7,928 research outputs found


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    De acuerdo al estudio realizado en el presente artículo de investigación, se puede concluir que en la etapa contemporánea del Derecho Administrativo denominada del estado cooperativo, o del trabajo en común, es indispensable complementar el principio de legalidad como criterio de valoración jurídica tradicional de la acción administrativa gubernamental, con nuevos criterios que permitan evaluar los efectos del ordenamiento jurídico administrativo en la realidad. Para ello, la eficacia administrativa representa el criterio por excelencia para alcanzar tal fin, al estar orientado precisamente a evaluar si la Administración Pública consigue los fines u objetivos trazados, además de constituir uno de los principales criterios que legitima la actuación administrativa. Por consiguiente, su positivización como principio jurídico es ineludible, ya que proporciona a los administrados la garantía a una correcta gestión pública, al otorgarles la posibilidad de exigir jurídicamente su cumplimiento. Para el logro de tal propósito es necesario innovar el modo de entendimiento del Derecho Administrativo, buscando que éste se convierta en un Derecho no sólo de aplicación, sino también de ejecución de políticas públicas que promueva las condiciones que permitan alcanzar la eficacia administrativa. Lo que supone, además, un cambio en la metodología para abordar los problemas sociales desde la ciencia jurídica administrativa, donde el diálogo con otras ciencias sociales resulta indispensable. Así también, la búsqueda del multicitado principio permitirá al operado jurídico tener una visión crítica, a través de la cual será posible identificar las deficiencias del Derecho Administrativo en cuanto al alcance de sus objetivos, y con ello poder contribuir a una mejora constante de los distintos ordenamientos jurídico-administrativos para consolidarlo como un instrumento verdaderamente eficaz para el logro de sus fines. Por lo anterior, resulta de gran importancia complementar el método jurídico tradicional que se sustenta en el respeto al principio de legalidad, con el principio de eficacia administrativa que utiliza métodos empíricos para determinar los resultados del Derecho Administrativo. Esto último, bajo el entendido de que ambos postulados son complementarios y deben articularse adecuadamente, puesto que la búsqueda de la eficacia no puede comprenderse al margen de la legalidad.El presente artículo desarrolla una investigación sustentada en fuentes documentales que buscan evidenciar la importancia de observar el principio de eficacia administrativa como criterio complementario al de legalidad en el Derecho administrativo. Para alcanzar tal objetivo se estudia la positivización, contenido y alcance de dicho postulado, así como algunas condiciones para promover su materialización desde la ciencia jurídico-administrativa. Todo ello con la finalidad de consolidar al ordenamiento administrativo como un instrumento eficaz para el logro de su teleología

    Tensor renormalization group in bosonic field theory

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    We compute the partition function of a massive free boson in a square lattice using a tensor network algorithm. We introduce a singular value decomposition (SVD) of continuous matrices that leads to very accurate numerical results. It is shown the emergence of a CDL fixed point structure. In the massless limit, we reproduce the results of conformal field theory including a precise value of the central charge.Comment: 5+8 pages, 4+2 figure

    Fate of the spin-\frac{1}{2} Kondo effect in the presence of temperature gradients

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    We consider a strongly interacting quantum dot connected to two leads held at quite different temperatures. Our aim is to study the behavior of the Kondo effect in the presence of large thermal biases. We use three different approaches, namely, a perturbation formalism based on the Kondo Hamiltonian, a slave-boson mean-field theory for the Anderson model at large charging energies and a truncated equation-of-motion approach beyond the Hartree-Fock approximation. The two former formalisms yield a suppression of the Kondo peak for thermal gradients above the Kondo temperature, showing a remarkably good agreement despite their different ranges of validity. The third technique allows us to analyze the full density of states within a wide range of energies. Additionally, we have investigated the quantum transport properties (electric current and thermocurrent) beyond linear response. In the voltage-driven case, we reproduce the split differential conductance due to the presence of different electrochemical potentials. In the temperature-driven case, we observe a strongly nonlinear thermocurrent as a function of the applied thermal gradient. Depending on the parameters, we can find nontrivial zeros in the electric current for finite values of the temperature bias. Importantly, these thermocurrent zeros yield direct access to the system's characteristic energy scales (Kondo temperature and charging energy).Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, revised versio

    Finite size effects in ferromagnetic spin chains and quantum corrections to classical strings

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    N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills operators carrying large charges are dual to semiclassical strings in AdS_5xS^5. The spectrum of anomalous dimensions of very large operators has been calculated solving the Bethe ansatz equations in the thermodynamic limit, and matched to energies of string solitons. We have considered finite size corrections to the Bethe equations, that should correspond to quantum effects on the string side.Comment: 18 pages. Latex. v2: Misprints corrected, expanded discussions with comments on end point effects, and updated referenc

