17 research outputs found
Dalle Baccanti allâIbiza-Gate. «Schwarzwasser» di Elfriede Jelinek: [From the Bacchae to the Ibiza-Gate. Elfriede Jelinekâs «Schwarzwasser»]
Taking studies on deconstruction, performance theories, and pragmatics as my point of departure, I investigate Elfriede Jelinekâs last political play Schwarzwasser (2020), where the so-called Ibiza-gate â which in 2018 involved the former Vice Chancellor of Austria â is represented. In her interpretation, Jelinek refers to RenĂ© Girardâs Violence and the Sacred and Euripidesâ Bacchae in an intertextual dialogue. This contribution aims to show how and why Jelinek recalls and employs The Bacchae in her play and to establish a connection between the political function of Greek theatre and Jelinekâs view of Austrian populism
Dalle Baccanti all'Ibiza-Gate : "Schwarzwasser" di Elfriede Jelinek
Taking studies on deconstruction, performance theories, and pragmatics as my point of departure, I investigate Elfriede Jelinekâs last political play Schwarzwasser (2020), where the so-called Ibiza-gate â which in 2018 involved the former Vice Chancellor of Austria â is represented. In her interpretation, Jelinek refers to RenĂ© Girardâs Violence and the Sacred and Euripidesâ Bacchae in an intertextual dialogue. This contribution aims to show how and why Jelinek recalls and employs The Bacchae in her play and to establish a connection between the political function of Greek theatre and Jelinekâs view of Austrian populism
Antigone e le altre. Figure mitiche al femminile nei saggi di Margarete Susman
In Margarete Susmanâs theoretical and political essays and studies, classical and mythological figures such as Antigone, Pythia, Diotima and Undine become symbols for womenâs situation as well as the broader cultural, political and social sphere. The connection between these mythological themes and the intimate, spiritual and intellectual evolution of the author herself signals the originality of her work in womenâs studies in general, in womenâs literature theory and in mythological studies. This article aims to illustrate the symbolic reading of female mythical figures in Margarete Susmanâs writings, also focusing on the connection between mythos and the cultural importance of the maternal function. The icons of the feminine are also objects of Margarete Susmanâs writing, addressing questions about the connection of religious attitudes and socio-cultural determined thought
Margarete Susman e i saggi sul femminile
Margarete Susman (1872-1966), an important figure in German-speaking culture, was an essayist, Kulturtheoretikerin, philosopher, poet and painter. Her vast production - almost unknown in Italy - deals with a variety of topics: from literary criticism to interreligious dialogue, from the study of Romanticism to portraits of great personalities from the past and her time. This book investigates the 'feminine' in Susman from two points of view: from a formal perspective, it describes the path of a writer who, from the early 20th century, has moved between poetry and the essay, passing through the comparison with culture correspondence; from a thematic perspective, he examines the essays in which Susman deals with the sexual difference and the relationship between the 'male' and the 'femaleâ
«Ein Zentrum mit Peripherie» : I percorsi al femminile nellâopera saggistica di Margarete Susman
Autrice assai prolifica, pressochĂ© dimenticata, Margarete Susman Ăš stata raramente oggetto di studi germanisti. Ă stata una delle prime donne ad aver affrontato tematiche tradizionalmente âmaschiliâ: dalla critica letteraria ai saggi sul dialogo ebraico-tedesco; dallo studio del Romanticismo ai ritratti di grandi personalitĂ del passato e del suo tempo. Il libro Ăš dedicato ai saggi che meglio si prestano a unâanalisi basata sulla teoria della differenza: la scrittura viene vista come mezzo di espressione di una soggettivitĂ specificatamente femminile che, ieri come oggi, Ăš coinvolta da un processo di continua ridefinizione. Ragionando su questa prospettiva, il lavoro adotta un approccio che prende in considerazione la âdoppia differenzaâ di donna e di ebrea rispetto alla ânormaâ maschile e cristiana.«Ein Zentrum mit Peripherie» : Weibliche Wege in der essayistischen Prosa von Margarete Susman Die Arbeit setzt sich mit der Bedeutung der Form Essay in der Literatur der Frauen des 20. Jahrhunderts auseinander und geht davon aus, dass in der Geschichte des Essays die Frauen nur eine marginale Rolle gespielt haben, besonders im deutschsprachigen Raum, in dem selbst die âșmĂ€nnlicheâč essayistische Literatur relativ spĂ€t entstand. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit steht also die Analyse der literarischen Gestaltung des Essays bei Margarete Susman und die Bestimmung des VerhĂ€ltnisses zwischen der Form und den Themen ihrer Prosa. Ein ganz spezifischer Blick wird auf die Frage der Schreibform geworfen, die aus dem Blickwinkel der feministischen Theorie von Luce Irigaray, HĂ©lĂšne Cixous und Julia Kristeva betrachtet wird. (AusfĂŒhrliche Zusammenfassung ist in der Dissertation auf den Seiten 234 - 271 zu finden.
