188 research outputs found

    Speculative Solutions: The Development of Environmental and Ecofeminist Discourse in Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam

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    Margaret Atwood simultaneously contributes to and diverges from recent ecofeminist social and literary theory with her novel MaddAddam (2013), the final instalment to a trilogy that began with Oryx and Crake (2003) and continued with The Year of the Flood in 2009. Atwood's literary deployment of feminist and ecological discourses invites an examination of the ways in which externally developed theories inform the narrative in MaddAddam and affect subsequent literary interpretation. This investigation studies the efficacy of ecofeminist praxis in the creation of a democratic heterarchy inclusive of all genders, races, classes, and species, and by synthesizing close textual analysis with relevant sociocultural and literary theory, outlines the recent development of new ecofeminist epistemologies within the novel. In prioritizing the democratic intentions of ecofeminism, and by assessing Atwood’s implicit use of a multiplicity of inclusive ecofeminist concepts, this article highlights the growing importance of ecofeminist literary theory, and its potential futures in contemporary dystopian fiction

    Speculative Solutions: The Development of Environmental and Ecofeminist Discourse in Margaret Atwood’s MaddAddam

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    Margaret Atwood simultaneously contributes to and diverges from recent ecofeminist social and literary theory with her novel MaddAddam (2013), the final instalment to a trilogy that began with Oryx and Crake (2003) and continued with The Year of the Flood in 2009. Atwood's literary deployment of feminist and ecological discourses invites an examination of the ways in which externally developed theories inform the narrative in MaddAddam and affect subsequent literary interpretation. This investigation studies the efficacy of ecofeminist praxis in the creation of a democratic heterarchy inclusive of all genders, races, classes, and species, and by synthesizing close textual analysis with relevant sociocultural and literary theory, outlines the recent development of new ecofeminist epistemologies within the novel. In prioritizing the democratic intentions of ecofeminism, and by assessing Atwood’s implicit use of a multiplicity of inclusive ecofeminist concepts, this article highlights the growing importance of ecofeminist literary theory, and its potential futures in contemporary dystopian fiction

    Reducing uncertainty in predictions of the response of Amazonian forests to climate change

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    Amazonia contains the largest expanse of tropical forest in the world and is globally significant as a store of carbon, a regulator of climate and an area of high species diversity. The ability of the Amazonian forests to maintain these important ecological functions is however, increasingly under question in light of recent predictions of climate change. There is currently significant uncertainty in model predictions of how Amazonian forests will respond to predicted future climate change. This thesis reports the finding of two field studies, targeted at understanding the responses of two tropical forest carbon fluxes which are poorly simulated in vegetation models, and two modelling studies, which aim to better quantify uncertainty on model predictions of the effects of current and future climate change on the ecological function of Amazonian forests. The responses of forests to varying magnitudes of seasonal changes in climate which occur across Amazonia can give an important insight into the sensitivity of these forests to climate perturbations and changes. Testing the sensitivity of an Amazonian forest in Tambopata, Peru, to seasonal variations in precipitation and temperature, I find that the stem diameter growth of tropical trees is more sensitive to water availability than temperature changes. The vulnerability of trees to reduced soil water varied between tree classes with different functional traits, including wood density, tree height, tree diameter and tree growth rate. Similarly, I find that the respiration flux from tropical dead wood, at a second site in French Guiana, is highly sensitive to variations in water content. I show that these variations in respiration fluxes can be modelled successfully using seasonal variations in soil water content. To date there are few studies which have comprehensively tested vegetation models using ecological data from Amazon forests. Using data assimilation and nine sources of ecological data I estimate the certainty with which we can parameterise a carbon cycle model to represent the effects of a strong dry season on tropical forests. Using this technique I find, that the carbon balance of Amazonian forests can be very sensitive to reductions in water availability, and that these seasonal changes need to be accurately simulated across models to correctly predict annual carbon budgets. The variability in model responses caused by differences in the way processes are structured and parameterised in vegetation models requires better quantification. Using a model inter-comparison I demonstrate that the relative sensitivity of modelled climate-vegetation feedbacks to changes in ambient air temperature and precipitation is highly variable. I find that although the models showed similar directional responses at both the leaf and canopy scale some models showed a greater sensitivity to temperature and others to drought. I therefore demonstrate the need for greater constraint on modelled responses of Amazonian forests to changes in temperature and precipitation. The impact of climate change on Amazonian forests is an important global issue, yet our knowledge is reliant on our ability to understand the uncertainties on our predictions. Using field data to evaluate and to develop model predictions is a valuable way to reduce the uncertainty associated with modelling future change. This thesis presents an investigation of how tropical forests respond to changes in climate and with what certainty we can model these changes in order to predict the response of Amazon forests to predicted future climate change

