471 research outputs found

    Melt Spun Piezoelectric Textile Fibres - an Experimental Study

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    Melt Spun Piezoelectric Textile Fibres- an Experimental Study ANJA LUNDDepartment of Materials and Manufacturing TechnologyChalmers University of TechnologyABSTRACTThe manufacturing and characterisation of piezoelectric textile fibres are described in this thesis. A piezoelectric material is one that generates an electric voltage when deformed, a property which exists in a number of materials. The polymer with the strongest known piezoelectric effect today is poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF), however it must be processed under certain conditions to become piezoelectric. This study shows that piezoelectric bicomponent PVDF-based fibres can be produced by melt spinning, which is a common and relatively simple fibre spinning method. The melt spinning process must include cold drawing, as this introduces a polar crystalline structure in the polymer. The fibres must also be electroded, which is done by producing bicomponent fibres with a core-and-sheath structure. The core is electrically conductive and constitutes an inner electrode consisting of a carbon black/polymer compound, whereas the sheath is PVDF and constitutes the piezoelectric component.Being sensitive to both deformation and temperature changes, these fibres are anticipated to be useful in a number of sensor applications. The flexibility and small size of the fibres makes it possible to include them as miniature-sensors in structures or garment without affecting the shape or comfort

    Suitability of dust and bioaerosols from a pig stable as inoculum for biological air filters

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    [Abstract] Biofiltration for removing ammonia and odour compounds from ventilation air of pig stables is a promising approach. In order to reduce the time for starting up a well-functioning biofilter a good inoculum suited for the environment is needed. In this study the microbial identity and quantity of dust and bioaerosols coming from a pig stable were analyzed for its suitability as inoculum. Inoculation of biofilters with dust had similar good ammonia removal capabilities as biofilters inoculated with activated sludge, although analysis of the microbial dust community revealed clear differences. The organic fraction of the dust particles seems to be important for mediating biofilm development on the filter material

    A polymer-based textile thermoelectric generator for wearable energy harvesting

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    Conducting polymers offer new opportunities to design soft, conformable and light-weight thermoelectric textile generators that can be unobtrusively integrated into garments or upholstery. Using the widely available conducting polymer:polyelectrolyte complex poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) as the p-type material, we have prepared an electrically conducting sewing thread, which we then embroidered into thick wool fabrics to form out-of-plane thermoelectric textile generators. The influence of device design is discussed in detail, and we show that the performance of e-textile devices can be accurately predicted and optimized using modeling developed for conventional thermoelectric systems, provided that the electrical and thermal contact resistances are included in the model. Finally, we demonstrate a thermoelectric textile device that can generate a, for polymer-based devices, unprecedented power of 1.2 μW at a temperature gradient ΔT of 65 K, and over 0.2 μW at a more modest ΔT of 30 K

    Same-same, but different

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    Numerous approaches have emerged to encompass the social phenomenon of place. In the search of the meaning of place, researchers often either seek to outline the uniqueness of a single neighborhood with predominantly qualitative methods or reduce complexity of a higher number of neighborhoods using quantitative methods. They do so by arguing that the uniqueness is infinitely complex and thus irreducible or, as with quantitative methods, that there is enough similarity that the complexity can be reduced by statistical models. We argue that these are not mutually exclusive by outlining an approach to capture the unique and the general

    Machine-Washable Conductive Silk Yarns with a Composite Coating of Ag Nanowires and PEDOT:PSS

