30 research outputs found

    The effect of local hydrodynamics on the spatial extent and morphology of cold-water coral habitats at Tisler Reef, Norway

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    This study demonstrates how cold-water coral morphology and habitat distribution are shaped by local hydrodynamics, using high-definition video from Tisler Reef, an inshore reef in Norway. A total of 334 video frames collected on the north-west (NW) and south-east (SE) side of the reef were investigated for Lophelia pertusa coral cover and morphology and for the cover of the associated sponges Mycale lingua and Geodia sp. Our results showed that the SE side was a better habitat for L. pertusa (including live and dead colonies). Low cover of Geodia sp. was found on both sides of Tisler Reef. In contrast, Mycale lingua had higher percentage cover, especially on the NW side of the reef. Bush-shaped colonies of L. pertusa with elongated branches were the most abundant coral morphology on Tisler Reef. The highest abundance and density of this morphology were found on the SE side of the reef, while a higher proportion of cauliflower-shaped corals with short branches were found on the NW side. The proportion of very small L. pertusa colonies was also significantly higher on the SE side of the reef. The patterns in coral spatial distribution and morphology were related to local hydrodynamics—there were more frequent periods of downwelling currents on the SE side—and to the availability of suitable settling substrates. These factors make the SE region of Tisler Reef more suitable for coral growth. Understanding the impact of local hydrodynamics on the spatial extent and morphology of coral, and their relation to associated organisms such as sponges, is key to understanding the past and future development of the reefVersión del editor3,87

    Use of machine-learning algorithms for the automated detection of cold-water coral habitats: a pilot study

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    Purser A, Bergmann M, Ontrup J, Nattkemper TW. Use of machine-learning algorithms for the automated detection of cold-water coral habitats: a pilot study. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2009;397:241-251.Cold-water coral reefs are recognised as important biodiversity hotspots on the continental margin. The location of terrain features likely to be associated with living reef has been made easier by recent developments in acoustic sensing technology. For accurate assessment and fine-scale mapping of these newly identified coral habitats, analysis of video data is still required. In the present study we explore the potential of manual and automatic abundance estimation of cold-water corals and sponges from still image frames extracted from video footage from Tisler Reef (Skagerrak, Norway). The results and processing times from 3 standard visual assessment methods (15-point quadrat, 100-point quadrat and frame mapping) are compared with those produced by a new computer vision system. This system uses machine-learning algorithms to detect species within frames automatically. Cold-water coral density estimates obtained from the automated method were similar to those gained by the other methods. The automated method slightly underestimated (by 10 to 20%) coral coverage in frames which lacked a uniform seabed illumination. However, it did much better in the detection of small live coral fragments than the 15-point method. For assessing sponge coverage, the automated system did not perform as satisfactorily. It mistook a percentage of the seabed for sponge (0.1 to 2% of most frames) and underestimated sponge coverage in frames that contained many sponges. Results indicate that the machine-learning approach is appropriate for estimating live cold-water coral density, but further work is required before the system can be applied to sponges within the reef environment

    The symbiosis between Lophelia pertusa and Eunice norvegica stimulates coral calcification and worm assimilation

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    We investigated the interactions between the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa and its associated polychaete Eunice norvegica by quantifying carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) budgets of tissue assimilation, food partitioning, calcification and respiration using 13C and 15N enriched algae and zooplankton as food sources. During incubations both species were kept either together or in separate chambers to study the net outcome of their interaction on the above mentioned processes. The stable isotope approach also allowed us to follow metabolically derived tracer C further into the coral skeleton and therefore estimate the effect of the interaction on coral calcification. Results showed that food assimilation by the coral was not significantly elevated in presence of E. norvegica but food assimilation by the polychaete was up to 2 to 4 times higher in the presence of the coral. The corals kept assimilation constant by increasing the consumption of smaller algae particles less favored by the polychaete while the assimilation of Artemia was unaffected by the interaction. Total respiration of tracer C did not differ among incubations, although E. norvegica enhanced coral calcification up to 4 times. These results together with the reported high abundance of E. norvegica in cold-water coral reefs, indicate that the interactions between L. pertusa and E. norvegica can be of high importance for ecosystem functioning

    Skeletal growth, respiration rate and fatty acid composition in the cold-water coral <i>Lophelia pertusa</i> under varying food conditions

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    Reefs of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa form biodiversity-rich habitats in the deep ocean, but physiology, reproduction, feeding and growth in this species remain poorly investigated. Food supply to reef sites varies considerably both spatially and temporarily. In this study we investigated the effects of starvation and zooplankton feeding on respiration and growth of L. pertusa. In our first experiment, corals were starved for 6 mo, resulting in a 40% decrease in respiration but no visible effects on coral condition or survival. In a second experiment, corals were fed nauplii of Artemia salina for 15 wk at 4 different densities; the organic carbon provided corresponded to between 20 and 300% of the carbon turned over by initial respiration. Respiration rate increased with zooplankton food density, but no effect on skeletal growth could be detected. Skeletal growth remained positive even at low food density. Compared to initial conditions, there was a general decrease in the total concentrations of both structural and storage fatty acids independent of food treatment, but no significant effect among the treatments was discovered. The amount of organic carbon and nitrogen also decreased during the experiment, although significantly less in the highest food density compared to the lowest. The results indicate that L. pertusa is highly tolerant to living on minimal resources for periods of several months. Response-times to varying food conditions were slow, but results suggest that tissue content and composition is a better indicator of food conditions in L. pertusa compared to calcification rates

    The symbiosis between Lophelia pertusa and Eunice norvegica stimulates coral calcification and worm assimilation

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    We investigated the interactions between the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa and its associated polychaete Eunice norvegica by quantifying carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) budgets of tissue assimilation, food partitioning, calcification and respiration using 13C and 15N enriched algae and zooplankton as food sources. During incubations both species were kept either together or in separate chambers to study the net outcome of their interaction on the above mentioned processes. The stable isotope approach also allowed us to follow metabolically derived tracer C further into the coral skeleton and therefore estimate the effect of the interaction on coral calcification. Results showed that food assimilation by the coral was not significantly elevated in presence of E. norvegica but food assimilation by the polychaete was up to 2 to 4 times higher in the presence of the coral. The corals kept assimilation constant by increasing the consumption of smaller algae particles less favored by the polychaete while the assimilation of Artemia was unaffected by the interaction. Total respiration of tracer C did not differ among incubations, although E. norvegica enhanced coral calcification up to 4 times. These results together with the reported high abundance of E. norvegica in cold-water coral reefs, indicate that the interactions between L. pertusa and E. norvegica can be of high importance for ecosystem functioning