49 research outputs found

    Principio d'eguaglianza e inclusione nel demos. Cittadinanza e partecipazione tra ordinamento interno e ordinamento europeo

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    Il processo di denazionalizzazione del diritto richiede un ripensamento del tradizionale rapporto tra l’eguaglianza e la cittadinanza. L’arretramento del modello Westfalia dei rapporti interstatali a vantaggio del modello Carta delle Nazioni Unite ha, difatti, prodotto una crisi generale dei concetti di nazione, identità e appartenenza, tradizionalmente ancorati alla cittadinanza. A quell’idea di cittadinanza si sovrappone una nozione di “cittadinanza di residenza”, in forza della quale è cittadino chiunque risieda stabilmente in un paese osservandone i doveri costituzionali, a prescindere dalla nazionalità o dalla cittadinanza (legale) di origine. La dicotomia cittadino-non cittadino finisce, quindi, per esasperarsi, sollevando una serie di cruciali questioni, che riguardano il panorama nazionale, innanzitutto, e quello europeo, in secondo luogo. Con riguardo ai problemi nazionali emergono una serie di interrogativi: eguaglianza in che cosa? Eguaglianza sino a che punto? Dove si ferma la ragionevolezza della distinzione? Volgendo lo sguardo al panorama dell’Unione europea, emerge la diffusione per via giurisprudenziale di un autentico “paradigma inclusivo” della cittadinanza europea, costruito attorno al principio generale dell’eguaglianza (formale e sostanziale). Anche questo secondo filone di ricerca solleva una serie di problemi cruciali: può avvenire l’integrazione senza diritti politici? Ci si può sentire parte di una collettività in assenza dei consueti strumenti di partecipazione politica

    Thermal simulations for optical transition radiation screen for Eli-NP compton gamma source

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    The ELI-NP GBS (Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics Gamma Beam Source) is a high brightness elec-tron LINAC that is being built in Romania. The goal for this facility is to provide high luminosity gamma beam through Compton Backscattering. A train of 32 bunches at 100Hz with a nominal charge of 250pC is accelerated up to 740 MeV. Two interaction points with an IR Laser beam produces the gamma beam at different energies. In order to measure the electron beam spot size and the beam proper-ties along the train, the OTR screens must sustain the ther-mal and mechanical stress due to the energy deposited by the bunches. This paper is an ANSYS study of the issues due to the high quantity of energy transferred to the OTR screen. They will be shown different analysis, steady-state and thermal transient analysis, where the input loads will be the internal heat generation equivalent to the average power, deposited by the ELI-GBS beam in 512 ns, that is the train duration. Each analyses will be followed by the structural analysis to investigate the performance of the OTR materi

    Hyaluronic acid-based nanocomplexes as an innovative therapeutic tool to treat myotonic dystrophy

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    Hyaluronic acid-based nanocomplexes have been synthesized and tested as an innovative therapeutic tool to treat myotonic dystroph

    Design of high gradient, high repetition rate damped C-band rf structures

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    The gamma beam system of the European Extreme Light Infrastructure–Nuclear Physics project foresees the use of a multibunch train colliding with a high intensity recirculated laser pulse. The linac energy booster is composed of 12 traveling wave C-band structures, 1.8 m long with a field phase advance per cell of 2π=3 and a repetition rate of 100 Hz. Because of the multibunch operation, the structures have been designed with a dipole higher order mode (HOM) damping system to avoid beam breakup (BBU). They are quasiconstant gradient structures with symmetric input couplers and a very effective damping of the HOMs in each cell based on silicon carbide (SiC) rf absorbers coupled to each cell through waveguides. An optimization of the electromagnetic and mechanical design has been done to simplify the fabrication and to reduce the cost of the structures. In the paper, after a review of the beam dynamics issues related to the BBU effects, we discuss the electromagnetic and thermomechanic design criteria of the structures. We also illustrate the criteria to compensate the beam loading and the rf measurements that show the effectiveness of the HOM damping

    RF Design of the X-band Linac for the EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB Project

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    We illustrate the RF design of the X-band linac for the upgrade of the SPARC_LAB facility at INFN-LNF (EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB). The structures are travelling wave (TW) cavities, working on the 2Ď€/3 mode, fed by klystrons with pulse compressor systems. The tapering of the cells along the structure and the cell profiles have been optimized to maximize the effective shunt impedance keeping under control the maximum value of the modified Poynting vector, while the couplers have been designed to have a symmetric feeding and a reduced pulsed heating. In the paper we also present the RF power distribution layout of the accelerating module and a preliminary mechanical design

    Delivery status of the ELI-NP gamma beam system

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    International audienceThe ELI-NP GBS is a high intensity and monochromatic gamma source under construction in Magurele (Romania). The design and construction of the Gamma Beam System complex as well as the integration of the technical plants and the commissioning of the overall facility, was awarded to the Eurogammas Consortium in March 2014. The delivery of the facility has been planned in for 4 stages and the first one was fulfilled in October 31st 2015. The engineering aspects related to the delivery stage 1 are presented

    West Nile Virus lineage 2 overwintering in Italy

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    In January 2022, West Nile virus (WNV) lineage 2 (L2) was detected in an adult female goshawk rescued near Perugia in the region of Umbria (Italy). The animal showed neurological symptoms and died 15 days after its recovery in a wildlife rescue center. This was the second case of WNV infection recorded in birds in the Umbria region during the cold season, when mosquitoes, the main WNV vectors, are usually not active. According to the National Surveillance Plan, the Umbria region is included amongst the WNV low-risk areas. The necropsy evidenced generalized pallor of the mucous membranes, mild splenomegaly, and cerebral edema. WNV L2 was detected in the brain, heart, kidney, and spleen homogenate using specific RT-PCR. Subsequently, the extracted viral RNA was sequenced. A Bayesian phylogenetic analysis performed through a maximum-likelihood tree showed that the genome sequence clustered with the Italian strains within the European WNV strains among the central-southern European WNV L2 clade. These results, on the one hand, confirmed that the WNV L2 strains circulating in Italy are genetically stable and, on the other hand, evidenced a continuous WNV circulation in Italy throughout the year. In this report case, a bird-to-bird WNV transmission was suggested to support the virus overwintering. The potential transmission through the oral route in a predatory bird may explain the relatively rapid spread of WNV, as well as other flaviviruses characterized by similar transmission patterns. However, rodent-to-bird transmission or mosquito-to-bird transmission cannot be excluded, and further research is needed to better understand WNV transmission routes during the winter season in Ital

    Spatial and temporal dynamics of West Nile virus between Africa and Europe

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    It is unclear whether West Nile virus (WNV) circulates between Africa and Europe, despite numerous studies supporting an African origin and high transmission in Europe. We integrated genomic data with geographic observations and phylogenetic and phylogeographic inferences to uncover the spatial and temporal viral dynamics of WNV between these two continents. We focused our analysis towards WNV lineages 1 (L1) and 2 (L2), the most spatially widespread and pathogenic WNV lineages. Our study shows a Northern-Western African origin of L1, with back-and-forth exchanges between West Africa and Southern-Western Europe; and a Southern African origin of L2, with one main introduction from South Africa to Europe, and no back introductions observed. We also noticed a potential overlap between L1 and L2 Eastern and Western phylogeography and two Afro-Palearctic bird migratory flyways. Future studies linking avian and mosquito species susceptibility, migratory connectivity patterns, and phylogeographic inference are suggested to elucidate the dynamics of emerging viruse