118 research outputs found

    Studio ed ottimizzazione di un M.A.P.E. (Modulo Autonomo per la Produzione di Energia)

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    Questo elaborato si propone di presentare l'assemblaggio di un generatore di corrente denominato M.A.P.E (Modulo Autonomo per la Produzione di Energia) basato sulle fonti di energia alternativa solare ed eolica. Le componenti relative alla produzione di energia elettrica e al suo stoccaggio sono oggetti commerciali dei quali è stata sfruttata la scheda tecnica sia per la scelta del dimensionamento che per la modellazione con il software 3D. Le componenti strutturali sono state disegnate partendo da zero con SolidWorks, prevedendo l'opportuno dimensionamento e il conseguente studio di integrità strutturale per non compromettere l'operatività anche in condizioni di ambiente non favorevole. Durante tutto il lavoro si è cercato, attraverso fonti cartacee e digitali, di applicare le più efficienti e nuove tecnologie disponibili sul mercato per ottenere il miglior compromesso "prestazioni-costo". Il risultato ottenuto con l'assemblaggio finale dei vari componenti è un modulo trasportabile in zone impervie o prive di infrastrutture per la produzione e la distribuzione dell'energia elettrica, assolutamente indipendente da fonti di carburante fossile e richiedente una manutenzione minima. In conclusione la struttura del generatore M.A.P.E. lo rende un oggetto fortemente modulare e adattabile a una vasta varietà di contesti, anche se si presta a un costante aggiornamento, ottimizzazione e miglioramento col progredire delle tecnologie

    Characterisation of (micro-)plastics in groundwater bodies: insights from Italian aquifers

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    Nowadays, microplastics (MPs) are considered as contaminants of emerging concern, since they are ubiquitously present in the majority of ecosystems. This research focuses on the chemical characterization of MPs in four Italian groundwater bodies, two karst caves, one in Piedmont and the other in Tuscany, and two saturated alluvial aquifers in Florence (Tuscany). Atmospheric depositions, infiltrations through soil and anthropic contribution, especially in touristic areas, can cause MPs penetration into groundwater bodies, posing a risk not only to groundwaters’ quality but also to biodiversity conservation in these sensitive ecosystems. A single water sample was collected from each sampling site, and, if necessary, an oxidative digestion step was performed to remove any organic matter that could interfere with subsequent analysis. Vacuum filtration was employed on each sample, followed by a preliminary observation using a stereomicroscope to assess colors and shapes. The chemical characterization was done by 2D imaging Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Every polymer found in each site was classified by shape, color and composition. This study was supported by National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), Mission 4, Component 2 “From Research to Enterprise”, funded by the European Union NextGenerationEU, CUP B83C22004820002

    A Convolutional Neural Network based system for Colorectal cancer segmentation on MRI images

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    The aim of the study is to present a new Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based system for the automatic segmentation of the colorectal cancer. The algorithm implemented consists of several steps: a pre-processing to normalize and highlights the tumoral area, the classification based on CNNs, and a post-processing aimed at reducing false positive elements. The classification is performed using three CNNs: each of them classifies the same regions of interest acquired from three different MR sequences. The final segmentation mask is obtained by a majority voting. Performances were evaluated using a semi-automatic segmentation revised by an experienced radiologist as reference standard. The system obtained Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of 0.60, Precision (Pr) of 0.76 and Recall (Re) of 0.55 on the testing set. After applying the leave-one-out validation, we obtained a median DSC=0.58, Pr=0.74, Re=0.54. The promising results obtained by this system, if validated on a larger dataset, could strongly improve personalized medicine

    Genetic Diversity of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae Strains from Different Geographic Regions in China

