396 research outputs found

    Anticancer efficacy of phenolics based structurally related compounds and their radical scavenging action

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    Cancer, one of the leading causes of death worldwide, is an abnormal cell proliferation that fails to respond to the normal signals. In an effort to eradicate the growing menace of cancer, a clear understanding of fundamental biology and molecular mechanism of carcinogenesis is essential for targeted therapies. Among the devised strategies in use for cancer treatment, the one that is of immense interest is the development of plant based novel anticancer agents. Due to their tremendous availability, biological activity and efficacy, the phytochemicals deemed a gibbous future in chemoprevention. In the present study, several phenolics based structurally related compounds of steroidal and non-steroidal skeleton were synthesized and tested for their modulatory effect on ornithine decarboxylase activity, an enzyme highly upregulated in cancer. Additionally, these compounds were also examined for radical scavenging extent to establish a correlation with the anticancer property. Our result suggests that the tested compounds possessed radical scavenging activity, for being the inherent property of the phenolics. 3-(3’,4’5’-trimethoxyphenyl)-4,5,6-trimethoxyindan-1-one oxime exhibited highest inhibition of enzyme activity (91%) followed by 1-(2,4-dibromophenyl)-3-[3-methoxyestra 1,3,5(10)-trien-17-acetate,2-yl]-2-propen-1-one (85%), 2-Hydroxy, 3-(3’,4’,5’-trimethoxy phenyl)-4,5,6-trimethoxy ind-2-en-1-one (80%), 1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-3-(3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-2-propen-1-one (74%) and 1-(3,-methoxy, 4-hydroxyphenyl)-3-[3-methoxyestra 1,3,5(10)-trien-17-acetate, 2-yl]-2-propen-1-one (67%). Furthermore, it was observed that 1-(3-Methoxy, 4- hydroxyphenyl)-3-[3-methoxyestra 1,3,5 (10)-trien-17-acetate, 2-yl]-2-propen-1-one showed the highest scavenging effect (67%) in nitric oxide assay, whereas 1-(3-methylphenyl)-3-[3-methoxy, 17-hydroxyestra 1,3,5(10)-trien, 2-yl]-2-propen-1-one showed maximum inhibition of radical formation in 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl analysis. Most of these compounds possessed a 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl unit which might be inducing enzyme inhibition and scavenging radical formation. Further investigations are on the way to establish the structure-activity relationship, so that these compounds can be developed as anticancer agents

    Simulasi Sistem Pembaca Beda Fasa Dua Sinyal Sinusoidal Menggunakan Mikrokontroler

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    Makalah ini membahas hasil simulasi sistem pembaca beda fasa dua sinyal sinusoidal berbasis mikrokontroler. Pembacaan beda fasa dua sinyal sinus menjadi hal yang sangat penting untuk membangun sistem pengkompensasi faktor daya pada sistem pemanfaatan tenaga listrik. Sistem pembaca beda fasa terdiri atas komponen perangkat keras dan program untuk mikrkontroler. Perangkat keras terdiri atas rangkaian pendeteksi titik nol dan pendeteksi beda fasa dua sinyal. Sinyal beda fasa kemudian dibaca dan dihitung dalam program mikrokontroler. Program ditulis dalam bahasa basic dan di-compile menggunakan Bascom AVR untuk mikrokontroler AVR ATMega32.. Pengujian menggunakan software simulasi NI Multisim Component Evaluator Mouser Electronics Edition dan Proteus Demonstation Version. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan sistem pembaca beda fasa memberikan hasil yang cukup baik dengan eror rata-rata sebesar 1,51% sehingga layak untuk diteruskan pada tahap realisasi dan apikasi


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    Antosianin merupakan sumber bahan pewarna alami, di mana selain karotenoid, klorofil, dan flavonoid yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mendukung performa Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSC) atau sel surya peka warna. Ekstraksi dengan metode Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) meningkatkan hasil dan laju reaksi. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan variabel penelitian daya microwave yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh daya microwave dalam proses ekstraksi antosanin bunga dadap merah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gelombang mikro dalam microwave mampu mempercepat proses ekstraksi dibutuhkan 12-15 menit dengan daya 300 W, 450 W dan 600 W. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa  total antosianin yang dihasilkan secara berurutan 9,518 mg/L (menit ke-12 daya, 300W); 2,755 mg/L (menit ke-15, daya 450W)  dan 2,839 mg/L (menit ke-12, daya 600W). Ekstraksi antosianin dadap merah menggunakan mikrowave lebih cepat 10 kali dan lebih besar yield 3-10 kali daripada konvensional 180 menit (0,8350 mg/L

    Bioconversion of eugenol into food flavouring agent vanillin

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    Microorganisms have the ability to chemically modify a wide variety of organic compounds by a process referred to as biological or microbial transformation, or in general, bioconversion. The microbial cells and their catalytic machinery (enzymes) accept a wide array of complex molecules as substrates, yielding products with unparallel chiral (enantio-), positional (region-) and chemical (chemo-) selectivity through various biochemical reactions. The present study was formulated on the objective of the conversion of abundantly available phytomolecules eugenol into vanillin, a compound of industrial importance, using microorganisms Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These microbes were found to be capable of converting eugenol to industrially important cost-effective products, vanillin (used as flavouring agent). The results were analyzed using thin layer and gas chromatographic techniques. Our results demonstrated that A. flavus, A. niger and P. aerouginosa were able to transform eugenol to vanillin. Our findings may provide a novel approach for the production of cost-effective vanillin using microorganisms

    Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan Sebagai Metode Peramalan Beban Listrik Harian Di PT. Pismatex Pekalongan

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    Load electricity forecasting of industry can provide an information support to the Top Management and other stakeholders in terms of estimating and monitoring the power requirements and effort in providing it. With the artificial neural network method as an electrical load forecasting method using the short-term power load forecasting in the industrial sector, is expected load forecasting in this study had an average error is small. Research on the daily electricity load forecasting in PT. Pismatex Pekalongan using neural networks with daily electricity load data per hour for one week study. The Result of this study is MAPE of 7.23%

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Osteoarthritis Genu Sinistra Di RSO Prof. Dr Soeharso Surakarta

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    Background : Osteoarthritis is an abnormality on cartilage ( cartilage ) are characterized by changes in clinical , histological and radiological . This disease is asymmetrical , not inflamed and no components systematically Methods : the methods in the management of this case, using Microwave Diathermy (MWD),Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), exercise therapy. manually muscle strength (MMT), measuring of the range of motion goneometer, ability of ADL Jette Scale. Objectives :above methods to understand the benefits of MWD, TENS and exercise therapy in reducing pain,increasing range of motions, increasing muscle strength, and increasing of ability ADL. Results :after had given physiotherapy 6 times the results obstained : decreased of pain, increased range of motions, increased muscle strength and then increased ability of functional activity. Conclusion : MWD, TENScan reduce pain in that case. Exercise therapy can increases range of motions, muscle strength, and ability of functional activity. Key words: Osteoarthritis, Microwave Diathermy, Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation, exercise therapy

    Keberadaan Bakteri Escherichia Coli Dan Salmonella SP Pada Limbah Pabrik Pakan Unggas (Pakan Ceceran) Yang Difermentasi Dengan Starter Fungsional (the Escherichia Coli and Salmonella SP in Wastes Poultry Feeds (Scattered Feed) That Was Fermented with Fun

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    The research was aimed to examine the Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp in wastes poultry feeds (scattered feed) that was fermented with fungsional starter (that contain extarct of fermented vegetable waste, rumen fluid, pollard and aquades also called starfungs'). A completely randomined design was applied with 4 treatment and 4 replications. The treatments measured were T0 : scattered feed + 0% ‘starfungs', T1 : scattered feed + 1% ‘starfungs', T2 : scattered feed + 2% ‘starfungs', T3 : scattered feed + 3% ‘starfungs'. The parameters measured were presence Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp in wastes poultry feeds (scattered feed) that was fermented with ‘starfungs'. Analysis of variance and Duncan multiple range test (DMRT) were used to analyze data. The results of research showed that the ‘starfungs' began to level 1% (T1) to suppress the Escherichia coli. Additional ‘starfungs' did not have a significant effect to suppress the Salmonella sp. This could be concluded that ‘starfungs' could suppress the Escherichia coli started from level 1% (T1), however, it could not suppress the Salmonella sp

    Peripheral Biomarker for Vascular Disorders

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    © The Author(s) 2018. Atherosclerosis is the underlying cause of most myocardial infarction (MI) and ischaemic stroke episodes. An early sign of atherosclerosis is hypertrophy of the arterial wall. It is known that increased intima media thickness (IMT) is a non-invasive marker of arterial wall alteration, which can easily be assessed in the carotid arteries by high-resolution B-mode ultrasound. Similarly, the other key element of MI and ischaemic strokes is the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor which is an ionotropic glutamate receptor that mediates the vast majority of excitatory neurotransmission in the brain. NMDA activation requires the binding of both glutamate and a coagonist like D-serine to its glycine site. A special enzyme, serine racemase (SR), is required for the conversion of L-serine into D-serine, and alterations in SR activities lead to a variety of physiological and pathological conditions ranging from synaptic plasticity to ischemia, MI, and stroke. The amount of D-serine available for the activation of glutamatergic signalling is largely determined by SR and we have developed ways to estimate its levels in human blood samples and correlate it with the IMT. This research based short communication describes our pilot study, which clearly suggests that there is a direct relationship between the SR, D-serine, and IMT. In this article, we will discuss whether the activity of SR can determine the future consequences resulting from vascular pathologies such as MI and stroke

    Visualisasi Gelombang Sudut dalam Koordinat Bola untuk Potensial Eckart Plus Scarf dengan Pendekatan Analisis Persamaan Schrodinger Metode Nikiforov Uvarov Menggunakan Matrix Laboratory

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    Penelitian pendekatan analisis persamaan Schrodinger bertujuan untuk menentukan fungsi gelombang sudut untuk potensial Eckart plus Scarf  dengan metode Nikiforov-Uvarov.  Metode Nikiforov-Uvarov merupakan metode penyelesaian persamaan diferensial orde kedua dengan mengubah persamaan tersebut menjadi persamaan perantara hipergeometrik dengan metode pemisahan variable melalui substitusi variabel yang sesuai. Hasil analisis yang fungsi gelombang sudut yang selanjutnya divisualisasikan dengan menggunakan pemrograman Matrix Laboratory 2013. Hasil visualisasi menunjukkan bahwa semakin meningkat bilangan kuantum, gelombang sudut semaikin banyak. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa fungssi gelombang sudut mengalami degenerasi.  Visualisasi fungsi gelombang sudut yang terbentuk mendiskripsikan gerakan partikel mengelilingi inti
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