1,932 research outputs found

    Applying Design for Assembly Principles in Computer Aided Design to Make Small Changes that Improve the Efficiency of Manual Aircraft Systems Installations

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    The installation of essential systems into aircraft wings involves numerous labour-intensive processes. Many human operators are required to perform complex manual tasks over long periods of time in very challenging physical positions due to the limited access and confined space. This level of human activity in poor ergonomic conditions directly impacts on speed and quality of production but also, in the longer term, can cause costly human resource problems from operators' cumulative development of musculoskeletal injuries. These problems are exacerbated in areas of the wing which house multiple systems components because the volume of manual work and number of operators is higher but the available space is reduced.To improve the efficiency of manual work processes which cannot yet be automated we therefore need to consider how we might redesign systems installations in the enclosed wing environment to better enable operator access and reduce production time.This paper describes a recent study that applied design for assembly and maintainability principles and CATIA v5 computer aided design software to identify small design changes for wing systems installation tasks. Results show positive impacts for ergonomics, production time and cost, and maintainability, whilst accounting for aircraft performance and machining capabilities

    Evolution de la chasse aux pantières dans les Pyrénées

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    Bajo la denominación "evolución" se abordarán los diferentes enclaves en los que se ha practicado la caza con red, una pequeña reseña histórica de este método de caza así como diversos aspectos que consideramos actuales pero que estaban igualmente de actualidad hace ya más de un siglo. La práctica de la caza de la Paloma Torcaz mediante redes en los Pirineos es muy antigua. Permanece sin interrupción desde al menos seis siglos. Según los lugares -valles, "comarcas" - era ejercida por la gente del pueblo para las necesidades de su comunidad o por propietarios religiosos o laicos. Constituía una fuente de ingresos ciertamente no despreciable para aquellos que percibían los beneficios, pero también dependía de las fluctuaciones de las migraciones y de las evoluciones del mundo exterior. En el transcurso de este periodo, muchas instalaciones desaparecieron y surgieron otras nuevas, pero pocas fueron las que subsistieron ya que en la actualidad sólo diez cotos de caza mantienen la tradición."Bilakaera" izenburupean, sare bidezko ehiza praktikatu den lekuak, ehiza-metodo honi buruzko aipamen historiko txiki bat eta gaur egungotzat jotzen ditugun baina orain mende bat baino gehiago ere indarrean zeuden hainbat alderdi aztertuko dira. Pagausoaren sare bidezko ehiza oso aspaldikoa da Pirinioetan. Gutxienez sei mendetan zehar praktikatu izan da inolako etenik gabe. Tokien arabera -bailarak, "eskualdeak" - herriko biztanleek (komunitatearen beharretarako) edo jabe erlijioso edo laikoek praktikatzen zuten. Sarrera-iturri polita zen mozkinak jasotzen zituztenentzat, baina migrazioen gorabeheren eta kanpoko munduaren bilakaeraren menpe ere bazegoen. Garai honetan instalazio asko desagertu eta berriak sortu ziren, baina gutxik jarraitu zuten zutik, eta gaur egun hamar ehiza-barrutik bakarrik eusten diote tradizioari.Sous le mot "évolution", seront abordés les différents endroits où s'est pratiquée la chasse aux pantières, un petit historique de cette méthode de chasse ainsi que divers aspects qui nous paraissent actuels mais qui étaient ausse d'actualité il y a déjà plus d'un siècle. La pratique de la chasse à la Palombe au moyen de pantières dans les Pyrénées est extrêmement ancienne. Elle se perpétue sans discontinuer depuis au moins 6 siècles. Selon les endroits -vallées, "pays" - elle était exercée par les gens du peuple pour les besoins de leur communauté ou pour des propriétaires religieux ou laïques. Elle était source de revenus certainement non négligeables pour ceux qui en percevaient les bénéfices, mais ausi sujette aux fluctuations des migrations et aux évolutions du monde extérieur. Au cours de cette période, beaucoup d'installations ont disparu, de nouvelles ont vu le jour mais bien peu ont subsisté puis qu'à cejour seules 10 chasses perpétuent la tradition.Under the title "evolution" we will be approach the different areas where hunting with nets has been practised, a small historical review of this hunting method as well as different aspects that we consider to be present-day but were of equal important more than acentury ago. The practice of Wood Pigeon hunting in the Pyrenees using nets has been going on for a long time, and has be uninterrupted for at least 6 centuries. According to the areas - valleys, "districts" - it was carried out by towns people to cover their community's needs or for religious or lay proprietors. It constituted a source of revenue, which was certainly not negligible for those who perceived the benefits, but it also depended on the migratory fluctuations and the evolutions of the outside world. In the course of this period, many installations disappeared and other new ones were established but few lasted because at present there are only 10 game preserves that keep up the tradition