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    Electrically conducting fibers and yarns are critical components of future wearable electronic textile (e-textile) devices such as sensors, antennae, information processors, and energy harvesters. To achieve reliable wearable devices, the development of robust yarns with a high conductivity and excellent washability is urgently needed. In the present study, highly conductive and machine-washable silk yarns were developed utilizing a Ag nanowire and PEDOT:PSS composite coating. Ag nanowires were coated on the silk yarn via a dip-coating process followed by coating with the conjugated polymer:polyelectrolyte complex PEDOT:PSS. The PEDOT:PSS covered the Ag nanowire layers while electrostatically binding to the silk, which significantly improved the robustness of the yarn as compared with the Ag nanowire-coated reference yarns. The fabricated conductive silk yarns had an excellent bulk conductivity of up to ∼320 S/cm, which is largely retained even after several cycles of machine washing. To demonstrate that these yarns can be incorporated into e-textiles, the conductive yarns were used to construct an all-textile out-of-plane thermoelectric device and a Joule heating element in a woven heating fabric

    Thermally Activated in Situ Doping Enables Solid-State Processing of Conducting Polymers

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    Free-standing bulk structures encompassing highly doped conjugated polymers are currently heavily explored for wearable electronics as thermoelectric elements, conducting fibers, and a plethora of sensory devices. One-step manufacturing of such bulk structures is challenging because the interaction of dopants with conjugated polymers results in poor solution and solid-state processability, whereas doping of thick conjugated polymer structures after processing suffers from diffusion-limited transport of the dopant. Here, we introduce the concept of thermally activated latent dopants for in situ bulk doping of conjugated polymers. Latent dopants allow for noninteractive coprocessing of dopants and polymers, while thermal activation eliminates any thickness-dependent diffusion and activation limitations. Two latent acid dopants were synthesized in the form of thermal acid generators based on aryl sulfonic acids and an o-nitrobenzyl capping moiety. First, we show that these acid dopant precursors can be coprocessed noninteractively with three different polythiophenes. Second, the polymer films were doped in situ through thermal activation of the dopants. Ultimately, we demonstrate that solid-state processing with a latent acid dopant can be readily carried out and that it is possible to dope more than 100 μm-thick polymer films through thermal activation of the latent dopant

    Sequential doping of solid chunks of a conjugated polymer for body-heat-powered thermoelectric modules

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    Sequential doping of 1 mm3 sized cubes of regio-regular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) with 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-tetracyanoquinodimethane is found to result in a doping gradient. The dopant ingresses into the solid material and after two weeks of sequential doping yields a 250 μm thick doped surface layer, while the interior of the cubes remains undoped. The doping gradient is mapped with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX), which is used to estimate a diffusion coefficient of 1 7 10-10 cm2 s-1 at room temperature. The cubes, prepared by pressing at 150 \ub0C, feature alignment of polymer chains along the flow direction, which yields an electrical conductivity of 2.2 S cm-1 in the same direction. A 4-leg thermoelectric module was fabricated with slabs of pressed and doped P3HT, which generated a power of 0.22 μW for a temperature gradient of 10.2 \ub0C generated by body heat

    Læreruddannelsen som udviklingslaboratorium: - interaktioner, relationer og spændingsfelter på lærerstuderendes vej ind i lærerfaget

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    Artiklen diskuterer muligheder og udfordringer for deltagelse og tilblivelse som lærerstuderende på 1. årgang, baseret på empirisk materiale fra “Ind i lærerfaget”, som er ét af en række projekter i “Læreruddannelsen som udviklingslaboratorium”(LULAB). Det bliver en pointe, der fremskrives i artiklens analyser, at projektet ikke kan forstås uden at forstå det som et LULAB-projekt med bott om-up eksperimenterende indsatser i professionelt samarbejde. Baseret på analyserne kondenseres en række interaktioner og relationer, der opleves som afgørende af aktørerne: oplevelse af sammenhæng på fl ere planer, udstrakt praktik på 1. årgang giver både muligheder og udfordringer, relationen mellem læreruddanner og lærerstuderende, herunder positionering af lærerstuderende som medudviklere, at studerende opleves at tage ansvar, og at forankring ikke bare må ses som et format, der rulles ud, de nye aktører skal også opleve mening. Der peges således både på positive mulighedsrum i relation til læreruddannelsen som professionsrett et uddannelse, men også på udfordringer og spændinger