17 research outputs found

    The molecular regulation of CD40L in CD8+ T cells

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    T Zellen können in zwei Hauptpopulationen mit unterschiedlichen Aufgaben unterschieden werden. CD4+ T Zellen exprimieren im Zuge ihrer Aktivierung CD40L, welches ein zentraler kostimulatorischer Rezeptor zur Induktion von B-Zell basierter humoraler ImmunitĂ€t, APC Aktivierung und einer effizienten Effektor CD8+ T Zell Entwicklung ist („Helfer-Funktion“). Im Gegensatz dazu sind die zytotoxischen CD8+ T Zellen dazu vorbestimmt, infizierte oder maligne Zellen direkt abzutöten. Jedoch wurde eine Fraktion von CD8+ T Zellen identifiziert, die nach Aktivierung CD40L exprimiert. Bisher ist nicht verstanden, wie in solchen CD8+ T Zellen a) die CD40L Expression reguliert ist, b) wann und wie die FĂ€higkeit CD40L zu exprimieren implementiert wird und c) was die Folgen fĂŒr das Immunsystem sind. In dieser Arbeit konnten wir zeigen, dass sowohl in CD4+ als auch in CD8+ T Zellen die CD40L Expression durch DNA-Methylierung regulatorischer Regionen des CD40LG Lokus reguliert wird. Die Demethylierung zentraler Elemente wird im Thymus implementiert, manifestiert sich mit der T-Zell Reifung und geht mit einer zunehmenden StabilitĂ€t der CD40L Expression einher. Erhöhte Expression von CD5 und NUR77 in CD40L+ CD8+ SP Thymozyten weisen auf eine positive Selektion mit hoher AffinitĂ€t gegen Selbst-peptide wĂ€hrend der Reifung im Thymus hin, welche das weitere Schicksal der CD40L exprimierenden CD8+ T Zellen beeinflusst. Naive CD40L+ CD8+ T Zellen besitzen ein anderes TCR Repertoire als CD40L- CD8+ T Zellen und reifen im Zuge ihrer Aktivierung bevorzugt zu GedĂ€chtniszellen mit Zytokin- und Chemokinrezeptorprofilen von Tc2, Tc17 und Tc22 Zellen heran. Mit ihrem nicht-zytotoxischen PhĂ€notyp und ihrer Genexpressionsignatur Ă€hneln diese Zellen stark Helfer-CD4+ T Zellen und können von den klassisch zytotoxischen Tc1 und Tc17+1 Zellen durch ihre IL-6R und fehlende SLAMF7 Expression sowie der Expression von Markern die auf eine FĂ€higkeit in die Haut zu wandern schließen lassen, unterschieden werden. Zusammenfassend zeigen wir hier, dass naive CD8+ T Zellen von den frĂŒhsten Entwicklungsstadien im Thymus an nicht homogen sind und die FĂ€higkeiten ĂŒber CD40L Expression eine Helferfunktion auszuĂŒben beziehungsweise ĂŒber die Sekretion zytolytischer MolekĂŒle Zielzellen abzutöten unabhĂ€ngig vom CD4+ or CD8+ T-Zell Status sind. Zellen mit Zytokin- und Genexpressionsignaturen, die mit denen der CD8+ Helfer-T Zellen ĂŒbereinstimmen, wurden von uns und anderen in Geweben (Haut, Lunge) identifiziert und tragen zu den verschiedensten autoinflammatorischen Erkrankungen bei. Diese Arbeit insinuiert daher die Notwendigkeit einer grundlegenen Neubewertung der CD8+ T Zell FĂ€higkeiten und Funktionen in Immunantworten.The T cell compartment consists of two major subsets with diverse assignments. CD4+ T cells express CD40L upon activation, a central co-stimulatory receptor to induce B cell mediated humoral immunity, activate APCs and prime efficient effector CD8+ T cell development (“helper function”). In contrast, cytotoxic CD8+ T cells are predetermined to kill infected or malignant cells directly. However, a fraction of CD8+ T cells expressing CD40L upon activation was identified. So far, it is not understood in CD8+ T cells a) how CD40L expression is regulated, b) when and how the ability of CD40L expression is implemented and c) what are the implications for the immune system. In this thesis, we found that CD40L expression is regulated by DNA-methylation of regulatory regions of the CD40LG locus in CD4+ as well as CD8+ T cells. The de-methylation of central elements is implemented in the thymus and increases with T cell maturation reflected by enhanced stability of CD40L expression. Elevated CD5 and NUR77 expression of CD40L+ CD8+ SP thymocytes suggests that high affine detection of self-peptides during positive selection in the thymus implements CD40L expression ability and predetermines the fate of the CD40L imprinted CD8+ T cells. CD40L+ naĂŻve CD8+ T cells differ in their TCR repertoire from their CD40L- counterparts and preferentially mature into memory cell subsets with cytokine and chemokine receptor profiles of Tc2, Tc17 and Tc22 cells. With their non-cytotoxic phenotype and gene expression signatures, the CD40L+ memory CD8+ T cell subsets Tc2, Tc17 and Tc22 widely resemble helper CD4+ T cells and can be distinguished from classical cytotoxic Tc1 and Tc17+1 cells by their IL-6R and absent SLAMF7 expression and their skin migratory phenotype. Altogether, we demonstrate that from the earliest developmental stages in thymus onwards naive CD8+ T cells are not homogenous and the abilites to provide “CD40L based help” or “cytotoxicity mediated killing” are independent of the CD4+ or CD8+ T cell status. Cells with helper-type CD8+ T cell cytokine and gene-expression signatures were found at barrier sites (skin, lung) by us and others where they contribute to multiple autoinflammatory diseases. Therefore, this work insinuates the need to revisite CD8+ T cell capablities and function in immune responses

