244 research outputs found

    Estudio de las pautas de reproducción de Quercus ilex L. y Q. suber L. mediante marcadores moleculares

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    La encina (Quercus ilex L.) y el alcornoque (Q. suber L.) son dos de las especies de mayor importancia desde el punto de vista ecológico y socioeconómico en el área del Mediterráneo occidental. En la Península Ibérica los paisajes de bosques abiertos antropizados de estas especies de Quercus son conocidos como “dehesas” y se empezaron a crear en la Edad Media. Desde finales del siglo XVIII, y sobre todo en el XIX, la superficie ocupada por las dehesas aumentó notablemente, en parte paralelamente al desarrollo de la explotación del corcho. Sin embargo, en los últimos años debido a distintas causas, bien naturales, bien antrópicas, se ha ido mermando sensiblemente la superficie ocupada por estos bosques. Las dehesas se encuentran amenazadas debido principalmente al envejecimiento y decaimiento de los árboles adultos y a la falta de regeneración. El presente estudio aporta información experimental acerca de la estructura genética y la dispersión de polen de encina y alcornoque, de utilidad en la gestión sostenible de las dehesas. Se ha considerado por primera vez la regeneración de estas formaciones desde un punto de vista genético. Para ello se han puesto a punto microsatélites nucleares (nSSR) que permiten realizar estudios de flujo genético, dispersión y parentesco. Uno de los microsatélites transferidos puede emplearse como marcador diagnóstico entre las especies consideradas, permitiendo la identificación rápida de híbridos. Se ha analizado la estructura genética de una zona de dehesa en regeneración, infiriendo valores históricos de ciertos parámetros reproductivos; adicionalmente, se ha evaluado mediante análisis de paternidad la extensión del flujo polínico actual. Los microsatélites empleados revelan un mayor polimorfismo en encina que en alcornoque. La heterocigosidad esperada es mayor en encina (HE=0,685 frente a 0,519 para el alcornoque). La dispersión limitada de semillas se traduce en estructuras familiares en Q. suber hasta 70 m, mientras que no hay estructuración genética para Q. ilex, lo que sugiere un flujo genético efectivo. Los análisis de paternidad también revelan, para ambas especies, unas distancias de polinizaciones elevadas, superiores a los 50 m en el 50% de los casos. Estos resultados, tomados en conjunto, sugieren que el flujo genético es suficientemente efectivo como para asegurar la ausencia de endogamia en las futuras progenies. Por ello, el mantenimiento de la diversidad genética estaría asegurado, y tan sólo deben realizarse actuaciones que favorezcan en el establecimiento de las mismas, por ejemplo limitando el pastoreo. En los casos en que las densidades sean demasiado bajas deben realizarse plantaciones y/o favorecer la cubierta, en especial en el caso de los alcornoques debido a su limitada dispersión genética y menor tolerancia a la insolación directa. Holm (Quercus ilex L.) and cork (Q. suber L.) oaks are among the most important tree species in the Western Mediterranean region from an ecological and socioeconomic point of view. In the Iberian Peninsula the antropized open woods of these Quercus species are known as “dehesas” and started to develop in the Middle Ages. Since the 18th, and mainly in the 19th century, the area occupied by dehesas increased substantially together with cork oak exploitation. However during the last years the area occupied by these woods has been drastically reduced due to several causes (natural and/or human). Dehesas are nowadays threatened mainly due to the ageing and decay of adult trees and the lack of regeneration. The present study aims at obtaining experimental information regarding the genetic structure and pollen dispersal in holm and cork oaks, which can be used for the sustainable management of the dehesas. The regeneration of the dehesas has been genetically analyzed for the first time. Nuclear microsatellites (nSSR) have been transferred to these species in order to carry out studies of gene flow, dispersal and parentage analysis. One of the transferred microsatellites resulted useful as a diagnosis marker between both species, enabling a rapid identification of hybrids. The spatial genetic structure was analyzed in a dehesa forest with natural regeneration, inferring historical values of reproductive parameters. Additionally, the extent of actual pollen flow was evaluated by parentage analysis. The nuclear microsatellites used revealed a higher polymorphism for holm oak than for cork oak. The expected heterozygosity is higher for holm oak (HE=0,685 vs. 0,519). Limited seed dispersal leads to familiar structures in cork oak, up to 70 m, while no genetic structure is detected for holm oak, indicating an effective gene flow. The paternity analysis revealed high pollination distances for both species, over 50 m in the 50% of the cases. Altogether these results, suggest the gene flow is efficient enough to guarantee the absence of inbreeding in the future offspring. Therefore, the genetic diversity of the seedlings seems granted, and only silvicultural practices promoting the settlement of the saplings may be needed for the appropriate regeneration of these formations (e.g. limited grazing). However, in those cases where densities are two low, plantations with/or establishment of shrub shelters may be needed, especially in the case of cork oak for its limited genetic dispersal and its moderate light tolerance