«Alles mein Wasser!»: The Role of Shame in Elfriede Jelinekâs Work
Partendo da alcuni studi preliminari sul ruolo della vergogna nella letteratura di Elfriede Jelinek e sostenendosi su alcune teorie di Luce Irigaray ed HĂ©lĂšne Cixous sul pensiero della differenza sessuale, il contributo indaga il binomio âScham/Schamlosigkeitâ in alcuni scritti dellâautrice austriaca, premio Nobel per la letteratura nel 2004. I romanzi Die Klavierspielerin e Lust, qui analizzati insieme ai due saggi Schamgrenzen? Die gewöhnliche Gewalt der weiblichen Hygiene e Schamlos: Die Zeit, mostrano come la violenza nella dimensione privata e apparentemente calma della famiglia austriaca sia profondamente legata alla vergogna e alla spudoratezza. In Jelinek, Scham e Schamlosigkeit assumono una dimensione sempre politica e sessuata con delle conseguenze devastanti sul corpo e sul linguaggio. I rapporti tra i personaggi che lâautrice analizza, non senza toni ironici, fanno emergere delle dinamiche sadomasochistiche e di profonda dipendenza in cui si oppongono due elementi figli del patriarcato, che si nutrono lâun lâaltro: il disgusto del maschile da una parte e la vergogna del femminile dallâaltra. Solo attraverso alcune, flebili parole di resistenza, voce della vulnerabilitĂ umana, Erika e Gerti, le due protagoniste dei romanzi presi in esame, tentano, senza riuscirci, di superare âla porta della vergognaâ.Moving from specific studies on the role of shame in Elfriede Jelinekâs work and referring to feminist theories by Luce Irigaray and HĂ©lĂšne Cixous, my paper investigates the conceptual pair Scham/Schamlosigkeit (shame/shamelessness) in selected works by the Austrian writer and 2004 Nobel Prize for Literature Elfriede Jelinek. Two novels (Die Klavierspielerin and Lust) and two essays (Schamgrenzen? Die gewöhnliche Gewalt der weiblichen Hygiene and Schamlos: Die Zeit) will be examined to show that the private violence committed in some apparently perfect Austrian families from the middle-class - depicted in Jelinekâs novels - is deeply rooted in shame and shamelessness. To Jelinek shame always has a political and gendered connotation and has terrific consequences on body and language. The relationships described in Jelinekâs novels reveal sadomasochistic and typically patriarchal dynamics in which masculine disgust and feminine shame stand opposite. Through weak âresistance wordsâ the vulnerability of Erika and Gerti, the two main female characters of both the novels involved in the study, arises, and they try in vain to find a way to overcome the âshameâs doorâ and go beyond it
Margarete Susman e i saggi sul femminile
Margarete Susman (1872-1966), an important figure in German-speaking culture, was an essayist, Kulturtheoretikerin, philosopher, poet and painter. Her vast production - almost unknown in Italy - deals with a variety of topics: from literary criticism to interreligious dialogue, from the study of Romanticism to portraits of great personalities from the past and her time. This book investigates the \u27feminine\u27 in Susman from two points of view: from a formal perspective, it describes the path of a writer who, from the early 20th century, has moved between poetry and the essay, passing through the comparison with culture correspondence; from a thematic perspective, he examines the essays in which Susman deals with the sexual difference and the relationship between the \u27male\u27 and the \u27femaleâ.Margarete Susman (1872-1966), figura di rilievo della cultura di lingua tedesca, \ue8 stata saggista, Kulturtheoretikerin, filosofa, poetessa e pittrice. La sua vasta produzione â pressoch\ue9 sconosciuta in Italia â affronta diverse tematiche: dalla critica letteraria al dialogo interreligioso, dallo studio del Romanticismo ai ritratti di grandi personalit\ue0 del passato e del suo tempo. Questo libro indaga il âfemminileâ in Susman sotto due punti di vista: da una prospettiva formale, descrive il percorso di una scrittrice che, dai primi anni del Novecento, si muove tra la poesia e il saggio, passando per il confronto con la cultura epistolare; da una prospettiva tematica, prende in esame i saggi in cui Susman si occupa della differenza sessuale e del rapporto tra il âmaschileâ e il âfemminileâ
Marie Luise Kaschnitz. Ewige Stadt : frammenti di una cittĂ inquieta
Traduzione e commento di una poesia del ciclo "Ewige Stadt" di Marie Luise Kaschnitz
Die trans-formierende Stimme der Eurydike : Zu Schatten (Eurydike sagt) von Elfriede Jelinek
Ausgehend von den Mythen von heute von Roland Barthes und von den Untersuchungen zur DialogizitĂ€t von Michail Bachtin und deren Rezeption durch Julia Kristeva analysiert dieser Beitrag das 2012 erschienene StĂŒck von Elfriede Jelinek Schatten (Eurydike sagt) mit besonderem Fokus auf dem Formbegriff. Dieser wird dabei nicht als eine âfixierte Gestaltâ (Geulen), sondern als eine lebendige, organische EntitĂ€t verstanden. Insbesondere soll anhand der Textanalyse gezeigt werden, dass Elfriede Jelineks Umgang mit dem Mythos in einer aktiven und quasi handwerklichen Trans-formation mittels der Sprache besteht. Es soll dargelegt werden, dass die Verwendung der rhetorischen Bedeutung der weiblichen Stimme der Eurydike, die impliziten und expliziten intertextuellen Verweise auf verschiedene Werke und der radikale Perspektivenwechsel der tradierten mythischen Geschichte als eine trans-formierende Arbeit gesehen werden kann, die verschiedene textuelle und metatextuelle Aspekte berĂŒhrt