    Analysis of peripheral inflammatory T cell subsets and their effector function in patients with Birdshot Retinochoroiditis

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    Birdshot Retinochoroiditis (BSRC) is a progressive non-infectious intraocular inflammation that affects choroid and retina. Inflammatory processes have adverse effects on vision by affecting photoreceptor-bearing cells that do not regenerate. This study aimed at characterizing inflammatory CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell subsets in the peripheral blood of active and inactive BSRCs. Furthermore, we correlated phenotypical and functional immunological analyses with clinical data. We observed a slight increase of terminally differentiated effector memory CD8(+) T cells expressing CD45RA (T-EMRA) in blood of inactive, compared to active BSRCs. Moreover, we identified a trend for a decreased population of T(H)2 cells and increased T(H)1 frequencies in active BSRCs, a typical sign of ongoing autoimmune processes. Functional assays demonstrated severe and overall impairment of effector function of both, CD4(+) and CD8(+) inflammatory T cells, which might reflect T cell exhaustion. Although the eye is the main site of inflammation in BSRC, we observed altered T cell subset compositions in the peripheral blood, dependent on the disease status. Our results indicate that T cells may play a major role in BSRC pathology, although our cohort size is too limited for definitve conclusions. Future studies with larger BSRCs have to be performed

    Primary ChAdOx1 vaccination does not reactivate pre-existing, cross-reactive immunity

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    Currently available COVID-19 vaccines include inactivated virus, live attenuated virus, mRNA-based, viral vectored and adjuvanted protein-subunit-based vaccines. All of them contain the spike glycoprotein as the main immunogen and result in reduced disease severity upon SARS-CoV-2 infection. While we and others have shown that mRNA-based vaccination reactivates pre-existing, cross-reactive immunity, the effect of vector vaccines in this regard is unknown. Here, we studied cellular and humoral responses in heterologous adenovirus-vector-based ChAdOx1 nCOV-19 (AZ; Vaxzeria, AstraZeneca) and mRNA-based BNT162b2 (BNT; Comirnaty, BioNTech/Pfizer) vaccination and compared it to a homologous BNT vaccination regimen. AZ primary vaccination did not lead to measurable reactivation of cross-reactive cellular and humoral immunity compared to BNT primary vaccination. Moreover, humoral immunity induced by primary vaccination with AZ displayed differences in linear spike peptide epitope coverage and a lack of anti-S2 IgG antibodies. Contrary to primary AZ vaccination, secondary vaccination with BNT reactivated pre-existing, cross-reactive immunity, comparable to homologous primary and secondary mRNA vaccination. While induced anti-S1 IgG antibody titers were higher after heterologous vaccination, induced CD4(+) T cell responses were highest in homologous vaccinated. However, the overall TCR repertoire breadth was comparable between heterologous AZ-BNT-vaccinated and homologous BNT-BNT-vaccinated individuals, matching TCR repertoire breadths after SARS-CoV-2 infection, too. The reasons why AZ and BNT primary vaccination elicits different immune response patterns to essentially the same antigen, and the associated benefits and risks, need further investigation to inform vaccine and vaccination schedule development

    SLAMF7 and IL-6R define distinct cytotoxic versus helper memory CD8+ T cells

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    The prevailing ‘division of labor’ concept in cellular immunity is that CD8+ T cells primarily utilize cytotoxic functions to kill target cells, while CD4+ T cells exert helper/inducer functions. Multiple subsets of CD4+ memory T cells have been characterized by distinct chemokine receptor expression. Here, we demonstrate that analogous CD8+ memory T-cell subsets exist, characterized by identical chemokine receptor expression signatures and controlled by similar generic programs. Among them, Tc2, Tc17 and Tc22 cells, in contrast to Tc1 and Tc17 + 1 cells, express IL-6R but not SLAMF7, completely lack cytotoxicity and instead display helper functions including CD40L expression. CD8+ helper T cells exhibit a unique TCR repertoire, express genes related to skin resident memory T cells (TRM) and are altered in the inflammatory skin disease psoriasis. Our findings reveal that the conventional view of CD4+ and CD8+ T cell capabilities and functions in human health and disease needs to be revised

    Comparable CD8(+) T-cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in single-cell transcriptomics of recently allogeneic transplanted patients and healthy individuals