    Enjoy FFD

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    [Resumo] Dende a materia Fundamentals of Fashion Design (FFD) de primeiro curso e primeiro cuadrimestre do Grao en Xestión Industrial da Moda da UDC aspiramos a que o desfrute do alumnado sexa unha ferramenta eficaz cada acadar as competencias establecidas. Cun perfil que se achega aos estudos dende a visión empresarial, as materias que afondan nas problemáticas do deseño precisan dun impulso para captar a súa atención e interese, afondando na importancia da coherencia entre o pensamento e o deseño. Nas tres primeiras edicións do grao tense utilizado o xogo de rol como estratexia para fomentar a implicación, de xeito que coas de denominacións Ferrol Fashion Show, Premier e Gala, propuxéronse actividades grupais que a garantisen. Consistiron en asumir o rol de empresa de moda que se ocupa do lanzamento dunha colección ou dunha película histórica, así como no deseño dunha gala virtual. Desenvolvéronse hibridando actividades individuais, para a construción dun booklet persoal, e grupais para acadar unha presentación final de curso, a modo de gran evento colectivo estendido por todos os espazos da facultade físicos ou virtuais, que se converteu no obxectivo e fito principal do curso. O proceso demostrouse útil e eficaz, aos efectos de acadar os obxectivos previstos.[Abstract] From the subject Fundamentals of Fashion Design (FFD), first year first term of the Degree in Fashion Industry Management of the UDC we aspire the enjoyment of the student is an effective tool to achieve the established competencies. With a profile that approaches to studies from a business vision, the subjects working under the design world need an impulse to catch their attention and interest, handling in the importance of the coherence between thought and design deepening the importance of coherence between thoughts and design. In the first three editions of the degree the role game has been used as a strategy to promote their commitment, so entitled Ferrol Fashion Show, Premier and Gala, group activities have been proposed to guaranteed it. They consisted of assuming the role of a fashion company that deals with the launch of a collection or a historical film, or the design of a virtual gala. They developed works hybridizing individual activities, for the construction of a personal booklet, and group commissions to achieve a final presentation, as a large collective event extended by all the physical or virtual spaces, which became the main objective and milestone of the course. The process has been tested useful and effective, in order to achieve the planned objectives.http://hdl.handle.net/2183/2879

    El uso de las TICS en Educación Infantil.

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    Como futuras docentes de Educación Infantil, el desarrollo íntegro y pleno de nuestros alumnos y alumnas es el objetivo principal de nuestra profesión. Al observar una carencia en uno de los temas más actuales de la educación de hoy en día, es decir, la intervención en el aula con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en Educación Infantil, tuvimos clara la necesidad de reflejar la realidad que encontramos en las aulas, y en general, en los niños y niñas de tan temprana edad, ya que esta convirtiéndose en una situación descontrolada. En definitiva, la finalidad principal de este Trabajo Fin de Grado es prevenir a la comunidad docente y a las familias, se ha indagado en diferentes fuentes para crear una guía que aporta una serie de recomendaciones que facilite y aporte la información necesaria para educarles en el buen uso de las tecnologías. Ya que es insostenible el hecho de que, tanto adultos como pequeños, estemos envueltos en el mundo digital, y cada vez más, dejemos a un lado el mundo real.As future teachers of childhood education, the full integral development of our pupils is the essential aim of our profession. Noticing the lacks in one of the most important topics in nowadays educational system, that is, the use of information and communication technology in the classroom of Childhood Education. We were aware of the need of showing the reality of everyday life in the classroom, and in general, in young age boys and girls as it is becoming a situation out of control. In conclusion, the main aim of this Final Project of Degree is to warn the teaching community and families about the use of information and comunication technology, we have carried out research from different sources to create a guide with suggestions to help and inform about the good use of technologies. Definitely the fact is that not only adults, but also children are surrounded by the digital world, and every day more and more, away from the real world

    Tuberculosis as a Cause of Rapid Salivary Gland Swelling in the Elderly – A Case Report

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    A 77-year-old man was admitted to the internal medicine department for a 5-day history of progressive preauricular swelling. Two lines of antibiotic treatment failed to achieve any improvement. Fine needle aspiration cytology was conducted and smear staining with the Ziehl-Neelsen stain as well as a PCR test were positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These results were confirmed with culture of the sample. A diagnosis of tuberculosis parotitis was made and anti-tuberculous drugs were initiated

    Focal myositis of the sternocleidomastoid muscle: a rare and uncommon cause of cervical mass

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    We report on a 70-year-old male patient admitted to the internal medicine department for evaluation of a right cervical mass. He had been treated with antibiotics as an outpatient by his primary care doctor. Upon admission the patient was asymptomatic, but within a few hours his cervical mass enlarged; this enlargement was confined to the right sternocleidomastoid muscle. Complete blood investigations including serology and autoimmunity were negative. The neck scan and MRI were in favour of myositis. No other lesions were found either in the nasal fibre-optic exam or in the thoracic-abdominal-pelvic scan. The biopsy of the muscle showed a lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory infiltrate of the perimysium. The diagnosis of focal myositis was made. The patient clinically improved during hospitalisation with complete resolution of symptoms without any specific intervention

