of the process on OCT were determined. In addition, we determined the signs of PCV on OCTA manu-al and automatic segmentation which will be helpful in accurate differential diagnosis of the disease. On the basis of these data, we developed a step-by-step algorithm of the OCT and OC-TA diagnosis of PCV in patients suspected of the disease, which allows the accurate diagnosis when ICGA is unavailable. Conclusion: Systematic step-by-step interpretation of OCT and OCTA scans allow the reliable differential diagnosis of PCV in patients with exudative AMD

    OCTA-based retinal microvascular bed assessment at the zones ranging from the fovea to the periphery

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    Background: Studies (particularly, optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) studies) on the peripheral microvascular bed in health are important because many retinal disorders involve its injury. Purpose: To improve the efficacy of diagnosing the changes in the retinal microvascular bed through its OCTA-based assessment at the zones ranging from the fovea to the periphery in normal eyes. Material and Methods: Fourteen healthy individuals were included in the study. Three sequential 3 mm x 3 mm OCTA scans with displacement from the center of the fovea to the periphery for each of the three directions (superior, inferior and temporal directions) were registered. Results: Superficial plexus vessel density and deep plexus vessel density were assessed at 1-9 mm from the center of the fovea. We found that superficial plexus vessel density progressively increased (38-46%) with distance from the center of the fovea, whereas deep plexus vessel density moderately decreased (18-25%) with distance from the center. Superficial plexus vessel density was significantly increased in the superior and inferior directions at the zones with the presence of vascular arcades, and these arcades are absent in the temporal direction; this makes the temporal direction most reliable and promising for studies on microcirculation at the ocular periphery. Conclusion: OCTA is an effective technique for assessing the retinal microvascular bed at the zones ranging from the fovea to the far periphery


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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is one of the causes of congenital neurological disorders and the virus itself is the most common viral  agent causing an imbalance in the production of placenta  progesterone and its neuroactive metabolites – allopregnenolone and 5α-dihydroprogesterone. The aim was to evaluate the concentration  of progesterone and its metabolites – 5α-dihydroprogesterone and  allopregnenolone – in placenta during exacerbation of CMV infection  in the first trimester of pregnancy, and the impact of these  disturbances on the development of neurological disorders in children. We examined 30 pregnant women with exacerbation of  CMV infection in the first trimester of pregnancy and 30 pregnant  women with latent disease; and later their newborns. The enzyme  immunoassay was used to determine  concentration of progesterone  in placenta; the histochemical method – to determine 5α-dihydroprogesterone and allopregnenolone. Newborns underwent  neurosonography studies. Exacerbation of CMV infection in the first  trimester of pregnancy decreased progesterone in placenta by 1.3  times, 5α-dihydroprogesterone – by 1.73 times and allopregnenolone – by 2 times. Ultrasound examination of the brain  showed ventriculomegaly, periventricular ischemia, and pseudocysts  in newborns up to one year from mothers with exacerbation of CMV  during pregnancy. Later, minimal brain dysfunctions were manifested by motor disorders, increased general, vegetative excitability, and a  tendency to digestive and sleep disorders. The data obtained  indicate that the exacerbation of CMV infection in the first trimester  of pregnancy is interrelated with a decrease in the concentration of progesterone and its metabolites (5α-dihydroprogesterone, allopregnenolone) in the placenta and development of neurological dysfunction in newborns

    Optical and laser properties of the ZnSe/ZnMgSSe multiple quantum well heterostructures

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    Патогенетичні фактори розвитку аутоімунних захворювань. Сучасні підходи до їх лікування

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    In experimental models of pathologies of autoimmune genesis there was grounded the possibility and confirmed the efficiency of using the products of fetoplacental complex. There was tested their ability to activate T-regulatory immunity link and normalize cell indices in experimental animals. More pronounced immune correcting potential of cryopreserved material has been shown at cell and molecular levels. На экспериментальных моделях патологий аутоиммунного генеза обоснована возможность и доказана эффективность применения продуктов фетоплацентарного комплекса. Продемонстрирована их способность к  активации Т-регуляторного звена иммунитета и нормализации клинических показателей экспериментальных животных. Показан более выраженный  иммунокорригирующий потенциал криоконсервированного материала на клеточном и молекулярном уровнях.На експериментальних моделях патологій аутоімунного генезу обгрунтована можливість і доведена ефективність застосування продуктів фетоплацентарного комплексу. Продемонстровано їхню здатність до активації Т-регуляторної ланки імунітету і нормалізації клінічних показників експериментальних тварин. Показано більш виражений імунокоригуючий потенціал кріоконсервованого матеріалу на клітинному і молекулярному рівнях