    Disinhibited abuse of othered communities by second-screening audiences

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    Second-screening and live-tweeting alongside broadcast television generates new concerns with respect to online abuse. We present an investigation into the nature of Twitter-facilitated second-screening posts relating to Thelma's Gypsy Girls, one of a series of controversial documentary programmes portraying the Irish Traveller community that have recently been aired by the UK public-service television broadcaster Channel 4. Sentiment analysis highlighted the general negativity of these posts whilst a detailed thematic inquiry revealed the often abusive and aggressive messages aimed directly at the community and individuals portrayed in the broadcast material. We discuss why users might be susceptible to exhibiting these behaviours, and the implications for the broadcast industry, and social TV designers and developers

    Limited acclimation in leaf anatomy to experimental drought in tropical forest trees

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    Dry periods are predicted to become more frequent and severe in the future in some parts of the tropics, including Amazonia, potentially causing reduced productivity, higher tree mortality and increased emissions of stored carbon. Using a long-term (12 year) through-fall exclusion (TFE) experiment in the tropics, we test the hypothesis that trees produce leaves adapted to cope with higher levels of water stress, by examining the following leaf characteristics: area, thickness, leaf mass per area, vein density, stomatal density, the thickness of palisade mesophyll, spongy mesophyll and both of the epidermal layers, internal cavity volume and the average cell sizes of the palisade and spongy mesophyll. We also test whether differences in leaf anatomy are consistent with observed differential drought-induced mortality responses among taxa, and look for relationships between leaf anatomy, and leaf water relations and gas exchange parameters. Our data show that trees do not produce leaves that are more xeromorphic in response to 12 years of soil moisture deficit. However, the drought treatment did result in increases in the thickness of the adaxial epidermis (TFE: 20.5 ± 1.5 ”m, control: 16.7 ± 1.0 ”m) and the internal cavity volume (TFE: 2.43 ± 0.50 mm(3) cm(−2), control: 1.77 ± 0.30 mm(3 )cm(−2)). No consistent differences were detected between drought-resistant and drought-sensitive taxa, although interactions occurred between drought-sensitivity status and drought treatment for the palisade mesophyll thickness (P = 0.034) and the cavity volume of the leaves (P = 0.025). The limited response to water deficit probably reflects a tight co-ordination between leaf morphology, water relations and photosynthetic properties. This suggests that there is little plasticity in these aspects of plant anatomy in these taxa, and that phenotypic plasticity in leaf traits may not facilitate the acclimation of Amazonian trees to the predicted future reductions in dry season water availability

    New insights into large tropical tree mass and structure from direct harvest and terrestrial lidar

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    A large portion of the terrestrial vegetation carbon stock is stored in the above-ground biomass (AGB) of tropical forests, but the exact amount remains uncertain, partly owing to the lack of measurements. To date, accessible peer-reviewed data are available for just 10 large tropical trees in the Amazon that have been harvested and directly measured entirely via weighing. Here, we harvested four large tropical rainforest trees (stem diameter: 0.6–1.2 m, height: 30–46 m, AGB: 3960–18 584 kg) in intact old-growth forest in East Amazonia, and measured above-ground green mass, moisture content and woody tissue density. We first present rare ecological insights provided by these data, including unsystematic intra-tree variations in density, with both height and radius. We also found the majority of AGB was usually found in the crown, but varied from 42 to 62%. We then compare non-destructive approaches for estimating the AGB of these trees, using both classical allometry and new lidar-based methods. Terrestrial lidar point clouds were collected pre-harvest, on which we fitted cylinders to model woody structure, enabling retrieval of volume-derived AGB. Estimates from this approach were more accurate than allometric counterparts (mean tree-scale relative error: 3% versus 15%), and error decreased when up-scaling to the cumulative AGB of the four trees (1% versus 15%). Furthermore, while allometric error increased fourfold with tree size over the diameter range, lidar error remained constant. This suggests error in these lidar-derived estimates is random and additive. Were these results transferable across forest scenes, terrestrial lidar methods would reduce uncertainty in stand-scale AGB estimates, and therefore advance our understanding of the role of tropical forests in the global carbon cycle

    A positive feedback to climate change: The effect of temperature on the respiration of key wood‐decomposing fungi does not decline with time