    Idiopathic CD4+ T-cell Lymphocytopenia: Report of a Case 11 Years after Diagnosis

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    We report the case of a 23-year-old woman evaluated for asthenia and lymphocytopenia. Clinical examination was unremarkable but laboratory tests showed the presence of CD4 lymphocytopenia. Secondary causes of CD4 lymphocytopenia were ruled out and a previous diagnosis of idiopathic CD4+ T-cell lymphocytopenia was retained. CD4 lymphocytopenia has persisted for 11 years now but the patient has been clinically asymptomatic

    Intellectual Disability, Falls and Gait Disturbances: A Misdiagnosis

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    We report the case of a 27-year-old man presenting with slowly progressive extrapyramidal dysfunction and learning disability considered to have a syndromic intellectual disability. The re-evaluation of the clinical features and the investigations performed led to the diagnosis of atypical pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration (PKAN)

    Anosmia and Dysgeusia in the Absence of Other Respiratory Diseases: Should COVID-19 Infection Be Considered?

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    We describe two elderly patients evaluated at emergency departments for anosmia/dysgeusia in the absence of any other respiratory symptoms prior to or upon admission. In the current epidemiological context, clinical and biological work-up led to a diagnosis of COVID-19 infection. Unfortunately, one of the patients died during hospitalization, but the other recovered and was discharged

    Morphometric Analyses of Leaf Shapes in Four Sympatric Mediterranean Oaks and Hybrids in the Algerian Kabylie Forest

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    Background: local morphological variation can provide useful information to clarify the role of hybridization in Mediterranean oaks. Accordingly, we have characterized putative hybrids and oak species coexisting in a highly diversified oak forest in Algeria with four native oak species (Quercus suber L., Q. ilex L., Q. canariensis Willd., and Q. afares Pomel). (2) Methods: sixteen plots, including 89 trees from the four native species and their putative hybrids were sampled. Leaves were scanned and their geometric morphometry analyzed by using 11 landmarks on the right side on their abaxial surface. Variation within and among species, and the relationship among oak species and their hybrids were analyzed, utilizing an ANOVA and a canonical analysis using morphoJ software. (3) Results: using the geometric morphometry analysis, we observed that Q. afares shape is intermediate between Q. suber and Q. canariensis, being Q. ilex very different from the others, and that there is no overlap among them. Putative hybrids are morphologically close to Q. afares and, to a lesser extent, to Q. suber and, finally, to Q. ilex and Q. canariensis. (4) Conclusions: the study opens the field for future molecular characterization of hybrids, and for determining their role in terms of adaptation to actual and predicted future climatic conditions. The morphological proximity of hybrids to Q. afares demonstrate this species advantage in the area of study and its importance for the future evolution of the species in the MediterraneanAmel Akli was financed by a grant (Pne2019/2020) from the Algerian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) for co-supervision agreement between the Mouloud Mammeri University (Algeria) and the Huelva University (Spain) for PhD studies. Ricardo Alía was funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773383 (B4EST project), and the Ministry of Science (RTI2018-094691-B-C32

    Morphometric Analyses of Leaf Shapes in Four Sympatric Mediterranean Oaks and Hybrids in the Algerian Kabylie Forest

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    11 Pág. This article belongs to the Special Issue Population Genetic and Morphological Diversity of Woody Plants)Background: local morphological variation can provide useful information to clarify the role of hybridization in Mediterranean oaks. Accordingly, we have characterized putative hybrids and oak species coexisting in a highly diversified oak forest in Algeria with four native oak species (Quercus suber L., Q. ilex L., Q. canariensis Willd., and Q. afares Pomel). (2) Methods: sixteen plots, including 89 trees from the four native species and their putative hybrids were sampled. Leaves were scanned and their geometric morphometry analyzed by using 11 landmarks on the right side on their abaxial surface. Variation within and among species, and the relationship among oak species and their hybrids were analyzed, utilizing an ANOVA and a canonical analysis using morphoJ software. (3) Results: using the geometric morphometry analysis, we observed that Q. afares shape is intermediate between Q. suber and Q. canariensis, being Q. ilex very different from the others, and that there is no overlap among them. Putative hybrids are morphologically close to Q. afares and, to a lesser extent, to Q. suber and, finally, to Q. ilex and Q. canariensis. (4) Conclusions: the study opens the field for future molecular characterization of hybrids, and for determining their role in terms of adaptation to actual and predicted future climatic conditions. The morphological proximity of hybrids to Q. afares demonstrate this species advantage in the area of study and its importance for the future evolution of the species in the Mediterranean.Amel Akli was financed by a grant (Pne2019/2020) from the Algerian Ministry Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) for co-supervision agreement between the Huelva University (Spain) for PhD studies. Ricardo Alía was funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement (No 773383 (B4EST project), and the Ministry of Science (RTI2018-094691-B-C32).Peer reviewe