27 research outputs found

    Mexico´s Regionalization by means of a Human Capital Index

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    In the present work we make a proposal of regionalization of Mexico by means of a human capital index elaborated with the factorial analysis of eight referring variables to education and health (corresponding to year 2000), same that, according to different empirical studies, gives to account of the economic variable investment in human capital including in the models of economic growth.capital humano; analisis multivariante; analisis factorial; Mexico

    Regional Convergence in Mexico: A Cointegration Test with Price Index

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    This paper use the Times Series scope to find the convergence between six regions in México used the Prices Series Index. We stand the integration order about the particular series and we found all them are I(1). We proof the cointegration each one about the national series and we found all of them are CI(1,-1), then, we found convergence in the price index level between all regions. This result is suitable respect other similar works. At the end, We append a technical notes about the proofs we employed.Cointegracion; Convergencia; Mexico

    The direct foreign investment like a solution to the problem of the gap of capital assets and knowledge in Mexico

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    In this work we made an empirical application of the model of Romer (1993) for the 32 states of Mexico on period 1990-2000, in order to determine if this country faces a gap of physical goods or a technological gap in the ample sense (that is to say, that inlcluye knowledge and ideas). We found that in the indicated period, Mexico faces both gaps, and therefore, it can take advantage from the direct foreign Investment to cover both.inversion extranjera directa; capital humano; crecimiento; Mexico

    Decentralization and Fiscal Federalism in Mexico

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    In this paper we analyze the evolution and current situation of the Mexican Fiscal Federalism. Our diagnosis showed that deep structural inequalities in the country is present, both internally and in comparison with the countries of the OECD. We pointed out the low financial autonomy of the subnational governments and the system of transferences in force is examined. Also, we evaluate the current transferences and we conclude that deep innefficiency and inequality problems remains.Descentralización; Federalismo Fiscal; Transferencias; México

    La delincuencia y su efecto sobre el crecimiento económico. El caso de México

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    In this paper, we made a brief review of the theory that analyzes the interaction between crime and economic growth, then we present two indices of insecurity for Mexico using the principal component factor analysis. An index called national public insecurity which refers to federal crimes (drug trafficking, conspiracy, etc.) And a second index, the index of private insecurity, based on common law crimes (offenses against property of the people, etc..). We describe the behavior of both indexes for the 32 states for the years 1997, 2005 and 2008. Additionally, we show an economic growth model, which incorporates the model of Barro (1990), which includes government spending financed by taxes. In the second part of this section we built two econometric models to analyze the effect that crime rates over investment and income

    Determinantes socioeconómicos del crimen en México

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    In this paper, we review the literature on social and economic determinants of crime. We analyze the behavior that crimes in Mexico over the last 15 years dividing those who threaten national security (federal crimes) and those against property and integrity of people (ordinary crimes) and highlight the behavior before and after the so-called "war against drugs" launched by the federal government in 2007. Finally tried two simple econometric models to determine if income levels; the level of unemployment and the probability of success of offenders are determinants of both types of crimes in Mexico. We found that unemployment and the probability of success may explain the increase in property crimes (common crimes), but not federal crimes

    La delincuencia y su efecto sobre el crecimiento económico. El caso de México

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    In this paper, we made a brief review of the theory that analyzes the interaction between crime and economic growth, then we present two indices of insecurity for Mexico using the principal component factor analysis. An index called national public insecurity which refers to federal crimes (drug trafficking, conspiracy, etc.) And a second index, the index of private insecurity, based on common law crimes (offenses against property of the people, etc..). We describe the behavior of both indexes for the 32 states for the years 1997, 2005 and 2008. Additionally, we show an economic growth model, which incorporates the model of Barro (1990), which includes government spending financed by taxes. In the second part of this section we built two econometric models to analyze the effect that crime rates over investment and income

    Causas sociales y económicas de los delitos en México

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    This paper analyzes the social  and economic causes of the increase in crime in Mexico, such as unemployment and inequality, but considering the probability that criminals will not be apprehended and punished, depending on whether it is the crime of common law or federal jurisdiction. The analysis is carried out using a cross-section regression model for the 32 states of Mexico. We find, as in other studies, a positive and significant relationship between crime and the variables of unemployment and inequality. We also find that, if the criminals of the common law consider that the probability that they will not be apprehended increases, they also increase the incentives for them to continue committing crimes.Este trabajo analiza las causas sociales y económicas del aumento del crimen en México, como el desempleo y la desigualdad, pero considerando la probabilidad de que los delincuentes no sean detenidos ni castigados, según sea un delito del fuero común o de jurisdicción federal. El análisis se lleva a cabo utilizando un modelo de regresión de corte transversal para los 32 estados de México. Encontramos, como en otros estudios, una relación positiva y significativa entre el crimen y las variables de desempleo y desigualdad. También encontramos que, si los delincuentes de la ley común consideran que aumenta la probabilidad de que no sean aprehendidos, también aumentan los incentivos para que continúen cometiendo delitos

    La inversión extranjera directa como una salida al problema de la brecha de bienes de capital y conocimientos en México

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    In this work we made an empirical application of the model of Romer (1993) for the 32 states of Mexico on period 1990-2000, in order to determine if this country faces a gap of physical goods or a technological gap in the ample sense (that is to say, that inlcluye knowledge and ideas). We found that in the indicated period, Mexico faces both gaps, and therefore, it can take advantage from the direct foreign Investment to cover both

    Convergencia Regional en México: Una Prueba de Cointegración en Precios

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    This paper use the Times Series scope to find the convergence between six regions in México used the Prices Series Index. We stand the integration order about the particular series and we found all them are I(1). We proof the cointegration each one about the national series and we found all of them are CI(1,-1), then, we found convergence in the price index level between all regions. This result is suitable respect other similar works. At the end, We append a technical notes about the proofs we employed