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    Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae causes kiwifruit bacterial canker, with severe infection of the kiwifruit plant resulting in heavy economic losses. Little is known regarding the biodiversity and genetic variation of populations of P. syringae pv. actinidiae in China. A collection of 269 strains of P. syringae pv. actinidiae was identified from 300 isolates obtained from eight sampling sites in five provinces in China. The profiles of 50 strains of P. syringae pv. actinidiae and one strain of P. syringae pv. actinidifoliorum were characterized by Rep-, insertion sequences 50, and randomly amplified polymorphic DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Discriminant analysis of principal coordinates, principal component analysis, and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to analyze the combined fingerprints of the different PCR assays. The results revealed that all isolates belonged to the Psa3 group, that strains of P. syringae pv. actinidiae from China have broad genetic variability that was related to source geographic region, and that Chinese strains can be readily differentiated from strains from France but are very similar to those from Italy. Multilocus sequence typing of 24 representative isolates using the concatenated sequences of five housekeeping genes (cts, gapA, gyrB, pfk, and rpoD) demonstrated that strain Jzhy2 from China formed an independent clade compared with the other biovars, which possessed the hopH1 effector gene but lacked the hopA1 effector gene. A constellation analysis based on the presence or absence of the four loci coding for phytotoxins and a cluster analysis based on the 11 effector genes showed that strains from China formed two distinct clades. All of the strains, including K3 isolated in 1997 from Jeju, Korea, lacked the cfl gene coding for coronatine. In contrast, the tox-argK gene cluster coding for phaseolotoxin was detected in K3 and in the biovar 1 strains (K3, Kw30, and Psa92), and produced a false-positive amplicon for the hopAM1-like gene in this study. To date, only one biovar (biovar 3) is represented by the strains of P. syringae pv. actinidiae from China, despite China being the center of origin for kiwifruit

    The MAORY ICS software architecture

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    The Multi Conjugate Adaptive Optics RelaY (MAORY) for ESO's Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is an adaptive optics module offering multi-conjugate (MCAO) and single-conjugate (SCAO) compensation modes. In MCAO, it relies on the use of up to six Laser Guide Stars (LGS) and three Natural Guide Stars (NGS) for atmospheric turbulence sensing and multiple mirrors for correction, providing high Strehl and high sky coverage. In SCAO mode, a single natural source is used as reference, providing better correction but in a smaller field. MAORY will be installed at the Nasmyth focus of the ELT. It will feed the MICADO first-light diffraction limited imager and a future second instrument. MAORY is being built by a Consortium composed by INAF in Italy and IPAG in France and is currently approaching end of phase B. In this paper we describe the preliminary design of the MAORY Instrument Control System Software (ICS SW). We start with an overview of the MAORY module and then describe the general architecture of the MAORY control network and software. We then describe the main software components, with particular emphasis to those managing the NGS and LGS wavefront sensors functions and the AO off-load and secondary loops, and the main interfaces to subsystems and external systems. We then conclude with a description of the software engineering practices adopted for the development of MAORY ICS SW

    A divergent cyclin/cyclin-dependent kinase complex controls the atypical replication of a malaria parasite during gametogony and transmission

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    Cell cycle transitions are generally triggered by variation in the activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) bound to cyclins. Malaria-causing parasites have a life cycle with unique cell-division cycles, and a repertoire of divergent CDKs and cyclins of poorly understood function and interdependency. We show that Plasmodium berghei CDK-related kinase 5 (CRK5), is a critical regulator of atypical mitosis in the gametogony and is required for mosquito transmission. It phosphorylates canonical CDK motifs of components in the pre-replicative complex and is essential for DNA replication. During a replicative cycle, CRK5 stably interacts with a single Plasmodium-specific cyclin (SOC2), although we obtained no evidence of SOC2 cycling by transcription, translation or degradation. Our results provide evidence that during Plasmodium male gametogony, this divergent cyclin/CDK pair fills the functional space of other eukaryotic cell-cycle kinases controlling DNA replication

    Ca2+ signals critical for egress and gametogenesis in malaria parasites depend on a multipass membrane protein that interacts with PKG.

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    Calcium signaling regulated by the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) controls key life cycle transitions in the malaria parasite. However, how calcium is mobilized from intracellular stores in the absence of canonical calcium channels in Plasmodium is unknown. Here, we identify a multipass membrane protein, ICM1, with homology to transporters and calcium channels that is tightly associated with PKG in both asexual blood stages and transmission stages. Phosphoproteomic analyses reveal multiple ICM1 phosphorylation events dependent on PKG activity. Stage-specific depletion of Plasmodium berghei ICM1 prevents gametogenesis due to a block in intracellular calcium mobilization, while conditional loss of Plasmodium falciparum ICM1 is detrimental for the parasite resulting in severely reduced calcium mobilization, defective egress, and lack of invasion. Our findings suggest that ICM1 is a key missing link in transducing PKG-dependent signals and provide previously unknown insights into atypical calcium homeostasis in malaria parasites essential for pathology and disease transmission

    MORFEO enters final design phase

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    MORFEO (Multi-conjugate adaptive Optics Relay For ELT Observations, formerly MAORY), the MCAO system for the ELT, will provide diffraction-limited optical quality to the large field camera MICADO. MORFEO has officially passed the Preliminary Design Review and it is entering the final design phase. We present the current status of the project, with a focus on the adaptive optics system aspects and expected milestones during the next project phase
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