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    Heterotrophic soil microorganisms are responsible for ~50% of the carbon dioxide released by respiration from the terrestrial biosphere each year. The respiratory response of soil microbial communities to warming, and the control mechanisms, remains uncertain, yet is critical to understanding the future land carbon (C)‐climate feedback. Individuals of nine species of fungi decomposing wood were exposed to 90 days of cooling to evaluate the medium‐term effect of temperature on respiration. Overall, the effect of temperature on respiration increased in the medium term, with no evidence of compensation. However, the increasing effect of temperature on respiration was lost after correcting for changes in biomass. These results indicate that C loss through respiration of wood‐decomposing fungi will increase beyond the direct effects of temperature on respiration, potentially promoting greater C losses from terrestrial ecosystems and a positive feedback to climate change

    Short-term effects of drought on tropical forest do not fully predict impacts of repeated or long-term drought: gas exchange vs growth.

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    This is the final version. Available from the Royal Society via the DOI in this record.Are short-term responses by tropical rainforest to drought (e.g. during El Niño) sufficient to predict changes over the long-term, or from repeated drought? Using the world's only long-term (16-year) drought experiment in tropical forest we examine predictability from short-term measurements (1-2 years). Transpiration was maximized in droughted forest: it consumed all available throughfall throughout the 16 years of study. Leaf photosynthetic capacity [Formula: see text] was maintained, but only when averaged across tree size groups. Annual transpiration in droughted forest was less than in control, with initial reductions (at high biomass) imposed by foliar stomatal control. Tree mortality increased after year three, leading to an overall biomass loss of 40%; over the long-term, the main constraint on transpiration was thus imposed by the associated reduction in sapwood area. Altered tree mortality risk may prove predictable from soil and plant hydraulics, but additional monitoring is needed to test whether future biomass will stabilize or collapse. Allocation of assimilate differed over time: stem growth and reproductive output declined in the short-term, but following mortality-related changes in resource availability, both showed long-term resilience, with partial or full recovery. Understanding and simulation of these phenomena and related trade-offs in allocation will advance more effectively through greater use of optimization and probabilistic modelling approaches.This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'The impact of the 2015/2016 El Niño on the terrestrial tropical carbon cycle: patterns, mechanisms and implications'.This work was supported by UK NERC grant NE/J011002/1 to P.M. and M.M., NERC independent fellowship grant NE/N014022/1 to L.R., ARC grants FT110100457 and DP170104091 to P.M., CNPQ grant 457914/2013-0/MCTI/CNPq/FNDCT/LBA/ESECAFLOR to A.L.d.C. It was previously supported by NERC NER/A/S/2002/00487, NERC GR3/11706, EU FP5-Carbonsink and EU FP7-Amazalert to P.M., and by a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

    Linking hydraulic traits to tropical forest function in a size-structured and trait-driven model (TFS v.1-Hydro)

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    Forest ecosystem models based on heuristic water stress functions poorly predict tropical forest response to drought partly because they do not capture the diversity of hydraulic traits (including variation in tree size) observed in tropical forests. We developed a continuous porous media approach to modeling plant hydraulics in which all parameters of the constitutive equations are biologically interpretable and measurable plant hydraulic traits (e.g., turgor loss point πtlp, bulk elastic modulus Δ, hydraulic capacitance Cft, xylem hydraulic conductivity ks,max, water potential at 50 % loss of conductivity for both xylem (P50,x) and stomata (P50,gs), and the leaf : sapwood area ratio Al : As). We embedded this plant hydraulics model within a trait forest simulator (TFS) that models light environments of individual trees and their upper boundary conditions (transpiration), as well as providing a means for parameterizing variation in hydraulic traits among individuals. We synthesized literature and existing databases to parameterize all hydraulic traits as a function of stem and leaf traits, including wood density (WD), leaf mass per area (LMA), and photosynthetic capacity (Amax), and evaluated the coupled model (called TFS v.1-Hydro) predictions, against observed diurnal and seasonal variability in stem and leaf water potential as well as stand-scaled sap flux.Our hydraulic trait synthesis revealed coordination among leaf and xylem hydraulic traits and statistically significant relationships of most hydraulic traits with more easily measured plant traits. Using the most informative empirical trait–trait relationships derived from this synthesis, TFS v.1-Hydro successfully captured individual variation in leaf and stem water potential due to increasing tree size and light environment, with model representation of hydraulic architecture and plant traits exerting primary and secondary controls, respectively, on the fidelity of model predictions. The plant hydraulics model made substantial improvements to simulations of total ecosystem transpiration. Remaining uncertainties and limitations of the trait paradigm for plant hydraulics modeling are highlighted
