10 research outputs found

    Analysis of the formulations of ceramic masses for the production of tiles and bricks: a bibliographic review

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    Directing attention to the production process of ceramic tiles and bricks, the importance of the ceramic sector is observed along with studies that seek improvements and positive interventions, in order to leverage the growth of the national pottery-ceramic sector. This work proposes to carry out a bibliographic review with a descriptive and informative approach, where the elaboration procedure took place through searches for scientific literature, having as descriptors: Analysis of the formulations of ceramic masses aiming at an improvement in the quality of the final product

    Reuse study of waste in ecological brick

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    With technological advances, the creation and use of sustainable materials is increasingly sought. One of the most widely used sustainable materials in civil construction corresponds to ecological bricks, thus, the present work aims to carry out a brief bibliographical survey on the reuse of waste in the manufacture of ecological bricks, aiming at sustainability. In this research, the studies presented show exactly different recyclable components, such as: PET bottles, Styrofoam, rubber, etc., precisely to add ecological diversity and impose an appropriate purpose to these resources in a way that motivates sustainable development. This investigation in several materials in the verification of the applicability of ecological brick, in order to submit and understand the behavior of these new materials

    Analysis of the optimization of the construction process of ecological brick compared to ceramic brick: A literature review

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    The brick is composed of water, soil and cement, having an easy manufacturing process, with short construction and low cost is not subjected to burning is manufactured by a very different process from ceramic blocks, the same goes through a hydraulic press. This type of brick has characteristics that provide quality, sustainability, beauty, and above all savings in the total cost of the work. When used in construction are eliminated some steps and the execution time in the work. A block wall or ceramic brick will need roughcast, sketch, plaster, seamer and painting, besides considering the cost of these materials can not forget the labor that corresponds to an average 50% of the value of the work. But the great advantage over the other bricks is its construction system, once raised the wall this is ready, does not need finishing, and the pillar structure and beams are ready with it. Electrical and Hydraulic Installations are easily installed without the need for breakage and waste. These bricks do not require the use of mortars for laying, coatings such as plastering for regularization and finishing of walls, in addition to accelerating the work with their fittings that facilitate the alignment and plumb of the walls. The objective of this work is present through a literature review of optimization processes that involve the ecological brick. in addition to accelerating the work with their fittings that facilitate the alignment and plumb of the walls. The objective of this work is present through a literature re-view of optimization processes that involve the ecological brick. in addition to accelerating the work with their fittings that facilitate the alignment and plumb of the walls. The objective of this work is present through a literature review of optimization processes that involve the ecological brick

    Analysis of the benefits of adding disposable materials applied in the production of ceramic bricks: Bibliographic Review

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    Civil construction is considered a major generator of negative environmental impacts, whether due to the large consumption of natural resources or the generation of a large volume of waste, it is mainly related to the inadequate exploitation of natural resources, the forms of use and mainly to their inefficient disposal. This work aims to analyze through a literature review the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of incorporating different disposable materials applied in the production of ceramic bricks obtained by recycling

    Availability of raw materials in the state of Piauí for the production of ceramic coating

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    The main raw material for the production of ceramic materials is clay, it can be found in large quantities throughout Brazil, in addition to having a simple processing method in the preparation of the mass of ceramic tiles using mixtures of kaolinitic clays (not very plastic) and illitic (plastic) clays, this mixture favors by developing a series of functions such as: light-burning color; act as binders and plasticizers; facilitate fluidity, due to its melting properties, provide a good burning density and excellent mechanical resistance. This work addresses the main basic white-burning raw materials used in the production of ceramic tiles: quartz, kaolin, talc and limestone and their influence on the ceramic mass. All raw materials mentioned are available in the State of Piauí. For this, a bibliographic review of a descriptive, basic and qualitative nature was carried out on the theme and with the results, it was possible to identify the existence of white-burning raw materials in the State of Piauí that can be used in the production of ceramic coating

    Making the ecological brick using powder residues of Ceramic Tiles

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    The residues generated by the ceramic factories, among the most varied types, represent a large part of the waste produced and the one that comes from the production of red ceramics such as tiles and bricks, reflects in great part of all the constituents of these residues. The use of tailings is becoming an increasingly common practice, often because it does not have a correct final destination and in some places, there is a shortage of natural materials. The present work aims to study the addition of residues of ceramic tiles dust in the characteristics and properties of ecological brick. A literature review on the topic was carried out, in addition to granulometric characterizations, absorption tests, thermal comfort and simple compression. After carrying out the tests, the possibility of using it as a component of the ecological brick and using it in the region of Teresina-PI was studied. The samples produced with tile powder residue showed excellent results, therefore, through this study it was possible to prove that the reuse of these residues is valid for use in civil construction

    Reutilização do copo descartável triturado como fibra no concreto / Reuse of disposable cup crushed as fiber in concrete

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    O presente trabalho considera os aspectos ambientais, como a geração de resíduos, visando apossibilidade de reciclagem e o desenvolvimento sustentável de novos materiais a serem utilizados na construção civil. Verifica-se que dentre outrosresíduos, os plásticos estão presentes nos resíduos sólidos urbanos em quantidades significativas edevem-se procurar formas de reduzir os problemas oriundos do seu descarte. Este trabalho aborda o uso do copo descartável como fibra misturada ao concreto com o objetivo de destinação sustentável evitando assim a degradação do meio ambiente. Segundo a pesquisa realizada no UNIFSA-Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho, chegou-se à conclusão que nos anos de 2017 e parte de 2018 foram adquiridos para o uso na instituição cerca de 260 caixas de copos descartáveis gerando cerca de 920 kgquase uma toneladade resíduos. Para o estudo, foram coletados copos plásticos no UNIFSA, levado ao laboratório, feito alavagem e a trituração foram adicionadasporcentagem especifica do material em estudo para o mesmo traço de concreto resultandonum aumento de 50% na resistência do concreto com fibras de copos descartáveis para o concreto convencional, apresentando um crescimento significativo

    Avaliação do desempenho da argamassa com incorporação de residuos de materiais cerâmicos/ Performance evaluation of mortar with incorporation of ceramic material waste

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    A indústria da construção civil produz uma alta quantidade de resíduos sólidos, mais conhecidos como entulhos. Caso não receba o destino adequado, eles podem trazer uma série de problemas ao meio ambiente. Neste artigo, apresenta-se uma avaliação experimental dos comportamentos das argamassas de revestimento com incorporação de diferentes proporções de resíduos de cerâmica vermelha reciclada (RCV), provenientes da quebra tanto na indústria quanto na construção civil. O estudo visa custos de produção mais baixos e a redução da quantidade desse material descartado inadequadamente. Realizou-se a caracterização do resíduo em comparação à areia natural quanto à granulometria, massa unitária e específica e a absorção de água. Mantendo a relação água/cimento e substituindo o agregado miúdo por 3%, 5% e 7% em massa de RCV, foi estudado o desempenho no que diz respeito ao índice de consistência e resistência à compressão e aderência. Os resultados mostram que a presença deste resíduo na argamassa aumenta o índice de consistência até a porcentagem de 5% de substituição de resíduo em relação à argamassa de referência. A resistência à compressão apresentou aumento gradativo e com a proporção de 5% a resistência à aderência da argamassa foi superior tanto em relação à convencional quanto às demais porcentagens. As propriedades das argamassas são otimizadas com a substituição de 5% do agregado miúdo por RCV