    Dispute Resolution Using Argumentation-Based Mediation

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    Mediation is a process, in which both parties agree to resolve their dispute by negotiating over alternative solutions presented by a mediator. In order to construct such solutions, mediation brings more information and knowledge, and, if possible, resources to the negotiation table. The contribution of this paper is the automated mediation machinery which does that. It presents an argumentation-based mediation approach that extends the logic-based approach to argumentation-based negotiation involving BDI agents. The paper describes the mediation algorithm. For comparison it illustrates the method with a case study used in an earlier work. It demonstrates how the computational mediator can deal with realistic situations in which the negotiating agents would otherwise fail due to lack of knowledge and/or resources.Comment: 6 page

    Integrability and scattering of the boson field theory on a lattice

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    A free boson on a lattice is the simplest field theory one can think of. Its partition function can be easily computed in momentum space. However, this straightforward solution hides its integrability properties. Here, we use the methods of exactly solvable models, that are currently applied to spin systems, to a massless and massive free boson on a 2D lattice. The Boltzmann weights of the model are shown to satisfy the Yang-Baxter equation with a uniformization given by trigonometric functions in the massless case, and Jacobi elliptic functions in the massive case. We diagonalize the row-to-row transfer matrix, derive the conserved quantities, and implement the quantum inverse scattering method. Finally, we construct two factorized scattering SS matrix models for continuous degrees of freedom using trigonometric and elliptic functions. These results place the free boson model in 2D in the same position as the rest of the models that are exactly solvable \`a la Yang-Baxter, offering possible applications in quantum computation.Comment: 32 pages, 4 figure

    A thermally driven out-of-equilibrium two-impurity Kondo system

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    The archetypal two-impurity Kondo problem in a serially-coupled double quantum dot is investigated in the presence of a thermal bias θ\theta. The slave-boson formulation is employed to obtain the nonlinear thermal and thermoelectrical responses. When the Kondo correlations prevail over the antiferromagnetic coupling JJ between dot spins we demonstrate that the setup shows negative differential thermal conductance regions behaving as a thermal diode. Besides, we report a sign reversal of the thermoelectric current I(θ)I(\theta) controlled by t/Γt/\Gamma (tt and Γ\Gamma denote the interdot tunnel and reservoir-dot tunnel couplings, respectively) and θ\theta. All these features are attributed to the fact that at large θ\theta, both Q(θ)Q(\theta) (heat current) and I(θ)I(\theta) are suppressed regardless the value of t/Γt/\Gamma because the double dot decouples at high thermal biases. Eventually, and for a finite JJ, we investigate how the Kondo-to-antiferromagnetic crossover is altered by θ\theta.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Comparison of upwelling indices off Baja California derived from three different wind data sources

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    This report is not copyrighted. The definitive version was published in California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 48 (2007): 204-214.We compared the NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center’s Environmental Research Division (formerly Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory: PFEL) coastal upwelling indices along the northern Baja California coast with those derived from winds measured by coastal meteorological stations and estimated by the QuikSCAT satellite. With the exception of the PFEL series at 33°N, the three data sets compare reasonably well, having similar typical year patterns, correlations >0.6, and significant coherences for periods three to five days or longer. By contrast, the seasonal variations, the timing and magnitude of maximum upwelling, and the variability of the PFEL indices at 33°N are significantly different compared to all the other time series, including QuikSCAT at that location. The performance of the QuikSCAT winds close to shore was evaluated using the coastal meteorological station data. Although large root-meansquare (RMS) errors in direction were found for the QuikSCAT winds, both datasets have properties similar to the variance ellipses, and show reasonable coherences for frequencies in the weather band and lower, particularly south of 33°N.This project was partially funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation through grants to J. P. and M. L

    Ordenamiento territorial, turismo y ambiente en Valle de Bravo, México

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    Detrás de ese paisaje idílico de agua, bosques y arquitectura, que la mercadotecnia ofrece y que la tradición evoca, se desarrollaron fuertes conflictos de intereses, necesidades sociales insatisfechas, así como la depredación ambiental constante. En Valle de Bravo pueden observarse paisajes con diferentes visiones y lógicas socioeconómicas, como resultado de un conjunto de políticas de carácter territorial formuladas por el Estado y por la iniciativa privada, con el objetivo de fomentar la actividad turística como eje del desarrollo capitalista. El paisaje creado en algunas zonas ofrece una imagen de prosperidad y confort, mientras que en otras es posible observar la segregación socioterritorial que esta actividad ha generado y que excluye a la mayoría de sus habitantes de los beneficios que el turismo puede traer