    Competências nas unidades curriculares de educação clínica na licenciatura em Fisioterapia: opinião de supervisores e alunos da Universidade Fernando Pessoa

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em FisioterapiaIntrodução: A educação clínica é uma componente-chave da aprendizagem dos alunos para serem profissionais de saúde competentes no futuro. Objectivos: Identificar as competências mais importantes que os alunos devem adquirir em estágio, sob a perspectiva dos supervisores e dos alunos, segundo o ano de curso e a unidade curricular. Metodologia: Realizou-se questionário on-line a supervisores e a alunos de 2º, 3º e 4º ano da Licenciatura em Fisioterapia, questionando-se os 8 critérios mais importantes (e depois a ordem de importância) que um aluno deve adquirir nos ensinos clínicos. Resultados: Responderam 10 supervisores, a maioria com experiência clínica entre 16 e 25 anos. Responderam 45 alunos de fisioterapia, principalmente do quarto ano, a maioria do sexo feminino. Da opinião dos supervisores e alunos, os Conhecimentos e o Profissionalismo são das competências mais importantes a adquirir pelos alunos em ensinos clínicos enquanto as menos importantes foram o Dossier e a Organização e gestão do tempo e recursos. Conclusão: Existe concordância entre supervisores e alunos no que se refere às competências a adquirir nos ensinos clínicos, variando no entanto a ordem de importância.Introduction: Clinical education is one of the most important component of students learning to be considered competent as a good Healthcare professional in the future. Objectives: Identify the most importantes competencies that Physical Therapy Students must acquire in clinical internship, following the perspective of Supervisors and Physical Therapy Students, in agreement with the year of scholarship. Methods: An on-line questionay was realized to supervisores and physical therapy students, asking what were the 8 most importantes competencies that students have to comprise in clinical education. Results: 10 supervisores answered, with a practicing experience majority between 16 and 25 years. 45 physical therapy students answered, with a majority of 4th years students, principaly feminine gender. The most importants competencies following students and supervisores are Knowledge and Professinalism, and the less importantes were Dossier and Time and ressourcies Management. Conclusion: Agreement exists between supervisors and students in what refers to the competencies to acquire in the clinical teachings, varying while the order of importance that attributed to each competence.N/

    Advances in tropical aquaculture

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    If warmwater finfish protein requirements as level in diet is low, absolute intake per day is similar to those of coldwater species. But relation to this requirement with specific growth rate differs for strictly warmwater fishes as tilapia. Analysis of partition between protein and non-protein energy provided and consequently improve their protein retention. Better carbohydrate digestibility and metabolism are propunded as part of the exploration. (Résumé d'auteur

    Essais d'utilisation de "nourrisseur à la demande" pour l'alimentation de Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus en cage-enclos

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    An experiment using demand feeder was carried out on the catfish Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus reared in cage-enclosure in the lagoon Ebrié (Côte d'Ivoire). The study lasted 5 months, from October to March, and showed that the demand feeder improves the growth rate of the fish and the feed conversion. It was able, as well as the conventional hand feeding, to show monthly variations of performances