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    Despite extensive research on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) vaccination responses in healthy individuals, there is comparatively little known beyond antibody titers and T-cell responses in the vulnerable cohort of patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (ASCT). In this study, we assessed the serological response and performed longitudinal multimodal analyses including T-cell functionality and single-cell RNA sequencing combined with T cell receptor (TCR)/B cell receptor (BCR) profiling in the context of BNT162b2 vaccination in ASCT patients. In addition, these data were compared to publicly available data sets of healthy vaccinees. Protective antibody titers were achieved in 40% of patients. We identified a distorted B- and T-cell distribution, a reduced TCR diversity, and increased levels of exhaustion marker expression as possible causes for the poorer vaccine response rates in ASCT patients. Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangement after vaccination proved to be highly variable in ASCT patients. Changes in TCRα and TCRÎČ gene rearrangement after vaccination differed from patterns observed in healthy vaccinees. Crucially, ASCT patients elicited comparable proportions of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-induced (VI) CD8(+) T-cells, characterized by a distinct gene expression pattern that is associated with SARS-CoV-2 specificity in healthy individuals. Our study underlines the impaired immune system and thus the lower vaccine response rates in ASCT patients. However, since protective vaccine responses and VI CD8(+) T-cells can be induced in part of ASCT patients, our data advocate early posttransplant vaccination due to the high risk of infection in this vulnerable group

    BCL11B depletion induces the development of highly cytotoxic innate T cells out of IL-15 stimulated peripheral blood αÎČ CD8+ T cells

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    BCL11B, an essential transcription factor for thymopoiesis, regulates also vital processes in post-thymic lymphocytes. Increased expression of BCL11B was recently correlated with the maturation of NK cells, whereas reduced BCL11B levels were observed in native and induced T cell subsets displaying NK cell features. We show that BCL11B-depleted CD8+ T cells stimulated with IL-15 acquired remarkable innate characteristics. These induced innate CD8+ (iiT8) cells expressed multiple innate receptors like NKp30, CD161, and CD16 as well as factors regulating migration and tissue homing while maintaining their T cell phenotype. The iiT8 cells effectively killed leukemic cells spontaneously and neuroblastoma spheroids in the presence of a tumor-specific monoclonal antibody mediated by CD16 receptor activation. These iiT8 cells integrate the innate natural killer cell activity with adaptive T cell longevity, promising an interesting therapeutic potential. Our study demonstrates that innate T cells, albeit of limited clinical applicability given their low frequency, can be efficiently generated from peripheral blood and applied for adoptive transfer, CAR therapy, or combined with therapeutic antibodies

    Associations of myeloid cells with cellular and humoral responses following vaccinations in patients with neuroimmunological diseases

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    Abstract Disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) are widely used in neuroimmunological diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) and neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD). Although these treatments are known to predispose patients to infections and affect their responses to vaccination, little is known about the impact of DMTs on the myeloid cell compartment. In this study, we use mass cytometry to examine DMT-associated changes in the innate immune system in untreated and treated patients with MS (n = 39) or NMOSD (n = 23). We also investigated the association between changes in myeloid cell phenotypes and longitudinal responsiveness to homologous primary, secondary, and tertiary SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations. Multiple DMT-associated myeloid cell clusters, in particular CD64+HLADRlow granulocytes, showed significant correlations with B and T cell responses induced by vaccination. Our findings suggest the potential role of myeloid cells in cellular and humoral responses following vaccination in DMT-treated patients with neuroimmunological diseases

    DataSheet_4_Primary ChAdOx1 vaccination does not reactivate pre-existing, cross-reactive immunity.pdf

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    Currently available COVID-19 vaccines include inactivated virus, live attenuated virus, mRNA-based, viral vectored and adjuvanted protein-subunit-based vaccines. All of them contain the spike glycoprotein as the main immunogen and result in reduced disease severity upon SARS-CoV-2 infection. While we and others have shown that mRNA-based vaccination reactivates pre-existing, cross-reactive immunity, the effect of vector vaccines in this regard is unknown. Here, we studied cellular and humoral responses in heterologous adenovirus-vector-based ChAdOx1 nCOV-19 (AZ; Vaxzeria, AstraZeneca) and mRNA-based BNT162b2 (BNT; Comirnaty, BioNTech/Pfizer) vaccination and compared it to a homologous BNT vaccination regimen. AZ primary vaccination did not lead to measurable reactivation of cross-reactive cellular and humoral immunity compared to BNT primary vaccination. Moreover, humoral immunity induced by primary vaccination with AZ displayed differences in linear spike peptide epitope coverage and a lack of anti-S2 IgG antibodies. Contrary to primary AZ vaccination, secondary vaccination with BNT reactivated pre-existing, cross-reactive immunity, comparable to homologous primary and secondary mRNA vaccination. While induced anti-S1 IgG antibody titers were higher after heterologous vaccination, induced CD4+ T cell responses were highest in homologous vaccinated. However, the overall TCR repertoire breadth was comparable between heterologous AZ-BNT-vaccinated and homologous BNT-BNT-vaccinated individuals, matching TCR repertoire breadths after SARS-CoV-2 infection, too. The reasons why AZ and BNT primary vaccination elicits different immune response patterns to essentially the same antigen, and the associated benefits and risks, need further investigation to inform vaccine and vaccination schedule development.</p