669 research outputs found

    An airborne system for detection of volcanic surface deformations

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    A technique is proposed for measuring volcanic deformation on the order of centimeters per day to centimeters per year. An airborne multifrequency pulsed radar, tracking passive ground reflectors spaced at 1 kilometer intervals over a 50 square kilometer area is employed. Identification of targets is accomplished by Doppler and range resolution techniques, with final relative position measurements accomplished by phase comparison of multifrequency signals. Atmospheric path length errors are corrected by an airborne refractometer, meteorological instruments, or other refractive index measuring devices. Anticipated system accuracy is 1-2 cm, with measuring times on the order of minutes. Potential problems exist in the high intrinsic data assimilation rate required of the system to overcome ground backscatter noise

    Solar nebula condensates and the composition of comets

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    Interpretation of the volatile abundances in Halley's comet in terms of models for chemical and physical processes in the solar nebula are discussed. Key ratios of the oxidized and reduced species of nitrogen and carbon are identified which tell something of the chemical history of the environment in which cometary grains accreted to form the nucleus. Isotopic abundances are also applied to this problem. It will be shown that the abundances of methane and carbon monoxide are consistent both with models of solar nebula chemistry and chemical processing on grains in star-forming regions. Ultimately, limitations of the current data set on molecular abundances in comets and star-forming regions prevent a definitive choice between the two. Processes important to the composition of outer solar system bodies are: (1) gas phase chemistry in the solar nebula; (2) imperfect mixing in the solar nebula; (3) condensation; (4) clathration; (5) adsorption; and (6) processing of interstellar material

    Non-solar noble gas abundances in the atmosphere of Jupiter

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    The thermodynamic stability of clathrate hydrate is calculated to predict the formation conditions corresponding to a range of solar system parameters. The calculations were performed using the statistical mechanical theory developed by van der Waals and Platteeuw (1959) and existing experimental data concerning clathrate hydrate and its components. Dissociation pressures and partition functions (Langmuir constants) are predicted at low pressure for CO clathrate (hydrate) using the properties of chemicals similar to CO. It is argued that nonsolar but well constrained noble gas abundances may be measurable by the Galileo spacecraft in the Jovian atmosphere if the observed carbon enhancement is due to bombardment of the atmosphere by clathrate-bearing planetesimals sometime after planetary formation. The noble gas abundances of the Jovian satellite Titan are predicted, assuming that most of the methane in Titan is accreted as clathrate. It is suggested that under thermodynamically appropriate conditions, complete clathration of water ice could have occurred in high-pressure nebulas around giant planets, but probably not in the outer solar nebula. The stability of clathrate in other pressure ranges is also discussed

    The measured compositions of Uranus and Neptune from their formation on the CO iceline

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    The formation mechanisms of the ice giants Uranus and Neptune, and the origin of their elemental and isotopic compositions, have long been debated. The density of solids in the outer protosolar nebula is too low to explain their formation, and spectroscopic observations show that both planets are highly enriched in carbon, very poor in nitrogen, and the ices from which they originally formed might had deuterium-to-hydrogen ratios lower than the predicted cometary value, unexplained properties observed in no other planets. Here we show that all these properties can be explained naturally if Uranus and Neptune both formed at the carbon monoxide iceline. Due to the diffusive redistribution of vapors, this outer region of the protosolar nebula intrinsically has enough surface density to form both planets from carbon-rich solids but nitrogen-depleted gas, in abundances consistent with their observed values. Water rich interiors originating mostly from transformed CO ices reconcile the D/H value of Uranus and Neptune's building blocks with the cometary value. Finally, Our scenario generalizes a well known hypothesis that Jupiter formed on an iceline (water snowline) for the two ice giants, and might be a first step towards generalizing this mechanism for other giant planets.Comment: The Astrophysical Journal (in press), 8 pages, 5 figure

    Volatile inventories in clathrate hydrates formed in the primordial nebula

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    Examination of ambient thermodynamic conditions suggest that clathrate hydrates could exist in the martian permafrost, on the surface and in the interior of Titan, as well as in other icy satellites. Clathrate hydrates probably formed in a significant fraction of planetesimals in the solar system. Thus, these crystalline solids may have been accreted in comets, in the forming giant planets and in their surrounding satellite systems. In this work, we use a statistical thermodynamic model to investigate the composition of clathrate hydrates that may have formed in the primordial nebula. In our approach, we consider the formation sequence of the different ices occurring during the cooling of the nebula, a reasonable idealization of the process by which volatiles are trapped in planetesimals. We then determine the fractional occupancies of guests in each clathrate hydrate formed at given temperature. The major ingredient of our model is the description of the guest-clathrate hydrate interaction by a spherically averaged Kihara potential with a nominal set of parameters, most of which being fitted on experimental equilibrium data. Our model allows us to find that Kr, Ar and N2_2 can be efficiently encaged in clathrate hydrates formed at temperatures higher than \sim 48.5 K in the primitive nebula, instead of forming pure condensates below 30 K. However, we find at the same time that the determination of the relative abundances of guest species incorporated in these clathrate hydrates strongly depends on the choice of the parameters of the Kihara potential and also on the adopted size of cages. Indeed, testing different potential parameters, we have noted that even minor dispersions between the different existing sets can lead to non-negligible variations in the determination of the volatiles trapped in clathrate hydrates formed in the primordial nebula.Comment: Accepted for publication in Faraday Discussion

    Evolution of Triton's volatile budget

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    Triton's volatile budget provides important links to planetary formation processes in the cold outer solar nebula. However, the budget has been modified by processes subsequent to the accretion of this body. It is of interest to assess whether certain formation environments can be ruled out for Triton on the basis of its current volatile abundances, and also to quantify some of the post-accretional processes by which the abundances have been modified

    An estimate of the chemical composition of Titan's lakes

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    Hundreds of radar-dark patches interpreted as lakes have been discovered in the north and south polar regions of Titan. We have estimated the composition of these lakes by using the direct abundance measurements from the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) aboard the Huygens probe and recent photochemical models based on the vertical temperature profile derived by the Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument (HASI). Thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed between the atmosphere and the lakes, which are also considered as nonideal solutions. We find that the main constituents of the lakes are ethane (C2H6) (~76-79%), propane (C3H8) (~7-8%), methane (CH4) (~5-10%), hydrogen cyanide (HCN) (~2-3%), butene (C4H8) (~1%), butane (C4H10) (~1%) and acetylene (C2H2) (~1%). The calculated composition of lakes is then substantially different from what has been expected from models elaborated prior to the exploration of Titan by the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted in ApJ